Pirate System

Two hundred and twentieth chapter fragmented

A sea chase with as many as three hundred ships began. ,

The clover caravan moved in a detour, creating a distance of eight nautical miles from the battlefield of the pirates. In addition, the pirates and the murlocs were constantly entangled, and the distance between the two sides became wider and wider.

It is not easy for the pirates and murlocs to catch up with the merchant, and it is impossible in a short time.

Because of the chasing soldiers, the caravans were in a rough mood, and the formation gradually became loose. The caravan is composed of a number of merchant forces, each of whom only cares about themselves, scrambling to advance, for fear of falling behind, this is a very big hidden danger. As the president, Simon can temporarily restrain the merchants and force them to maintain their original formation, but when faced with a flood of enemies, his restraint will be severely tested.

The pirates pursued like wolves and tigers, their cutlasses had been sharpened, gunpowder had been stuffed into the barrels and compacted with the bullets. Greedy light shines in their eyes, and blood surges in their bones. Their hearts were passionate but ruthless, and they regarded the group of businessmen as prey to be slaughtered!

Tang Ke was wearing a suit suitable for battle, with a staff on his back, a pistol hanging on his chest, and four weapons on his left and right sides. He stood on the bridge of the Black Pearl, and before leaving, he shouted to the fleet behind him: "Little ones, this battle is extremely important. I have set a deadly target for you. We will deploy ten ships now. With such strength, at least ten ships must be grabbed. If it is lower than this target, everyone including me will be whipped 30 times. If it is higher than this target, everyone except me will get more dividends Double! Do you hear that?"

The entire Dragon Pirates roared like a tsunami:

"I heard it!" "Do you have any objections to this dead target?"


Tang Ke smiled with satisfaction, what he has is a group of the best pirates on the sea! He waved his hand and said: "I will take the Black Pearl to intercept first, and you must fight steadily with the nine ships, and don't mess up the formation. We are just these few ships, if even these ships can go Chaos, that would be too embarrassing!"

The one-eyed man on the Purgatory swore: "Leader, don't worry! We will maintain our formation."

"Then it's settled, I'll take a step first, and after this battle, we'll celebrate together!" Tang Ke released the Dark Sea Territory, blessed his own ship, and the Black Pearl let out a roar, raising its sharp horns , rushed into the surging waves.

The boat was not far away, when he suddenly thought of something, turned around and shouted, "I almost forgot, when you are fighting later, remember to pay more attention to the Mandela ship, that woman named Elizabeth is mine. !"

"Captain, don't worry,

We will risk our lives to snatch this boat lady for you! The pirates laughed and agreed abruptly.

Tang Ke turned around, and the side wind was blowing, and the hem of his windbreaker danced wildly. He looked as determined as iron, and he must try his best to complete the goals set in this battle.

Since you want to be a bad guy, you have to be a total bad guy!

It takes half a day's journey from here to the Turbulent Sea. Merchants can reach the Turbulent Sea within half a day, and they can use the current to cross to the Golden Sea Gate. After arriving there, they will be safe. The pirates will try their best to prevent the merchants from advancing. The burden is all in this half day.

The ticking of the clock, like the brisk footsteps of death, resounded in people's ears like a shadow. Death is already hanging on everyone's necks.

It was afternoon, the sun was starting to set, and no matter how bright the sun was, darkness would come. Today will be the last day of many people's lives, they will be reduced to fish food and buried in the bottomless sea. Those who can usher in tomorrow, relatively, will obtain admirable happiness. This happiness is short-lived, but it is also fascinating.

If you compare this chase to a race. The merchants took the lead for the time being, but due to their panic, cracks appeared in the formation, waiting for someone to give them a crushing blow. Zela ranked second with the murloc elite. With their current speed, they were enough to rob the merchants halfway. The magic ship of the Pirate Alliance ranked third. Every ship was hoisted with full sails, challenging the ultimate bearing capacity of the mast, and the pirates on board were all gearing up. The murlocs with weak physical strength ranked fourth, and they were the most terrifying new force. The ordinary ship fleet of the Pirate Alliance ranks fifth, which is about the same as the murlocs in front.

An hour later, Zela finally led the team to catch up to the head of the clover caravan, and it grinned in satisfaction: "Terror! Scream! Races on the shore, fast moon, please show me your cowardice! My soldiers, listen My order is to kill them all, and what I want to grab is the blood-stained gold."

