Pirate System

Chapter 232: Caiyun Village (Part 2)

Chapter 232 Caiyun Village (Part 2)

Tang Ke smiled wryly. He pointed to go to Caiyun Village for supplies. Of course he didn't want to fight with the village chief's daughter. But a word he said casually made the little girl so angry. Looking at the serious and angry eyes, this duel cannot be avoided.

If the invitation to a duel is made as a swordsman, he cannot refuse it. If he refuses, it will be a cowardly performance, which will attract ridicule from the world, and he will lose his pride as a swordsman.

A swordsman has a "Tao" that is close to that of a knight but slightly different. A knight is an existence that combines dedication, justice and loyalty, while a swordsman is an explorer who pursues ultimate power. This road is full of hardships. In the process of facing difficulties, the swordsman honed his indomitable and arrogant character, which contributed to the prevalence of duel.

The collision of swords and swords is not only a brave fight, but also a process of communication and seeking Tao. At the moment when the two swords intersect, the two swordsmen can read each other's heart, whether they are as lonely and desolate as a winter plum in a snowy mountain, or like the time spent in a raging fire, each swordsman is different.

Through getting along with Kilo, the lord of the little pirate city last time, Tang Ke not only improved his strength, but also learned the bad temper of a swordsman.

"Swordsman Tang Ke, accept your challenge, draw out your sword and fight at this moment, right here, let my sword give you the humiliation of defeat." Tang Kequan acted as if he was playing house with Lolita Yes, he put up the airs of a swordsman and uttered the words of challenge that he would only say when facing a qualified opponent.

"Isn't that good?" Elizabeth glanced at Lolita's small body, then turned her head and asked.

"Don't worry. I have my own measure, and I won't hurt her." Tang Ke's hand was already on the handle of the scimitar.

On the other side, the elves of Caiyun Village tried hard to persuade Lolita to calm down, but Lolita didn't listen at all. After hearing Tang Ke's words, she became even more angry. She pointed at Tang Ke with the dagger and shouted, "You are so arrogant. After I win, I will definitely let you be my horse."

The current "Malaysia" on the side showed a bitter face.

This nondescript duel was already imperative. The five boats rowed to the edge of the Black Pearl. Before the rope ladder was lowered, Lolita couldn't wait to jump onto the deck with her sword. When she was jumping, her long and narrow ponytail was lifted up, rippling a pale golden color.

"Short-eared ones, I'll let you taste my sword skills." Lolita made a very standard gesture, holding the sword with both hands, sticking it to her face, pointing the tip of the sword at Tang Ke.

The weather deck of the Black Pearl was eighteen yards wide,

Very wide enough for two swordsmen to cast. Tang Ke asked the dumb beasts to step aside, leaving a large space. He maintained a calm smile, and pulled out the scimitar from its sheath with a "swipe", and immediately there was a cold light around him, as if lightning flashed, showing how sharp this bloody moon scimitar was. He pointed the tip of the knife at the ground, which was an unchanging posture.

Occasionally bullying and bullying little girls is also a great joy in life.

He flashed this thought, and his smile grew stronger.

"Huh, your knife looks pretty good." Lolita's face changed when she saw the Scythe Moon Scimitar, and her arrogance seemed to be much lowered. Not only her, but other elves looked at each other when they saw the scimitar.

These elves seem to be very concerned about the quality of the sword.

"Can we start?" Tang Ke asked.

"It's started, I'm going to attack." Lolita cheered up, shouted loudly, and rushed up with a stride. Her white feathers made her look like a white bird. She took advantage of the unique convenience of starting from the bull's position, and after running over, she stabbed fiercely with a sword.

Tang Ke leisurely followed the footwork of "Garden Walk", took a step to the left, turned his body along the trend, and avoided the aggressive Lolita. At the moment of passing by, he had every chance to fight back, but he didn't do so.

Lolita pierced the air with a sword, stopped in a hurry, withdrew the sword, stood it in front of her for defense, and then turned to face Tang Ke. Reluctantly, she launched a second attack, and stabbed through with her sword again.

Tang Ke dodged once again, walking with a natural and unrestrained garden step, walking around with a footwork that almost fooled his opponent.

Lolita stabs after sword after sword, but each sword fight misses.

Elizabeth, who was watching the battle, nodded, obviously seeing Tang Ke's progress over the past year.

Those elves showed surprised expressions. Anyone who has practiced for a few days should be able to see that Tang Ke's strength is far better than Lolita.

But the little girl Lolita is obviously not someone who likes to admit defeat. She jumped out of the battle ring, bit her lip, and shouted: "If you have the ability, you stand still and don't hide. I will definitely can stab you"

To the little girl's unreasonable request, Tang Ke just smiled lightly and said, "Okay. I'll just stand still and let you stab me."

Lolita showed a tricky smile, narrowed her eyes, and flashed a cold light. Holding the sword in both hands, she stabbed heavily to the ground with all her strength.

Tang Ke had investigated Lolita's background before, and he saw at a glance that this move was the "Earth Dragon's Tooth Strike", which is a deceitful sword technique that uses the ground to transmit sword energy. If you don't know the details, it is really easy to hit trick.

