Pirate System

Chapter 284: Crystal Island

Text]Chapter 284 Crystal Island——

Chapter 284: Crystal Island

The bright sunlight cast from the sky turned into hexagonal light spots, colorful and warm on the face. Tang Ke arrived at Crystal Island one afternoon, and his three ships plunged into a group of docked ships. At a glance, there are at least 300 ships parked along the coast, which shows how busy the business here is.

Some little murlocs were flopping about in the sea, maintaining order at the pier. The little murloc was much smaller than the naga murloc, only one yard tall, with four limbs, and the whole body was a fish, unlike the naga murloc, which had some human shadows. The little murlocs have no fighting power, but their population is huge, and their status is very low both on the seabed and on the shore. A large number of people were captured by the ashore race and became slaves.

As soon as Tang Ke stepped onto the wooden bridge of the pier, various data of Crystal Island were automatically listed.

Island: Crystal Isle.

Affiliation: Crystal Palace.

Explanation: There is no land here, but in order to be able to conduct trade activities with the people on the shore, the Crystal Palace spent a lot of manpower and moved the reefs to build this island. As the largest commercial island of the Sea Beasts, everything on the seabed can be purchased on the island, and various Sea Beasts mercenaries can also be hired. The sea beast clan has the final say on the island, and many rules are unfavorable to the races on the shore, and the sea beast clan will not protect the races on the shore here, so it is quite risky for shore merchants to make money here.

Armament level: 205 (There are almost no defensive facilities on the island, and the armament level is very low, but tens of thousands of Sea Beast residents gathered together, and their combat effectiveness has made this place impenetrable)

Commercial degree: 2103 (the island is busy with trade, and many brave merchants on shore have made a fortune here)

Technology degree: 335.

Favorability: ☆

Buildings: island owner's cave, court, square, āo exchange, jiīng bank, hospital, mercenary union, hotel, tavern...

Special location: fish tank corridor (many sea beasts cannot survive on the shore, in order to communicate with the shore races, a winding giant fish tank was built on the island, the sea beasts can swim freely in it, and the shore races You can also talk to the sea beasts through the fish tank)

Coordinates: W628N123.

After reading the introduction, Tang Ke turned around and told his subordinates to stay on board, not to leave, and to protect the three ships.

The sailor and the dumb monster agreed abruptly.

The sound like a thunderclap attracted hundreds of eyes from the people on the sailing boats on both sides. When they saw the flying dragon pirate flag, the crowd broke out bursts of exclamation.

Tang Ke only brought a few Naga murlocs ashore, and passed through a strangely deformed black stone forest through the winding pontoon bridge. Along the way, he encountered some sea beasts one after another.

The ch-o Xi crab walks sideways, with three pairs of sharp and hard feet stepping on the stone, making a "da da da" sound. It is covered with a shell, and its hardness is even comparable to steel armor. It triumphantly waved its giant tongs at passers-by, as if it wanted to find someone to fight.

The electric drill conch man hid in the huge conch, walking forward on hands and feet. There was a hole d-ng in its conch, from which he cast a shīng gaze. The conch on its body is covered with spikes, divided into several layers, each layer can rotate rapidly, when the entire sea spiral is turned away, it will give birth to the power to drill and smash rocks.

The proud tooth sea lion moved its fat body forward. It had a pair of teeth comparable to a saber-toothed tiger, and its preciousness was even higher than that of ivory, and it was priceless.

Along the way, Tang Ke met sea beast tribe members he had never seen before, so he used his investigative skills to find out a thing or two, and by the way, touched the recruitment conditions of the chicken. He thought of several battle plans for the sea beast clan. No matter what kind of sea beast clan they are, as long as they make good use of them, they can become a powerful combat force at sea. Going further, he entered the "Fish Tank Corridor", surrounded by transparent fish tanks up to fifteen yards, and many sea beasts that can only live in water shuttled among them, and the fish tanks were connected one by one, like It is a series of walls, extending to the island.