There are more than 300 murlocs in this group, and they are the strongest fighters in the Naga tribe. They guarded the place where the first few ships of the fleet must pass, plunged into the deep sea, and when the distance was far enough, they stopped suddenly and looked up to see the shadows on the sea approaching. When the time was right, they roared like arrows, shooting towards the surface of the sea one after another. Their speed was extremely fast, passing by in a flash.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

There was a series of dense sounds, and the murloc's weapons pierced the bottom of the boat. They laughed, stepped on the bottom of the boat with their moon feet, and pulled out their spears, halberds, and forks with their strength, and then carried out a second round of stabbing.

The caravans leading the way were all powerful warships, and only a few five ships had no metal-clad bottoms, so the murlocs naturally picked these five ships for their attack.

In the eyes of the murlocs, the crippled bottom of the boat sucks in seawater crazily. This is a pleasing scenery.

"There are many holes in the bottom of our ship! It may be that the murlocs are attacking us!"

Shouts like this came out one after another, alarming the entire fleet, and the scalps of the merchants began to tingle, because murlocs were the nightmare of sailors.

"Murloc? How is it possible! Could it be that the pirates have recruited murlocs as helpers?" Sycammon's face was pale and bloodless, and his earrings trembled slightly, reflecting the bright afternoon sun, which was quite different from his current mood.

"A total of five pioneer ships have been attacked, what should we do?" the first officer on the ship asked with a frown.

"What can we do? What else can we do!" Sikamon yelled at the first mate with a high-pitched voice, like a raging shrew, "The turbulent sea is approaching, we need to minimize losses and try to avoid Fight pirates."

"so what?"

Sycammon's chest heaved uncontrollably, and he tore off his bow tie, releasing the restraints on his neck, allowing him to breathe a little more easily. With a gloomy expression on his face, he said cruelly: "Abandon the ship with leaky bottom and let them figure out their own way. Let's move on, and make another dispatch so that the warships with the ability to deal with sea creatures will lead the way. Send more people to the bottom of the ship."

"It's not that good, is it?" the mate reminded, "We have enough ships, maybe we can..." Nothing wrong! "Sicammon grabbed the first officer's collar angrily, and lowered his voice, "I gave them so much money, now it's time for them to repay me, isn't it fair?" As for going to war, that's out of the question, these ships are loaded with gold, and every time a ship sinks, I'll lose a lot! "

The first officer had a bitter look on his face. He had no choice but to witness an act of abandoning his companion.

The caravan continued to advance, and the five ships gradually slowed down under the onslaught of the murlocs. Even if they rushed to repair them, they couldn't stop the speed of the murlocs' attack.

"We don't have enough wood for repairing the ship! Hurry up and give us some!" Someone on a sinking ship shouted with red eyes.

The other ships responded silently, far apart, and ruthlessly abandoned the ship.

The five ships faced the same predicament. The sea water poured in wildly, spreading upwards from the bottom of the ship, climbing through each cargo warehouse, starting from the bottom deck, climbing up the steps, and gradually reaching the second and third decks. The sense of desperation shattered the hearts of the abandoned. They saw the smile of the god of death and heard the breath of the god of death.

Since the goal of preventing the caravan from advancing was not achieved, Zela changed his plan, stopped attacking the five sinking ships, and led his men to continue chasing them. This time, they no longer focused on a few fixed ships to attack , but constantly changing the attack target, causing more ships to be damaged and hindering the speed of the fleet.

Ship leaks are increasing, panic is also increasing, and many businessmen are in disarray.

"Don't worry about the bullshit formation, Rigg's ships are all fully sailed, and we will get rid of the pirates as quickly as possible!"

Decisions like this spread out the caravans even more, with the faster ones abandoning the slower ones.

Zela, who was hiding under the sea, saw everything, and as the instigator, she smiled very happily.

Because of the murloc's attack, the speed of the caravan was pulled down.

The four magic ships of the Pirate Alliance took the opportunity to catch up. They consumed a lot of magic stones during the voyage, and those magic devices were also overwhelmed, and they let out bursts of choking. The only one who is worried about the damage of the ship is the Black Pearl, but the shadow power in the heart of the magic ship is also consumed.

