Pirate System

Two hundred and thirteenth chapter attend the meeting

Chapter 213


The Angel of Power swooped down, trying to stab the stern of the Black Pearl with the light blade. At this critical moment, a shell from the northwest hit the end of the light blade, breaking the light blade device, and the light blade hit Flying out, the light energy quickly dissipated. Without the light blade on the Angel of Strength, it is equivalent to a knight without a spear. With only brute strength, he can only slam into the Black Pearl with a muffled sound, unable to cause huge damage. The Angel of Power arched the Black Pearl a long distance away, and landed heavily on the sea. Before it could stop on the sea, the black water at the bottom of the ship became sticky.

This life-saving cannon can be called wind.

The pirates yelled long live, and turned their heads to look for the source of the cannon. They saw a few firefly lights approaching in the thick night. To everyone's surprise, this light spot was obviously higher than the sea surface. , not like a ship driving on the sea, but more like some kind of flying object.

The Black Pearl was shaking violently. Tang Ke tried his best to support the artillery beside him, his eyebrows twitched, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he shouted excitedly: "Could it be the Cangtian?"

On the Angel of Power, Michael originally planned to lead the sailors to attack the Black Pearl, but because of the appearance of a third party, he did not act rashly. He stood erect on the ship and looked up into the sky.

As the light spots approached, a white ship appeared, like an eagle, with a propeller device protruding from the mast, spinning hummingly. Because the artillery fire stopped, the sound of the ship flying became very clear. To the pirates, the sound of the propeller turning was very beautiful. Just like Tang Ke's guess, this ship is the Cangtian

Xunying Heidian sent the news and finally transferred the ship.

The arrival of the Cangtian has reversed the disadvantages of the battlefield at once. With the addition of this magic ship, the Li Angel will undoubtedly be defeated. In addition, this ship also carries a group of elite soldiers and generals. There are as many as three gibbons

"Ghost Norman, see Commander Tang Ke!" A loud shout came from the Cangtian, and it was he who fired the crucial shot just now.

The weary pirates seethed and cheered.

"It's Cangtian, it's our Cangtian"

"Oh so bang we are saved"

"With Cangtian, we can defeat this group of ***"

The pirates raised their weapons and rekindled their fighting spirit. Even Tang Ke regained his fighting spirit and said viciously: "Michael,

Since you want to play, I will play with you to the end." He led everyone to the stern, stood on a high place, and looked at the opposite navy.

Michael pursed his lips depressedly, his face was surprisingly ugly, he wanted to give it up twice, but in the end his reason prevailed, and he said unwillingly: "Tang Ke, you are such a lucky guy, to be here At this time, I ran into a rescuer. This game is here for the time being, so let's go."

If it was just now, Tang Ke would be very happy to hear this statement, but now that the balance is tilting towards him, he has more confidence.

"Michael, is it up to you now?"

Michael chuckled with disdain, and said lightly, "Think about how badly you were beaten just now."

The meaning in the words couldn't be more clear, Michael has the strength to kill Tang Ke at any time, there is no benefit in scaring him.

Tang Ke's eyes flickered a few times, and finally stepped back, and said calmly: "Michael, between you and me, it won't be the case."

Michael said nonchalantly: "Of course, how can water and fire coexist."

The navy and the pirates were originally on the opposite side, and had a very intense conflict of interests. Leaving aside this position, an additional seed called hatred was planted in the hearts of the two of them. , will be a state of endless death.

To Tonk, Michael was a formidable foe, as troublesome as Zela of the Cannibal Pirates.

For Michael, although Tang Ke is currently easy to deal with, it puts an invisible pressure on him, which makes him unable to let go.

Looking at each other, the boat under Tang Ke's feet gradually drifted away, and the strength supporting him was also dissipating. His vision became more and more blurred, until the two sides were far enough away, all the ships of the navy turned around, and he finally couldn't support himself. He fell to the ground and passed out amidst the excruciating pain and exhaustion of his body.

Many, many "heads" shouted at the same time and surrounded them.

