Immediately afterwards, they rushed towards the world-crossing gate as fast as possible, releasing a large amount of spiritual pressure. Having reached this point, they were no longer afraid of being discovered. The spirit skeletons gathered near the world-crossing gate also increased their vigilance, and with a bang , Ling Bai collided with Madarame Ikkaku. Before he drew his sword, he only held the opponent's blade with his hand and threw him out.

Rukia Kuchiki's situation was not so good. His opponent was Renji Abarai. As soon as he pulled out the soul-cutting sword and swung it, the blade was entangled in the chain in Hisagi Shuhei's hand. Ling Bai wanted to He went to rescue, but was stopped by Tetsuzaemon from the shooting range. Ling Bai gritted his teeth and pulled out the soul-cutting sword. Black flames swept across the entire platform like a whirlwind and hit the boundary gate.

There was a loud bang, without any sign of burning, and the bottomless black smashed into the boundary gate. The entire Baidao Sect trembled. White light was revealed inside the boundary gate, and the spiritual bones were also washed away. They took the opportunity to attack Running through the boundary gate, just before they were about to step into the boundary, they suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of them and had to stop.

"Do you think we have no idea what you are thinking?".

As soon as Kuchiki Byakuya finished speaking, there was severe pain in his back. Yoruichi didn't know when, but she had already ducked behind him and slammed into him. Because she was attacking in the opposite direction, she was getting closer and closer to the position of the boundary-piercing gate. However, she still said: "Do you think I won't notice what you are thinking?"

After receiving a severe blow, Byakuya Kuchiki spun in mid-air before landing smoothly. Yoruichi blocked the border crossing door, waved his arms and said loudly: "Ling Bai, you guys go quickly. To deal with such a level of impostor, I Nothing will happen, go and protect the guys in this world."

At this point, the white spiritual pressure exploded in vain, and the fabric on her back was shattered by the shock. Without any hesitation, she directly turned on the instantaneous release, instantly defeating the rushing vice-captain, leaving only Kuchiki Byakuya alone. She flipped her hair , chuckled and said: "The form has been reversed. After all, you were originally spirit corpses created for the purpose of fighting, even though your personality and strength have been copied almost perfectly."

She smiled softly, and there was already a sense of ridicule in her words: "But compared with me, he is still too bellicose. Otherwise, he would have attacked me and Ling Bai without hesitation. That's why Ling Bai was Break out of the way. If you hesitate in attacking like me, we may not go so smoothly. Well, from now on, I won't let you take another step forward."

"Really? Then I will have to kill you."

The spiritual pressure that Kuchiki Byakuya inadvertently released made Yoruichi frown. It seemed that this battle was not that easy. Lingbai and the others had already entered the world-crossing gate. It would take time to reach the present world. Ishida Uryu's battle was also very difficult. , raindrop-like arrows were flying freely above the factory. His speed was very fast and the attack density was sufficient, but he still couldn't catch Inaba Kagerozuo.

Inaba Kage Rozuo kept dodging, and suddenly swung his long stick, knocking down the light blue sword caught in the arrows. The arrow rain also stopped abruptly. Inaba Kage Rozuo sneered and said: "Quinni, you This attack method is very familiar to me. It should be a method of slowing down the combination of the opponent's spirit and then converting it into one's own power."

Ishida Uryu put down his spiritual bow. He knew that such an attack would not be effective no matter how many times it was used. It would only waste his own spiritual power. It was better to delay the time until Ling Bai discovered the abnormality and rushed here. He said slowly: "It seems that your research is very thorough. The way you dress and the way you speak reminds me of that scientist who I hate very much."

"Are you talking about Captain Nirvana?"

Inaba Kagerozuo said: "He is my immediate boss."

