Pirate System

Chapter 250: The Bird Does Not Return

The heart of the magic ship

Tang Ke lay sprawled on the ground, panting heavily, the air inhaled in his lungs was as sharp as a knife, causing tearing pain in his body. People only feel this way after strenuous exercise. But although it is uncomfortable now, if you endure it, your limbs and bones will become very relaxed and comfortable, which is equivalent to bitterness first and then sweetness.

Daddarian also fell to the ground exhausted, lying on the other side, in exactly the same condition as Tang Ke, with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

This is already the twentieth day since the two entered the tower, and the two have been practicing hard while swinging knives at the same time. The two are improving every day, but they are still far from a true perfect cooperation. It is very difficult for two people to be consistent in terms of breathing, power, and knife. If it was twins, it would be easy, but for two people who have just met, it is really difficult.

Because they are still far away from the ultimate goal, both of them are a little anxious, and there is very little communication every day, almost all of which are used for cultivation.

Also because of practicing too hard, both of them became out-and-out "stinky men", with the smell of sweat all over their bodies, but they didn't care about it at all. Compared with this, what is really important is to break the shackles here and reach the outside world.

"It would be great if the two of us were brothers. If we were brothers, we would be able to cooperate more tacitly." D'Addarian said regretfully. In fact, Tang Ke was the first person in this life who could make him identify as a brother. If someone dared to say "Dadarian, let's be brothers", he would definitely cut him off without saying a word.

Tang Ke said calmly: "I already regard you as a brother. For me, those who sweat and blood together are brothers. I have no relatives, so I have to look for relatives everywhere. I I've been doing that all my life."

D'Addarian raised his beautiful lips and said with a smile, "Hehe, is that so? We two murderers get together, and we really get along pretty well."

Tang Ke thinks Daddarian is a pretty good person. Although Daddarian has a crazy temper, after getting along with him for a long time, he will find that Daddarian actually has his own rational thinking. For example, Dadarian would only ask the villagers to kill people, but he would never hurt his relatives.

"Dadarian, although it's a bit disgusting to do this, I still want to shake hands with you." Tang Ke moved his head over, put his face on the cold ground, and looked at Dadarian on the other side. He stretched out his claw-like black hand.

"Why shake hands?" Daddarian asked strangely.

"Because we are brothers after shaking hands." Tang Ke smiled sincerely.


Daddarian turned his head away, but after hesitating for a moment, he silently stretched out his right hand.

Tang Ke's smile became wider, and he held the hand that looked thin and fair, but was actually strong. The two hands were tightly clasped together, bursting out with a feeling of brotherhood, and the hands trembled slightly, because the joints were turning white because of too much force.

Any man needs a brother. A life with brothers will be complete; a life with brothers will add a lot of laughter; a brother can entrust his weak back to each other when facing difficulties; toast together

Both hands were loosened, and both of them couldn't help giggling. This was the joy from the bottom of their hearts.

After the two regarded each other as brothers, new strength seemed to emerge, and the rest time was shortened.

"Can you continue to practice?" D'Addarian got up from the ground, and picked up Kokomaru Taidao by the way.

"Are you looking down on me?" Tang Ke also stood up, picking up the Xingyue scimitar. If two people use the same knife, it is more beneficial to attack at the same time. Because something like a curse blade is not suitable for long-term use, he still uses the bloody moon.

"Hehe, you are a big talker. If you have the ability, you can practice with me until the evening."

"Then bet, let's see who falls first."

As the two spoke, they had already walked in front of the restored dummy, and at the same time raised the knife in their hands.

A violent shout resounded in the training room on the fourth floor of the Hidden Sword Tower.

The two of them really practiced until the evening, until they couldn't bear it any longer, and they lay on the ground, unable to move their fingers. After the two regained their strength, they first went to the bathroom in the tower to wash up, and then ate bird jerky for dinner. If they continue to practice, their physical strength has not yet recovered, so they cannot start. On a whim, Tang Ke went to the library on the fourth floor, intending to scan a few more books on sword skills. D'Addarian, who had nothing to do with him, followed suit.

