Pirate System

Chapter 216: The Devil's Height is 1 Zhang

Chapter 216

The five pirate groups made an appointment to meet near the Turbulent Sea. The time was set for the seventh day of the new moon. Christine arrived first. Tonk and Eunice also arrived a few days before the appointed date. Crazy Colonel Moldo was on time on the appointed day. arrived. Among the five pirate groups, only the pirate group of the salivating dog Peel has not come for a long time. Tang Ke dismissed this. In his opinion, are the twenty ships of Salivary Dog worth it? , has little effect on this action.

But Christine deeply regrets the absence of Salivary Dog. He has investigated the situation of the Clover Caravan in detail. In the caravan, there are a total of three magic ships in formation, for the very tricky Knight of the Waves. The several partners he chose have their own purpose. Crazy Colonel Moldo has an old feud with the Greenland Empire, so he will definitely contribute a lot in this battle. Tang Ke is blessed with a golden beard and has a great deterrent effect, making businessmen fearful. Salivary Dog's magic boat has a strong defense and can be used to block the magic boat of the Clover Caravan. Without his help, this battle will be much more difficult.

As for choosing Eunice, there is no need for too many reasons. Her pirate group is the most powerful of the five pirate groups and plays a decisive role.

For the absence of Salivary Dog, Christine expressed regret over and over again. Crazy Colonel Moldo finally couldn't get used to it, and told a heavy news that he heard on the way.

"It's not that the ugly dog ​​doesn't want to come, but it can't come." Moldo just drank a large glass of vodka and was pouring new wine into the empty glass. This is the open-air deck of the Bloody Magic, where the three chiefs sat around, chatting while drinking. Of course, Eunice, who has always been indifferent, would not attend this kind of dinner.

"Why can't you come? What else do you want?" Christine asked.

Tang Ke had a bit of a festive relationship with Salivary Dog, so he also raised some interest, put down the greasy chicken legs, and set his sights on Moldo.

Moldo said flatly: "I heard a news when I was replenishing at the port. The salivating dog attacked the Cang Tian and threatened to ignore the golden beard, so it provoked the golden beard's revenge. The fleet was wiped out, and all twenty of his ships were sunk, including of course the messy Pudding. Since then, there have been no Fang Fang pirates in the world. However, some people say that Peel got away with it, because there was no People believe his dead body." After he finished speaking, he stared at Tang Ke closely, and the subtext seemed to be: It's all because of you.

After Tang Ke heard it, he was so happy that he sent people to spread rumors on purpose before, with the purpose of killing people with a knife, and let Jinbeard take care of the saliva dog. Unexpectedly, Jinbeard really saved face, and let the saliva dog destroy the group as soon as he made a move. This news is really shocking. He felt very comfortable, happy to the bone, only felt that the sky was high, the sea was blue, and his appetite was whetted...

Christine looked at Tang Ke with resentment on his face, and said, "Brother Tang Ke, this trip of yours directly tripped the salivating dog into the abyss.

After all, he is also our partner, without him, we would have to work harder. "

Tang Ke couldn't stop laughing, right? The so-called shrugged his shoulders and said: "He provoked me first, and he deserved it. I can't be a persimmon just because he is a partner. As for this looting operation, I feel that our strength is enough."

The ships of the four pirate regiments add up to more than 180 ships, more than 20 ships in total than the clover caravan, and seven of them are magic ships. The clover caravan is by no means an opponent. Their looting operation this time, if nothing else, has a great advantage.

Fortunately, Christine didn't have a deep friendship with Salivary Dog. He was relieved after being depressed for a while, and even chatted with Tonk about endurance.

"Brother Tang Ke, there is a saying that if you can't bear it, you can make trouble. For men, if they encounter something that makes them angry, it's easy to burst out, but it's hard to endure it. Patience is more important than explosion." A lot of strength." Christine made a gesture of pressing down, "It is a strong performance to be able to control the fight."

Tang Ke glanced at Christine, and said disapprovingly: "What's the point of a life of swallowing your anger, and didn't you say that you want to live every minute of your life happily?"

"Many times, it will be more enjoyable to explode after being patient. All I have to do is to ignore the damage I suffered before the explosion. In this way, I can guarantee that I will be happy every day." Chris Ding said triumphantly.

Moldo had a dull expression on his face. He was touched, and suddenly interjected in a muffled voice: "Some sons have to take things seriously, such as the pain of subjugation." He obviously still misses the death of his motherland. thing, right? I can't let go, that's why I hate the Greenland Empire so much.

As a time traveler, Tang Ke can understand this kind of patriotism very well. He looked at Moldo with a solemn expression.

Christine raised his cup, the coffee in it was shaking, and he said, "Colonel Moldo, for your great loyalty and patriotism, I would like to respect you."

After the three of them clinked glasses, they drank the liquid in the cup, and Moldo's pain of subjugation seemed to ease a little. The next topics of the few people were all ramblings, and Christine showed everyone the stealing skills and hoarse singing voice during the dinner. Tang Ke asked someone to bring the poker, and performed a simple poker magic hand. He could make the five god cards stay together forever, and even if the cards were cut, they would naturally gather together. Christine only watched it twice before deciphering Tang Ke's little trick and imitating it on the spot. Moldo seldom spoke, watching the performance of the two silently.