The fleeing prey is in sight. If the magic ships of the four pirate regiments attack together, it will be regarded as fulfilling the oath, and no one will be taken care of after that.

"Heads! I have a proposal. Why don't we let a few magic ships join the caravan of killing people and disrupt their formation in one go? What do you think?" Christine suggested enthusiastically. The somewhat sloppy voice came from the Bloody Hero.

"This plan is very good, it can delay their speed, Christine, count me in." Moldo took the lead in expressing.

"Count me in!" Tang Ke then shouted, his pirate group was inferior, and it was the best strategy to fight alongside these big guys.

"Not interested." Eunice refused mercilessly.

Christine could only show a wry smile, and she was already accustomed to Eunice's indifferent attitude. He drove the Bloody Magic to the front, and was the first to rush into the caravan. He moved towards the northwest at a diagonal, so that he could cut the caravan apart, and the wind direction was good. The King Kong and the Black Pearl followed closely behind.

Only the Death of Flower acted alone, flinging intoxicatingly fragrant pollen, rushing to the center of the caravan unscrupulously, and the sailors on any ship stuck to the pollen fell to the ground with their heads supported.

The three magic ships set sail, and with their excellent speed, even if they moved diagonally, it was faster than the straight line of ordinary merchant ships.

Whenever a pirate ship passed by a merchant ship, it would shoot. The power of the magic ship's artillery fire is higher than that of ordinary cannons, and just one round of shelling can overwhelm an ordinary ship. Although the three magic boats also endured part of the attack, it was neither painful nor itchy, and there was no serious problem.

Seeing this scene, the merchant ships at the rear knew that they might be bombarded if they moved forward, so they turned wisely in an attempt to avoid the tiger's claws of the magic ship. As a result, the formation of the caravan was completely fragmented.

The three magic ships lined up tacitly, concentrated their artillery fire, and advanced along the line.

But the caravan is not a vegetarian either. In order to protect himself, Simon organized a counterattack.

"Evil pirates, I want you to pay for your evil deeds!" A command ship belonging to the caravan, the Fire Spider, came up and planned to intercept the three pirate ships.

At the same time, Sikamon's two dragon eagles also flew over, holding a net bag in their claws, which contained several gunpowder pokes! "My two allies, I sincerely wish you good luck, but I can't accompany you because I want to put on a security camouflage." Before Christine finished speaking, the Bloody Magic had already disappeared.

Tang Ke found out the details of the Fire Spider, which is a second-tier propelled ship that can shoot out chains with huge iron hooks, and the iron hooks are forged from moonfire spar, which can emit flames. This ship competes with the Purgatory, both of which are attacked by Liyue Flame. If the ship is hooked with iron hooks, it will be over.

"Dark Sea Territory, go!"

Tang Ke threw the dark sea to the aggressive Fire Spider. The black water was like a quagmire, firmly holding the ship in place. No matter how the stern spewed out flames, the ship could only move forward slowly.

"Captain Tang Ke, what a powerful method!" Moldo was busy planning how to deal with the Fire Spider, and when he saw that the ship was trapped by Tang Keyue's strange ability, he praised it.

It's a pity that the current situation does not allow the two of them to chat. Longying has already flown to the top of his head with a net bag of explosives. Once he drops it, even the magic boat will be blown up.

The King Kong has a long-barreled cannon and can freely adjust the angle. Moldo ordered the cannon to shoot towards the sky.

Tang Ke raised his head and used the investigation technique again, and the values ​​of the four pages of Dragon Eagle came into his mind immediately.

Name: Atoyas.

Race: Celestial Beasts.

Species: Dragonhawk.

Attribute: Wind.

Racial skills: Wind of Wings (sets off a whirlwind like a knife, mother of combat power) blinding fog (sprays a lot of smoke, and this smoke is peculiarly sticky, not easy to be blown away by the wind, the enemy's sight three) Language: Celestial Beast language. The Lunar Language of the Alliance of Light.

Features: Celestial Beasts (intelligent beasts soaring in the sky, and have the powerful strength of off-road beasts, evasion rate in the sky, sky adaptability) Physical Attack: Female Female Female Female Female Elemental Attack: Female Female Convex Belonging Force: Clover Chamber of Commerce.

