"Well done."

Niyuri sneered: "Tearing off your own arm decisively is really impressive. You are worthy of Captain Zaraki. If you hadn't made a decisive decision, you would probably have turned into a dumb meat ball by now."

Zaraki Kenpachi said calmly: "Are you praising me or provoking me?"

"What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter, what's his trick?"

"Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't pay attention to you, but no matter how you look at it, I don't know. If you ask me, it's better to stay away from him."

"Can't get closer?"

Niryuri waved his hand: "Nemu, come and bandage this idiot's arm to stop the bleeding. I don't want to see the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team die of excessive blood loss."

Niyinmu took out the medical kit manufactured by their Technology Development Bureau and stepped forward to stop Zaraki Kenpachi from bleeding. Zaraki Kenpachi said in a deep voice: "Are you kidding? If you can't get close, how can you kill him."

"It's such a stupid question again." Nie Yuli said: "Killing people is not the only way to fight. I will have many ways to deal with him, but I need time to observe him."

"I was talking to myself!"

Zaraki Kenpachi sneered, but Nie Yinmu bandaged his wounds and rushed forward again. His understanding was that even if he didn't know the opponent's ability, he just had to cut him in half before he made a move.

The dazzling sword light tore through the space, like lightning, instantly shortening the distance between the two people. Zaraki Kenyaichi slashed at Pakaja's head, and the entire hood was pressed down by him, but the cloak behind him bulged. They thought he had succeeded, but before they could be happy, Zaraki Kenpachi suddenly knelt down in front of Pakaja, and his legs twisted.

In desperation, Niryuuri pulled out his soul-cutting sword and stabbed Zaraki Kenpachi in the abdomen. The twisting of his legs suddenly stopped, but Zaraki Kenpachi felt paralyzed all over, spit out blood, and gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, you He actually stabbed me with a knife."

Nirvana didn't pay attention and just said: "It's just like what I thought. Killing Ksitigarbha has four fear factors."

Jizo Jizo let out a sharp scream, and Nie Yinmu quickly asked Madarame Ikkaku and Yumichika to cover their ears. After a few seconds, the scream stopped and Zaraki Kenpachi also fell down.

"Paralyzing him can be of some use." Nirvana put down the soul-cutting sword and mocked: "Anyway, it would be inconvenient if he turned into a meat ball. Similarly, paralysis will also be useful for you. In other words, your body can be cut into pieces.”

Chapter 173: Nerve

"In other words, your ability is nerves."

Nirvana said: "You are using your own nerves to invade the enemy's body, and then forcibly control the enemy's movement. I saw it. I heard that the Quincy can inject spiritual seeds into the blood vessels and then transform them into With your own power, it’s not surprising that someone like you appears who uses spirit seeds to control other things in the body. The process is not very important. Now that you know your ability, there is nothing to be afraid of. "

While speaking, he took out a small can from his clothes and sprayed out a large amount of white liquid. Pakaja's hood expanded again and let out a piercing scream, which sounded terrifying.

"Did it hurt you?"

Nie Shuli sneered: "Have you experienced the pain of nerves being exposed to the air? I am very interested in your ability, so let me spend some time to study it slowly. I have many medicines that work on nerves. "."

Pakaja seemed to be going crazy, making whining noises and speaking in an incomprehensible language. Zaraki Kenpachi, who fell to the ground, also opened his eyes. Although he regained consciousness, his body still could not Action, Nie Yuli smiled and said: "I will stab you from behind, it is for your sake, please don't stare at me with such angry eyes, I will be very embarrassed."

Zaraki Kenpachi stared at him without speaking or having the ability to fight. Nirvana became even more rampant and sneered: "It's incredible that your eyeballs can still move. Zaraki, you are really a monster. It seems that you will stab him next time." Thanks to you, I must improve the paralysis ability of Jisha Jizo. Thanks to you, not only did I understand the enemy's ability, but I also noticed the areas that Jizo Jizo needs to improve. I am very grateful to you. The feeling is beyond words.”

