"This..." Yoruichi lowered his eyes.

In fact, the truth of the matter is still related to the person mentioned by Amagai Shusuke, Kisaragi Qingou. Kyoraku Shunsui also asked him how he knew this name. What he didn't expect was that Kisaragi Qingou was actually Amagai Shusuke's father.

Hearing this, Kyoraku Shunsui's pupils gradually shrank. He had to admit that it was him who killed Kisaragi Qingou, the father of Amagai Shusuke. After being killed by Kyoraku Shunsui, Kisaragi Qingou still had a breath. Amagai Shusuke found him in the place where his father usually practiced. He still remembers that although his father's breath was weak, he said very clearly that the person who killed him was Kyoraku Shunsui.

After Kisaragi Qingou passed away, Amagai Shusuke changed his name and pretended to be born in Rukongai. With his excellent talent, he joined the Gotei 13. In order to find out the truth about his father's death, he collected information everywhere. In this process, he finally learned that his father accidentally learned about the weapon of the Kaede Sword and explored the mystery in it. In order to find out the truth, he sneaked into the Kasumigaoji family.

Amagai Shusuke also found out that Kyoraku Shunsui had colluded with the Kasumigaoji family and participated in the development of the Kakuro sword. It was because his father got hold of this key evidence that Kyoraku Shunsui killed him. In the following days, no matter what excessive actions the Kasumigaoji family took, Kyoraku Shunsui always made trouble in secret, and prohibited intervention on the grounds of extraterritoriality.

Chapter 476: Hatred

Amagai Shusuke secretly vowed to take revenge on Kyoraku Shunsui. After that, he thought about how to defeat the enemy every day, constantly trained himself, and spent a long time. Then, he approached the Kasumigaoji family, got the Kakuro sword, and achieved unparalleled results in the expeditionary force. Finally, he got the attention of the Gotei 13 and successfully served as the captain, looking for the opportunity to take action.

Ling Bai raised the Soul-Slaying Sword, pointed the blade at Amagai Shusuke, and said slowly: "I don't care what your reasons are, you shouldn't involve Ruri Chiyo in this. Creating chaos in the name of revenge is undoubtedly a provocation to the Gotei 13."

Amagai Shusuke said: "Ling Bai, you really like to meddle in other people's business. Are you unwilling to retreat no matter what?"

Ling Bai didn't say anything, turned the handle of the sword, and stabbed forward. Amagai Shusuke had already released his Bankai, and a pillar of fire sprayed out from the front of the weapon. Ling Bai could only dodge it and appeared in front of him in an instant. The sword light swept across, and with a bang, it hit the green lightsaber of Amagai Shusuke's Kakuro Sword. At the moment of impact, he frowned slightly and retreated to his original position.

He almost forgot that Amebe Hideusuke's 雳尧刀 could seal the spirit pressure of the god of death and the power of the soul-slashing sword. Amebe Hideusuke sneered: "You have no chance of defeating me. The princess's fate has long been determined. If you want to regret it, regret the fate of being born in the Kasumidaru family."

"You really talk to yourself."

Ling Bai rushed up again. Maybe it was too fast. Amebe Hideusuke didn't react and could only use the soul-slashing sword to parry. The continuous slashing made it impossible for him to use the soul-slashing sword to spray flames. He could only keep retreating. After adapting to the opponent's attack rhythm, he grabbed Ling Bai's blade with his black arm armor and swung it to the side. Ling Bai took the opportunity to distance himself, and then black flames whistled out.

Tian Bei Xiu Zhu's pupils suddenly contracted. He subconsciously sprayed out flames to counteract it, but he still didn't understand what was going on. His Yao Dao should have sealed Ling Bai's spiritual pressure, which meant that the power of his Hellfire was weakened, but the move just now should not have appeared. Thinking of this, he inserted the front end of the Soul Slashing Sword into the ground, and the entire platform shook violently. A column of fire rushed out from the ground and instantly covered Ling Bai.

"It's your turn now." Tian Bei Xiusuke looked at Kyoraku Shunsui.

"It's not over yet." Ling Bai walked out of the flames and said slowly: "Your Tapir Yao Dao can seal the spiritual pressure, but I feel that my power seems to be pouring out continuously."

Tian Bei Xiusuke said: "How stupid! If you lie there, you may still be able to save your life. In this case, you can only die here."

