Pirate System

Chapter 241: Collusion

Chapter 241

The words that broke through the sky scared the elves around, especially the head of the elf village who had just arrived, after hearing these words, he was even more surprised.

Tang Ke and D'Addarian were supposed to be on opposite sides, but in the end they joined together. No, it's not so much an alliance as a collusion. This once again proves that people's hearts are unpredictable. Tang Ke couldn't predict that the village head would regard him as an enemy, and the village head couldn't predict that Dadarian would rebel so easily. It is really difficult to figure out people's hearts. Everyone has different behavior patterns. It is simply not feasible to use your own behavior patterns to predict the behavior patterns of others.

What's more, Dadalian's thinking is a different kind among different kinds, even if he is not human, it is not an exaggeration.

The head of the elf village let out a painful growl from his throat, regretting deeply in his heart, he shouldn't have released the beast like his son, he should have expected it a long time ago. How could a cold-blooded and ruthless beast like Dadarian miss his sister and the village?

But it's too late to regret it now, D'Addarian has already stood with Tang Ke.

Is this a trick?

Certainly not, Dadarian is not the kind of person who can play tricks, he can already solve all problems with Xiaohuwan. Since D'Addarian said he wanted to help Tang Ke, he must be sincere.

One Tonk is enough trouble, but now adding Dadarian, this is no longer a trouble, but has risen to a major crisis that affects the whole village.

The head of the village head began to hurt. There seemed to be lightning and thunder inside, and his ears were buzzing. He covered his painful head and looked at the two culprits in front of him with resentful eyes. The elf swordsman beside him asked with concern, but he couldn't accept this kind of concern in his current mood, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the swordsman away.

"Dadarian, what do you mean by what you said just now? Are you going to join hands with outsiders to destroy our village?" The village chief drew out his sword in a rage, and rushed forward aggressively, coming with him The elf swordsmen followed closely behind, with a total of more than 30 people.

D'Addarian was not frightened by the shouting, he kept smiling, turned his head and squinted at the father who was running over, and said: "The boring guy is here, what a disappointment, I wanted to chat with you a little longer sentence."

"It's fine to talk about it another day. I'm not interested in chatting with my current state." Tang Ke showed a wry smile, staggered to the side, and picked up the fallen Xingyue scimitar. He just took these few steps, and he sprinkled several bloody flowers on the ground.

Daddarian looked at the blood on the ground and knew that he had played too hard,

He frowned and said, "Don't die. I will borrow your strength in the future."

"Don't worry, I won't die."

"Hmph, that's good." Daddarian heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing such a harmonious conversation between the two, the village chief was so angry that his face twitched, and he growled, "Daddarian, you haven't answered my question yet."

D'Addarian turned his head impatiently, and replied slowly: "As you can see, he and I have become partners. From now on, anyone who hinders the two of us must first ask Ask me if my knife will answer."

"You, don't you care about your sister's life?"

D'Addarian turned his head back, and casually asked Tang Ke, "Hey, you didn't do anything to my sister, did you?"

"Not at all."

"Very well, then when we meet next time, you can bring her back."

Tang Ke replied without hesitation: "No problem." He was not worried that this was a trap, even if it was set up, no one would set up such a weird trick. Moreover, Dadarian's heartfelt expression with the mad knife cannot be disguised. Although after leaving Yunhai, the two parties are likely to turn against each other, but the current partnership is very strong.

D'Addarian was very satisfied with his partner's free and easy performance. He looked at his father with a mocking expression and said, "You don't have to worry about Lolita in the future."

The village head was so angry that his face was livid, and he said through gritted teeth, "That is to say, are you determined to join forces with him and become an enemy of the entire village?"

"It's not that I want to be your enemy, but that you want to block my way out of here." Dadarian made up his mind and slashed forward, "This time, I will not give up again, and no one will give up." Can't stop my steps."

"You will ruin the whole village if you do this." The fierce anger made the village chief tremble all over.

Daddarian sneered and asked, "What's the use of keeping such a big prison? Father, what are you obsessed with? Are you yearning for the ruling power of this mere 10,000 people, or this piece of land the size of a palm?"

"What bastard are you talking about? How could I be so dazzled by such a low-level ****? The reason why I want to stop you is for the safety of the villagers."

