Pirate System

Chapter 310: The Tsunami Is Coming

Chapter 310 The Tsunami Comes

Tang Ke broke into the house recklessly. In his memory, he had no impression of this hand. It must be the hand of a stranger.

Maybe it was the undead woman floating in the sea, or some hún brought the woman to the boat. In the worst case, it encountered some kind of trap. The owner of this hand was actually an assassin. But even such a bad situation can't scare Tang Ke.

Tang Ke thought he had thought of all kinds of situations, but the real situation was beyond his expectation.


Tang Ke opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at the slender woman standing in the moonlight, never expecting that the person who appeared would be her.

Ivy was wearing that black robe as always, covering her head and face with a hood, and the drooping brim of the hat cast a bottomless shadow, and even the lines of her face could not be seen clearly. On her slender shoulders stood a strange black crow. The crow's eyeballs rolled around, looking at Tang Ke, his eyes were not inferior to those of a shrewd businessman, full of cunning brilliance.

Tang Ke knew that Ivy had left Kylo, ​​but he didn't know the specific whereabouts of Ivy. The appearance of Ivy shocked him.

"If I remember correctly, you don't seem to have bought a boat ticket."

Ivy seemed to be smiling, exuding an aura of joy, but she didn't make a sound.

Tang Ke felt that Ivy was like an invisible wind, pervasive, coming and going without a trace, maybe it would disappear in the blink of an eye. Fortunately for him, Ivy is not an enemy, and she appeared to help him before, without any malice.

"Tang Ke, just like the last few times we met, I am here this time to give you directions." From the shadow of the hood, there was a pleasant voice like playing a piano.

"Am I going to get lost that easily?" Tang Ke forced a smile, and gradually recovered from his surprise, but after calming down, he felt a little worried. Ivy never shows up for no reason, something must have happened.

"Poor man, you are wandering in the maze of fate. If you are not careful, you will walk into a dead end full of traps. Although the road of fate is destined to be full of thorns, you have to walk on the road of survival."

Tang Ke's expression darkened, and he asked, "Has Kilo entered a dead end?"

Ivy nodded and said: "You really care about Kylo. But I think you should care more about the safety of your subordinates.


"How do you say that?" Tang Ke smelled danger.

"Kilo's calamity is not a personal calamity, but a catastrophe related to the fate of the collective. A cloud of haze has shrouded the sky over the Little Pirate City, and countless people will die." Ivy slowed down Speech speed, "Seven days later, the little pirate city will be wiped out. Less than one percent of the people in this port can survive."

Tang Keru was struck by lightning, and was stunned for a moment. If someone else made such a prophecy, he would have scoffed at it, but the words came out of Ivy's mouth, but they carried great weight. His mouth felt a little parched and his throat moved slightly.

The little pirate city was still laughing and laughing five days ago, but it will be destroyed in seven days. This news is really shocking.

Then, Tang Ke thought of an ear. If the little pirate city is in trouble, one ear is also in danger

"What kind of person has such a big appetite, dare to eat the cake of Little Pirate City? This is the territory of the Golden Beard, not to mention its destruction, even if it is blocked in front of the port and fires two cannonballs, it will attract crazy revenge from the Golden Beard Pirates. " Tang Ke asked eagerly, he really hoped that Ivy was joking, but Ivy is obviously not such a boring person.

"It's the Cormanthor Empire." Ivy replied bluntly.

Tang Ke choked for a moment, then asked with wide-eyed eyes, "Are they crazy? They even ran all the way here to take the Little Pirate City under their knife."

The Cormanthor Empire is located in the Gem Sea, separated by a sea, and far apart. It is difficult for their power to extend here, and there are two other empires blocking the way. Over the years, Dream Sea has always been the back garden of the Greenland Empire and Dragon Tooth Kingdom, and it is very difficult for the Cormanthor Empire to make a fuss here.

"The Golden Beard Pirates are indeed powerful, but it depends on who they are compared with. The Cormanthor Empire is developing rapidly, with more than 5,000 new ships built every year, with a total displacement of three million tons. It only takes one year to build ship, the Golden Beard Pirates can be wiped out. What's more, Cormanthor has been hiding his strength for so many years, and he is already sharpening his sword and ambitious. Their attack this time will not only deal with the Golden Beard Pirates, but also in the Sea of ​​Dreams. Stand firm, and even compete with the Greenland Empire and Dragon Tooth Kingdom"

Tang Ke trembled all over, his expression changed drastically, and he said dryly, "The tsunami is coming, right? I didn't expect it to come so early and so fast. I wasn't prepared at all."

"Poor man," Ivy sighed, her voice was sad like a bird's cry, "For you, this is already a tsunami. But for me, the real tsunami is yet to come."

Tang Ke fell into silence, weighing the weight of this matter. After this war, the world is about to undergo a major earthquake, and the era of Luàn is about to usher. Leaving aside the long-term follow-up, the first task right now is to save one ear.