Ishida Uryū frowned slightly, so it's not surprising. No wonder his attack method was noticed by him. He had already mastered the information about the soul-cutting object. Inaba Kage Langzuo seemed to see his thoughts and smiled: " This is the first time I have seen something like you, but even if I have never seen a weapon of this level, I can immediately analyze it. Unlike Captain Nirvana, I am a calm scientist. "

There was a sound of searching, and the spiritual arrows shot out again, but instead of the rain of arrows that filled the sky like before, there was only one. Inhata Shadow Langzu easily dodged it, and he touched the ground with his long stick and said, "You still want to use this move?" Wouldn't it be a little stupid to shoot me?"

"Of course I know about this kind of thing.".

Chapter 283: Mastering Time

Ishida Uryū suddenly dodged into the air. Inabata Rōzuo didn't seem to have thought that he could be so fast. The moment he raised his head, light blue arrows rained down from the sky like a violent storm, instantly killing him. The cement pipe he was standing on was shattered, and Hata Kage Rozuo used all his strength to duck to the platform below. As soon as he landed, the soul-cutting thing penetrated his chest.

He fell from mid-air and fell to the ground with a light blue light arrow stuck in his abdomen. He couldn't figure out where Ishida Uryu came from at such a speed. Ishida Uryu fell in front of him and said slowly: "This is actually very simple. What you just said is correct. With the speed of the Silver Ridge Arc Bird, I can't hit you. In that case, I just need to increase the speed of my flying feet."

Inaba Kagerozuo was lying on the ground without speaking. He seemed to have lost consciousness. Blood was flowing under his body. It seemed that he had no place that could threaten him. Ishida Uryū withdrew his spiritual bow and pushed up his glasses. Said: "From what you said just now, you seem to hate Nirvana. It's a pity. If we weren't enemies, we would get along very well."

After that, he turned around and left. Before he could find Kujo Nozomi, Inaba Kage's voice suddenly came from mid-air. The voice was very ethereal, as if coming from all directions. He turned around and saw Inaba Kage who had fallen down. Lang Zuo, who was no longer there, couldn't help but raise his head, and heard the sound of wooden sticks hitting the ground above his head.

Inaba Kagerozuo stood on the eaves above and said slowly: "You are really reckless. You said that I don't like Captain Nirvana. How could such a thing happen? He is an excellent boss. Although his character is Although he has some flaws, I still respect him very much, but from an overall perspective, I am better, that’s it.”

Ishida Uryū's pupils shrank suddenly. He clearly stabbed him. The soul-cutting thing inserted into Inabata Rōzu's body disappeared, and even the wound had healed, as if nothing happened. He said in surprise: " What exactly is going on?".

"What's going on? You'll know if you look at it, go crazy, Laikong."

As Hata Kagerozuo raised the long stick in his hand, a light green light glowed. After the light dissipated, it formed a double-edged sword. Ishida Uryu immediately became more vigilant. After the battle just now, he thought that the opponent was just a smart person. Scientists ignore his fighting ability. He is also the god of death who can liberate the soul-cutting sword.

"It's not necessary." Inaba Kagerozo rotated the double-edged sword in his hand, his eyes were contemptuous, and his tone was full of ridicule. He sneered and said: "You don't have to make it difficult for yourself to fight, I have no intention of letting you understand my soul-cutting sword. time of ability.”

Looking at the slowly rotating blade, Ishida Uryu suddenly felt that everything around him was rotating extremely slowly with his speed, even equivalent to being still. Under such circumstances, his mind could not do anything. Thinking calmly, just like Inaba Kage Langzuo said, he had no time to understand at all. In such stillness, his whole body suddenly felt unbearable pain, and blood spurted out.

The moment Inaba Shadow Wolf Sasuke flashed to his side, he couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground. He didn't even see clearly how Inaba Shadow Wolf Saji started to attack. Maybe the opponent didn't attack him directly. It was just through some means that he was seriously injured. Inabata Langzuo said softly: "I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. Two vice-captains, it's better for me to eradicate the transformed souls."

Having said this, he walked in the direction of Kujo Nomi's spiritual pressure. Ishida Uryu had a bad premonition. If he was allowed to kill the girl, everything he had done before would be in vain. He gritted his teeth and forced his body to stand. He got up and tried to recall everything that had just happened, because Hata Kagerozuo's movements were no longer fast. It was as if his actions did not require time.

