She still remembered that Zefa once said, "No matter what Ling Bai says, she has to reply." Now, no matter what Ling Bai says, even if it is absurd, Zefa has to verify it.

I really don't know since when both of them can communicate normally with the drunk Ling Bai...

Zefa continued: "If the speed of that island is really that fast, we can sail directly to the north and reunite with it in a day! The problem of the encounter of two ships was taught in the first grade of mathematics, right?"

"I got full marks..." Gion didn't like mathematics, but it was a compulsory course, so he turned and said, "Did you really do that?"

"Well! Pass my order, all the way north!"

Zefa waved his hand and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, this nautical chart is a good thing, I have to put it away first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the light flowed!

The exquisite nautical chart disappeared, replaced by a pot of wine in Ling Bai's hand.

"Ding——Transformation completed, get a bottle of exquisite nautical chart wine, divine product, after drinking it, you will understand the standard nautical chart drawing method, and your painting skills will be MAX!"

"It's really a good thing!"

Ling Bai's face was so full of laughter.

He had a bottle of top-grade wine in his hand, but he put it aside and started to drink the divine wine happily.

"Teacher! Don't be angry!"

Gion kept patting Zefa on the back, trying to comfort him.

Zefa's body was shaking and his muscles were twitching.

Gion understood that this was a sign of an explosion!

"That picture... is the legacy of the 'world's first navigator', and you can't buy it even with money!!!!" Zefa seemed to be biting his steel teeth to pieces.

"I know... Teacher! But don't be angry, it will only hurt your own body!"

"I... I'm going to kill you! Ling Bai!"

Zefa rushed towards Ling Bai screaming.

And Ling Bai kicked Zefa in the face directly.

"Isn't it just a broken picture? I'll draw it for you myself!"

"You can only draw a geoduck!"

Zefah grabbed Ling Bai's feet angrily and threw him aside, "That man is the 'world's number one painter', and his works are sold at auction on the black market for more than 1 billion Baileys. You bastard, give me back 2 billion!"

Ling Bai was thrown out and landed on his feet.

"I'll draw two pictures for you! That's enough!"


Zefah was about to make a move, but was stopped by Gion again.

"Teacher, why don't you let Ling Bai try!"

"Him? Just use red dots to represent it?"

Zefah was about to cry, "There is a special set of methods for drawing nautical charts. I asked you to spend a year learning, but you only learned the basics! Let him draw it, and I don't know what it will look like. When I look at the picture, do I have to play the game of "you draw, I guess?"

"Teacher... I will teach him personally next to you, please calm down!" Gion was also about to cry, and wanted to kneel down.

Finally, after repeated persuasion from Gion, Zefa staggered away, as if he had lost his soul.

From this moment on, an order was passed to the three ships.

Everyone, don't say the word "good stuff" again! .

Chapter 71 There is no retreat (please give flowers!)

The ship went all the way north.

The sun rose in the east and set in the west, and time passed quietly.

The sea surface was white.

"I was on duty outside last night, and I seemed to hear Teacher Zefa crying in the room!"

"Did you drink too much and think of something sad?"

"Shh! Don't gossip here, the teacher is coming!"

The navy stood solemnly, and Zefa walked past them with a gloomy face.

Zefa stepped into Gion's office.

At this time, Gion and Ling Bai were leaning over the desk, and didn't notice Zefa coming in at all.

Zefa didn't say anything either.

He had a nightmare all night, and was in a very bad mood at this time, and didn't want to talk at all.

He came to the two of them silently and glanced at them.

But this glance was incredible!

Zefa's face was like a cloud that had been cleared and the gloom suddenly disappeared.

His eyes widened a little bit, and his pupils shrank a little bit.

After examining again and again, Zefa suddenly pushed away Zhiyuan and Lingbai and threw himself on the table.

"Teacher? When did you come?"

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished drawing yet!"

Zhiyuan and Lingbai said one sentence each.

But Zefa turned a deaf ear to it, and his eyes swept across the sea chart in front of him, feeling like he was dreaming.

Standard nautical chart drawing method, beautiful and smooth lines, just the painting skills can be called a master level.

The proportions are coordinated, the handwriting is neat, and the lines are clear, marking each island on the Grand Route one by one.