Living area: cliffs and cliffs.

Explanation: It is said that in ancient times, they tried to evolve into dragons in vain, but unfortunately they failed and became the nondescript ones they are now.

Although their strength is far from that of real dragons, they can be regarded as the best among the sky beasts. The whirlwind and mist are their personal skills, making them qualified sky hunters.

Bonus points after kill: yo.

"This kind of celestial beast is not bad!" Tang Ke's eyes lit up, and he licked his lips with a greedy look. In his opinion, the increase in the types of recruits is also a kind of strengthening.

The two dragon eagles each chose a pirate ship, chased after them, and dropped explosives at the right time. The King Kong fired in time, and the lunar shell hit the explosive barrel in mid-air, causing a loud noise, and the flames exploded and scattered down. In this way, the power of the explosives was finally relieved, and the King Kong was only slightly burned.

The Black Pearl does not have that kind of flexible turret, and can only watch the explosives fall. Tang Keyue's strong mind ordered the dark sea area, and under the forceful pull of the dark sea area, the hull moved a piece to the left, and the explosives fell. On the contrary, it exploded in sea water. The aftermath of the explosion caused huge waves, and the Heizhenshu was almost capsized, and the waves pushed the ship far away.

"Lik!" Long Ying yelled loudly. It had feathers on its head, but its shape was very close to that of a dragon. When it flapped its wings, two whirlwinds exhaled from it and flew towards the Black Pearl.

The power of the whirlwind is equivalent to that of a second-tier swordsman who used several swords in a row, injuring the deck and hull of the Black Pearl, and seven or eight stupid monsters were hit a few times.

The Black Pearl didn't have the power to deal with the sky, so it could only flee forward. Longying chased and launched a whirlwind at the same time, which was very difficult to deal with. Tang Ke observed it a few times, and every time the dragon eagle came out of the whirlwind, it would approach the ship, so as to exert enough lethality. He must get rid of the Dragonhawk's entanglement, and touch to activate the Dragonhawk's recruitment.

"Come on, little bird, let me play with you." Tang Ke showed a ferocious expression, hands and feet together, climbed up the tallest mainmast, stood on the watchtower, and yelled at Long Ying , to show provocation.

Longying responded, rushed over with red eyes, stopped at a certain distance, and Yue Xuanfeng attacked from the air.

Jiantu is an artist in close combat, but for long-range attacks, he can only bite the bullet and dodge. Tang Ke hid in the watchtower, and heard muffled sounds one after another. The watchtower was damaged, and black water gushed out from the black horny skin. The dragon eagle flapped its wings and flew up, circled around and came to Tang Ke's back, and then fanned out a whirlwind. The watchtower was hit one after another and became dilapidated. The sharp wind passed through the gap, hurting Tang Ke's calf, and his pants were torn and bloody.

Tang Ke gave up the gap watchtower, jumped to the top of the horizontal analysis, pulled out the Xingyue scimitar with his right hand, and freed his left hand for Houyue.

After the dragon eagle cast the whirlwind, it circled and flew past Tang Ke's left.

Tang Ke took the opportunity to draw his gun and shoot, feeling the huge recoil in his arm, thick smoke billowed from the muzzle, but unfortunately he missed. He didn't care much about the cumbersome sewing gun, he just threw it away when he was done using it, and it hit a stupid monster on the head.

Another round of whirlwind arrived, Tang Ke stepped on Hengxi like a single-plank bridge, and rushed to the right. The whirlwind passed behind him, chopping Hengxi full of scars.

Tang Ke kept dodging and dodging, attracting the Dragon Eagle to attack. This time, the Dragon Eagle flew over obliquely, because the Black Pearl just turned around, and the two sides were very close. Tang Ke was waiting for this moment, and he roared: "You're too close this time!" He jumped up, the jump was astonishingly high, reaching twenty yards, and only in this way could he barely touch Long Ying .

At the limit height, Tang Ke gritted his teeth and slashed. The sword aura formed a crescent shape, which was close to white mist. This sword aura flew a distance of nearly one yard, and cut off a large part of the dragon eagle's wings, bleeding Report to the sky. Dragon Eagle wailed, flapped its wings, and its flight tilted.

"Ding! You have discovered a new kind of magical creature, increase the strength reward point, it will expand the monster illustration book."

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