Pirate System

Chapter 169: Heart-snatching Ammonium Stone Beast

A puddle of wine reflects the bright moon, and against the dark background, the moon appears as white as jade. The next moment, a drunk man staggered past, stepping on a puddle of water to pieces. Clear music overflowed from the entrance of the tavern. This tune was a mix of harp, acoustic guitar, and tambourine. The bard was singing emotionally, but there was no pirate who could understand the meaning of the tune.

Tangke walked to the hotel with a group of his subordinates. After he came out of the Jaws Shipyard, he went directly to the pier to inquire about their movements with One Eye. One-eyed has lived up to his trust, and has gone through various procedures and found a few suitable accommodation. Tangke planned to take a night's rest first, and the recruitment of the heart-snatching ammonite could be delayed for a few days. If he brought the heart-snatching ammonite to Garvey that night, it would be too abrupt.

Although he had already decided to use the Heart-Eating Ammonium Beast as a tuition fee for One Ear, he did not speak out about it directly and sold it for a while, intending to surprise One Ear. Because of his secretive attitude, one ear was confused and he scratched his head.

This is a hotel called "Old Musket". There are three floors in total. The interior decoration and furnishings are very elegant. Once you enter the door, you will feel like you have come to a noble mansion. The floor is covered with high-grade wool carpets, and as soon as you enter the door, there are beautiful women who come up to greet you with a smile, and there are long rows of clean stained glass on both sides of the corridor.

Tangke planned to go to sleep beautifully for a night, parted from one ear halfway, and walked to his room. Just as he was about to push the door in, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the corridor. He turned his head and saw that it was a subordinate who had rushed over. He stopped opening the door and waited for his men to run forward.

"Captain, after we landed, the mother and son asked to talk to you. The woman also asked me to send you a message, and she said, 'I am willing to accept all conditions, please set sail soon and send our mother and son back Home'." The bearded pirate wrapped in a purple turban bowed and saluted, then explained.

Tangke showed a conspiracy-successful smile. He was not surprised. Alicia would definitely be frightened after such a terrifying storm, and naturally did not dare to waste any more time.

"Good news, I'd be very happy if she agreed when she was at sea. But right now, I have other important things to do, and I don't have time to hang out with her. Go tell her, I'll do it as soon as possible. Set sail, tell her to wait for me to wash it in vain." Tangke said lightly, he just regarded Elisa as a plaything, since it is a plaything, of course, he will only play with it when he is very bored.

"Captain, forgive my remarks. That woman looks very anxious. If you don't go to see her, she will probably go crazy with anxiety." The bearded pirate laughed twice, "Besides, she looks good, go Is it okay to meet?"

"Crazy? Wouldn't that be more fun? Just leave her there."

The bearded pirate was ashamed, nodded and said, "Okay. I understand."

Just as Tangke was about to send his subordinates away,

I remembered something in the middle, and waved: "By the way, you can give One Eye a message by the way, and ask him to work harder and help me settle all the sailors' accommodation. Also, if there is any trivial matter for the pirate group these days, Let him deal with it too.”

"I'll take these words to Captain One-Eyed."

"Okay, nothing else."

"Then I wish you a good night, I'm leaving." The bearded pirate said respectfully, turned and left, disappearing at the end of the corridor.

Tangke opened the door slowly, his eyes were slack, he was thinking about something. He doesn't like the tedious work of financial management, port affairs, personnel arrangement, etc., and he has the heart to share these troubled things, but most of the pirate groups are men of five big and three rough, and few of them can make him feel at ease. As for the one-eyed guy, although he is very reliable, according to the character of one-eyed, he will not like this kind of work.

"It seems that we need to consider recruiting a managerial talent." Tangke closed the door, and the image of an old housekeeper appeared in his mind. He needed such a reliable and patient helper.

After the development of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, there has been a talent gap again. It is unrealistic for Tangke to recruit all through the system. This huge gap still has to be recruited through the port. When they came to the small pirate city, in addition to shipbuilding and ship repair, recruiting sailors was also a top priority.


The pirate port always gives people a sense of chaos and disorder. Even if the pirate group stays here, they will never dare to take it lightly. On the ships docked along the coast, there were pirates guarding the ships on each ship, and no one dared to hand over the ships completely to the port management.

The Sky is no exception. Frankie, Frogs, captives, and some pirates are still on the ship and use it as a residence.