At this point, he rotated the soul-slaying sword, and the fire pillars rushed around. Ling Bai kept dodging in the flames. It seemed that Tian Bei Xiusuke had an overwhelming advantage. In fact, he was getting more and more flustered. He didn't understand why Ling Bai was restrained by the Tapir Yao Dao. At this time, Ling Bai flashed into the air and chopped down. Tian Bei Xiusuke didn't dare to be careless. The armor on his left arm pressed down the opponent's blade. At the moment when the black flames broke out, he quickly let go and subconsciously stepped back.

Amebe Shusuke finally understood that Ling Bai was more difficult than he thought, so he had to say: "Ling Bai, what's the point of you fighting me here? You have been living in the real world for a long time, so there is no need for you to get into a bitter battle for the disputes in the Soul Society."

"It has nothing to do with you." Ling Bai sneered.

There was no other way but to continue fighting. Amebe Shusuke raised the Soul-Slaying Sword, and the spiritual pressure continued to rise. After gathering, it smashed to the ground, and a fireball as dazzling as the sun roared out. The scorching flames made everyone unable to open their eyes. With a loud bang, the platform they were on was cut off. The flames only broke out in an instant, but it was enough to destroy anything that blocked it. In the smoke and dust, Ling Bai's spiritual pressure seemed very weak, even imperceptible.

"Is it over?"

"Who did you say it was over?"

Tianbei Xiuzhu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he didn't react at all. Ling Bai suddenly rushed out and chopped her arm armor. Although it was not chopped into pieces, he had to fly backwards. Under the continuous collision, the sky Bei Xiuzhu looked extremely embarrassed. Even the thunder and fire were used as shields, and blood was flowing from his shoulders. Until finally, he had to withdraw from the relatively safe power. Ling Bai did not pursue him, but asked: "Why are you so persistent?" "For revenge."

"You wouldn't understand."

Amagai Susuke looked at him and said slowly: "The pain of losing a loved one and the hatred for Mingzhe's self-protection. I am in such dire straits. I have no choice but to fall into the endless darkness, which has been lingering in my heart. My idea is to let those guys die. I often think about why I exist. No matter how I think about it, the answer is always erased by a voice in an instant. If I don’t kill them, I will never get rid of them. to the answer."

Chapter 477: Black and Red

"After that, I finally realized that only by killing them can I break the shackles of fate."

"I, you can really speak for yourself." Ling Bai said slowly: "Now that you clearly have captain-level strength, it is a pity that you lose your determination to continue moving forward so easily."

Amagai Susuke sneered: "As long as I can get revenge, I am willing to do anything, even death, I will not hesitate!"

At this point, he smashed the front end of the soul-cutting sword into the ground, and flames burst out from the ground. Ling Bai could only duck into the air, and Ambei Susuke caught up with him. The two collided again, and Ambei Susuke was unable to defeat him. Ling Bai fell from the sky. Unwilling to lose, he used his maximum spiritual pressure to create a wall of flames in front of him, but Ling Bai rushed into the sea of ​​fire without hesitation.

With a bang, facing Ling Bai's sharp slash, Amagai Susuke could only block it with his green lightsaber. This was originally his weapon to eliminate the spiritual pressure of the god of death, but it had no effect on Ling Bai, and his body fell back. He flew out and half-crouched on the ground, gasping for breath. Unable to bear the humiliation, he raised his soul-cutting sword and rotated it above his head, spraying flames while emitting light blue light.

Immediately afterwards, he inserted the soul-killing knife into the ground, and the entire platform shook violently. Countless flame pillars were sprayed out from where Ling Bai was standing. Even if he jumped into the air, the flame pillars would follow him until they were about to He was completely covered. After the flames burned out, Ling Bai's arms had burn marks, and Amagai Susuke was panting as if his strength had been exhausted.

The two seemed to be evenly matched, with little strength left to fight. However, Ling Bai suddenly rushed down from the air and hit Amagai Susuke like a cannonball. With a bang, Amagai Susuke used the soul-cutting sword as a shield. , blocked his slash, but the attack did not stop. Ling Bai's continuous attacks made Amagaisuke breathless, but did not actually hurt him. Kuchiki Rukia was also very confused. Ling Bai What exactly do you want to do? Is it because you want to block the flame attack from the front part of Amagai Suisuke's Soul-Slaying Sword?