In any case, he is a Quincy with a bright mind. Until now, he is still thinking of ways to reverse the situation. He couldn't help but think of the holy text ability that Yhwach gave him. It was completely reversed. If this ability was still there, The one who fell now was Inaba Kagerouzuo, but if he lost it, he would lose it, and he wouldn't think too much about it.

"Why, you can still stand up." Inaba Kage Langzuo said with his back to him: "I'm sorry, in this situation, it seems that I am teasing your lives. I will end you now, Breaking the Way 4, Bai Lei!”

White thunder came with a bang, and Ishida Uryu suddenly felt that there was white in front of him. He didn't even have the strength to escape. How could he block Kidou's attack? The next moment, a golden light appeared in the white, blocking the explosion of thunder. , he was relieved at the same time. This was Inoue Orihime's three-day shield, and there were cracks on it. Inabata Rangsa also regretted why he didn't use a more powerful broken shield.

Chapter 284: Unknown Abilities

However, he didn't have time to think too much. Sadatora Taihu jumped from above, and the reiatsu shock wave hit him. There was a loud bang, and the whole factory shook slightly as if a bomb had been dropped. Inabata Rōzuo was also there At the moment of the explosion, they dodged and Chadata Taihu stood in front of them and said in a deep voice: "Inoue, hurry up and treat Ishida. I will find a way to delay the time."

"It seems that you know your own strength very well." Inaba Kage Langzuo shook his head and said slowly: "A small soldier like you can only play a role in delaying time, but you still overestimate yourself. Facing me, you can't even delay."

While speaking, he rotated the double-edged sword. Chadota Taihu didn't even have time to react. He had no idea what was happening. Strong pain came from his back and blood spurted out. As strong as him, his body gradually shook. Inaba Kagerozuo's voice came faintly: "You just said delaying time, right? It sounds like you are saying that you have ownership of time, so I can finish you off now."

He walked towards Inoue Orihime. This farce took too long. His original plan was to take advantage of Ling Bai to go to Soul Society. He came to the world, killed Kujo Nozomi and completed his plan. Unexpectedly, he encountered Uryu Ishida blocked him and wasted a lot of time. Now he had no intention of continuing the quarrel and swung his double-edged sword towards Inoue Orihime.

With a bang, Inoue Orihime was so scared that she sat on the ground. Her life was about to end. She was so desperate that she couldn't see what was happening in front of her. However, she didn't feel any pain for a long time, only the feeling of falling to the ground. , raised his head and saw a familiar figure from behind. Ling Bai held Inaba Kage Rangzuo's soul-cutting sword and slashed across it, forcing Inaba Kage Rangzuo to retreat to the railing behind and move up.

"It's okay, Inoue."

Kuchiki Rukia walked up to her and asked with concern. Inoue Orihime breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, they all delayed until Ling Bai rushed back to the present world. She took a long breath and said softly: "I'm fine. But they...".

Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo was also very surprised. He didn't expect Ling Bai to come back so quickly. He said in a deep voice: "You came back unexpectedly. It was really outside of my plan. I understand. It should be the night of Sifengyuan." It's a good thing. With his help, you can escape from Soul Society. I can understand it, but she has to risk her life. "

Ling Bai frowned slightly. What he said was indeed correct. In order for them to return to the living world, Ye Yi faced the two captains at Baidaomen. Moreover, he didn't know how many enemies were nearby. Can she escape and ascend to heaven? Still unknown, he said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"I am Inaba Kagerouzo." Inaba Kagerouzo smashed his sword blades on the railing and said slowly: "I am a technician who studies the boundary in the Technology Development Bureau."

He took the initiative to admit his identity, and things became clearer and clearer. Rukia Kuchiki stepped forward and said loudly: "You are the team member responsible for breaking the boundary. So, did you plan everything this time? And Are you still controlling the spirit bones over there?"

Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo sneered: "You actually even know about the spirit bones. It's really amazing. Since I am obsessed with research and have little interest in others, you have gone far beyond my prediction range."

Ling Bai's soul-slaying knife slashed across the ground, making a sharp sound, and said in a deep voice: "Stop saying such polite words. We don't want to know what your purpose is in doing such boring things. However, if you want to destroy I will completely defeat the guy who bought peace with our blood.”

"You're really happy to speak, so that's good." Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo said, "Then I don't need to explain anything."

Light purple spiritual pressure surged over his body. Suddenly, Kuchiki Rukia felt a very bad feeling, but it was too late. Ling Bai had already rushed forward. The moment the two collided, the wall shattered and they were thrown into the factory at the same time. Inside, as the figures intertwined, Ling Bai was also secretly surprised. He did not expect that the other party was so fast and his body was very flexible. However, this was not to the extent that he could not cope with it.

Ling Bai pulled away, and black flames flowed from the blade. Yinhakage Langzuo did not rush to attack, but hit the ground with the double-edged sword, and said slowly: "I don't like your kind that can force Yhwach into a desperate situation." I express my admiration for your strength. I’m not playing any tricks. Show me your full strength.”

"It's really shameless."

Ling Bai waved the blade, and the black flames suddenly surged and rolled towards Inaba Kage Rozo. In the black, a red light of spiritual pressure suddenly appeared. With Inaba Kage Rozo's roar, the flame gradually disappeared, and it seemed to be absorbed. Normally, since the red and black colors block the view, it is completely impossible to see what he did. In less than ten seconds, the black is swallowed up by the red.

"Is this your hellfire?".

Chapter 285: Surrounding Network

Kuchiki Rukia's pupils gradually shrank. She didn't expect that Inaba Kage Langzo could offset Ling Bai's hellfire. Even Yhwach couldn't do this. Ling Bai's black flames could burn out the target before it was burned out. , will never disappear unless he removes it himself. Although it is a spiritual corpse, it is also an almost perfect copy. He can make those domineering captains and vice-captains obey like this.

From this point of view, it seems that the guy's power is indeed better. The battle is still going on. Ling Bai is not using black flames. He clearly sees that Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo is not using some kind of move to offset the hell fire. , more like absorbing or devouring, it should be the ability of his soul-cutting sword. If it can be used a second time after being absorbed, things will become troublesome.

He once again separated the attack from Inaba Kage Rozo, rushed out of the factory, and stood on a high platform. Inaba Kage Rozo was chasing after him, but before he hit the ground, he was knocked out by the serrated blade drawn from the side. Ling Bai curled his lips, and Abarai Renji jumped over and said loudly: "Ling Bai, you seem to be fighting very hard."

Rukia Kuchiki's heart sank, because Hata Kage Langzu was already difficult to deal with, and Renji Abarai came over to support. There were more and more enemies, and the fact that they could come here also meant that they were in this place. Yoruichi in Soul Society was in danger. Just when she was thinking about how to escape from the battlefield, Ise Nanao's scream suddenly came. She turned around subconsciously, and Ise Nanao had been knocked away.

"Let the girl go."

Kira Izuru, who was originally holding the unconscious Kujo Mozumi, also flew out. Hitsugaya Toshiro took Kujo Mozumi and stepped back. Inaba Kagerozo gritted his teeth and quickly dodged to follow. His blade broke through the air, but he pounced. When he was chasing, countless cherry blossoms rushed towards him, drowning him in an instant. There were more and more enemies, so Inabakage Langzuo had no choice but to lead his men back into the air.

"You seem to be in a very embarrassed state."

Byakuya Kuchiki appeared on the stone pillar in the middle of the factory. With such a tone and feeling of spiritual pressure, he should undoubtedly be the master. In fact, they were not the only ones. More than 60% of the captains and vice-captains of the Seireitei appeared here, and ten of them also appeared. The captain of the second team, the director of the Technology Development Bureau, and Inaba Kagerouza's immediate boss, Niryuri, also appeared here.

"What you do is really interesting, you're just a handyman."