This was the last voice Tang Ke heard, and these voices made him feel at ease. Following his coma, this one-three-fold naval battle finally came to an end.

When Tang Ke woke up, it was already three days later, and his five boats were sailing steadily on the rippling sea, without the rumble of artillery fire or the shadow of swords and swords. He breathed a sigh of relief and inspected the sea surface. He was on the Black Pearl, because he was there to calm down the stupid monsters on the ship. In addition, there are two dilapidated fourth-tier battleships, which were just snatched. The other two ships are Cangtian and Serenade. He walked around the deck, talked with his men, learned what had happened in the past few days, and discussed the next course. The black lightning flew down from the sky and landed on Tang Ke's shoulder. Tang Ke smiled and stroked Xun Ying's soft neck.

In the past few days, nothing major happened, and the navy did not come after them. The only thing worth mentioning is that the stupid monster had a conflict with the pirates, and there were casualties. Fortunately, someone cleverly pushed the unconscious Tang Ke out. Suppressed the stupid monster.

To put it bluntly, the stupid monsters are a group of bloodthirsty beasts, unreasonable, and cannot be driven by common sense. They only look for Tang Ke as their master. Tang Ke executed the murderous stupid monster, and then let the pirates on the Black Pearl go to another ship. The ship of the Black Pearl can only keep the monsters made by the ship itself, otherwise conflicts will often break out.

Looking at the pitch-black hand, Tang Ke felt a lot of emotion. As long as he doesn't encounter a flying magic ship like the Li Angel, the ability of the Black Pearl is still very powerful, not to mention there is still room for upgrading. The top five magic ship

In terms of reward points, they have increased and decreased, and currently there are only more than 2,000 points left. It is obvious that a big task that has just been completed, but there are only so many points left. However, he was not discouraged. Without these reward points, he would have been reduced to a prisoner and allowed to be slaughtered by Michael. In this battle, apart from those who died on the spot, there were still a few low-level swordsmen and musketeers, two mutilated poisonous sea thorns, and a long-armed bear. Among them, the one who consumes the most points and is also the most powerful is the Elf Druid Carol. He is equipped with skills such as healing, transformation, and imprisonment, and has great potential. He may become the main force of the pirate group in the future.

The incident of the evolution of the black pearl came to an end. Tang Ke set his sights on the next big thing. He wants to lead the backbone of the pirate group to Liuan Liuhai and take down the slick clover caravan.

Tang Ke led the fleet to a pirate port, repaired the ship, and bought a new high-grade sword, which was a snake-shaped Malacreshi sword. In addition, he spent money to buy The three medium-sized fast ships have expanded the number of ships in the pirate group. Of course, after buying a new ship, a large number of people have to be recruited. After finishing all this, they rushed to Hama Island non-stop, and sent a batch of gifts to the island, including many daily necessities. These things made the Tutan Emperor croak. Tang Ke will not give away these things in vain, and leave At that time, nearly a thousand bomb-spitting frogs were taken away by hand, and all of them were assembled on the ship, which greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the pirate group.

"Ding, your second fleet carried out a successful plunder and snatched a large merchant ship and a medium-sized merchant ship, and received 2 gold coins in cash, which is equivalent to 3256 gold coins. You get reward points for this."

During the voyage, Tang Ke was training as a warlock when he suddenly heard this system sound. He browsed through it, and it suddenly dawned on him that he would also get reward points when the pirate fleet plundered. The system has a certain control over the acquisition of reward points. Tang Ke can get reward points by killing people and robbing ships himself, but the rest of the pirate group can't do this, which also kills his chance to earn points.

Although the reward points given by the fleet for committing crimes are a little less, it is better than nothing.

Building ports and other fleets committing crimes have become new ways for Tang Ke to obtain reward points, and he does not need to do it himself. With the growth of the pirate group, the increase in territory and fleet, his reward points will also come rolling in. At that time, the development of the pirate group will be in the shape of a wheel, and it will be on the right track of rapid growth.