In fact, Lolita has only this housekeeping skill, and she has little choice.

Because Tang Ke had completely figured out the details of the other party, he dared to make such a big deal and promised not to dodge or avoid it. Otherwise, this trick is not so easy to deal with. He stared at the ground closely, and the unusual air flow came towards him. He saw the timing, and slashed over with his knife, only to hear a crisp "ding dong", and the sword energy was intercepted.

Lolita widened her eyes in disbelief and asked, "You, why do you seem to know my trick?"

"So you admit defeat?"

"I don't admit defeat"

Tang Ke sighed: "Then there is no other way, I can only teach you a little lesson." As soon as he finished speaking, his body disappeared from the spot, turned into a black shadow, and when he reappeared, he had already come to Luoyang. Rita's side.

Lolita turned pale with fright, and hurriedly raised her sword to meet her.

Tang Ke quickly returned two sabers, restrained the dagger, and swung the decisive saber with the speed of the opponent.


An echo sounded, and this sound was made by the side of Tang Ke's blade colliding with Lolita's head.

Tang Ke didn't want to hurt the little girl, so he slapped the little girl with the side of the blade. He thought he had controlled his strength very well, and he would not make Lolita mess up. After using the knife, he immediately retracted the knife and withdrew to the side.

Everyone was stunned, looking straight at Lolita who was slapped by the blade. But she kept silent and didn't move, just stood there stupidly. I saw a red envelope quickly protruding from her pale golden head.

"Captain, are you alright?" the elf asked cautiously.

Pain transmission takes a little time.

Lolita's originally sluggish expression gradually turned bitter, her big eyes sparkled, her mouth shriveled, and her throat moaned for a while. She threw away the dagger, squatted down, covered her face and cried bitterly: "It hurts me, you bad guy!" Her crying was so loud that it could shatter a glass.

Tang Ke panicked, and hurriedly said: "Hey, are you a bit of a swordsman, okay? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

An elf tribe reminded in a low voice: "She is the village head's daughter, and no one would dare to beat her in a duel on weekdays... This is probably the worst injury she has ever suffered."

Tang Ke frowned and said, "Who would have thought that she would cry just by touching her?"

Lolita jumped up from the ground all of a sudden, everyone thought she was going to go crazy, but she shed tears and choked up and said, "Yes, you are right, I want to have the demeanor of a swordsman." She rubbed her big bag , looked at Tang Ke tearfully, "Okay, we're done fighting too, as you wish, let us take you to Caiyun Village."

Tang Ke was relieved, and boasted with a smile: "This is a bit of a female swordsman's demeanor."

"That's right." Lolita straightened her chest and returned to her previous smug look, but there were still tears in her eyes.

"Hehe, you are so powerful at such a young age. My sister and I are not as good as you." Elizabeth leaned forward and patted Lolita's little head with a smile.

Lolita frowned, dodged the hand on top of her head, and pouted: "I'm not a child, I'm twenty-two years old this year, it's just that elves grow slowly. And who are you all?" ? The ears are so short. And what are those ugly monsters next to them? Can they be eaten?"

"Don't try to trick my subordinates." Tang Ke said with a smile.

"I'll eat it," Lolita said with a grimace, pulling down one eyelid.

The dumb monsters at the side understood some of the conversation, and couldn't help but look at each other in amazement, looking at the little elf girl with strange eyes.

Tang Ke saw that Lolita was too self-willed and unable to communicate, so he turned to the tall elf behind him and asked, "Where is the village you live in? Can you take me there now? Also, I want to hear from you Tell me about the things in your village and what is going on in this sea of ​​clouds. Of course, I will also tell you about my origin."

The tall elf fell into deep thought, obviously worried about Tang Ke and his party.

In order to dispel the other party's concerns, Tang Ke went on to say, "If I want to harm you, I can do it now. But I didn't do this, which proves that I have no malicious intentions, right?"

"Where, where, I didn't doubt you." The tall elf waved his hands again and again, and finally nodded, "Alright then. Let's set sail first and talk slowly on the way."

"Then there is trouble." Tang Ke said.

The tall elf waved his hand, and the other elves returned to the boat one after another. Among them, anyone who wears a real sword has good skills, almost at the level of a first-order swordsman. Those who wear wooden swords have ordinary skills.

In the end, only the tall elf and Lolita remained on the Black Pearl.

Tang Ke retained his previous habit of talking about things at the dinner table. He snapped his fingers and ordered the stupid monster to go down and fetch the chairs, as well as red wine and bacon sausage.

Five small boats paddled forward to Caiyun Village in the northwest. Not long after, the simple banquet on the Black Pearl was also set up. Tang Ke and the others sat down around the round table and exchanged names first. The tall elf stood behind Lolita with a wry smile.

"Then, let's talk while eating. The reception is not good, and I hope Haihan." Tang Ke pointed to the wine table and said.

"Let me taste what this red thing is." Lolita excitedly grabbed the big belly glass filled with red wine, put it to her mouth and took a sip. After the wine entered her belly, she boasted freely, " Good stuff. Really delicious."