"Isn't this Captain Nirvana? I didn't expect to react so quickly. It was much faster than I expected."

Nie Yuli looked gloomy and said slowly: "The report you gave me was too late. Many barbarians were originally trapped in the broken world. If you were late, maybe I would be very grateful to you. It's better now." , Even these guys I don’t want to save have to save so many. This kind of work is really uneconomical. It’s up to you to repay the debt, and it’s tens of thousands of times.”

"Don't be ridiculous." Inaba Kagerozuo raised the double-edged sword in his hand, rotated it once, and turned it back into a long stick. No one expected that in this case, he would release the soul-cutting sword, and He sneered and said: "You seem to be very confident, but this is your biggest shortcoming. You are outnumbered and I don't want to tangle with you now, so I will retreat for the time being."

With so many captains and vice-captains, it would be a bit too disrespectful for him to retreat temporarily. No matter how fast he was and surrounded by so many people, he would still die in Karakura Town. However, they all thought wrong. Inaba Kage Behind Lang Zuo, a world-crossing gate suddenly appeared. Kuchiki Rukia wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Ling Bai.

"Don't go, Lucia." Ling Bai said in a deep voice: "Have you forgotten? The current world is under his control. If you chase him rashly, you don't know what will happen."

Indeed, as he said, there are all captain-level figures here, but there is nothing they can do about the seventh seat. The boundary is in the hands of the opponent, and it can no longer be measured by strength. Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo turned around and said: "After I take back After Kujo is confirmed, I will let you see my true strength. By then, not to mention Soul Society, even this world will be under my rule."

Although Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo encountered unexpected obstacles, science is always accompanied by various accidents. Moreover, he wanted to shut off the Nirvana Power from the beginning of the plan, but he was still blocked. The other party escaped. The last words he said were definitely not alarmist. He now possesses the spiritual remains of each captain. If they really fight, it will cause a fatal blow to Soul Society.

The battle in this world came to an end. Although he didn’t know who Kujo Nozomi was and why he was so important to Inaba Kage Rōzu, Lingbai took him to Urahara Store for the sake of safety. Until the next morning, Kujo Nozomi She just woke up and saw people she didn't know around her. She sat up from the bed with a cold face.

Chapter 286: Rule

Ishida Uryū wanted to ask her about Inaba Kagerouzuo, but she ignored him. She seemed not to hear him. She just glanced at Ishida Uryū and turned away. It was obvious that she had no intention of answering. Even though they saved her, she still ignored them, and they could also feel that Kujo Nozomi was not too wary, but thought they were troublesome.

They ignored him. Ling Bai went to the meeting room upstairs for a meeting. The captains had not yet planned to return to Soul Society, so they held an impromptu meeting on countermeasures against the counterfeit god of death in this world. Regarding this incident, Nirvana was the one who had the most say. Quan, the mastermind is his subordinate, the seventh seat of the twelfth division, Inaba Kage Rosasa, who serves as the section chief in the Technology Development Bureau and is responsible for observing and researching the break.

Usually he is just an inconspicuous little person, and no one usually notices him. However, he is truly a world-breaking expert. This world-breaking event was completely planned by him. He controlled the time of breaking the world in advance, so that Many Shinigami encountered surprises, and restrained them in the boundary, and then sent the captains of the corpses back to Soul Society at the right time.

If left unchecked, the Gotei 13 would all fall back into the opponent's control. This was Nirvana's point of view, but Ling Bai believed that Inaba Kage Langzuo had other plans. In order to lure him to the corpse World, taking advantage of the lax security of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, he came to the real world and wanted to catch Kujo Nozomi. What exactly did he want to use Kujo Nozomi to do? I'm afraid that girl had a big secret hidden in her body.

For example, there is something hidden in her body, just like how Urahara Kisuke hid the Honyu in Kuchiki Rukia's body. Ling Bai didn't say it because he was worried that Kuchiki Rukia would think of bad things. Urahara Kisuke did not attend the meeting, but asked Inoue Orihime and the others to hold a barbecue queue, and also prepared a lot of barbecue equipment and ingredients.

