Pirate System

Chapter 235: No Good Banquet (Part 2)

Tang Ke just answered a question, and then asked:

"Where did this floating island come from? How did you elves get here? And who built that tower?" His series of questions were actually directly related. 【】

"These questions go back to about three thousand years ago. It sounds a bit exaggerated, but our ancestors did come here at that time." The village chief said leisurely, his voice cadenced, which strengthened the atmosphere of these words, It seems to make people's thoughts go back to a long, long time ago.

Tang Ke's eyes widened. The span of three thousand years is indeed a bit amazing.

"Three thousand years ago, it was in the era of recovery. New vitality sprouted on the scorched earth left over from the twilight era. Races such as humans, elves, and dwarves replaced the ancient races and rose rapidly. Wei replaced the angels as the new rulers of the world. Ancient races such as demons. At that time, there was a tenth-rank swordsman named Artorius. He was a world-class powerhouse at that time and was admired by thousands of people. He discovered this sea of ​​clouds by accident. Then, I invited a friend who is an earth attribute magician and two friends who are warlocks to create this floating island together, intending to create a piece of land in the sky that can be used for human habitation. This is the original origin of Caiyun Village."

"After Artorius built this place, he used it as a place for cultivation, and then built the tower and other buildings.

Every time he came to this heaven, he practiced his sword skills day and night, hoping to be able to reach the first level of swordsmanship. With his high status, of course he didn't have much time to deal with trivial matters on weekdays, so he brought a group of elves to the island and asked them to serve him and take care of things like cooking and cleaning. The reason why he chose elves to serve him was probably because he liked the beauty of elves. These elves are our ancestors.

Artorius would come here several times a year, and he would live here for ten days and a half months at the shortest time, and half a year at the longest time. But suddenly once, after he left, he never came back, abandoning the island and the elf slaves on the island. The reason why he never returned was probably because he died, and no one knew the specific reason. Because only he knows the way to leave the sea of ​​clouds, since he disappeared, the elves on the island can no longer go down. In a flash, more than three thousand years have passed, and the elves on the island have been trapped until today. "

The village head finished, and asked with a dazed expression: "After so many years, the outside world must have undergone earth-shaking changes, right? But this place is still the same as before, it hasn't changed at all, it's just that there are more wooden houses." Tang Ke received It was quite a shock, being trapped in one place for three thousand years and unable to leave, the life of this group of elves was really painful. This is simply equivalent to squatting in a prison cell for three thousand years. If he was allowed to live on a small island all his life, it would be better to kill him. Moreover, the life here must be very poor because of the lack of supplies, otherwise, they would not only be wearing bird skin feather coats.

"Three thousand years is enough to make the world look different,

If I were to describe the world to you, I am afraid that I would not be able to finish it in three days and three nights. "Tang Ke spread his hands.

"Hehe, that's what you said." The village chief nodded, and it was obviously not the time to chat about such gossip, so he asked again, "I don't know who else is on your boat? Since you are the captain, that means you The most powerful man on board?"

Tang Ke talked about the stupid monsters and emphasized that he has the ability to control them, but when talking about Elizabeth, he lied again, claiming that Elizabeth's strength far exceeds his own. 【】He felt that it would not be good to tell the whole story, so he couldn't help but lied.

"You have been trapped on the island for three thousand years, is there no way to leave here? Your daughter mentioned the sword and shadow barrier, but even if it is a barrier, there is a way to break it?" Tang Ke is most concerned about this problem.

The village head did not rush to answer, but said to his daughter:

"Lolita, can you help me see how the food is getting ready?"

"I'm not going. I want to listen to you here." Lolita insisted. "Hey, it won't be too late to listen." "Aren't they still here?" Lolita pointed to the four swordsmen behind her father, "Let them go and have a look."

"If you go, I promise you to teach you new sword skills next time, okay?"


"When did father lie to you?" The village head smiled, looking amiable.