Hearing this, Madarame, who was standing not far away, was filled with hatred. He gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, you actually asked the captain to step forward and expose the enemy's abilities because he was very interested in the enemy's abilities and planned to fight alone. , do you think the captain is in the way?"

Yumichika Ayasegawa also had a gloomy face. He looked at Niyinmu beside him and said in a deep voice: "Your captain really hasn't changed at all."

"Yes." Niyinmeng said lightly: "I hope so too."

Yumichika Ayasegawa said: "What do you mean by this?"

"It's nothing." Nieyinmeng looked at Nieyuli's back and said softly, "It's just the literal meaning."

Nirvana looked very excited and was ready for battle at any time. Maybe for him, this was not a battle, but a research.

"Okay, we can get started."

Niryuri said: "Thanks to the painful price paid by one of the captains of the Gotei 13 that I respect, I can master your abilities and get such precious information. Do you know what this means? Weird The Quincy."

Pakaja didn't speak, or maybe he did, but Nirvana didn't hear him.

"Don't say anything? Then I have to continue." Nisuri said: "To put it simply, I am so moved by what Captain Zaraki has done now that I am almost moved to tears. Great victories are accompanied by precious It comes with sacrifice.”

Madarame Ikkaku got more and more angry as he listened, how could he have the nerve to say such things.

Nirvana clapped her hands: "In short, you should respect this great sacrifice, so save your body as research material and selflessly dedicate it to me. However, you seem reluctant. , What a stubborn old man who doesn’t understand human feelings.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Pakaja's hood suddenly burst open. The thing inside was not a human head, but a hand with fingers connected by an iron chain. There was an eye on the palm and two eyeballs inside.

Seeing such a thing, Nirvana's pupils gradually shrank, and then he calmed down and said in a deep voice: "I see, this is really surprising. If my guess is correct, you must be the left arm of the Spirit King."

The chain on the finger was broken, the clothes were torn, and the whole arm was exposed, and it also meant to extend, like a floor rising from the ground, the whole arm was as high as two buildings.

"This monster is the left arm of the Spirit King?"

Madarame Ikkaku gritted his teeth and said, "Is the Soul King so huge?"

Niryuri said: "None of us have seen the Soul King. Who knows if there is one. However, its spiritual pressure is indeed the same as the spiritual pressure I collected from the unconscious Captain Ukitake. Since Ukitake can be used with the Soul King's left arm, With the contract, the left arm should be able to leave the Soul King and move alone. This is not surprising at all. The arm has a single eye, which is exactly the same as Urahara described. I guess there will be people who say that there is a single eye is wrong. of."

Pakaja didn't give him time to analyze. Countless black lines sprang out from his five fingers. They were the nerves flowing out of his body and swooped out towards them. Madarame Ikkaku and Yumichika quickly retreated. If they were caught, Maybe he will end up like Zaraki Kenpachi.

Chapter 174: Left Arm

They somewhat admired Nirvana for being able to analyze Pakaja's abilities with just two attacks, and even make the opponent's nerve attacks appear.

Nirvana did not dodge. He calmly took out an umbrella from his clothes and held it on his head. When his nerves touched the umbrella, the umbrella seemed to be alive and let out a piercing scream. , was torn into pieces.

"There's only one thing I can't understand..."

Nirvana murmured: "Why did the Spirit King's left arm wrong him and work for Yhwach, but let it go? This kind of question is nothing compared to the joy I feel at the moment."

"Joy?" Pakaja actually made a voice. Although it was very slow, it could still be heard clearly.

Nie Yuli was surprised: "I didn't expect that you can communicate using language. This is beyond my expectation. I'm very curious about what organ you use to make sounds. Are there so many secrets waiting for me to discover?" ?”.

"Captain Nirvana!"

Madarame Ikkaku hid behind a building not far away and said loudly: "Get out of there quickly. Stop laughing and joking. Why are you looking so excited in this situation?"

