Pirate System

Chapter two hundred and ninetieth: Great War (Part 1)

Volume 1 Cangtian] Chapter 290 Great War (Part 1)——

Chapter 290 Great War (Part 1)

Tang Ke yelled violently, and threw the electric ball in his hand at Zela violently. In order to prevent Agula from intervening to block him, he poured all his strength into this blow, aiming for a one-hit kill. The electric ball let out a piercing scream, and rushed forward, dragging a lightning tail, turning everything it passed into scorched earth.

Zela was in a state of shock and hadn't reacted yet. Its face was illuminated by the electric light, and it involuntarily closed its eyes.

The electric ball came crashing down, and it was in front of Zela in an instant.

At the juncture of life and death, a purple-s- figure flashed in front of Zela, pushed forward with both hands, and collided with the electric ball. The electric ball was scattered and exploded, and the electric dragon ran around, tearing up the ground and surrounding houses. The electric glow frantically moved, but was blocked by that figure, unable to advance an inch.

"It seems that I can't wait for a while." Agula said majesticly after breaking up the electric ball. Purple dou qi emanated from all over his body, and his power rose to the sky, covering a large area, and even the thunder and lightning had to be avoided.

Zela opened her eyes, her face covered with cold sweat, completely losing the arrogance just now.

"Damn it..." Tang Ke's face sank, the speed of the eighth-rank fighter was really terrifying, and he could even compete with Lightning. He changed his move temporarily, pointing his fingers forward, and the scattered electric balls re-condensed together at an extremely fast speed. The electric ball shrank into a ball and exploded, emitting extremely dazzling white light, illuminating the surroundings like daylight.

This blow was equivalent to a flash bomb, and both Zela and Agula were forced to close their eyes.

Tang Ke briefly fused the memory of a magician, knew all kinds of usages of thunder magic well, and almost subconsciously came up with a strategy to fight. He stretched his arms upwards, and shot out two electric dragons. The electric dragons hit the sky and spread out, weaving into an overwhelming grid, covering one-fifth of the area of ​​Hong Kong Mask.

There was a cry of the dragon eagle from the sky. It had been patrolling the sky, and as soon as the battle broke out, it flew towards Tang Ke immediately.

Tang Ke heard the sound and shouted: "Jianshi, don't come here, you can't help much, just stand by and wait for orders. This is an order and must be obeyed."

This is a battle of top powerhouses, and Longying's level is simply vulnerable. The remaining role of Longying is to report or carry Warsaw away. But the sky was full of lightning, and the pirates at sea could naturally guess that there was a fight here, without notice. As for Warsaw, it was impossible to get cold feet.

Long Ying is quite obedient,

With a response, it turned around and flew away from the dangerous area, otherwise, a random bolt of lightning could kill it.

When the white light dissipated, Agula suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted in a rumbling voice: "I have heard for a long time that magicians are powerful, but I have never had the chance to fight them. Let me have a good look at them today." It jumped up in the air, and punched Tang Ke in the air, with purple flames on his fists, was extremely tyrannical. Fighters only seek destructive power, and their moves are very straightforward.

Tang Ke Wuxin confronted Agula, and with a move, fine electric wires fell from the sky, as if an electric rain had fallen. He used the electric light to shuttle, dodging Agula's heavy punch. Now there are lightning everywhere, he is like a fish returning to the sea, he can move freely. He quickly circled behind Zela, raised his iron arm, and slammed down heavily.

Agula's fist hit the void, making a muffled sound, and d-ng let out a puff of air l-ng. As soon as it missed the shot, it hurriedly turned around and flew back to rescue Zela, but it was too late.

Tang Ke punched Zela on the back, knocking Zela to the ground. Tang Ke increased his strength, thunder and lightning surged wildly, crackling, and the figures of the two disappeared in the white light. An electric column shot up into the sky, thick enough to be surrounded by ten people, and the destructive power in it can be imagined.

Agula's speed was only half a beat slower than the lightning, and then he rushed in front of the electric column, and punched into the electric column, completely ignoring the lightning damage.

Tang Ke only felt a strong force coming from his back. This force was like a galloping horse, unstoppable. He gritted his teeth and gathered electric power to block it, but his body was still blasted away. He was not seriously injured. After flashing into the air, he protected his vitals and focused on Zela's condition.

The electric column disappeared quickly, leaving behind a sunken scorched earth and the raging flames all around. In the center of the scorched earth, there was a strange ball emitting black gas. The black gas gradually subsided, revealing Zela's figure. It vomited blood and knelt on one knee. Obviously, the black air is a means of self-protection. After all, it is also a sixth-order warlock, and it has a lot of unique skills at the bottom of the box.

"It hurts, he fucking hurt me to death, damn Tonk, how could you be a magician?" Zela yelled weakly, the fish's eyes were bloodshot, her body was scorched black, and her clothes had turned into blue smoke , reduced to the point of nakedness.

