Pirate System

Chapter 149 Bathing in the pool

It was late afternoon, and the sun had largely converged, but there was still a lingering heat in the air.

There is only this pool on Toad Island, which is a summer resort on the island. The water source comes from the spring water gurgling out of the cracks in the rocks. The spring water forms a small waterfall and falls into the low-lying rocks. The water here is clear and green, and you can see the stones at the bottom of the pool at a glance. There is a bobabu forest around the pool. The fat trunks and umbrella-shaped canopies block part of the sun and cast precious shades.

After learning that she had established diplomatic relations with the island, Wendy brought Hualu, Jingjing, and Nini to this pool. She couldn't wait to take a cold shower and cool off. Jingjing and Nini, two long-armed bears, chased away the bomb-spitting frogs in the water pool and became alert around the water pool. They both have a strong sense of smell and can judge the surrounding situation with their noses, ensuring that no one can get close to the water pool. .

A dark blue women's captain's suit fell on the stone, followed by tight trousers, and a set of crisp white underwear, and finally a leather captain's hat pressed over it. Wendy walked into the pool naked, and the moment her toes touched the pool, there was a burst of coolness, which made her feel so comfortable that she couldn't help shivering.

Wendy immersed herself in the pool, her breasts were half exposed on the water, her delicate and blue body became blurred, and she could vaguely see two dicks crossed together, with a breathtaking beauty. .

Hualu was always worried. After sister Wendy stayed in the pool for a while, she hesitated to take off her headband and feathers, her jet-black hair poured out, and then she took off her clothes and followed suit. After entering the water pool, when her body felt the coolness of the water, she felt that it was worth the risk to come here.

Hualu's feet lightly stepped on the bottom of the pool, and floated to Wendy's side. The two of them enjoyed the touch of the pool water side by side.

"It's good. It's rare that there aren't those stinky men around." Wendy squinted her eyes and sighed, her arms stretched out from the pool of water, and the water dripped down her smooth skin. She admired her arms, a little self-appreciating.

"Does Sister Wendy hate the pirates like Tangke?" Hua Lu asked with her big eyes, her eyes were clearer than those of a water pool.

"In short, I don't like them too much, but Tangke and the others saved me, so I can't hate them for that."

"They are quite scary sometimes." Hua Lu recalled the scenes of the battle at sea. In the midst of the artillery fire, the men jumped on the enemy ship with high fighting spirit. "But in normal times, they are still very good." She thought. The scene in the game changed, replaced by the pirates partying and drinking in the restaurant, bragging about each other, and laughing.

"Well, Tangke and the others are a little different from other pirates. They are a little bit better." Wendy stretched out her index finger and thumb and gestured a small distance.

"Speaking of them, Sister Wendy, you are so handsome when you command the men to sail the boat. Those men must obey your orders." Hua Lu said with twinkling eyes.

"The feeling of being a captain is really wonderful. On the vast sea, the whole ship obeys your orders. Your every move determines the fate of the whole ship. You have to point out a direction to everyone." Wendy mentioned it. When the captain, the whole person's momentum is completely different.

"Sister Wendy is really capable." Hua Lu vaguely saw the appearance of her own sister from Wendy. Her own sister was also a very flamboyant woman who could stand up for the safety of the whole island. Thinking of this, she misses her sister more than ever. Maybe her sister is suffering somewhere in the world. She asked sadly, "Sister, can I hug you?"

Wendy naturally couldn't refuse, and let Hualu hug her clingingly.

Hua Lu buried her face in Wendy's plump breasts, imagining that the person holding her was her own sister, an inexplicable warmth surged in her heart, and unknowingly, she hugged Wendy even tighter.

"Don't worry. You will meet your sister again in the future." Wendy comforted her softly, because her chest was pressed, her heart was agitated, and her face flushed.

"Someone is approaching." Jingjing, who was waiting on the shore, suddenly burst out, twisted her furry head, and stared in one direction. Its eyesight is not very good, but with its sense of smell, it can sense everything around it.

The two women in the water pool were quite surprised, suddenly separated, and looked over there in a hurry. Hua Lu hurriedly sank her body deeper, for fear of being seen by outsiders. Wendy's breasts recovered, she was calmer in comparison, but she was also determined to swim to the shore to get dressed.

Nini on the other side also raised her nose and sniffed a few times, roaring: "There is a fishy smell of the sea, and there is only one. It should be the bomb-spitting frog on the island, not the people in the pirate group."