"Weird boy," a thunder eel looked at Tang Ke's strange oriental face, "do you need a powerful thunder eel guard? I only need five hundred gold coins a month." It said, its head jī There was a burst of electric fire huā, and there was a crackling sound. Water can conduct electricity, so the other sea beasts hid far away, for fear of being accidentally injured by lightning.

Tang Ke showed a look of interest. He had heard the name of the Thunder Emperor Eel long ago. An adult Thunder Emperor Eel can reach twenty yards in length. . Using the Thunder Emperor Eel as an escort can dispel most of the sea monsters. However, in terms of dealing with sailboats, the Thunder Emperor Eel is much worse.

"Although I don't intend to hire you, I have been fascinated by Lei Huang Eel for a long time, and I am willing to give you ten gold coins as a token of my heart." Tang Ke asked his subordinates for an empty money bag, and stuffed ten gold coins into it.

"Ten gold coins is a little less, but it's enough for a few days." Leihuang eel, like other sea beast races, is much simpler than the shore races, has no excessive self-esteem, and is willing to accept charity for no reason.

With a flick of his hand, Tang Ke threw the money bag into the fish tank. As soon as Lei Huang Eel took the money bag, the system sounded, and Lei Huang Eel was included in the recruitment list.

Leihuang eel thanked him, and swam away with the money bag in his mouth. For the sea beasts without limbs, many actions were inconvenient.

Tang Ke clicked on the chart interface, called up the map of the island, and went straight to the exchange on the island.

The āo exchange is built from a huge conch, covering an area of ​​700 square meters, with a total of 16 floors. There are large m-n and windows on the conch, and there are two tiger sharks guarding the m-n entrance. Entering it, the inside is a vast expanse of white, the walls and the ground are white, and the texture is like y. The āo exchange is very lively, the sea beasts and the people on the shore come back and forth, calling for buying and selling, and the stairs lead to the upper floors, and each floor sells different goods.

Tang Ke expressed his intention to a little murloc hanging an ōng card, and he came here only to avoid water drops.

The little murloc got a few copper coins as a reward, and with a happy smile, he happily led Tang Ke up to the fifth floor, where he found the person in charge of selling water-avoiding beads.

The person in charge is an octopus man. It has an octopus head, a human body, hands, feet, and limbs with r-u suckers. It is sticky and wet all over, and it smells like the sea. It wore a leather three-cornered hat with a dried yellow starfish on the brim. Under its hat, there are tentacles all over its face, moving back and forth non-stop, and a pair of small eyes turning back and forth emerge from the gaps between the tentacles.

"Lankey is willing to help you. I heard that you want to buy water-proof beads. Please come here to have a look." The octopus man made a gesture of invitation, and its tentacles on the face also pointed to one side along with the fingers.

Tang Ke walked over according to the guidance, passed through several houses, and came to a glass counter. He originally thought that he could see the real object of the water-repelling bead, but the octopus man only took out a few paintings from the counter, which depicted a pearl that dispels sea water. Looking at these paintings, he couldn't get angry, and raised his eyebrows displeasedly: "This is really a masterpiece of art. If I want to buy artwork to hang on the wall, I will be very satisfied, but unfortunately Yes, I’m not here to buy a painting.”

The octopus man giggled a few times, shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said: "With all due respect, if you can put boxes of gold coins in front of my eyes, I would be willing to let you see the real ones. But you are empty-handed now." When I came here, how could I take out such precious water-repelling beads? After several robberies, this āo exchange no longer stores valuables. All minerals and treasures are only painted. way to show them to customers.”

Tang Ke had no reason to persuade the octopus man. He was depressed for a few seconds, and stepped back: "Fortunately, the reputation of Crystal Island is not bad. I won't look at the real thing, just talk about the price."

The octopus man bowed deeply, and said politely: "Thank you for your trust in Crystal Island. Water-avoiding beads are like pearls, and they are classified into different grades. The effect is high or low, and the price is naturally different. There are still three water-repelling pearls left in the store, the lowest priced one costs 5,000 gold coins, the moderate one costs 8,000 gold coins, and the best-quality one costs 13,000 gold coins."