"He's not a magician. His power should come from the scroll just now." Agula guarded in front of the half-dead Zela, looking up at Tang Ke, exuding a strong purple-s-fighting energy all over his body.

The fighting spirit of a fighter will change in quality and color as the strength increases. At first it is red, then from red to purple, and then from purple to white. Agula is enough to use white s-fighting qi, but now he is using purple s-fighting qi, which proves that he still has hidden strength.

Tang Kechōu took an extra look at Warsaw, for fear that Warsaw would be affected in any way. But fortunately, Warsaw was safe and sound, and protected himself with a water dragon. Although water is conductive, it can use the characteristics of conductivity to lead lightning to other places, which can also play a protective role.

Hua Sha looked at the battlefield in panic, eagerly trying to help.

In this battle of first-class powerhouses, the fifth-level singer can play very little role. If Agula is angered by a shot, Huasha's life is in danger.

"I can deal with you two by myself," Tang Ke yelled at the two murlocs, but he actually said it to Warsaw, because he didn't want Warsaw to be in danger. He opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the world in his arms. The thunder and lightning in the air formed a wall, enclosing the two murlocs inside. The thunder and lightning emitted white light, blocking the sight of the two murlocs.

Tang Ke pulled out two knives, combined the power of the magician and the swordsman, and let lightning attach to the two knives. The thunder and lightning quickly stabilized and formed a substance, and fine electric fire huā erupted on the surface. He kicked into the void, took a turn, jumped into the lightning wall, carried out a sneak attack, and slashed at the top of Zela's head. He poured all his strength into this knife, but he stopped abruptly in mid-air, it turned out that he was blocked by grudge.

"I want to kill it in front of me, no m-n" Agula yelled violently, the purple s-vindictive energy formed a ball, protecting Zela in it, and it punched Tang Ke, attacking crisply.

Tang Ke used another knife in front of him to block the punch, and the knife rolled with electric light, which in turn devoured Agula. Feeling that he could resist the punch, he quickly chanted the incantation and released a fear spell.

"Ah..." Agula's heart tightened for a moment, and several vague visions flashed in his mind.

Tang Ke seized this one-ten-thousandth of a second opportunity, and stabbed Agula's mouth with a knife. The blade tore through layers of vindictiveness, and then pierced Agula's skin, but he couldn't move forward again. The body of an eighth-level fighter is really too strong, the skin is equivalent to a wall of copper and iron, and the hardness of the bones can rival that of diamonds.

"It's very good that you can hurt me. This trip is really worthwhile, and I have met an opponent like you." Agula was not angry but happy, and moved forward with ōng mouth, the fighting spirit all over his body turned from purple -turned into white s-, pumped up a burst of energy l-ng, and pushed Tang Ke out.

Fighters have always been known for their rage, and the more they use their true power, the more emotional they get out of control. If Agula uses the red s- or purple s- fighting qi, he can still maintain his self-awareness, but if he uses the white s- fighting qi, he will enter a state of berserk and lose his mind. There are only two thoughts left in its mind, one is to protect Zela, and the other is to kill Tang Ke

Agula let out a loud roar, shook his arms, and shattered the surrounding lightning walls. Immediately afterwards, the dou qi around it began to materialize, turning into a piece of armor that covered its body. This set of armor was crystal clear, as beautiful as a handicraft, and formed the shape of a shark.

Tang Ke's heart trembled, knowing that the tough battle had just begun. He swam swiftly among the electric wires all over the sky, swung his two knives constantly, and cut out half-moon-shaped thunder and lightning sword qi, and each sword qi flew towards Zela with a tricky trajectory.

Seeing the move, Agula smashed the sword energy with his fist, and if he couldn't hit it, he simply roared and shattered the sword energy with his voice. It swung freely, and it didn't let a sword qi hurt Zela.

"Look at how fast you are!" Tang Ke raised his single knife and stabbed into the air, the sky thundered and lightning roared like soldiers on the battlefield, and thousands of thunder and lightning shot towards Zela one after another. Lightning danced wildly like a group of snakes, each streak was blazing and white, containing extremely strong destructive power.

"Pure power can destroy everything." Under the rage, Agula's pupils disappeared, leaving the chilling whites of his eyes, like two sharp edges. It punched violently in the air, white vindictiveness wrapped the fist, and condensed a huge arm, as if the Titan had come again, and the punch hit the top of the sky. The huge explosion sound even overwhelmed the thunder and lightning, enough to deafen ordinary people go Ape

Its way of attack is punch, punch, punch

The lightning all over the sky was scattered, and a void appeared in the center of the entire power grid. In the center of the burst of dou qi, no matter whether it was air, light, water or any other substances, they were all destroyed.