An eagle's cry came from the sky, which attracted the attention of the three regiment leaders, and they looked up.

Christine narrowed his eyes to reduce the impact of the sun on his eyesight. He muttered, "This hawk looks familiar, it might be mine." His guess was correct. The hawk hovered for a while, and finally ran here , landed in the middle of the table very rudely, and yelled at him. He took off the letter from Xunying's body and buried himself in the reading, his brows were suddenly furrowed, as if there was some bad news in the letter.

Tang Ke couldn't help asking: "Is it about the Clover Caravan?"

Christine didn't get distracted from answering, his eyes were still scanning the letter paper repeatedly, he nodded, confirmed what happened, and said sadly: "That's right, it's about the clover caravan, but the news is sad " He sighed, still holding on to the letter, "On the surface, the letter said that the clover caravan changed its route and asked us to leave here and go to another route to intercept merchant ships. But this is only superficial information, and there are still It implies a deeper meaning. This letter was indeed written by my hand, but there are several letters in the handwriting that are deliberately written slightly differently. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t believe it. From this point of view, this letter Is the letter under duress? It was written under Naidi’s circumstances, and my subordinates are warning me that this is a wrong message.”

Tang Ke's expression became more and more dignified. It was a very bad thing that Christine's spies were found out, but he still had a good fantasy, and asked, "Only by a few slightly different letters?" Can you judge?"

Christine said very confidently: "This is enough. My subordinate is a very reliable person, and I know his handwriting very well. Even the letter he wrote will not be wrong. That's him, a pretty straight-forward guy."

Tang Ke could hear that Christine valued the subordinate who died in the line of duty very much, so he acted so hurt. But right now is not the time to hold a memorial service for this spy, he thought for a while, and speculated: "If your guess is correct, the people in the caravan must be trying to trick us into going to another route. .”

Moldo nodded in agreement, but he didn't seem too worried, maybe because his expression couldn't be any worse.

Christine sorted out her emotions and said calmly, "You're right. If we deduce it backwards in this way, they will continue to follow the original route after deceiving us."

Tang Ke interjected: "They will do whatever they want, and we can also do what we want. We don't need to change our strategy at all, we just need to stay here. Here, we can still wait for those businessmen, and then take the money out of their pockets." Snatch it clean”

After discussing for a while, the three pirate captains all felt that this inference was valid and they should stick to it. Christine's sadness didn't last long, and he took advantage of this conversation to get on board the Death of Flower and told Eunice about it, and Eunice also agreed with this decision.

Clover caravan leader Sycamon's little trick showed flaws and failed to deceive the cunning Christine. As a result, the two sides still proceeded as usual according to the original script, and an epic naval battle between pirates and merchants was coming.

Without Christine, the three-person banquet was announced to end. Tang Ke returned to the fleet with a three-point drunk, and slept with his head covered for a long time. Before he had enough sleep, his subordinates People called out. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, and asked his subordinates why they called him, and his subordinates reported with a little panic, claiming that a scout eagle had landed on the Cangtian and brought a letter.

When Tang Ke heard that the news eagle had sent a letter, he speculated that it might be from Dragon Nest Island. If this is the case, something must have happened. As soon as he thought this way, he gathered his energy, opened the letter, and read it carefully. When he saw the signature of the sender, he was taken aback. The name on it was Kafu, the captain of the Lucky Star, not someone from Dragon's Nest Island.

Back then, in order to complete the mission, Tang Ke randomly gathered a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, which greatly increased the number of pirates, but these people did not have much fighting power. In order to fight these people, he simply bought a second-hand boat named Lucky Star , Let this group of people take this boat to help him inquire about the news of the Naga murlocs. After such a long time, he didn't take it seriously anymore. He didn't expect that gang of rabble to come in handy. He inquired about a lot of useful information, stuffed it into an envelope and sent Xunying to send it over.

Xunying needs to be marked when sending a letter. Usually, it is a fixed ship, a certain sea area or a certain flag. The mark that this Xunying got is the appearance of the Cangtian. It flew all the way and found it here by luck. . If Xunying fails to find the relevant ship, or loses the letter along the way, will it? Chennai turned back.

Tang Ke was amazed in his heart, and then carefully read the contents of the letter. What caught his attention was the information mentioned on the last piece of paper, which claimed that he had found out in the port of Greenland that the cannibal pirate group had sent a large number of The Naga murlocs passed through the Golden Sea Gate, with the goal of capturing the Clover Caravan. If the news is accurate, Tang Ke and the others will face the fierce opponents of the Naga murlocs. There is a chill in his heart. If the murlocs are in groups, their combat effectiveness at sea is astonishing.

The news sent by the mob from Lucky Asterisk was so important that Tang Ke remembered it in his heart, and murmured: "It seems that I have to raise your wages."