It was also difficult for Ambei Xiusuke to understand Ling Bai's fighting style. He retreated a lot, trying to distance himself, but Ling Bai did not give him this chance and pursued him closely. Under such an offensive, Ambei Suisuke's defense was very difficult. In desperation, he could only summon the green lightsaber in the gauntlet. Only then did Kuchiki Rukia understand that Ling Bai wanted to penetrate the opponent's right side, and the gap between the huge flamethrower was Yu rushed to the side of his chest and attacked the tapiraya knife.

She even thought about how Amagai Xiusuke could not think of it. He desperately sprayed out a large number of fireballs to block Ling Bai's impact, and folded the page to slow down Ling Bai's speed. The moment Ling Bai reached the striking distance, the green lightsaber swept across And then, a blood mark was drawn on Ling Bai's shoulder. Since he had seen through the opponent's purpose, it was impossible to lose. Just when Ambei Xiusuke was about to say taunting words, black flames came towards him and rolled towards his chest. The opening moment engulfed him in an instant.

Amagai Susuke fell into the ruins. They thought Ling Bai had won the final victory. Just as Rukia Kuchiki was about to run over, Ling Bai suddenly said: "Wait a minute, it's still early."

The ground shook, and the stone slab pressing on Amagai Susuke was pushed away by him. His body was burning with red spiritual pressure, like a flame. Before completing his revenge plan, he would not admit defeat, no matter whether it was Kyo. Le Chunshui or Ruri Qianyo would drag them into hell even if they died. Ling Bai said softly: "Stop, what can you do with your bruised body?"

"I said before, as long as I can get revenge, I won't hesitate to die."

Suddenly, he released green spiritual pressure, and his eyes glowed with golden light. Ling Bai frowned slightly. He still remembered this gesture, at the cost of his life, forcibly using the power of the tapiraya sword, Amagai Suisuke's heart, It seemed that he was swallowed by the Tapir Yao Knife. The captain-level spiritual pressure was not to be underestimated under the operation of the Tapir Yao Knife. He rushed over. Ling Bai seemed to be caught off guard. His body flew backwards and flew out, hitting the wall of the clock tower with a red color. The fireball blasted out without any gaps, instantly burning up the ejected rubble. In the smoke and dust, Ling Bai's figure could no longer be seen.

Amagai Suisuke turned around. The green spiritual pressure had disappeared and his eyes returned to normal. He could use the spiritual pressure to suppress the tapiraya sword, and it would naturally not proliferate. He looked at Kyoryu Shunsui and said in a cold voice: "The next step is to turn around. It’s your turn, Captain.”

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled and said, "You really have no sense of honor as a Shinigami."

"Sense of honor?" Amagai Susuke said loudly: "The Gotei 13 has been rotten for a long time. Yamamoto Genryusai is indulging in his subordinates. You will only rely on maintaining the balance of Soul Society to exclude dissidents. What qualifications do you have to come here?" Talk to me about your sense of honor! I will destroy you and the Kasumitaji family!"

Having said this, his body glowed with red spiritual pressure, and the soul-cutting sword rotated above his head.

Chapter 478: The truth

Just when he was about to release the fireball, black flames came from behind. Ambei Xiusuke had to duck to avoid it. He did not expect that Ling Bai could still fight after receiving such a heavy blow. He raised his head and said: "You Why are you fighting me so hard? You have no obligation to protect them."

Ling Bai said slowly: "I just think it's time for you to wake up. You only think about your own interests. Do you know how to make many people fall into misfortune? You can do whatever it takes to use nobles, deceive your companions, get your hands on forbidden weapons, and avenge your father." Is it okay for you to ignore so many people who have died because of this? Ruri Chiyo has long made up his mind, even if the Kasumi Oji family is plunged into chaos, he will endure everything and live strong, not escaping his fate, but choosing to challenge it. , She is completely different from a self-destructive person like you. I am here to defeat your heart that only seeks revenge and does not care about others. "

Ambei Xiusuke took a deep breath, looked at Ling Bai, and said in a deep voice: "It's really ridiculous. Can you do it with your bruised body?"

"Then give it a try."

The flames swept across, and Ling Bai also rushed down, rushing out of the sea of ​​​​fire without hesitation. Ambei Xiusuke noticed that his speed was whispering, the soul-cutting knife inserted into the ground, and countless pillars of fire sprang out from the ground again. He wanted to knock down Ling Bai in the same way, but what he didn't expect was that black flames shot up into the sky, instantly canceling out his flames. With a bang, the blades collided, and Amagai Susuke summoned a green blade in front of his forehead. Sweep.

