Pirate System

Chapter 281: The Drifting Bottle

Chapter 281 The Drifting Bottle

After sending Elizabeth away, Tang Ke focused all his attention on finding Zela, but it was difficult to find news about the murlocs on the shore. After careful consideration, he decided to go to sea first. When he arrived at sea, he recruited several naga murlocs and made the "Pollack" recruited last time their captain.

"Pollack" has made great contributions in the battle of the turbulent sea, and it is not an exaggeration to be a small boss.

Tang Ke sent all the murlocs out to the bottom of the sea to inquire about Zela's news. Murlocs have no defense against their kind, and it is easy for pollacks to find out information.

The shore and the sea have been inseparable since ancient times, like two different worlds. The shore races confuse sea monsters with sea beasts, viewing them as beasts rather than intelligent races. The sea beasts also have no interest in the shore, except for a few amphibians, most of them cannot live on the shore, so they naturally regard it as a useless place.

There is an insurmountable gap between the two sides, and they know very little about each other. Things that have been widely circulated on the shore may not be known to anyone after reaching the bottom of the sea. The famous sea beast warriors on the bottom of the sea will only be regarded as nameless monsters on the shore.

It wasn't until recent years that the situation improved. The relationship between the Sea Beast Clan and the race on the shore gradually strengthened, and they began to communicate with each other. What contributed to this beautiful event was naturally the cause of interest. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

All kinds of scarce resources on the shore may be everywhere on the seabed. Weapons and armor that cannot be made on the seabed are cheap goods that are flooded on the shore. The two sides have their own needs, so they naturally hooked up together. Toad Island is a very representative example. They serve as mercenaries for Tang Ke, earn commissions and supplies on the shore, and improve life on the island. It is not only the spit frog that serves as sea mercenaries for the races on the shore, other sea beast races also do the same thing, such as Juefeng Marlin, Thunder King Eel, Bowfish and so on.

In the past two years, Tang Ke has encountered many types of sea beasts one after another, and they have scanned them into the system list. It's a pity that he was short of reward points, so he couldn't recruit groups of sea beasts, and it was useless to recruit a few sporadic ones. However, this difficult situation is gradually changing. After he has a territory and a fleet, the reward points begin to increase automatically, and he has the momentum of growing bigger and bigger. When his reward points are rich enough, he will organize a strange special force. What he is more optimistic about is the Eagle Flying Force, which has an absolute advantage over the air and sea, and he has already tasted the sweetness of this advantage through the Cangtian.

The strategy of using murlocs to scout for information on the seabed is correct.

In just five days, pollack brought important news. Zela rushed to the Black Sea a few months ago and has not returned yet. The news came from a tribe of Naga murlocs, but no one knew why Zela went to the Black Sea.

Tang Ke determined the goal, no matter what happens,

Let's go to the Black Sea first. During the voyage, we must continue to send murlocs to inquire about news. There are many tribes of Naga murlocs along the way, so we will definitely be able to find out more accurate information. He must kill Zela this time, because the side effects of the fish curse are getting stronger. From time to time, inexplicable seawater would ooze from his body surface, which was the initial precursor to transforming into a murloc.

He appeared relaxed to the outside world, but in fact he was always worried about the Curse of the Fish. Whenever he recalled Harold's transformation into a sea monster, cold sweat would ooze from his back. This time, the journey to the Black Sea stretches for more than 10,000 nautical miles, and it will take at least a month to arrive. This pushes him even tighter. Counting his fingers, he has been under the curse for a year, and in two years he will completely turn into a sea monster. He doesn't want to be like that.

A few days later, the Black Pearl used the ability of the dark sea to drag two ordinary ships and galloped towards the south.

Tang Ke stood at the bow, his hair was blowing in the wind, his head was empty now, he didn't think about anything, and silently stared at the vast sea. The sea has an all-encompassing momentum, and it pretends all his troubles away.

There was a flash of light from something on the surface of the sea, which was extremely dazzling.

Dazed by the light, Tang Ke squinted his eyes slightly. He followed the unusual light and saw a drifting bottle on the sea.

There are many drifting bottles on the sea, with letters and notes inside, most of which are blessings, but occasionally there are information about shipwrecks or warnings of attacks. When sailors come across a drifting bottle, they will definitely pick it up, first to relieve the loneliness of life at sea, and second, to get useful information.

Tang Ke picked up a coiled rope on the ground, pulled out the Scimitar Scimitar with the other hand, and slashed heavily towards the sea. The sword energy surged, shaking a wave column, and the drifting bottle was on the cusp of the storm, bouncing high. He waved the rope again, wrapped the drifting bottle tightly, pulled it to his side, and got the drifting bottle in his hand.