Tang Ke took a deep look at the octopus man, frowned and said, "I'm considering whether to take back my trust in Crystal Island. As far as I know, water-avoiding beads are not so expensive."

"Don't blame the high price. It's all the merchants on the shore who drive up the price. The place where water-proof beads are produced is monopolized by a few merchants. They buy water-proof beads in a big way. Once there are few water-proof beads, the price will increase. Naturally, a rising tide raises all boats. Hehe, the methods used by the races on the shore to make money are really 'cunning', and the sea beasts are ashamed of themselves." The octopus shrugged with a smile.

Naturally, Tang Ke would not buy into this statement. He tried his best to bargain with the octopus. But the octopus man insisted on the price, and was only willing to reduce the price by 500 gold coins at most, which was almost the same as no reduction. Tang Ke resorted to the tricks he usually used when buying things, pretending to walk away, intending to kill the octopus, but he walked out of the entrance, and the octopus didn't stop him.

From this point of view, the water-avoiding beads are indeed a hot item, and the octopus people have no worries about selling them, so they are very confident about the price.

Tang Ke walked out of the exchange with a sullen face. Even if he had a lot of money, he couldn't just spend so much money casually. He gave Elizabeth 60,000 gold coins a few days ago, and now there are only a few thousand gold coins left in his hand, and the rest of the money is on Dragon Nest Island, which cannot be mobilized for a while. The business of the elite bank is not so high-end yet, and it is impossible to transfer money in different places.

Money is tight, and if he uses legitimate means, Tang Ke can't buy the water-proof beads at all, so he can only resort to some crooked ways.

"It seems that we really have to use the little fish to lower the price." He mowed his chin and said leisurely.

A few days ago, Xiaoyu had already expressed his willingness to meet him at Crystal Island, as long as he notified Xiaoyu in a letter, he could call Xiaoyu. He quickly returned to the boat, found out the pink letter paper, and wrote down what happened when he arrived. In order for the little fish to find him smoothly, he also drew the pirate flag of the Dragon Pirates.

Now, he doesn't care about exposing his identity anymore, he believes that Xiaoyu won't harm him. However, he has not mentioned his real name yet, and has been using the name Tom. He plans to wait until the meeting, depending on the situation, maybe continue to conceal it, or tell the truth. Anyway, Xiaoyu is definitely not her real name, and that mermaid has a lot to hide.

Next, just wait for the little fish to appear.

Tang Ke was not idle during the waiting period, wandering around the Crystal Island all day long, and activated several recruitment conditions for the Sea Beast Race. Now, he can recruit twenty-six kinds of sea beasts in his system, and there are only ten kinds that he has never encountered. At the same time, he also sent naga murlocs to keep an eye on the movement of the water-avoiding beads. If the little fish can't use them, he plans to wait until someone buys the water-avoiding beads and grab them directly. He still prefers this solution.

The night was deep, on the shore of Crystal Island, on an ordinary ship belonging to the Dragon Pirates, five sailors were drinking, hiccupping, and chatting.

A heavy-bodied sailor l- showed a wretched look, and made an S-shape gesture with his hand.

"Those sea serpent girls are really exciting. They have small waists and slender waists, and their nipples are as round as coconuts. When they talk, they speak in a coquettish voice, which makes people's bones crisp."

"The nightly fee for the sea serpent girl is so high, you kid gambled so much last time, you definitely can't afford it, so just hang out there haha"

"What you said reminded me, come, come, come and gamble, let me win the night fee."

"Come on. Be careful to lose all the k-sisters."

"Damn it, I think today's lucky star is shining, and it will definitely kill the Quartet. Yake, you come to play too. What are you doing standing there?"

While a few people were chatting, the sailor named Yake was stunned like a zombie, staring straight at the opposite port side. The others pushed and shouted, but Yake just didn't respond. The others felt that something was wrong, and turned their heads away, and they were dumbfounded when they saw it.