While Ling Bai avoided it, he also understood that it would be difficult to win if he didn't find a way to deal with the tapiraya knife in his right hand first. Thinking of this, he kept dodging left and right and moving widely. Amagai Susuke also thought of this, and the opponent Maybe he wanted to control his attack and let the defense in the middle weaken. In that case, he released a large number of fireballs to attack Ling Bai's movement tricks.

The next moment, black flames roared out, but they did not roll towards Amagai Suisuke. Instead, they exploded on the ground beside him, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust. However, Amagai Xiusuke thought that he might be attacking the ground to hide himself. Traces, and then rushed over from the right. He saw through Ling Bai's intention. As expected, Ling Bai rushed over from the right, with black flames flowing from the blade. He blocked Ling Bai's attack with a green lightsaber, and then, a pillar of fire rose into the sky. .

What he didn't expect was that Ling Bai's attack was much more powerful than he imagined. After the two separated, although there were burn marks on Ling Bai's body, and blood was flowing out of his arm armor, Ling Bai said: "Now you , Even if you can defeat me, you can't escape unscathed, and there is no point in continuing to fight. "

"I said, I have put life and death aside for a long time!"

Light green spiritual pressure appeared in Amebei Xiuzhu's body. Ling Bai frowned slightly. There was no more persuasion. If his spiritual pressure was swallowed by the tapiraya sword, he would lose his heart and could only defeat him. Amebei Xiuzhu could only defeat him. Suke stubbornly believed that only revenge was the destination of his life. Immediately afterwards, the flames collided fiercely and completely erupted on the platform. Black and red fire pillars rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky. The two figures separated after the collision. , standing with their backs facing each other.

Ling Bai sighed silently and took a staggering step forward. He used the soul-cutting knife to support Zhu's body, but Ambei Xiusuke spit out blood. The light green lightsaber extending from the armplate disappeared completely, and the soul-cutting knife After returning to his original state from the swastika, he was still unwilling to lose and used his last strength to rush towards Kyoryu Shunsui.

At the same time, other captains also appeared on the platform, trying to stop them, but it was too late. Kyōraku Shunsui did not hide, and allowed Amagaisu Susuke's soul-zanting sword to penetrate into his abdomen. The captains pulled out the soul-zanting sword at the same time, and Kyo Le Chunshui said loudly: "Don't come here!"

Yoruichi also stopped their movements, and then said: "Amagai, you misunderstood. Kyoryu is not the enemy who killed your father. Your father was just a victim who lost his mind due to the tapiraya sword."

"What?" Tianbei Xiuzhu opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Yoruichi continued: "You should know that at that time, Kumoi Yaokaku of the Kasumioji family illegally used the special sword forging technology passed down by the family to develop the tapiraya sword, and used samples to start human experiments, and found that The person responsible for this incident was Kyōraku Shunsui. He did not report it to the then captain, Mr. Yamamoto, but investigated the Kasumioji family alone. However, he encountered strong opposition from the 46th Chamber. They demanded that Kyōraku Shunsui be terminated on the grounds of extraterritoriality. Intervention into the Kasumioji family.”

Hearing this, Amagai Susuke opened his eyes wide and looked at Kyōraku Shunsui in front of him, unable to believe such a thing.

What happened next was beyond his expectation. Kisaragi Qin Gou, who was still a subordinate of Kyoryu Shunsui at the time, requested to investigate the secret of the Tapir Yao Knife. However, he was ambushed by Kumoi Yaokaku and used him as experimental material. Using it, his heart was swallowed by the Tapir Yao Knife, and he was also ordered by Yunjing Yaojue to kill the person who ordered him to come here.

Jingraku Shunsui could only kill him sadly. Originally, the truth about Kisaragi Qin Gou's death could not be made public to the world by both parties. He was involved in the secret of the Tapir Yao Knife and violated the rules of the Forty-sixth Chamber. After a secret investigation, the Gotei 13 team also resumed contact with Kasumioji's family on the surface. This is the truth of the matter.

Amagai Susuke couldn't believe it. He pulled out the soul-cutting sword from Kyōraku Shunsui's abdomen and slowly backed away, his mouth trembling. Only at this moment did he realize that he had committed a heinous crime and had to kill his subordinates. That was not something he could understand.