"Then it's a deal." Lolita agreed, and she jumped off the chair and ran out of the house in a hurry.

The village chief watched Lolita's petite figure go away until the footsteps could no longer be heard. His original smile quickly disappeared, his expression became as stiff and cold as an ice sculpture, and there was not even a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"Captain Tonk, she's gone far away." The village chief said coldly, turned his head, and put his hand on the tiger-headed sword hilt.

Tang Ke found that the atmosphere had become very strange, the opponent exuded strong hostility, and the four swordsmen also showed fierce expressions. He let out a groan, got up from the chair, and stepped back.

A fourth-tier swordsman, plus two third-tier swordsmen, and two second-tier swordsmen. If the five elves in the room were to attack, Tang Ke's chances of winning were zero.

"Village chief, what do you mean?" Tang Kehan ​​asked in a low voice.

"Although we have to get rid of you before Lolita comes back, there is enough time. In this case, let's talk to you again. I can't let you die without knowing why." The village chief calmly drew out his sword, this time The sword with the handle is called the Tiger Roaring Sword. When it is swung, it will make a sound of tiger roaring, causing a sonic attack. "You are not guilty of any crime, but the guilty are not worthy of death, right? Judging from your performance, you guys The group of people did come here by accident. But your arrival will bring unrest to Caiyun Island. You will tell the villagers about the outside world, and make everyone want to go outside to have a look* *.Do you know the result of this? As a result, my dominance will be threatened. Everyone will frantically want to leave, no mind to farm, no mind to raise crows. In order to get out of here, everyone will gather to take risks The incident caused countless casualties. Our village has a small population and cannot withstand such a toss. Therefore, I cannot keep you." The village pointed the tip of the sword at Tang Ke, and the meaning could not be more clear.

The other four elf swordsmen spread out, occupying the window and the doorway, blocking Tang Ke's way.

When Tang Ke tried to figure out the psychology of others, he still missed a move. He never thought that his own existence would violate the interests of the village chief. Otherwise, he would not have come to the banquet. This is simply a murderous Hongmen banquet. Looking back now, the questions the village chief mentioned were all used to find out about him, and he was especially inclined to ask questions about his strength.

Now, the village head had no more doubts and fully understood Tang Ke's situation, so he tore his face and pulled out his icy sword. Because there was going to be a big fight, the village chief sent his daughter away to prevent her from being implicated.

Tang Ke sneered, it turned out that the other party was also a wolf in sheep's clothing! "I didn't expect there to be such a short-sighted and cowardly person like a mouse in the world. I really despise you." Tang Ke spat, expressing his contempt.

"Did you start messing around because you were in danger?"

The village chief's brows were furrowed, his hostility was like a billowing black cloud, and he began to approach, with a cold light flickering on the sword in his hand.

"In your eyes, you only see this small island the size of a palm, but you can't see the vast world outside. Isn't this short-sighted? Just the appearance of an outsider scares you so much that you want to kill people. It's cowardly to prove that you have no confidence in your own rule. You don't think you have the power to stop the villagers from running outside." "Why bother to venture outside when you can live a peaceful life ?” The village chief retorted angrily.

"You are a swordsman anyway, how could you say such unambitious words! How can this small island accommodate people's incomparable hearts? You have lived on an isolated island all your life, and you have never even seen the outside world. Don't you think it's very pitiful?"

"Shut up, you are just talking about it! Not everyone is as ambitious as you. The people on the island have lived here for so many generations, and they can continue to live like this in the future!"

"Ambition? It's just to see the outside world. This is bullshit ambition! Your mind is so narrow that it's only as big as a pinhole!" In danger, but judging from the words of the village chief, it seems that there is no way to leave the sea of ​​clouds, but the village chief wants to hide this matter. This is very good news.

"An outsider who doesn't know anything about the situation has no right to say that about me!" The village head's patience reached the limit, and he ordered, "Let's do it. Don't let him escape, and if you want to catch him alive, just cut off his limbs." Just hands and feet. I will use him to threaten the people in the big black ship, especially to deal with that woman who is more powerful than him."