On the port side railing, sat two sea beasts, one was a tall tiger shark man, and the other was a mermaid. Both of them were dripping with sea water, obviously just jumped on the guardrail.

The eyes of several sailors were attracted by the mermaid, and l- showed mesmerized expressions.

"Oh my god, is that a mermaid? We were so lucky to see a mermaid."

Although this is Crystal Island, only across the water from the Crystal Palace, there are very few mermaids on the island. The pirate group stayed here for the past few days without even encountering a single one. Mermaids are quiet and shy by nature, and don't like to show their heads outside. All matters on the island are taken care of by other sea beasts.

"She is so beautiful, ten times more beautiful than the sea serpent girl, no, a hundred times more beautiful." The sailor who showed a wretched look before, his expression changed drastically, from wretch to admiration. Although the mermaid is beautiful and charming, no one can There is no evil intention of obscenity, because that kind of beauty is too pure.

The mermaid moved her body and stood on the deck. The tail of the fish naturally parted, and quickly transformed into the tuǐ of an ordinary woman. Those tuǐs are straight and round, and the toes are like little pearls, beautiful and delicious. She looked up at the prominent pirate flag of the Dragon Pirates, and then at the Tiger Sharkmen beside her. From her eyes, it could be seen that she cared about the Tiger Sharkmen very much, and was even somewhat respectful.

That tiger shark man was tall and mighty, as tall as two people, and its teeth were like small daggers, spitting out a cold light. It stands to reason that with its appearance, its behavior should be open and closed, and it should be vigorous. But the actual situation was just the opposite. Her movements were twitchy, more gentle than the mermaid at the side. It makes people get goosebumps.

The mermaid sighed, inadvertently exuding l-sadness, which broke the hearts of several sailors present. She stroked her long black hair and said softly, "We are looking for a pirate captain named Tom. Is he here?"

Several sailors were already fascinated by the sight, until the mermaid repeatedly asked two or three times before someone came back to his senses and murmured: "Captain Tom? How can there be such a person?"

"Stupid" Another sailor also came back to his senses, and slammed the head of the previous speaker, "Did you forget the order from the captain?"

Tang Ke said before that if a mermaid is looking for Tom these days, it is him.

The sailor who was beaten suddenly realized, nodded again and again: "Yes, there is Captain Tom, I will call him right away."

The sailors broke into a yell, calling "Captain Tom."

Tang Ke's hearing was so keen that even though he was far away on the Black Pearl, he rushed over immediately after hearing the sound. He jumped onto the surface of the sea, drew his sword and slashed downwards, the sword energy rushed out, forming a fan shape, hitting the surface of the sea, generating a huge thrust. With this strength, Tang Ke raised his figure again and landed on the deck of the ordinary ship. Although he just regarded this fate as a game, but when he was about to meet, he still felt a little excited. He went around the mast and came to the two sea beasts. He ignored the tall tiger shark and looked directly at the black-haired mermaid.

The two sea beast tribes were also looking at Tang Ke, the mermaid was still calm, but the tiger shark man seemed extremely excited. It vigorously rubbed its hands folded in front of its body, and lowered its head shyly, stealing a look at Tang Ke.

Tang Ke secretly praised in his heart that the mermaid really lived up to its reputation. This black-haired mermaid was beautiful and refined, with flowing black hair reflecting the moonlight, beautiful eyes as clear as water, and her nose, mouth, and facial lines were also impeccable . As for the figure, it is also very hot, it is only covered with a piece of silk, and the silk sticks to the skin after being wet, which makes people imagine. He secretly thought that he was blessed, even if he couldn't play with the mermaid for real, it would still be a good thing to have some intimacy.

It might be because Tang Ke's gaze was too bony, the black-haired mermaid blushed and turned her face away.

Tang Ke walked over with a smile, opened his arms and said, "Xiaoyu, we finally met. This moment is really touching." no problem.