"Are you asking me? What's worth getting excited about?" Nirvana spread out his hands and said with a smile: "Because I have found a research subject that I have never seen before. He makes me so excited that I can't stop. You How can I not be ecstatic at this time? Come on, show me more of your abilities, the left arm of the Soul King!"

"Left arm? That's not your name, Penida Paccaja!"

As if agreeing to his request, a large number of black nerves appeared on the back of Pakaja's hand, spreading wantonly, but did not attack.

"Your name is too troublesome."

Nie Shuli said: "No matter what, I am the one who discovered you, and your name should be decided by me. However, forget it. Since it is out of my own wishes, this time will be a special case. I can agree with it. But the way of writing is up to me.”

Pakaja said slowly: "I don't understand what you mean at all."

Madarame Ikkaku said helplessly: "Don't worry, let alone you, we don't understand either."

"I understand." Nie Yinmeng said inappropriately.

"If I don't understand, it's a bad word." Pakaja said: "You are the enemy. What is in front of you is not good for the Quincy. Your existence is absolutely not allowed!"

The black nerves extended to the ground, directly pulling up the stone slabs on the street, forming a strong palm, and pressing down on Nie Shuli. This shocked Nie Shuli even more. He did not expect that Pakaja's nervous system could even contain inorganic substances. Being able to control it, he jumped up, avoiding the attack of the stone slab, his wrist flew out, connected with a rope, grabbed the nearby roof, and his whole body was pulled up.

Pakaja's attack had no intention of stopping, and the black nerves quickly climbed up the wall. Just when he was about to catch his opponent, Nirvana snorted, gave up his upward intention, retracted his wrist, and leaped down. The wall formed an arm. Zhuang, pressed down, like a five-finger mountain, the attack that could have been avoided, Nirvana seemed to be a step slower, the wall of the building on the other side also collapsed, and the two stone palms made a bang, pressing him down middle.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and a strong explosion occurred in the palm of his hand. Madarame thought that Nirvana had self-destructed, and wanted to go up to rescue him, but before he could take action, Nirvana rushed out of the air wave and sneered: "Don't make such a fuss. Yes, it’s just an explosive device. I won’t explain it in detail. Even you fools won’t understand.”

Seeing that he was about to land, Ayasegawa Yumichika said loudly: "Captain Nirvana, stop quickly, if you land, you will be caught by his nerves!"

Nirvana seemed to have thought of this a long time ago. Two white disks appeared under his feet and dragged him up. Not only Pakaja, Madarame Ikkaku and the others were also very familiar with this kind of thing. This is what the Quincy uses. Steps in the air, flying sickle feet.

"Even if you cover the entire ground with nerves, it means nothing as long as I don't land!"

At this point, he threw something like a snake, but it was a human head, wrapped around Pakaja's little finger.

"Then next, I will collect samples as planned."

With a bang, the white snake exploded. Although it didn't look very strong, it still blew off Pakaja's little finger. The thumb, which was as tall as a man, fell to the ground, cracking the ground and covering it with an unknown substance. green liquid.

"This is the antiseptic I specially prepared for you. It may hurt a little."

Niyuri said: "After the war is over, I will make you a storage tank. Before that, use this to keep it fresh."

Before he could finish speaking, his pupils suddenly contracted. Unexpectedly, the little finger that fell down actually opened one eye, and black nerves sprang out from it and quickly wrapped around his arm.

Chapter 175: Transformation of the Knife


Nirvana was unable to dodge the sudden attack. Black nerves spread all over his left arm, but there was no twisting. Suddenly, his left arm exploded like a bomb. After the air flow dissipated, there was no blood, and his left arm also It wasn't blown away, but there were traces that looked like it had been stitched together.

"I reorganized my nerves and blood vessels, and the position of my muscles."

Nirvana gritted her teeth and said, "Pakaja, don't think you can easily control my body."

Madarame Ikkaku and the others were stunned as they watched from behind. This was a battle that common sense could not understand.