"How can it be……"

Amagai Susuke said tremblingly: "I was blinded by hatred and did not see the truth of the matter..."

What makes people sad is that his fate itself was swallowed up by the Tapir Yao Knife. Only now did he remember what his father said before he died, be careful with the Tapir Yao Knife. If Ling Bai hadn't stopped him in time, he might have really done it. What was irreversible, Amagai Susuke fell to his knees and murmured: "Kingraku Shunsui, it's all because I didn't see the matter clearly, it's too superficial."

"It doesn't have to be like this." Jingraku Shunsui said, "In the final analysis, I am still too incompetent to save you and your son."

Others also sighed silently. It seemed that the chaos in Jing Ling Ting was just because of a misunderstanding. Amagai Susuke stood up and inserted the blade into the ground. A circular crack appeared on the ground, and the flame burned in the middle. Rukia Kuchiki His pupils suddenly shrank. He realized what Amagai Suisuke wanted to do and wanted to run over to stop him. However, Kuchiki Byakuya pressed his shoulders and said softly: "Amagai Suisuke also has his own dignity. What do you want? Let him choose the outcome."

Amagai Susuke looked at them and said silently in his heart, Kira Izuru, I'm so sorry for making you fall into a boring dispute. Farewell, the flames rose into the sky, and he burned up in the flames. In order to make up for his mistakes, He ended his own life with his own hands. Everyone looked at the bloody setting sun and sighed silently, and the Jingling Court returned to peace.

The next morning, Ruri Chiyo also returned to Kasumioji's family. This is a family that many people have tried their best to protect. She was fully aware of it. Ling Bai just said softly: "I may not be helping you, like Ambei Sui." It is your mission to help people like this so that there will be no more.”

Chapter 1 The World of Naruto!

"here it is……"

When Ling Bai woke up again and looked around, he suddenly fell into a state of confusion! .

It was clear that he was in a drunken dream before, but what he never expected was that he seemed to have traveled through time again!

"Well...this is..."

next moment!

Countless memories come flooding back like a flood!

Immediately, an indifferent smile appeared on the corner of Ling Bai's mouth again:

"This place...is actually...the world of Naruto!"

grim Reaper!



It is the three most classic anime worlds!

Previously, Ling Bai had reached the pinnacle of the pirate world and became a top powerhouse that frightened countless powerhouses!

The more critical thing is undoubtedly his alcoholic character and the terrifying levels he can reach by relying on wine!

Facing a drunken Ling Bai, even the most powerful Tianlong was helpless!

It is conceivable... Ling Bai's strength has reached an extremely terrifying level!

"This place is... the ancestral land of the Hyuga clan!"

Ling Bai's face once again showed a faint light!

The Hyuga clan!

They are a famous family from the Ninja Village of Konoha, the Land of Fire, one of the five great nations in the world of Naruto!

Although the powerful Hokage who leads the ninja village was not born among them, he can be regarded as the mainstay of the entire village!

And more importantly, the strong man in the Hyuga clan possesses two great skills, one is the Byakugan, and the other is the Bagua Huitian Palm!

Even though there has never been a true Hokage-level master, their status in the Ninja Village is as stable as Mount Tai!

And Ling Bai's previous time travel, inadvertently directly replaced the identity of the adopted son of the previous generation head of the Hyuga clan, and became the current Crown Prince of the Hyuga clan!

This made the smile on Ling Bai's lips grow stronger at this moment:

"If that's the case...it seems like it's become easier for me to become a drunkard!"

The words fell!

His figure roared up in an instant!

The Hyuga clan!


The moment Ling Bai appeared, he saw the strong men responsible for guarding the warehouse bowing their heads in great respect:

"Greetings... Young Master Ling Bai!"

"Greetings... Young Master Ling Bai!"

Although in the eyes of everyone, Ling Bai himself is not very strong, at best he can only be regarded as an ordinary child of the Hyuga clan!

But after all, he is the adopted son of the previous generation's head of the family, and he is also a descendant of the Hyuga clan!

The difference between the clan family and the branch family is not just a caged bird, but more importantly, their status!

For Ling Bai, who had the status of the prince of the Hyuga clan from the beginning, their attitude was extremely respectful at this moment!

"Bring me all the fine wine in the warehouse..."

Ling Bai immediately shouted:

"As ordered..."

"As ordered..."

Hear this!

Everyone takes action immediately!

Not long!

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