"That's right, let's scare it away." Jingjing nodded in agreement, then showed a fierce side, opened her mouth wide, revealing cast-iron fangs, and let out a roar.

Nini cooperated with Jingjing and let out a second threatening roar. Next, the two long-armed bears roared one after another, scaring the approaching bomb-spitting frog away, and the smell gradually disappeared.

Jingjing turned her head, looked at the pool, and said lightly, "It's just a frog spewing bullets. It's been scared away. You two can rest assured."

The two women breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly returned to the state of talking and laughing just now, washing away the dust in the pool. After they were done washing, they sat on the shore, and it was the turn of the two long-armed bears to play in the pool.

Wendy taught Hua Lu how to play the flute on the shore. Hua Lu learned to play the flute in a decent manner. After a while, she was able to play the correct scale. The two of them soaked in the water pool with bare feet, and sometimes raised their feet to stir up the water.

As time passed, Jingjing and Nini had a good time in the pool, and their long hair was also wet, and when they were fluttering, the pool water was splashed everywhere.

"Hua Lu, the scale of this paragraph should be higher, otherwise the fish won't respond to you." Wendy tilted her head slightly, she stroked her long blue hair, and drops of water dripped quietly, setting off her hair like a Gentle waterfall in general.

"Oh, I'll try again." Hua Lu was still practicing to play the flute, her voice was clear and spread far away, she was simple-minded, and she had to learn something before she could stop.

At this moment, the two long-armed bears suddenly stopped playing and looked to one side in unison.

"Other people's smell appeared again." Jingjing raised her alertness again, straightened her huge and strong body, and squinted at the shadowy forest.

"It's probably the spit frog again. Jingjing, you don't need to make a fuss, and we've all washed it." Hua Lu said easily, no longer as surprised as before.

Wendy didn't take it seriously either, still sitting on the stone, clutching a strand of blue hair, smelling the fragrance contained in it.

"No, this time it's not just spit frogs." Jingjing didn't mean to relax at all.

"That's right, although I don't know who came, but they have a bloody smell, and it's a very fresh bloody smell." Nini said in a deep voice that as a beast, it is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, only killing and It takes death to smell blood, which is a red flag.

"How many are they?" Wendy was infected by the nervousness of the two long-armed bears, she cheered up, and let go of the hand holding her hair.

Jingjing took a few sniffs and replied, "There are ten guys with the smell of blood, no, it should be eleven. In addition, there are twenty-three without the smell of blood, which smell like spit frogs. ."

Nini agreed with Jingjing, and it smelled the same result.

Wendy felt that the situation was not good, and made a decisive decision: "Let's go back to the shore where the boat stopped, so as not to cause trouble."

"I agree." Hua Lu immediately raised her hand, she was the least timid.

"Maybe we can scare them away, just like just now." Jingjing was still very confident in her own strength.

"Okay, we've washed up anyway, let's just go. It's not good to occupy other people's pools all the time." Wendy persuaded, but her voice was drowned out by a loud bear roar. At this time, she had already put on women's pointed boots.

Even the roar of her companion made Hua Lu feel palpitations, she looked worried and gently pulled Wendy's sleeve.

Jingjing and Nini stopped roaring at the same time, and looked at each other. Nini shouted angrily: "After hearing the roar, not only did they not retreat, but they were approaching quickly, obviously to fight us."

"Let's go to war, watch me tear them to pieces" Jingjing was not afraid, she pulled up her body, her sturdy limbs were full of strength.

"Don't be so impulsive," Wendy hurriedly shouted, "they are only close to here, not necessarily hostile. Now everyone obeys my order, let's go back to the shore together, leave them alone. If you want to negotiate, leave it to Donk will handle it."

"Don't worry, the two of us can beat them," Nini roared, waving her long arms.

"You two have to obey Tangke's orders, so you two have to obey my orders now, otherwise, Tangke will definitely be very angry." Wendy stepped forward and pointed to Nini's nose.

Nini thought of her master, her arrogance subsided a lot, and muttered: "Why is the master angry when we defeat the enemy."

"They are getting closer, the speed is really fast." Jingjing interjected, staring at the woods.

"Okay, we're running out of time, let's go back to the shore now." Wendy walked towards the shore anxiously, and Hua Lu even trotted.

Because of their loyalty to Tangke, the two long-armed bears suppressed their original wildness and ran to the front obediently. In order to get out of here as soon as possible, they carried Wendy and Hualu on their backs and rushed to the shore. After running for a while, the two long-armed bears were shocked that they had not shaken off each other. The eleven bloody guys did not stop at the pool, but chased after them.

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