Judging from the analysis of this sentence, the village head seems to have believed the lie that Elizabeth is stronger than Tang Ke, and plans to arrest Tang Ke.

This is a favorable condition for Tang Ke, at least the other party will be afraid when attacking. He quickly rubbed the iron statue of the ogre on his waist a few times. Since he reached the fourth level, he has rarely relied on this treasure, but now the help of a third-level fighter will play a decisive role. He didn't wait for the ogre to stand out from the black smoke, he had already rushed up, went straight to the village head, and suddenly used the double-edged pincer sword skill, carrying the snake-shaped sword and scimitar behind his back, his body showing a flying eagle strike posture.

"You, a third-tier swordsman, are nothing to be afraid of!" The village chief shouted, and went up to him with the Tiger Roaring Sword in his hand, and pointed the tip of the sword at Tang Ke's chest. He believed that he was a fourth-tier swordsman, and his speed was faster than the opponent , That's why I dare to fight back like this. His sword let out a howl of a tiger, and the nearby sword energy expanded significantly.

Tang Ke had concealed his true strength before, and in terms of speed, he was comparable to the Elf Village Chief. Before the tip of the enemy's sword touched his chest, he had already completed the process of exerting force, and he cut out the two swords, forming an intersecting sharp sword aura.

The village head was caught off guard, and hurriedly backed away, but it was too late, his body was scratched by the sword energy, and his buttocks were chopped bloody. Two strings of blood drops fell to the ground, staining the wooden floor red.

"Fool, I lied to you! Your heart is too real, I am actually a fifth-level swordsman!" Tang Ke lied again maliciously, trying to scare the other party and disrupt the battle.

"You bastard..." Under the severe pain, the village chief's expression became more fierce, he put the Tiger Roaring Sword on top of his head, and stabbed down condescendingly. This sword is exquisite, and it controls the sword energy in a unique way. The sword energy forms a hidden air flow, covering Tang Ke's head like a tide.

Fortunately, Tang Ke had uncovered the village chief's old background with his investigative skills before, and knew the power and usage of this sword. In this kind of battle of equal strength, this took a great advantage.

Once you know the details of this trick, it is very easy to break it.

Instead of retreating, Tang Ke rushed forward. Although he got close to the opponent's body, it was very safe because the attack range of the village chief's attack was all above his head and far away. He seized the opening, swung his sword and slashed over. He wanted to cut off the village chief's arm, but the village chief dodged it at a critical moment, and finally tore the village chief's chest with only sword energy.

This sword wound was serious, the golden feather coat on the village head's chest was cut off, the blood-stained feathers were scattered, and bones were exposed from the wound.

The village chief changed his moves to dodge the moment he drew his sword, which caused the smooth sword energy to reverse, which would cause certain damage to the inside of the body.

Blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, he retreats sharply, and looks at Tang Ke with horrified eyes. This move was originally his proud sword skill. In the past, when dealing with people who didn't know the details, he was able to establish extraordinary skills every time, killing and wounding the opponent with the sword energy as light as water. But this time he stumbled, and the opponent seemed to have predicted his move, and directly aimed at the weak link of this move to break the move.

"This trick is 'Flying Waterfall', right?" Tang Ke snorted coldly, as if he looked down on the village chief.

The village chief was even more horrified, and asked with his eyes wide open, "You, how did you know?"

"Grandpa, I still know a lot of sword skills! Just be good to me!" Tang Ke crossed his arms in front of his chest, with the tips of his two swords pointing upwards, and his body's center of gravity was also lowered downwards. The precursor to the sword skill "Lion Triumph". In terms of destructive power, this is his strongest sword skill.

On the other hand, the summoned troll has also stood out from the black smoke, looking around viciously. The four swordsmen couldn't stand it anymore when they saw that the village chief was frustrated even after the fight, and rushed towards Tang Ke.

(to be continued)

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