"What? You said he's too busy to see me right now?" After Alyssa heard the story of the bearded pirate, she couldn't believe her ears. A few days ago, Tangke was still like a The little greedy cat who was fascinated by her, how did she take up the air now?

The bearded pirate glanced at Alyssa's charming and charming appearance, and secretly envied the team leader's blessing, and he would definitely be happy to spend the night with such a woman. He shrugged and said, "I forgot what I said, maybe that's what it meant. But he promised to set sail as soon as possible, and he also said that you will wait for him in vain."

Washed white?

Alicia thought deeply, and then saw the somewhat wretched expression of the bearded pirate, and suddenly felt ashamed. Her face became hot all of a sudden, red all the way to the base of her ears. She said in a panic, "Okay, okay, I know what he meant. Thank you, thank you for coming to spread the word."

After speaking, Alyssa slammed the door shut, not wanting to see the bearded pirate's face again. She leaned against the door, her breathing was disordered, and her full breasts rose and fell, and her feminine charm was difficult to hide even in a male sailor suit.

She pondered Tangke's thoughts, maybe the pirate was trying to escape, maybe the pirate really didn't care about her, but for whatever reason, she felt very angry.

"This hateful, despicable, heinous pirate." Alyssa said through gritted teeth, looking like a little girl was coquettish.

"Mom, your face is so red." Jim sat on the bed playing with his pocket watch, looking at his mother inexplicably, he had just broken free from the fear brought by the storm.

Alisha was shyly poked and covered up: "It's just too hot in the room, I'm fine, and we'll be going home soon."


In the middle of the night three days after the Evil Dragon Pirates arrived at the port, Tang Ke led four of his men to a deserted shore. The four men pushed a large wooden cart with four wooden reels under the cart and a simple wooden cell on top.

In the past few days, Tangke spent most of his time studying the construction of new ships, making adjustments to details, and also determining the number and amount of new weapons to be purchased. He felt the time had come, so he went to the shore tonight.

"Captain, what are we doing here?" a pirate with a metal hoop earring asked curiously.

Tangke walked at the forefront, one foot deep and one shallow, leaving a row of footprints on the sand. Only he held a glass lamp in his hand. The dim yellow light was very dazzling at night. The shadows of several of them swayed in the light, like black paper-cuts.

"Meet a big guy," Tangke replied, thought for a while, and corrected himself, "No, it's two big guys."

"Big guy?" Several men looked at each other, and one of them was smarter, "Head, are you recruiting new sea beasts again?"

K admits that he looked around and listened, feeling very quiet around him, just a few of them.

The subordinates were interested, and they asked at a whim, wanting to know what the head of the regiment was going to summon this time. However, Tangke didn't answer seriously, he just said that he would summon a tentacled sea beast, so that they would be a little mentally prepared later.

Tang Ke stood on the edge of the beach, the sea drowned his boots, and the heat of the sea at night disappeared, with a hint of coolness and the rhythmic sound of the waves.

He closed his eyes, and the starry sea disappeared from his eyes, replaced by a computer screen-like system interface. He used his consciousness to enter the [Recruitment] column and retrieved the heart-snatching ammonite. With more than 4,000 reward points in his hand, he was able to recruit a total of two young heart-snatching ammonites, one could be given to the master shipbuilder, and the other could be kept in the pirate group and cultivated slowly.

The fossil at the Great White Shark Shipyard is only the height of a person, and it is obviously a heart-snatching ammonite in its infancy. If it is a mature adult, the body length of the heart-snatching ammonite can reach an astonishing 80 yards or more.

Tang Ke named both the Heart-Catching Ammonium Beasts Xiaozhang, and was not worried about the duplication of names, because only one of the two Ammonite Beasts could survive, and the other only needed to be the material for making weapons. It's not fair, but he has to do it hard.

"Come out. Come to me." Tangke opened his eyes, his eyes were as bright as the stars. The cry jumped in the sound of the waves and stretched far.

There was a response from the sea soon, and the sound of tentacles hitting the sea surface came back, but it was too far to see clearly. Tangke waited patiently for a while, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and saw two figures swimming in the sea. When they got close, more than 30 tentacles resembling octopuses stretched out from the sea, and then two heart-snatching ammonites crawled out.