In fact, there is nothing special about the library of the Hidden Sword Tower. It is just an ordinary big room. There are three large bookshelves in the room, and some books are scattered on them. There are about 70 books. Although it is night now, the entire Hidden Sword Tower is equipped with ever-burning lights, so there is no need to worry about the light source. In addition, there is a compartment in this room. If you feel itchy after reading a certain book, you can go to the compartment to make gestures.

Before this, Tang Ke had scanned more than 50 books, and there were less than 20 books left that he hadn't read. He didn't seek to learn from the book, he just flipped through it a few times, and put it down when he heard the system prompt that the scan was completed. This time he went straight to a book he hadn't touched before, picked up a book called "Fenghui", flipped through it casually, the content was not as difficult to understand as martial arts secret books, and the text explanations tended to be vernacular , easy to understand. It talks about a deceitful sword technique that first turns around and retreats to deceive the enemy, and then suddenly turns around to counterattack.

D'Addarian was already familiar with the books in this room. He had read all the books he liked, and the rest were books he didn't want to waste time on, so he just stood aside boredly when he came in. He leaned against the bookshelf, and suddenly asked: "Tang Ke, you said last time that there are many, many brothers in the outside world, right?"

"Yes. What's the matter?" Tang Ke didn't look up, but still buried his face in the book.

"Nothing, I was just asking casually."

Tang Ke said without hesitation: "After I go out, I'll introduce you to the brothers of the pirate group. Everyone in that group is also a master who kills people without batting an eyelid. They must be compatible with you."

"Pirates? What's that?"

"Haven't you heard of it?" Tang Ke raised his head and asked.

D'Addarian shrugged and said, "Although there is a library in Caiyun Village, the things mentioned in it are still very limited. For example, I have never seen this pirate group."

Tang Ke's heart moved, Dadarian is a murderer, even if he goes outside, he doesn't have any clear goals, so he might as well extend an olive branch and win him into the Dragon Pirates. Not to mention Dadarian's strength, joining the pirate group will definitely be of great help to the pirate group. With this in mind, he explained in detail: "You have no idea about the pirate group, but you always know about bandits and robbers, right? The so-called pirates are people who rob at sea. And the pirate group is formed by a group of pirates. A criminal organization. We see merchant ships and snatch them. If they resist, we fight. Sometimes the navy will hunt us down at sea, and if we encounter them, we will inevitably fight to the death. So, we pirates life is a life of narrow escape, but the life after robbing money is also very happy. When we have no money, we rob it. The pirate group is more ambitious than other pirate groups, and a lot of the money robbed is used to strengthen the pirate group."

"Bandits at sea? That sounds good. My job is to kill people, I like it." Dadarian's eyes lit up when he heard about killing people.

Tang Ke saw that Dadarian was interested, and felt that the matter was reliable, so he hit the rails while it was hot: "My pirate group is called the Dragon Pirate Group, and I am the leader of this pirate group. If you are interested, you may wish to join my pirate group .”

Unexpectedly, D'Addarian was excited just now, but now he narrowed his eyes and said, "You want me to work for you? That's not okay."

Tang Ke stared at D'Addarian for a moment, and the other party had a hateful smile on his face, obviously unwilling to join. Tang Ke didn't like stalking, so he sighed and said, "That's up to you."

"But..." D'Addarian suddenly changed the subject, rubbed his chin and said, "Go around with your pirate group first, and it's okay to kill some people for you. Anyway, I'm going to wander around and kill people for fun. .”

Tang Ke was overjoyed after hearing this, and said with a smile, "Then it's settled."

Daddarian also nodded with a smile. Just like he said, joining the pirate group is just to kill people by the way, and when he travels outside the world, he must have a guide or something. In addition, he did treat Tang Ke as a brother. All in all, various factors prompted him to agree to this matter.

"Ding, you have a new crew member."