This matter was no small matter. Tang Ke put the letter in his arms and left the house in a hurry. Although it was a good time for dinner, he immediately called several pirate captains to the Cang Tian, ​​including Eunice, who has always been indifferent. Several people gathered together to talk in the closed room, and there were no other extra people in the room.

"Everyone, I got a message from Dream Sea. It is said that the cannibal pirates are going to rob the clover caravan just like us, and they are flying here. The news is spreading in the port. It won't be groundless." Tang Ke said seriously, scanning the expressions of the other three captains, even Eunice's eyes lit up after hearing this sentence, and the other two were a little shocked. He took out the letter and gave it to several people to read. Although this is just the news that was found at the port, no one dares to take it lightly. They can only assume that the cannibal pirate group is indeed dispatched, and make the worst plan and study the countermeasures.

Christine frowned and said: "This will be troublesome. How many murlocs have you sent from the cannibal pirates?"

"More than three thousand." Tang Ke replied.

"I'd rather fight with a hundred more ships than fight with this gang of Naga murlocs. Their ability to build ships is really too vicious." Christine shook his head.

"I had some quarrels with the cannibal pirates, so I prepared a lot of weapons on the boat specifically for dealing with murlocs, such as crimson jellyfish, depth charges, etc. How about you? With so many boats, you have to be prepared, right? There are many words on the wrong novel network." Tang Ke looked at the few people eagerly. This is very important, because time is running out now, and it is impossible to go to the port to buy weapons. weapons to fight.

"Yes, but not many." Moldo said.

"I only have a quarter of the bottom covered in metal," Eunice said.

Tang Ke finally looked at Christine, the other party's answer was written on his face, and he must be seriously lacking in this aspect, right? Nai said: "Let's come up with ideas together, what should we do?" The four of them don't agree with each other, it's just a cooperative relationship. At this time, they can only brainstorm, and no one can make the decision.

"Everyone, don't think too pessimistically." Christine comforted, "It's not certain that we will meet the Naga murlocs. The sea is so wide, and the Naga murlocs may take a different route from ours. So I suggest that we You can’t be shaken, you should set sail immediately, and grab the clover caravan before the Naga murlocs.”

Among the four, only Tang Ke had a feud with the cannibal pirate group, and he was cursed by the fish, and he needed to kill Zela to remove it. Instead, he hoped to use this opportunity to unite with the other three captains to fight with the pirates. The Naga murlocs fought happily. In this way, it would be easier than having the Dragon Pirates alone deal with the Naga murlocs in the future. So he is very supportive of keeping the original plan unchanged.

Moldo asked cautiously: "What if we encounter a Naga murloc on the way? Now that this possibility has been discovered, it is important to have a score in mind, right? There are a lot of words on the wrong novel network"

Christine replied: "Indeed, Naga murlocs are very troublesome guys, and they are difficult to deal with. But I can negotiate with them. They rushed here eagerly, presumably also for money. As long as they are asking for money, there is room for negotiation." .If we can negotiate a solution, we can avoid war."

Tang Ke had dealt with the Naga murlocs before, and shook his head: "The Naga murlocs are very unreasonable, they are wild, warlike, and bloodthirsty."

This is a well-known fact, and these words were like cold water being poured on the head, which shattered the proposal of peace talks.

Christine still did not give up and asked: "Who is the leader of the cannibal pirate group this time? Is it their leader Zela?"

Tang Ke spread his hands and said, "I don't want to show this. There is no news about this in the letter."

"If it's Zela, then there is hope for negotiation, and it has a bit of brains in doing things. The naga murloc's action is so big this time, it is impossible for Zela not to ask. It is very likely that it will lead its subordinates in person."

Christine continued to encourage them, and said in a loud voice: "The current situation is like this. We have to change our plan, from waiting for the rabbits to take the initiative to attack, and strive to rob the clover caravan before the naga murlocs. We immediately I made an oath to attack together and take down the clover caravan. If you have pirate blood in your body, please don't have the idea of ​​running away. We are pirates, we abandon kindness, but we cannot abandon morality, we are only for profit And fighting, but many times, there are other sons worth fighting for, such as a promise. Think about it, they are just three thousand fish. What about us? There are as many as 20,000 people on our side, even if they all jump Go to the sea and fight with murlocs, and you will never lose."

These words lifted everyone's mood a lot. Tang Ke felt as if he drank a glass of strong wine, and the heat went straight to the top of his head. He looked around at Moldo and Eunice, and believed that these two people also showed firm expressions. .

"The Golden Eagle Kingdom was destroyed because of cowardice, and I have already wiped cowardice from the dictionary." Moldo stated on the spot.

"Frankly speaking, I hope to use this opportunity to end my relationship with the Naga murlocs," Tang Ke said truthfully.

Eunice doesn't like boasting. Although she is a woman, she acts very decisively. She turns and walks towards the door. A few braids under the headscarf are dangling and occasionally rubbing against her plump buttocks. She says: "I'll notify the ship The team has hoisted the sails and set sail, so you should move faster."

The remaining three elders in the house, right? Naidi looked at each other.

"Very good, I did not misread you guys, you are really great partners" Christine said courteously to the female elf who hadn't gone far, "Especially you, Miss Eunice"

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