The two guys are still children, only ten yards long, with a white snail shell on the back, and the tentacles are gray-white, and there is a hidden black shadow power flowing inside, and there are hidden spikes at the ends of the tentacles. If you don't look at the hard shell on the back, the Heart-Eating Ammonite is very similar to the Octopus, but the tentacles are much more than the Octopus, and the thickness is uneven, and the Ammonite has a fangs with sharp teeth. Big mouth, looks more ferocious.

The four subordinates shouted and shouted from behind. They were not afraid of the weird-looking Heart Attacking Ammonite, but were happy because the pirate group had added such assistance.

One of the small chapters stretched out his tentacles and wanted to touch Tangke's face, which was a very intimate gesture. Tangke didn't dodge, let the wet tentacles touch his cheeks, it was a little cold, and the tentacles were very soft.

Tangke looked at the two huge eyeballs on either side of Xiaozhang, and each of them watched for a while.

"Lord, master." Xiao Zhang said inarticulately, his wisdom was barely able to learn common language, but he could only express simple meanings.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Tangke asked, only then did the two Xiaozhang's tentacles be removed.

A small chapter nodded eagerly.

Tangke knew that long pain was better than short pain, and decided to finish the matter quickly. He took out a silver coin, put it in the palm of his hand, and showed it to the two small chapters.

"Look. These are two sides of a coin, one is heads and the other is tails. You two have to choose different sides. Stay for a while, and this coin will decide your fate."

"What do you mean? Xiaozhang doesn't understand."

Tangke had to repeat these words several times until the two chapters figured out the meaning of the front and back of the silver coin, and understood how this "game" was played.

"I see, I choose the front." Xiao Zhang raised his tentacles and said.

"I also choose the front." The other small chapter is still a little ignorant.

Tangke waved his hand and said, "You can't choose the same face."

"Then I'll choose the opposite." The little chapter at the back had to change his tune.

"Let the coin decide the fate." Tangke decided to reveal the cruel answer. He threw the silver coin into the air, raised his head at the same time, and took it into his hand after the silver coin spun in countless circles. He took a deep breath before slowly moving his hand away. The king's head on the silver coin was shining brightly, "It's the front."

"I chose it," cheered Xiaozhang, who had no idea why, he fell in love with the master who loves to play games.

Tangke stared at the little chapter that was abandoned by fate and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, you were chosen. I will do some excessive things to you, some things that you do not want to accept." He put his waist The Xingyue Scimitar pulled out, the sharp blade reflected the starry night sky, "You can use this knife to slash me, this is compensation for you. When you feel hated me, just think about this. Take a knife. Then, you'll be better off."

"I can't cut you." The selected Xiaozhang said flatly.

"This is an order, you have to do it." Tangke continued to walk into the sea, holding the machete flat, and forcibly shoved it into Xiaozhang's tentacles.

"No." Xiao Zhang's tentacles trembled.

"Come on, this is my first order to you, and it may be the last. You must slash me with this knife." Tangke felt that he could feel at ease by doing this, otherwise he would be really sorry for Xiaozhang.

"Okay then." Xiao Zhang reluctantly rolled up the handle of the machete, raised the machete, and made a slashing gesture.

No matter how slow the reaction was, the few subordinates could see the clue. They rushed over to stop the knife and spoke out to discourage it.

Tangke threw one of his subordinates back to the shore and said calmly, "Don't meddle in your own business, this knife is necessary to exist."

"Master don't do this"

"That is why ah?"

"Even if you want to cut, let me replace you."

Several subordinates shouted fiercely, but as soon as they stepped forward to stop them, they were thrown back to the shore by Tangke, and even angered Tangke.

At this time, Xiao Zhang finally swung a knife, but only touched Tangke's clothes symbolically, without any lethality.

"I'm done." Xiao Zhang handed back the machete, its tentacles were very flexible.

Tangke felt deeply in his heart. He took the machete and aimed the blade at his left arm.

"If you can't do it, let me do it myself. No matter how deep or shallow the knife is, it's just my opinion." As soon as Tangke finished speaking, there was already an extra wound on his left arm. It will damage the muscles and bones, but it is definitely deep, and the blood drips into the sea water, like a red flower blooming.

"Are you injured, does it hurt?" Xiaozhang asked, trying to touch Tangke's wound.

Tangke tore off a piece of fabric, tied the wound, and said, "Don't worry about this, go into the cage yourself."

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