"Michael, Zela, when I become strong enough, I will remove all your stumbling blocks." Tang Ke stood in the sea breeze, looked coldly at the vast and boundless sea, and made a firm oath.

Tang Ke returned to Dragon's Nest Island with a much larger fleet, joining forces on the island. After walking for so long, when he saw Dragon's Nest Island again, the shore had undergone earth-shaking changes, with a large continuous building complex, solid and tall walls, and a well-maintained fort. The pirates have already established a foothold here, even if the natives on the island turn against them, don't expect to drive them away. But for the time being, there is no need to have such unreasonable thoughts. The pirates and the natives get along very well, and they often communicate with each other.

The agronomists on the island have cultivated a large plantation and planted tobacco. Next year, they will be able to harvest a large amount of tobacco. At that time, they can try to conduct tobacco trade. Tang Ke had great expectations for the tobacco trade. If it were ordinary goods, he would not be so concerned, but things like tobacco and alcohol were more to his appetite. Rather than saying that he wants to make money, it might be better to say that he is just very interested in this matter, and wants to see the situation of tobacco after it becomes popular in this different world.

"Hey, it must be interesting for the king to look like he's smoking a cigarette?" Tang Ke said with a smirk.

The date with Christine was approaching, Tang Ke only stayed on Dragon Nest Island for a short time, and immediately rushed to Liuan Liuhai with the most powerful lineup of the pirate group. The pirate group now has sixteen ships, and he brought twelve ships with him this time, leaving only four ordinary ships, and the housekeeper Iona continued to stay on Dragon's Nest Island as the head of the family.

There are only two ways to go to Liuan Liuhai, one is to enter the Gem Sea and pass through the Golden Sea Gate, but that is where the five empires look around, and it is too risky for pirates to go there. The other way is to drive south from Dragon's Nest Island, via the Rum River on the mainland of Kovaire, and after crossing this river, you can also reach Liuan Liuhai. For Tang Ke, he could only choose the Rum River as his way forward. The Rum River is notorious for being a hideout for many pirate bands.

The Rum River is very wide, with many tributaries and many islands. The terrain is very complex. It is because of the complex terrain that it can become a hiding place for pirates. In addition, there are some impoverished small countries on both sides of the river bank. These small countries collude with the pirates to get what they need from each other. With these two points, the Rum River has naturally become the warm netg of the pirates. After the pirates sailed into the sea, they went to the route to rob the passing merchant ships. If they were chased by the navy, they fled back to the Rum River and escaped by taking advantage of the complicated terrain. Over time, this place has become a confidant of the five empires.

Day by day, the Dragon Pirates came to the Rum River, entered the wide river, hired a few experienced guides at the small port on the bank, and then swaggered deep into Hanoi. There are many pirate groups in this river, but they are all relatively small. The size of the Dragon Pirate Group today is enough to walk sideways on this river.

The wounds on Tang Ke's body had already healed. He was on the deck of the Black Pearl, competing with One Eye, Carol, and Red Locke. He had a great time fighting. With his feet bound, Tang Ke dodged the one-eyed bullet while resisting Red Locke's attack with the Malacreshi sword. At this moment, the stupid monster on the observation deck suddenly screamed, and this cry drew strong responses from other monsters on the ship. The actions of several people stopped abruptly one after another, retracted their weapons, and looked at each other.

It's not just the dumb monsters that are in the situation, but also the lookouts of other ships. After hearing the report, Tang Ke learned that there was a large fleet ahead, and the flying pirate flag was a nvxìng skull with flowers in its mouth. , this pirate flag is very famous, it is the symbol of the Chinese pirate group.

The image of that purebred elf female pirate immediately flashed in Tang Ke's mind. The other party had impeccable beauty and strength that most men would have to look up to.

She is perfect, but too perfect, so perfect that men dare not think about it.