If the ink in some places had not dried yet, Zefa would even think that his nautical chart was back again!

"These... are all drawn by you..." Zefa trembled.

"What else?" Lingbai said unhappily.

He was drawing vigorously, but was violently pushed away by Zefa.

"Did you finish the painting in one night?"

"I told you to paint two paintings, just two!"

Ling Bai took out the one he had already painted and placed it in the middle of the table.

On the side, Ji Yuan said excitedly: "Teacher, you don't know that although Ling Bai was drinking while painting, his hand holding the pen was quite steady, his movements were smooth, he was confident, and he didn't even pause when he started writing!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Zefa said three good words in a row, picked up the painting, and looked at it carefully.

As a naval admiral, he has seen navigation charts countless times. This one hand-painted by Ling Bai can definitely be called a work of art!

At this time, Zefa noticed something else.

The place where his previous nautical chart was marked as the sea, in this picture, shows an island!

And this situation does not only occur in one place.

"Did he really do it..."

Zefa was shocked.

Not only was he shocked that Ling Bai was an excellent navigator, but he was also shocked that Ling Bai had actually mastered the power of knowledge and color that could sense magnetic fields!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ling Bai, who had never been to the new world, to be able to sense unknown islands.

At this moment, the boat suddenly stopped.

"Report! Arrived at the designated sea area! Please give instructions!" A navy loudly shouted at the door.

Zefa took the navigation chart, took three steps and two steps at a time, and stepped out of the cabin door.

According to calculations, soon after they arrived at the designated location, they would encounter the "island that can run faster than a ship."

Time ticks by.

Ling Bai finished the second navigation chart.

Dan Zefa always stood on the bow of the ship, like an eternal statue, looking to the east.

"Attention, everyone! Monitor the sea carefully!"

Gion deliberately arranged for a large number of navy to monitor together.

Countless pairs of eyes stare at the sea level.

Suddenly, a small dot appeared at the end of the field of vision.

"Report! There's something going on!"

A sharp-eyed marine shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound, all the navy got excited.

"Damn it! There really is something!"

"Teacher, you have been waiting for so long and you don't know what it is?"

"You can see it from such a distance, that thing is quite big!"

The crowd was talking a lot, and all eyes were focused on that small spot.

But when something unexpected happened, an even fiercer storm arose in Zefa's heart!

This gradually growing small dot has undoubtedly become the ironclad proof that Ling Bai’s knowledge and color can induce magnetic fields!


Zefa laughed like crazy.

"Teacher?" Gion saw this and felt worried, "Don't be angry with Ling Bai. He painted all night long!"

"Angry?" Zefa laughed and shook his head, "I'm not angry! I'm happy! Very happy! Roger's era has passed, and the navy's era is coming!"

Suddenly, Zefa's smile froze, as if he thought of something!

Roger's time...

Roger's time! ! ! !

"No!" Zefa was shocked and immediately shouted, "Everyone, get ready for battle! An extremely dangerous person is coming!"

At the same time, Zefa personally sounded the red alert!


The incident happened so suddenly that even Gion didn't react.

The red alert will only be sounded when facing the three pirate emperors!

And almost at the moment when they heard the siren, all the navy's hair stood up like a conditioned reflex, their guns were loaded, and they were in their positions!

"'s all my fault!"

Zefa had beads of sweat on his forehead and was very nervous, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Only that guy can run the island faster than the boat!"

"Teacher, what's going on? We didn't receive any information about the activities of the three pirate emperors!"

"Gion... You should also have heard of him, the legendary pirate who was once as famous as Gol D. Roger and Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate - "Golden Lion" Shiki! "

"What are you talking about!" Gion's eyes widened, "Are you talking about the one who destroyed most of Marinevando back then?"

"Yes, it's him!

I wasn't at the Navy Headquarters that day, it was Garp and Sengoku who fought with him! But even if the two of them took action together, they could barely capture him!

If it weren't for the golden lion disappearing all these years! Then there are not three pirate emperors on the sea now, but four! "

"The fourth pirate emperor?"

Gion didn't expect that Zefa would have such a high opinion of the Golden Lion! middle

"He was supposed to be a pirate emperor, but in his time, there was only one man standing at the top of the pirates... Damn it!"

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