In fact, this also allowed Kujo Mozumi to cheer up. He also saw that Kujo Mozumi seemed to have encountered a lot of painful things. In other words, in her, she might find the key to defeating the enemy and use queuing to enhance feelings. , may make her open up, Kujo Mozumi is also very interested in BBQ queues, after all, there are few such things in Soul Society.

While they were preparing, Kujo Mochi disappeared into the yard. Ishida Uryū and Chadat Taihu quickly put down the ingredients in their hands and went to look for them on both sides. Inoue Orihime went to inform Ling Bai, and Kujo Mochi could also tell. , this is the queue they specially prepared for her, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with her, and she will not respond to anyone's kindness.

The departure of Kujo Nozomi happened to play into the hands of Inaba Kage Rōsaku. He also arranged an informant in this world. The spirit corpse of Matsumoto Rangiku found Kujo Nozomi by the lake. He picked her up without any reason and carried her to the alley of a nearby community. After opening the boundary gate, just when she was about to step into the boundary, Kujo Nozomi bit her arm with all his strength.

Matsumoto Rangiku screamed in pain and was thrown directly by her. Her actions angered the impostor. Matsumoto Rangiku pulled out the soul-cutting sword and wanted to teach her a lesson. Looking at the blade with a cold light, Kujo watched the truth. She was in complete despair, and now she had no power at all. The moment the soul-cutting knife slashed down, she heard a bang and couldn't help but open her eyes. The figure she had seen last night was standing in front of her.

"That's it for now, you fake."

The real Matsumoto Rangiku also appeared here, pinching her waist, and chuckled: "You are my impostor. You are really a good woman, but of course you can't compare with me."

She was surrounded by two people, and through the feeling of spiritual pressure, it seemed that two vice-captain-level figures were coming here. In desperation, she released the soul-cutting sword, and the smoke and ashes blocked their sight. She took the opportunity Fleeing to the broken world, Ling Bai stretched out his hand to Kujo Nozomi, trying to pull her up, but Kujo Nozomi turned his head away, did not accept his kindness, and forced himself to stand up. Ling Bai just smiled softly and didn't care.

"Are you idiots?"

"Who knows."

The barbecue queue went smoothly, and I don't know what moved Kujo Nozomi. She also returned to Urahara Store and accepted Lingbai's barbecue. This could be regarded as the first step for her to open up her heart.

Soul Society at this time was largely occupied by spiritual corpses, and the living Shinigami had no way to send communications back. Kyōraku Shunsui didn't know the outcome of the matter yet, he just cared about it, and no matter how he thought about it, he I feel that this incident is too suspicious and everything is too coincidental.

Nirvana Nirvana and Zaraki Kenpachi also returned to Seireitei. Kyōraku Shunsui still didn't know about Inaba Kage Rōsa, so he completely regarded them as their real bodies and asked them to recall what happened in the broken world. Nirvana Li stood up and shouted. Even thinking about it, it makes people feel angry. Ling Bai attacked them in the boundary.

Zaraki Kenpachi also said that he would not be mistaken about Ling Bai's spiritual pressure.

Chapter 287: Capture

Kotetsu Yuune also agreed with them. The day before yesterday, Kuchiki Byakuya found the necklace in the broken world. Now there is more and more evidence to accuse Ling Bai of the crime. Moreover, Ling Bai himself has no intention of coming forward to defend himself. It should be It had been planned for a long time. In this situation, three captains had already criticized Ling Bai. Jingraku Shunsui still couldn't believe that Ling Bai would do such a thing.

Nirvana became more and more excited. He wanted to capture Ling Bai right now, even at all costs. Due to the pressure from many captains, Kyoryu Shunsui had no choice but to send out an arresting force to capture Ling Bai. That night, Ling Bai couldn't wait to catch Ling Bai. Heading to Baidao Gate, passing through the broken world, and rushing to the present world, it was at this time that Kujo Nozomi left the place where Ling Bai lived.