Tang Ke mobilized the thunder and lightning from heaven and earth, so he naturally had to attach a trace of spirit to these thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning were stimulated, and his spirit also suffered some damage. He covered his head in severe pain, let out a roar, his eyes shot out several electric tongues, and his demeanor was like madness.

This battle was as short as lightning, from the beginning to the present, it only took a few tens of seconds. The sleeping people in the port have only just woken up now. Massive crowds flooded the streets, screaming and running around. The houses that were affected by the fighting started to burn one after another, and the flames became one piece. Coupled with the flash of lightning in the sky, the entire port looks like the end is coming.

This is the battle between the strong

With the mental damage, Tang Ke deeply realized that he absolutely couldn't fight Agula, but had to use a roundabout way to kill Zela.

"Hundred Cracks Fist" Agula roared violently, his fists bombarded frantically, and his fighting spirit formed into storm balls, sh-killing in all directions. These storm balls can fly quite a long distance without dispersing, and some even flew to the end of the sky.

Tang Ke opened his arms, spread out a new grid, and shuttled around in the electric light, avoiding these dangerous storm balls. He could feel that as long as he got a little touch, he could be seriously injured by the storm balls.

Agula seemed to use inexhaustible strength to hit more and more storm balls, faster and faster, and the entire port became a battlefield for it to wreak havoc, mountains and rivers shattered, landslides collapsed, and even the power grid was punched into big holes one after another.

Zela on the other side didn't just stand around waiting to die. Enduring serious injuries, she forcibly summoned two armored monsters from the abyss. This kind of monster is tall, resembling a beetle, and can grow iron-like wings on its body. It is famous for its strong defense. Zela hid between the two armored monsters, much safer.

Among the three, Tang Ke was the only one who couldn't afford it. As the power of the Thunder Scroll dwindled, he became more and more anxious. But under the bombardment of thousands of storm balls, he didn't even have a chance to counterattack in the air, and he would die tragically on the spot if he was not careful.

"The flames of war illuminate the eyes of sorrow, the pain of losing a loved one spreads in the heart, and the cry spreads all over the field, in exchange for the presence of angels..." The melodious and soft singing sounded, no matter how loud the explosions or screams were, they could not cover it up. The spread of the song. The singing is like a sweet spring, pouring into people's hearts, quenching the fighting spirit and anger.

This is Warsaw's strongest skill, the sound of happiness. Although it is not lethal, it can calm people down and immerse them in happiness.

Tang Ke's heart was touched, and he immediately wanted to give up the fight and run away with his lover and accomplices, but he gave up the thought in a flash. It is not a problem for him to escape by himself, but he has no ability to escape with Warsaw and his brothers in three ships. What's more, Agula is so tight, even if he tries his best, he may not be able to win. With a heart attack, he broke the effect of the singing and attacked again.

As for Agula, his emotions were already out of control, those singing voices couldn't be heard at all, its attack didn't stop, and it still sh- slammed in all directions.

On the contrary, those ordinary people who were running around were soothed by the singing, and their emotions stabilized a lot. Otherwise, even if they escaped by chance, they would go crazy due to the huge fright in the future.

"If I lose, I'm not the only one who will die. So I must not lose." Tang Ke was driven into a dead end, and only by killing Zela could he have any hope of survival. After Zela's death, he can take Warsaw to hide. Agula doesn't seem to know much about the Dragon Pirates, and the three ships and their companions can also take advantage of lu-n to escape.

Tang Ke stretched his limbs and his body formed a "big" character. He condensed all the thunder elements in the world, and compressed the thunder and lightning into needles. Each needle was only as long as a palm, and the number increased from hundreds to thousands. , and still increasing.

"Aww" Agula let out a maddened roar, and it aimed at Tang Ke who was standing still in the air and blasted more than two dozen balls of storm balls.

Tang Ke used teleportation one after another, and his figure flashed out, avoiding more than a dozen storm balls, but was still hit by a storm ball. He gritted his teeth and waited, ōng shot up a series of electric lights to remove the power of the storm ball. He continued to make thin electric needles.

Thousands of electric needles floated in the air, the needles pointed at Zela, and crackling flames burst out from the surface. Although the power of these electroacupuncture is not fierce, but the advantage lies in the intensive attack and strong penetrating power, there is no way to hide, and it is impossible to defend

"Storm Fist" Agula saw that Tang Ke couldn't escape too far, and gathered a stronger white-s-fighting energy, which swirled crazily and wrapped around his fist. After this punch is blasted out, it will create a tornado of vindictiveness, which can strangle everything, so it is called "Storm Fist".

"Kill" Tang Ke took the lead in completing the process of saving, and shot out tens of thousands of electric needles. The electric needles made a sound of piercing the air, and fell on the top of Zela's head like raindrops under the hood.

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