Although Nirvana reorganized his left arm, it was still shaking slightly and uncontrollably. It must be because he hadn't had one-hand surgery for a long time. He looked very embarrassed, and Pakaja also noticed his Anxious and lost his composure, the little finger that fell on the ground suddenly grew and turned into a hand, grabbing at Nirvana. Although his nerves were not released, such an attack should not be underestimated.

With a bang, Nirvana threw a white bomb, which exploded the moment it touched his palm. The strong air flow knocked his palm away. He realized that Pakaja's broken finger could grow another hand. , it seems that there is no way to decompose him and bring him back to Soul Society.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound in his ears, and Pakaja actually broke off his middle finger on his own. Blood spurted out, even spilling on Nirvana's body. Pakaja made a voice: "Eye...blood... it hurts……"

Nirvana's eyes became solemn. Pakaja was more difficult to deal with than he thought. When he was young, he read a book, which recorded this. The right arm of the Spirit King represents stillness, and The left hand is in charge of progress. However, the knowledge obtained from books is ultimately knowledge of words. Experiments are the only criterion for testing truth. His purpose is that only by personal verification can we believe it.

In less than two days, two arms appeared one after another, and he finally had the opportunity to experience it for himself. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say: "It's really an ecstatic battle."

At the same time as he spoke, Pakaja's broken finger raised another two-story-high arm from the ground, plus the little finger that had been broken by Nirvana before. At this time, three arms appeared in front of Nirvana. Dance wildly.

Niryuri also knew that he was difficult to deal with, so he pulled out his soul-cutting sword and used Swastika.

"Oops, it was the Golden Boil who killed Ksitigarbha!"

Knowing that he was going to swastika, Madarame Ikkaku and Yumichika quickly retreated, trying to distance themselves from the battlefield. This was not a battle that they could intervene in. In their understanding, the golden Bodhisattva could not only kill Jizo with his huge body It can crush the enemy to death and emit highly toxic gas that covers a radius of one kilometer. It seems that he wants to poison the Soul King's left arm. The top priority is to take Captain Zaraki away from here.


Nirvana sneered and said: "Would I do such a boring thing? I will use the information I just got to slowly produce the golden body of Ksitigarbha and the Demonic Embryo Seal Syndrome!"

His swastika is not what it used to be, but a huge baby with dark skin, horns on its head, and a lantern hanging on it. There is a scar on the belly that looks like a caesarean section, and there is a black word "Fu". Look It was terrifying to go up there.

"What is that?" Madarame Ikkaku said loudly.

"Reform the swastika."

Nirvana said: "In the Soul Society, and even in the Soul King's Palace, I am the only one who has the ability to transform Swastika. The Devil's Fuseal Syndrome is the product of my transformation of the Golden Ksitigarbha, even if it is the Golden Ksitigarbha The special form of Zang, based on the information I delivered during the battle, gave birth to a new Ksitigarbha. If you don’t understand, you will know after reading it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the black giant baby suddenly exploded, and a giant baby that looked like an insect, with a white body and black pupils, and seemed to have no skin wrapped around it, roared, looked extremely painful, and lay on its back as if it was unsteady. On the ground, he immediately jumped towards the waving arms, and when the black nerves touched him, he just screamed and showed no intention of slowing down.

"The current Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's nerves are distributed on the surface of the body." Nirvana said: "So, whether it comes into contact with the air or the ground, it will feel extremely painful. Regardless of this, the most important thing is that the surface of his body is His nerves can be divided into 70,000 layers. Even if you attack his nerves, you can only lift one layer of his skin."

Pakaja seemed to have never encountered this kind of thing. His nerves had obviously invaded the opponent, but he seemed to have no ability to dodge if the opponent's movement state was changed. Facing such a behemoth, there was nothing he could do. Ksitigarbha opened his mouth and only Can swallow three arms at the same time, just like eating bacon...

"What's wrong?"

Nirvana sneered: "It doesn't matter if you resist. Do you have the means to penetrate your nerves 70,000 times before your whole body is swallowed up? If you can, just attack as much as you like."

Chapter 176: Your own judgment

The Spirit King's left arm, Pakaja, was devoured by Jizo Jizo. It seemed that the outcome was determined, but Nie Yinmeng, who was hiding behind the ruins in the distance, had a faint look of worry in his eyes.