Ling Bai and Ishida Uryu searched separately. In a place like this in this world, they were unable to use spiritual pressure to find him. Next, all the vice-captains began to dispatch. The captains were preparing for the upcoming battle. Absolutely We can't linger on this kind of thing. Suddenly, there is a huge sound in the air. It is the sound of the world-traveling gate opening, and you can also feel the spiritual pressure of several captains.

Near the temple deep in the forest, the three deputy captains of the spirit skeletons passed through the boundary gate and landed directly at this place. Shuhei Hisagi said: "The intelligence said that Kujo Nozomi should be with Ling Bai. We just need to search thoroughly. The powerful spiritual pressure in this town will definitely find him.”

"Is this okay?" Yumichika Ayasegawa said: "Our apparent mission is to capture Ling Bai. Although it is entrusted by Inabata Rangzuo, we can't give up the mission from the beginning."

"Don't worry." Hisagi Shuhei's eyes flashed with blue lightning, which is the unique characteristic of the spirit skeleton, and he said in a deep voice: "No matter which task is completed first, our goal is the same."

Madarame Ikkaku didn't care, it was better this way. After finally getting here, Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika couldn't wait to fight with the original species. If they could defeat the original species, the spirit skeleton could replace them. As for their position, they were just about to move into groups when heavy footsteps were heard from deep in the forest. They quickly drew their soul-killing swords and prepared for battle back to back.

Their true self walked out of the depths of the forest, and there was Kichiyo Ohmaeda. Regardless of their strength, they had the advantage in numbers. Hisagi Shuhei wanted to end the battle quickly, but Madarame Ikkaku didn't think so. He felt that the battle would be necessary. One-on-one, the two had a fierce quarrel, but someone did not give him a chance to quarrel.

A burly, middle-aged man who looked like a bodybuilding coach with a thick golden scarf hanging around his neck jumped from the sky. They had never seen this man before, and they didn’t know whose soul it was. In the corner of Madarame It seems that it doesn't matter who it is, now it's four versus four, and they can fight to their heart's content, each fighting their impostor.

Ohmaeda Kichiyo could only choose the man who appeared last. The more he looked at the scarf hanging around the man's neck, it seemed that he had seen it somewhere before. Moreover, the death tyrant uniforms they wore were also very similar. Without waiting for him to react, The spirit corpse directly liberated the soul-cutting sword, and even the liberation words were the same, crushing him with a five-shaped head.

At least a meteor hammer weighing several hundred kilograms hit Kichiyo Ohmaeda's feet. Only then did he realize that this guy was his impostor, but the difference between the two was so great that Madarame Ikkaku burst into tears from laughing. , it’s so funny, so interesting, others even want him to be the real person, and Oh Maeda to be the impostor. Oh Maeda Kichiyo is also questioning him, why is he looking like this?

The spirit skeleton mocked: "You are really ugly, that's why I refuse to become like you. Then I, as the new Ohmaeda, will make you disappear from this world."

"You're just a fake, you dare to mock me!" Omaeda Kichiyo was completely angered. Not only the other party, but also his partner was laughing at him. He threw the meteor hammer, and with a bang, the two's meteor hammers collided. You wouldn't know it without comparing, but the size of the two's five-shaped heads is the same as the two, which is simply the difference between father and son. Omaeda Kichiyo was directly knocked out.

"Have you seen it?" Ling Gu sneered: "I am better than you in all aspects."

The confrontation between the two was like a farce. The two Ayase River Yumichika jumped on the treetops and praised each other for being beautiful. For him, he could only see his own figure when he looked in the mirror. In such a three-dimensional way, Madarame's character didn't have that much to do. The two had similar personalities and fought fiercely. However, Yumichika Ayasekawa interrupted their fight and wanted to switch opponents. The reason was that he could not hurt such a beautiful self. …

However, Hisagi Shuhei was pressed down and beaten by his own spiritual body. No matter how badly he suffered, he never released the soul-cutting sword. His spiritual body understood his thoughts very well and sneered: "You can really run, why?" Do not liberate the soul-killing sword."