However, the black-haired mermaid was indifferent to Tang Ke's actions, but the tiger shark man on the side took a step forward, as if he was about to pounce on Tang Ke and kiss him madly.

Tang Ke was a little puzzled, could it be that the feelings are not in place yet? Or is Xiaoyu too shy?

The black-haired mermaid cleared her throat and asked, "Can we sit in the room and talk?"

"Uh, of course." Tang Ke shrugged, and led "Little Fish" and Tiger Shark to the gangway. Seeing the awkward atmosphere on the way, he broke the deadlock and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied with my image? ?”

Before the black-haired mermaid could make a sound, the tiger shark on the other side rushed to say: "Enen, I am very satisfied. It is just as I imagined, tall and strong, with a bit of evil on his face, and swords all over his body." You must have scars on your body, right? I think you match the scars very well, making you more fierce." The sound was like two broken gongs beating together.

"Why are you rushing to answer?" Tang Ke smiled at the mermaid, "Your guard is not very good."

The black-haired mermaid seemed to hear some big joke, covered her mouth and snickered a few times, the sound was like a silver bell, beautiful and pleasant. The tiger shark man also joined in the fun, covering his huge face with both hands, and twisting his body, like a child's coquettish movements.

Tang Ke was ashamed when he saw it, and decided to use investigative techniques to find out the details of Xiaoyu, but he had already reached the entrance of m-n. He didn't rush to see it, so he pushed m-n away first, and walked into an empty d-n ngd-ng's house. He showed a gentleman's demeanor and invited the black-haired mermaid into the house first. Afterwards, the tiger shark man also lowered his head and barely squeezed into the room, almost breaking off the m-n frame.

As soon as the m-n was closed, the black-haired mermaid smiled wryly: "Mr. Tom, you have misunderstood, I am not a small fish at all, she is."

Xiao Biy spread her hands, pointing at the tiger shark man whose movements and demeanor are very girl-like. However, the Tiger Sharkman's demeanor and body are too incompatible, and the contrast is so huge that it is unacceptable.

Tang Ke was shocked by this joke and broke into a cold sweat. Could it be that the person he was exchanging heartfelt love with lovesickness papers was this hopelessly ugly tiger shark? If this was true, he would chop up the tiger shark with a lu-n knife and make soup to drink. He restrained himself, not to get angry, and asked patiently: "Little fish, don't scare me, this joke is not serious at all." Is not funny."

Xiaobi ignored Tang Ke and encouraged the tiger shark man in a low voice.

The tiger shark said shyly, "Xiaobi, I'm a little scared."

"Grand...Miss, things have come to this point, what are you afraid of?"

Tang Ke said, "Hey, what's the situation? Is there something wrong with my ears, or something wrong with your eyes, where does it look like a lady?" He pointed at the tiger shark man with a trembling index finger, secretly thinking This guy is not a mother... This guy is not a mother...

Xiaobi got angry, made a face at Tang Ke, wrinkled the bridge of her nose, and pouted her mouth.

The tiger shark man was still hesitating and said: "My heart is beating so fast, Xiaobi, what should I do."

Xiao Bi raised her hand to grab the tiger shark man's thick arm, and urged: "Miss, don't hesitate, he is happy to see me like this, if he sees your real body, he will love you to death at a glance. "

Upon hearing the word Mami, Tang Ke stopped interrupting and looked suspiciously at the Tiger Sharkman.

The tiger sharkman finally made up his mind, waved his hands and said, "You, you turn around first, I will let you turn around, and you turn around again."

"I can only promise you to close your eyes." Tang Ke was not worried about what the two were up to, and it was easier for him to grasp the surrounding situation when he closed his eyes.

With his eyelids lowered, his world plunged into darkness. A slight wind blew through the room, and the figures of the two sea beasts clearly appeared. What surprised him happened, the huge tiger shark man seemed to have shrunk, his body suddenly became smaller, and he became slim and graceful.