Elizabeth is very interested in Lolita and has been observing Lolita. After seeing Lolita drinking, she asked Tang Ke: "Isn't it good to let her drink?"

Tang Ke shrugged and said, "What are you afraid of, she is a twenty-two-year-old girl."

"Wine? What is wine?" Lolita asked while hiccupping after drinking half a glass of red wine. Although she drank red wine, she didn't know what it was.

"Haven't you heard of wine?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.

"I've never heard of it." Lolita took another sip without knowing how deep it was. At this time, her face was already turning red. It seemed that she had a strong reaction to alcohol.

Tang Ke murmured in his heart, why haven't these people even heard of wine? He had a lot of questions about this place, and he couldn't ask for a while. He thought for a while, then raised his head and asked the more reliable tall elf: "What's the situation in your Caiyun Village?"

The tall elf hesitated for a moment, and answered carefully: "Caiyun Village is just a village with a small population, built on a piece of land. Well, I want to ask, who are you guys? How did you get here? ?”

Tang Ke narrowed his eyes. Both of them had various questions, and they could only exchange one question for another.

"We flew into the sky by accident. The specific circumstances may sound unbelievable, but with normal methods, it is impossible to bring us here, right?" He asked without waiting for the other party's answer, "Do you know how to return to the sky?" Way down? In fact, I'm very anxious to get back down."

"Can't you go back by yourself? We don't know how to go back. Otherwise, we would have gone down a long time ago. Who will stay in this high altitude for generations to live."

"So you don't know how to get down?" Tang Ke suddenly changed color.

"Yeah, we really don't know."

Tang Ke felt overwhelmed, exchanged glances with Elizabeth beside him, and fell silent.

Lolita, who had drunk half a glass of wine, shouted, "Hey, why do you always ask him when you ask questions? I am the captain. If you have any questions, just ask me."

The tall elf behind him sighed helplessly.

Tang Ke's heart was covered with a cloud. The other party said that he didn't know how to go down, which was probably true. Otherwise, these people wouldn't all be wearing leather clothes. In this way, it means that it will become difficult for him to go down.

His date with Gold Beard was approaching, and if he missed it, there would be dire consequences.

As for the consequences, he didn't even dare to think about it.

He felt that Lolita had no scheming, but was prone to clichés, so he asked her, "How many people are there in your village? How big is that piece of land?"

Lolita spoke out without any hindrance, completely ignoring the coughing gesture of the tall elf behind her. Halfway through her speech, the wine glass was already empty, and she reached out to grab the wine bottle. Elizabeth hurriedly stopped with a smile, persuading her that she would faint if she drank too much. Lolita stuck out her tongue, spoke stingily, and talked about things in the village on her own.

This sea of ​​clouds has a large area, and instead of flowing around, it has a fixed shape. There are four large and small plots in the Sea of ​​Clouds, but there is only Caiyun Village, and the other plots are used for planting crops and trees. The population of Caiyun Village is only more than 10,000 elves, and there are no people of other races. As for the history of Caiyun Village, Lolita didn't know about it, and the tall elf didn't want to talk about it, so she couldn't get an answer for a while. In short, this group of elves have lived in Caiyun Village for several generations. Because they have never been down there, they know little about the outside world.

Tang Ke had been struggling in his mind on how to proceed, and suddenly a spark of inspiration burst out in his head. As long as there is a tree or leather, it can naturally be woven into a strong rope. If there is a long enough rope, can't you go down the rope?

He put the idea out there.

Lolita waved her little hand and said, "That won't work. There are 'walls' around the sea of ​​clouds, which will block the rope and make it impossible to stretch it down. You will know later when I take you to the end of the sea of ​​clouds to have a look."

Tang Ke couldn't help being disappointed, thinking about it was right, if it was so easy to leave, the people here would have already left*. This place is more or less used for sightseeing, but not suitable for long-term living. He sighed, and continued to ask: "What do you mean by the 'wall'? It can't be a real wall, right?"

"The wall is the 'Sword and Shadow Barrier', that thing is like..." Lolita's eyes lit up, and she pointed to the wine bottle, "It's like this transparent jar, which envelops the entire sea of ​​clouds If you touch the 'Sword Shadow Barrier', you will be bounced back."

"Barrier? Who set it up?" Tang Ke knew about the existence of the barrier, but this thing is not something that ordinary people can create.

"I don't know, it was there before I was born." Lolita finally said impatiently, she slanted her eyebrows and said, "Don't talk about Caiyun Village, let's talk about yours."

Tang Ke made up a mess, lied that he was an armed businessman, and then encountered a tornado, and even the boat and people were blown to it.

"You are very good with short ears. You should be able to draw with my father, but you will definitely lose if you meet my brother. He is the number one swordsman in Caiyun Village." Speaking of the powerful brother, Lolita's eyes Gold stars popped out.

"Then I have a chance to ask for advice." Tang Ke was actually not in the mood for a duel, but he felt that the opportunity to leave here should be found in the elves in Caiyun Village.

As they talked, they had been sailing for half a day, and the outline of a land appeared in front of them.

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