Chapter 288: Tampering

"Do you still want to say that you are afraid of the power of your soul-cutting sword? You are too naive. Fighting requires strength, so I will use this power without hesitation."

Only Omaeda Kichiyo's strength gap is too big. He has no choice but to escape and is still being mocked by his impostor. Gradually, he and Hisagi Shuhei merge together, and the spirit skeleton is also mocking them. Since It is an antique that has been eliminated by the times, and it should withdraw from the stage of history as soon as possible. Hisagi Shuhei could no longer bear it and liberated the soul-cutting sword.

The two scythes were entangled together, but it did not last long. Hisagi Shuhei pulled Ōmaeden Kichiyo and fled to the underground sewer. Ōmaeden seemed to disdain this method, and said as he ran: "What are you doing, Hinoki" Samu, let’s not talk about me, your opponent uses the same weapon as you.”

"Stop arguing!" Hisagi Shuhei said loudly: "Didn't you hear what Captain Nirvana said? The spirit skeletons have the same abilities as the original species, with one difference. The reason they were created is to fight, so they are better than The original species is more warlike, and as the battle progresses, the more blood is stained, the more obvious this characteristic becomes. "

This means that the spirit bones can use their special skills at any time. Omaeda Kichiyo suddenly came up with a good idea. They stopped, turned around, and the spirit bones that were catching up were face to face. The two spirit bones had no idea at all. Taking them seriously, he was still saying sarcastic words. Suddenly, with a bang, the spirit skeleton Hisagi Shuhei was knocked to the ground by the five-shaped head that was thrown at him.

Seeing his companion fall, Ohmaeda Kichiyo also panicked. At the moment when he cloned himself, the chain of the five-shaped head in his hand was entangled with Hisagi Shuhei's sickle chain. Hisagi Shuhei said in a deep voice: " It seems that your five-shaped head is not only bigger, but also has a lot of weight. It is easy to catch the gap with such slow movements. "

The spirit skeleton Omaeda wanted to fight back, but the original species had already rushed forward and hit him in the face with the five-shaped head. The pain instantly spread throughout his body. Although he was the transformed Omaeda, he was still Omaeda in the end, and he was stronger. Not far away, it seemed that his mind was even simpler. Omaeda Kichiyo said slowly: "You look down on us too much and rely too much on your own abilities. How can it still be a stealth maneuver?"

Hisagi Shuhei didn't give them any chance to counterattack. He didn't love fighting like Madarame Ikkaku. As long as he could win, he would do whatever it took to take advantage of the opponent's disadvantage. Langan broke through the air, and more than a dozen white light rods passed through the body of the spirit skeleton. However, the spirit skeleton Omaeda still had some strength left. He really didn't want to be killed by me, and golden light appeared in his hand.

This is the No. 63 broken path, the Thunder Roar Cannon. Oh Maeda did not expect that he would actually use this move. This high-level broken path, even he himself did not know how to do it. He quickly turned around and ran away, golden thunder light The explosion exploded in the underground waterway, causing the ground for several kilometers nearby to tremble slightly. Golden light broke through the ground and reached into the sky.

In the depths of the forest not far away from them, Yumichika Ayasekawa was pinned to a tree trunk by her spirit corpse, her cheeks covered with blood. The other person was different from him. He would not be reluctant to attack because of his beauty. They all He was well aware of his own beauty, but the spirit skeleton believed that a face decorated with blood was even more attractive. He had wanted to try it for a long time, but he didn't want to hurt his body, and now he finally found his target.

The situation of Madarame Ikkaku was not much better. The opponent had already used the swastika, and he was beaten so hard that he was unable to fight back. Just when the spirit skeleton was about to finish them off, a blue light arrow shot over, and Uryū Ishida Appearing here, the spirit skeleton Madarame Ikkaku wanted to kill him as well, but was stopped by Yumichika.

"Forget it, don't waste time with these weak guys, let's go find our target quickly."

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