When Tang Ke heard the system sound, he couldn't help but smile. Although Dadarian is not easy to control and may not be able to stay in the pirate group for a long time, it is still a good thing, but it is a pity that there is no alcohol around him. , or he must have had a few drinks.

After the matter was finalized, Tang Ke continued to look for books, and when he looked up, he spotted a tin book on the high shelf. He raised his hand to grab the book.

Seeing this, D'Addarian reminded: "You don't need to read that book, you don't understand it."

"Why?" Tang Ke stopped.

Daddarian waved his hand and said, "Forget it, the more you say this, the more you want to read it. You can take it off and take a look at it yourself. No one can understand the text in that book. Moreover, This book seems to be placed in the wrong place, this book should be a book with more than five floors, because judging from the illustrations on this book, it should be a very powerful sword skill."

"Oh? So there are such strange books here."

Tang Ke was indeed more interested. He quickly took off the tin book and held it in his hand to read it carefully. The outside of this book is covered with black metal leather, with a few strange characters engraved in the middle, and some densely packed small characters around it. Opening the book, there are illustrations of human figures inside, but the text is still that kind of weird text. The text on the book looks a lot like oracle bone inscriptions, which are difficult to understand. If he uses investigative techniques, even if he can't translate it, at least he can figure out what the word is on the surface. But before he used the investigative technique, the system sound sounded in advance, informing him that the sword technique had been scanned into the system.

Tang Ke immediately browsed through the list of swordsman skills in the system, and using the search function, he found the newly scanned skills at once. When he saw this, his mouth immediately opened into a circle.

The Bird Does Not Return: This is a very powerful secret sword skill created by the famous swordsman Artorius in the twilight period. It aims to hit the opponent 100% of the time, so it is also called the "killing sword" . The secret of this kind of sure-hit sword skill is that when you swing the sword, you can feel the surge of air flow caused by the opponent, find the gap in it, and hit it with one hit, and the one who hits it will die. Although this kind of sword skill is extremely powerful and practical, it requires a lot of physical strength. There is not much sword energy. After the birth of this sword skill, it amazed the entire circle of swordsmen at that time.

During his lifetime, Artorius created more than a dozen powerful sword skills, but he was most satisfied with this sword skill. In the early stages of his career as a swordsman, it was precisely with this sword skill that he was able to defeat powerful enemies time after time. When Artorius was a fourth-level swordsman, he used this sword skill to kill a sixth-level swordsman, which shows how powerful this sword skill is.

Attack power:

Attack Type: Slash.

Effect: must hit (find the enemy's flaws, as long as the sword is out of the sword, it will definitely hit the sword skill) sword air slipstream (release the sword air in accordance with the air flow around the enemy, making the sword air invisible and powerless like water flow, so as to achieve the goal of breaking through the enemy's defense Effect) Accumulation (the sword energy required to release this sword skill is very special, and it takes more time to gather it, and the time to release the skill is -2) Capture (feel the gas flow around the enemy and find out the flaws, which will take a certain amount of time , release skill time -2)

Physical exertion: ★★★

Learning requirements: A swordsman profession with a level of four or more, with an attack power of above.

Required reward points: 4000 (Originally, it takes at least three years to practice this sword skill, so the required reward points are also extremely high)

Tang Ke read these words back and forth three times. The more he reads, the faster his heart beats, and the more he reads, the more he feels overwhelmed. In the system prompt, if it is +2 attack power, it means a star, and the bird does not return. The attack power of the sword skill is as high as six stars, so it is an attack power of +12, which is even more terrifying than those skills of the strong of the sixth or even seventh rank. Compared with the attack power, the real value of this sword skill is that it must hit, What is this concept? Sword will kill people?

Only those who can display such sword skills are truly swordsmen

"The bird doesn't return? This sword skill...is so strong" Tang Ke muttered to himself, his eyes full of longing, "Artorius, you are really my idol."

D'Addarian didn't understand why, he frowned and said with a smile: "What kind of crazy are you going?"

Holding the tin book as if he had found a precious treasure, Tang Ke said excitedly, "Dadarian, we won this time."

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