In this looting operation, the Chinese pirate group also participated in it, and the two parties were regarded as accomplices. But Eunice, a woman, has always been cold and arrogant. If she came up to say hello, she would probably put her hot face on her cold ass, which is very boring. Tang Ke ordered to advance normally, and just fired a few cannons when the two sides passed each other.

Eunice's fleet has more than 60 ships, and it has exhausted the strength of the pirate group. Due to the relatively large scale of her fleet, it has formed a long queue. On the contrary, the fleet is a bit slower than the fleet of the Dragon Pirates.

Tang Ke wanted to just pass by like this, but he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative to become enthusiastic, and played the semaphore of the ship and the ship.

Since the Black Pearl is a Tier 3 magic ship, it logically replaced the Cang Tian as the flagship. The flagship of the Hua language pirate group is called the Death of Hua, which is also a third-order magic ship. There is a huge man-eating Hua on board, and some special abilities are also related to plants.

The Death of Hua and the Black Pearl got closer, and a ladder made of vines grew rapidly from the Death of Hua, and it was covered with small purple flowers. Eunice stepped on the flowers and walked down. Her indifferent expression added a bit of beauty like iceberg snowdrops. Her slender legs were slender and naked, showing her 1ù skin that could be broken by blowing bombs. Because of the skin It was so good, so good, it even gave off a charming halo. When she was walking, her plump breasts flicked and flicked, making the men salivate and jump with fear.

Tang Ke had a polite communication with Eunice and greeted him. He felt that the woman in front of him was really a monster. The closer he got, the stronger the restlessness in his heart. When he and Eunice looked at each other, there would be a feeling of being sucked in by the other party. Eunice's eyes were like a clear and cold deep pool.

"Is this ship a magic ship?" Eunice had a rare emotion, and looked at the Black Pearl with great interest.

Tang Ke suddenly realized that this woman was attracted by the Black Pearl? He secretly smiled, from this we can see how important it is for a man to have a cool car

"Yes." Tang Ke admitted with a smile.

Eunice walked and watched on the deck without authorization, and her high heels made a wonderful sound. When she saw those ferocious monsters, she was not afraid at all, and asked curiously, "What is she capable of?"

"She" does not refer to the stupid monster, but the ship itself.

"Hehe, she just went to sea not long ago, and only a few people have seen her power, so I have to keep some things secret for the time being." Tang Ke didn't fall for his beauty, and his mind was still clear.

"Which master shipbuilder built her?"

"Well... keep it a secret."

Eunice raised her eyebrows and said displeasedly, "Should I call you Mr. Secret?"

"Secrets are not exclusive to women. Men also need secrets." Tang Ke shrugged.

Eunice stared at Tang Ke for a while. In many cases, her eyes have become a killer weapon against men, but this time it failed. She asked again indifferently: "Can you take me to the boat for a casual visit?"

Tang Ke said with a wry smile: "I have to say sorry again." The heart of the magic ship in the cabin is the death of the Black Pearl, and must not be known by outsiders, not to mention Eunice, no matter who comes. Don't even think about visiting.

Eunice's expression seemed to say: You are such an incomprehensible man. In the end, she threw down a disappointing sentence, turned around and walked back, leaving a faint fragrance of flowers along the way.

Tang Ke smiled and said no, and couldn't help but look at Eunice's round buttocks a few more times, feasting his eyes.

A figure stopped in front of Eunice, bent down very gentlemanly, put his hands behind his back, and held a small flower with the other hand, saying, "Beautiful lady, this flower is for you."

The person who came was Druid Carol. He was a romantic man by nature, he liked to be promiscuous, and he had a special liking for girls from good families, but he had little interest in girls from prostitutes.

Eunice walked past Carol without even looking at her, she was extremely indifferent. In this world, the men who can interest her can be counted on her fingers, and the fingers of one hand are enough.

A gust of wind blew, and Carol was left on the spot, maintaining the awkward posture of a gentleman sending flowers, as if petrified.

Seeing Carol's failure in picking up girls, Tang Ke and the others were rocked with laughter.

Carol looked distressed, clutched his heart and said, "My heart... hurts so much."

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