"The life locked in a cage is worthless at all. Instead of just surviving in this cage, it's better to bet your own life and give it a try."

"The person who despises life, you are the only one in the whole village"

"Ah, that's true." Daddarian nodded.

It was the last time that the village reached out to save his son standing on the edge of the cliff, and he pleaded: "Dadarian, if you turn back now, I will forgive you."

"Because you always say such things, so I say you are boring." D'Addarian played with Xiaohumaru, enjoying the cold blade with his cheek, "If I don't want to kill people, it's better to let me die Forget it. I will definitely not let go of this opportunity in front of me. I want to break out of this cage, go to the vast world, and then... kill myself." He showed a strange smile when he said this.

The village was in despair again. He had the illusion that Dadarian was not his son. How could he have given birth to such a son? It was absolutely impossible. Dadarian was born from heaven to punish the world, that's the only way.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, there were several rumbling cannons from the pier. Caiyun Village does not have the ability to manufacture artillery, the source of the sound of the artillery can only be the Black Pearl. Tang Ke turned his head when he heard the sound, and found that the Black Pearl was parked not far from the pier, and there was a figure in white clothes in the gunpowder smoke, it must be Elizabeth.

Tang Ke was not surprised. The Black Pearl was originally parked on the sea not far away. Elizabeth was concerned about herself and would definitely use a telescope to observe. come over.

"Lolita is in my hands. If you don't want her to have any surprises, stop it quickly." Elizabeth's voice came from afar. Judging from her strong tone, she must be very disturbed.

Tonk put the sword back into its sheath and said to D'Addarian, "I'm back on the boat first, and if I continue to bleed like this, I'll have to pass out."

"Well, let's go. Although I really want to take a look on your boat, I still need to suppress it here. Before you go ashore next time, I will take care of the people in the village and prevent them from playing tricks." Dadari An has already vented her anger with Tang Ke, and even started to think about the affairs of the villagers.

"I'll come to you when I recover from my injury. Let's drink and chat together then." Tang Ke dragged his painful body and walked towards the pier.

"Hey, when will your wound heal?"

"Basic healing takes twenty days."

"Ten days later, we will meet here." D'Addarian couldn't wait, and directly shortened the meeting date by half.

Tang Ke smiled bitterly and said, "Then it's a deal. We'll discuss leaving here after ten days."

"It's a deal." D'Addarian pointed at the village chief with a small fox pill, and asked coldly, "What are you still standing here for? Don't let me back down. From now on, this group of outsiders They will be protected by me, anyone who dares to touch them will be an enemy of me, Dadarian, and the little fox pill in my hand will never show mercy."

Just aiming at Lolita who is in deep danger, the village chief dare not do anything to Tang Ke, and this time with Dadarian who drew his sword, he can't do anything.

"Dadarian, I hereby announce that you will no longer be a villager of Caiyun Village, nor will you be my son." As if being taken out of time, he couldn't make a painful decision unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Congratulations, you have unloaded a heavy burden." D'Addarian said indifferently, the emotions in the eyes of ordinary people are completely different in him.

Seeing his son's indifference, the village head felt as if he had received a heavy hammer in his chest. He aged ten years in an instant, and said bitterly, "Do you want to join forces with him and kill Luoyun Island together?"

"Of course, there is only one way to leave the sea of ​​clouds."

The village chief's eyes were filled with determination, and he said in a deep voice, "I will lead people to stop you."

"I welcome it very much, because in this way, my little fox pill can satisfy my hunger again." D'Addarian smiled expectantly.

After Tang Ke returned to the Black Pearl, Elizabeth immediately came up to meet her. When she saw the bloody wound, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and she asked with concern, "What happened?"

"I met a beast." Tang Ke leaned against the guardrail to avoid falling. Although he was physically weak, his mental state was extremely high.

"A beast?"

Tang Ke nodded happily and said: "Well, it is a beast that has been trapped for decades. It will help us tear this cage open. This Caiyun Village is no longer something to be afraid of."

Although these words were a bit metaphorical, Elizabeth still understood. After all, she also observed the whole process with a telescope, and she was able to guess that the so-called beast refers to the beautiful boy holding a strange scimitar. She asked anxiously, "Can he be trusted?"

Tang Ke reminisced about the bloody battle just now, with long-distance eyes, nodded and said: "I can. Compared with humans, beasts yearn for freedom more."

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