Nirvana laughed loudly and said: "Ksitigarbha, you probably don't feel any discomfort in your stomach. After all, you swallowed it whole and it takes some time to digest. Fortunately, I used the last information I got to quickly give birth to a toothless one." If you kill Ksitigarbha and bite him into pieces, the value in your stomach will continue to increase. Even if you kill Ksitigarbha, it will be difficult to control. "

As soon as he finished speaking, there seemed to be a crunching sound coming from Bosha Jizo's body, Nirvana's pupils suddenly shrank, Bosha Jizo's head protruded outward, and then, the whole body exploded and turned into a pool of green liquid. A white spiritual arrow shot out of the sweeping air flow. Nirvana leaned back, and the spiritual arrow grazed his clothes.

Raising his arm again, Pakaja actually laughed and said, "Don't you forget, Pakaja is a Quincy and can kill enemies with bows and arrows."

Nirvana snorted coldly, and then said: "I have not forgotten, I just didn't expect that the left arm of the Soul King would call himself a Quincy. How could you say such shameless words?"


Pakaja repeated this sentence several times, his eyes in the palm of his hand were full of contempt, and he said slowly: "How can I be shameless when I claim to be a Quincy? I am originally a Quincy. From the beginning, you have been saying "Nie" Queshi’s bad words are really annoying.”

Hearing this, Nirvana's pupils gradually shrank. He subconsciously felt that Pakaja's way of speaking had changed. His vocabulary had gradually increased since the battle. Could it be that the memory of being a spiritual king was changing little by little? Is he recovering, or is this guy evolving in some way?

Pakaja had a spiritual bow on his finger, and the spiritual arrows shot towards Nie Yuli like raindrops. Without much time to think, Nie Yuli could only step on his flying feet and keep dodging in mid-air. He He also noticed that this was not an ordinary spiritual arrow. There were nerves attached to the arrow. If he was caught, everything would be ruined. But he was still careless. The spiritual arrow that fell on the ground was dragged by the nerves all over the ground and changed. Arrow's trajectory.

At this time, he was in a leaning back position. He could no longer dodge the spiritual arrow that bounced up from the ground. Just before the spiritual arrow was about to pierce his chest, Nianyinmeng rushed over from nowhere and grabbed the spiritual arrow. Arrow, pinched it in half. Since the arrow was connected to nerves, she did not hesitate to cut off her little arm with a short blade. Then, with no place to stay, she fell to the ground, which was the nerve. central.

Nie Yuli gritted his teeth, grabbed her hair, picked her up from the ground, flew to the rooftop not far away, and threw it to the ground like trash until her body hit the stone slab. , before stopping, Nie Yinmeng’s slender white legs were covered with scratches.

Nie Yuli had no intention of thanking Nie Yinmeng for saving him. Instead, he reprimanded: "Idiot! Why did you take action without my order? If you just fell to the ground like that, you would be a ball now." Meat balls!”

Niyinmeng was sitting on the ground. Her beautiful face, which was always cold, now looked pitiful. She said softly: "I judge that the situation just now requires me to be your shield."

Nirvana said coldly: "I don't remember ever teaching you that you can use your own judgment to provide reinforcements."

"Yes..." Niyinmeng lowered her head and murmured: "You really didn't teach me."

Nie Shuli said: "Do you mean to say that you have learned things that I have not taught you without authorization? Yinmeng, no, Mian Qihao..."

Hearing this name, Nieyin Meng opened her eyes wide and looked at Ni Yuli blankly.

Nie Yuli turned around, with his back to her, and said slowly: "We have gone through many high-intensity battles to this day. I have taught you many things. You know how much I have endured since I trained you until now. The burden? "Yinmeng!"

Niyinmeng slowly stood up from the ground and gently swept away the dust on her body. Whether it was appearance or figure, she was so perfect that people were speechless. After a long time, she said softly: "I'm sorry, I don't know. ”

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