Since the Cormanthor Empire dared to attack the Little Pirate City, they must have made complete preparations, and the troops they sent must be at least stronger than the Little Pirate City. The battle between the two sides will definitely be very tragic and earth-shattering. In this environment, it is undoubtedly very, very dangerous to try to save an ear.

Tang Ke said depressedly: "Why did you tell me now? If you had told me earlier, I would have taken one ear away."

"If I had told you earlier, you would have messed up your fate. A fortune-teller peeks at the direction of fate, and every time he tells a secret, it will be like toppling dominoes, triggering a series of reactions and causing great changes. I can Directing your personal destiny is more or less within my control, but I cannot change the fate of the general environment, such an impact is too huge, and it may cause the fate of the entire world to collapse."

Tang Ke's eyes flickered, he didn't expect the matter to be so serious. He thought for a while, and it was true. If he had known the news in advance, he would have informed Kilo and asked him to take precautions. In that case, the outcome of this peerless naval battle would be very different.

"But tell me now, what is the purpose?"

"After I told you, what's the first thing you're going to do?" Ivy asked back.

Tang Ke blurted out: "Of course it's to save an ear. Don't say that Cormanthor is at war with the little pirate city, even if the gods are at war, I'm going there to save an ear."

In order to fulfill his ambition of dominating the world, Tang Ke can give up many things. But he gave up and gave up, but not everything can be given up. For example, he would never give up his brother. If he had to be so cold-blooded that he had to give up his own brother to ascend to the throne, he would rather kick that throne away.

Realizing dreams without psychological burden is what Tang Ke pursues.

"Ding, you have launched a rescue mission. The goal of the mission is to rescue an Earbot from the Little Pirate City. If you succeed, you will get 7000 reward points."

Perhaps sensing Tang Ke's determination, the system immediately gave the corresponding task, so that if one ear is rescued, additional benefits can be obtained. In addition, judging from the high reward points, this trip must be extremely dangerous.

"That's the thing. After you hear the news, you will definitely save one ear. One ear is very important to you. You need him. I'm here to remind you to save him. It will be a little late for you to rush over now, and the war should have already begun after you return to Little Pirate City, but it is still possible to save him."

Tang Ke now fully understood that Ivy only allowed him to save one ear, but did not allow him to subvert the war. He took a deep breath and asked heavily, "Why did you help me?"

Ivy replied: "You are very important, that's all. However, I can only say so much. If I talk too much, the fate will change too much and will be out of my control. You don't need to consider my existence when you act in the future. When you need me, I will naturally be by your side."

"Thank you very much. If you need my help in the future, just tell me." Tang Ke didn't believe that there was a good thing in the world, so Ivy naturally needed him to do something to help him.

"You don't have to thank me. This is just a responsibility on my shoulders." Ivy raised her hand and pressed it on her thin shoulder, where there seemed to be an invisible mountain.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me? If not, I have to order the fleet to return now." Tang Ke was so anxious now that he wished to fly back to Little Pirate City and save his ear. Walk.

Ivy withdrew her hand, using some secret method to make the eyes of the crow on her shoulders shine. The vast starry sky and countless images filled it, but in the blink of an eye, the light dimmed. After that, the crow acted as if nothing had happened, still staring at its small eyes.

"I've seen' the future, and I have some important things to tell you."


"If you go forward with a large number of people this time, you will definitely lose important people. To put it bluntly, if you save one ear, other people around you will die." Ivy uttered a cold death motto.

Tang Ke's fists clenched violently, and he bit his lip. This is a battle between the Cormanthor Empire and the Little Pirate City, how dangerous the battlefield is. Going this time is like going into the mouth of a tiger, even if someone dies, it is not surprising. But the palms and backs of his hands were full of meat, and Tang Ke would be very painful if he lost any one of them. In order to avoid such a situation, he made a bold decision.

"Since this is the case, I will save one ear by myself, and no one will take it. If there is any danger, I will fight alone."

Ivy clapped her hands and applauded: "I saw the bravery of ancient heroes in you, which is worthy of praise. Although your decision is a bit rash, you have no choice. You are going to save people, not To fight to the death, there are fewer people and ships, so it is easier to move and escape. In addition, your fate line is still very long, and you will not die in the near future, so there is no harm in taking risks."

"Well, I'll go now."

"Listen to me." Ivy stopped Tang Ke, who was eager to act, "Although your life should not die, but you broke the established destiny this time, which will cause countless variables, which may put you in danger." The original lifespan has also changed, so you still have to be more careful. You can’t be afraid of anything just because I told you that you won’t die. My reminder is not a panacea.”

Tang Ke stood at the entrance, looked back at Ivy for the last time, and promised, "I'll be careful, it's a battlefield, and it's not an exaggeration to say it's a dragon's pool, a tiger's xùe, how dare I be careless."

Ai Wei didn't say any more, and let Tang Ke leave. With a move of her hand, the door of the room was naturally closed. She stood alone in the room, stroking the crow's head, and murmured: "I have already plucked the strings of fate, but it is still unknown whether I can play a satisfactory tune."

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