The drifting bottle is only as long as a palm. Inside the transparent bottle lies a piece of folded pink letter paper. Under the protection of the stopper, no water has entered the bottle.

"Pink letter paper, isn't it a love letter?" Tang Ke laughed and shattered the glass bottle with a dark force, took out the letter paper, and opened it to look at it.

To my future lover.

Such an intimate name must surprise you, right? Hehe, I really want to see your expression after receiving this letter, it must be very exciting. Calling you this way is not a joke, but out of my original intention and a deep desire.

This is a letter of confession. I hope that through this letter, we can build a bridge between you and me, so that we can come together and know and love each other.

Girls shouldn't say such explicit words, because they lose their restraint. But I have tasted enough of loneliness in the closed environment for many years, and I have suffered from loneliness. If I don't do something daring, I'm afraid I'll die alone in this gorgeous cage.

Everyone is entitled to love, I think so. Although my environment does not allow me to have love, I want to take a risk and try it. Even if I let me enjoy love for a day, and be an ordinary girl for a day, I will be satisfied. After indulgence this time, no matter what kind of painful situation fate puts me, I will not cry anymore, at least I once had.

Although we have never met, I feel that you are the person I have been waiting for for decades. I have fantasized about your appearance countless times. You may be a suave wandering warrior, a tall and mighty sea knight, or a well-educated prince and aristocrat.

Girls like to fantasize, and so do I. I hope you can satisfy my fantasies, as tall and handsome as I think.

I know this is a luxury fantasy that is difficult to realize, so I pray to the unjust God every day and night, praying that God will grant my wish, as long as it is just this one time.

However, the number of times God obeys my will is really rare.

In case you are far from the image I have in mind, please put this letter back in the bottle and throw it overboard for me as if nothing happened. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you. Your act of helping others will definitely be blessed by God.

But if you are young, unmarried, in good health, handsome in appearance, completely in line with my fantasy of a lover, and have a little affection for me, you can write back to me through this paper, and I will communicate with you further.

The pen does not move forward.

Some girl in a fancy cage, Little Fish.

Written on the 12th day of the solar month 1746 in the Golden Sea calendar.

Also: This piece of letter paper is called "Lovesickness Paper", a set of two sheets, as long as you write on one, it will be automatically mapped to the other sheet. When the paper is full, you only need to blow air, the ink on it will disappear, and you can write repeatedly.

"What is this?" Tang Ke couldn't help laughing after reading the contents of the letter. Is this a girl pregnant? Judging by the tone of his speech, he was very polite, and he also mentioned the "gorgeous cage", it seemed that he was still a lady.

Another thing is very strange, she always called herself a girl, and said that she had waited for decades, which was a bit contradictory. From this point of view, she must not be a human girl, but should be a long-lived race such as elves, so she is still a girl in her decades.

The date of writing is 46 years, the first time in a year. This drifting bottle drifted across the ocean and ended up in Tang Ke's hands, which can be considered a kind of wonderful fate.

As for this kind of lovesickness paper, Tang Ke had never heard of it. After using investigation techniques, he found out that this piece of paper does have the effect of repeatedly writing and transmitting words, and it is still a little treasure. How could a girl from an ordinary family have such a good thing, further verifying that the girl who wrote the letter had an extraordinary background.

"Anyway, there is nothing left and right, so I will use you for entertainment."

Tang Ke shrugged, and returned to the captain's cabin with the pink letter paper. He blew on the letter paper, and the ink on it floated away like a cloud of black ash. He lay down in front of the table, took out his quill and wrote a reply.

Hello Xiaoyu, I was lucky enough to pick up this drift bottle one year after you sent the letter. Maybe your prayers have been answered, I am the man of your fantasy. I am young, unmarried, healthy, and handsome, which is exactly what you want.

But I am not a knight, nor a nobleman, but a captain of pirates.

If you are not satisfied with my evil identity, you can write back and tell me. For the sake of your dissatisfaction, I can hand over the letter to you when you meet a knight or nobleman. Well, I hope you don't mind that when I meet people like this, they're already my captives.

A certain pirate captain wrote back.

After thinking about it, you may not pay attention to this letter that has been sent for a year, so let's save a date. Maybe you will find some fun in this pirate's reply after many years.

The 18th of the Flower Moon, 1747, in the Golden Sea Calendar.

Tang Ke held up the letter paper, admiring his vigorous and powerful handwriting, and was quite satisfied. The joy of writing this letter was greater than the joy of reading this letter.

The time span of this letter is too large, and the possibility of receiving a response is unlikely. Tang Ke didn't take it seriously because of this. He closed the letter, pressed it under the book, and went back to the deck to blow some air.

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