"Okay, open your eyes. I've turned back into my real body." A heavenly voice sounded, which seemed to make the birds forget to flap their wings and stop the river from moving forward.

Tang Ke opened his eyes, and the tiger shark man disappeared, replaced by a peerless beauty with long pink hair.

Her pink hair was pulled up high, a few strands of long hair were bent like a pink bridge, and the hair was rippling with a clear light like water. She lowered her head, looking coy and shy, as if she had been dipped in l-water, slightly pressing the flowers bent over her waist. Her skin is fragile, like a thin layer of milky white cream. There was a blush on her face, the kind of blush on the petals of peach huā. Her beady fingers were tightly clasped, a feeling of nowhere to rest.

Her beauty has surpassed people's imagination and reached the point of deification.

The Eunice that Tang Ke met was already a top-notch beauty, but compared with the woman in front of him, Eunice was still far behind. This is simply the gap between God and man.

"It's so beautiful." Tang Ke murmured, he had run out of words, and couldn't find a more suitable word other than beauty.

Princess Huasaw lightly greeted Zhu Ch-n and said, "I'm very happy that you praise me so much."

Tang Ke stared at each other, which was a great enjoyment. His resistance to beautiful women is very high, but this time he has fallen, and he has a feeling of heartbeat. He became very curious about mermaids, and seized the opportunity to use investigative techniques.

Name: Huasha.Shuilan (surname of the royal family of the twin-tailed mermaid)

Occupation: Singer (level 5, a profession that relies on singing voice to fight, and the songs sung have various buff effects) dancer (level 4, like a singer, can also create various effects with gorgeous dancing postures) Magician (third-level, attribute x-ng water, a semi-god profession that communicates and uses the power of various elements)

Race: Two-tailed mermaid family.

Title: No. 1 Beauty (Although she lives at the bottom of the sea and never goes out, those who are lucky enough to see her beauty spread her beauty, so she is well known to the world, favorability +6, charm +6, Prestige +3)

Feature x-ng: Twin-tailed mermaid (the king race among mermaids, superior in every way than ordinary mermaids, can create dust of light when swimming, nvx-ng single pass, after sex, the opposite x-ng partner will die, Swimming speed +5, singing skills +4, charisma +4) royal blood (she has the nobility from the bloodline level, which makes people admire, deterrence +3, prestige +2) voice spreads thousands of miles (masters the ultimate pronunciation Skills, making singing more penetrating, sound bō attack range +2, voice control effect +2) soft body (limbs and waist become extremely flexible, able to dance more difficult dances) elemental perception (the magician's most Elementary characteristic x-ng, at this stage, you can only feel the same x-ng elements that are flooding around you, and absorb and use them) Element control (Use your proficient control to shape elements into different shapes, such as blade shape, shield shape or Needle-shaped) wěn of blessing (after the people on the shore get the wěn of the two-tailed mermaid, they can gain the power to breathe freely underwater)

Singing skills: ★★★★★★★★☆

Dance: ★★★★★☆

Elemental Attack: ★★★★★

Magic: ★★★★

Physical strength: ★★★★★★★

One of the equipment: Transformation Mirror (Epic-level item, this precious mirror can firmly remember the people who have been seen by the mirror. The user only needs to recite the corresponding spell to activate the ability of the mirror and become the person who has been seen by the mirror. One of the people, but the changes are only the appearance, voice and smell, and the ability cannot be simulated)

Strongest skill: Voice of Happiness (Use a beautiful melody to make the listener fall into a happy mood. It can be used to appease the emotions of allies in normal times, and can make the enemy put down their weapons unconsciously in wartime) Dance of Blooms (only available on the bottom of the sea) Jump out of the dance,) Waterspout (communicate with water elements, create a huge sea tornado, combat power +5, magic power -3)

Language: Common language of the Alliance of Light. Sea beast language. Mermaid language. Orcish. Dijing. Elf language.

Physical condition: healthy.

Affiliation: Crystal Palace.

Reward amount: 950000 gold coins (

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