Pirate System

Three hundred and twenty ninth chapter boost morale

Chapter 329 Boosting Morale

Tang Ke watched thousands of people raising their arms for him, and heard thousands of people cheering for him, he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and couldn't help but respond: "Boys, I, Tang Ke, are back!"

The huge sound overwhelmed the beast's roar, echoing in every corner of Dragon's Nest Island

The surrounding pirates responded more enthusiastically, with smiles on everyone's faces and excitement in their eyes.

"Captain Tang Ke, we just heard about your deeds in the Little Pirate City. You fought in and out of the Little Pirate City by yourself and rescued Captain One Ear. You are so handsome."

"I really want to go to sea with you and fight side by side with you, please grant me this honor."

"Captain Tang Ke, I heard that the Cormanthor Empire has killed many pirates. It is really disgusting. Take us to fight the Cormanthor Empire."

Everyone shouted in unison, various slogans formed one làng after another làng chant.

Tang Ke led the team to the crowd, feeling the gazes from all directions, scanning the faces around him. These people are all his subordinates, as long as he says a word, these people can throw their heads and blood for him. He has no family, but these people are his family, family whose blood is thicker than water.

"Hey!" At this time, two eagle bleats suddenly came from the sky.

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, it turned out that a bird monster had come to join in the fun.

The wingspan of this bird monster was thirty yards long, naked, with four thin white skin wings, a slender head, and a mouth full of sharp teeth, somewhat resembling a pterosaur. Its every move will set off a cold wind, and the whole body will be covered with ice balls.

"Damn it, this Ice Wind Bird has come to mess with luàn again. It has eaten up more than a dozen of our brothers one after another. It's a pity that our Dragon Eagle is not its opponent. We can't kill it, otherwise we must call it nice"

Hearing the bad comments from the people on both sides, Tang Ke glanced coldly at the sky, pulled out his black sword, stepped on the sword energy and jumped into the air, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the belly of the white strange bird.

This strange bird can defeat even the dragon eagle, and its strength is naturally not impressive. It flapped its wings and blew out two icy winds. This cold air was so unusual that it actually formed a sharp thorn, piercing towards Tang Ke.

Tang Ke used a movement skill in the Dementor Knife called "Shape-Shaping". His body left a few afterimages in the air,

The cold air flashed in front of his eyes, and then the long sword flicked, shooting out ten jet-black sword air. The sword energy stabbed at the strange bird in different directions, blocking the way out of the ground. Among the ten sword qis, only one has a sharp and unparalleled strength, and the rest are phantoms. These ten sword qi can be switched between real and virtual, extremely changeable, appearing and disappearing like ghosts and ghosts.

Ice Wind Bird didn't know how deep it was, so it rushed outward with brute force, spewing cold air to hit the sword air, and brandished a pair of sharp claws. The sword qi behind it was originally a false move, but it was in an excellent position, and it could kill with one blow.

Tang Ke's reaction was so quick, he immediately used his ingenuity to adjust the virtuality of the sword qi, so that the ten sword qis merged into one, and stabbed at the back of Bingfengniao. The power of that sword qi suddenly soared, unable to maintain the shape of the sword, it turned into a mass of air with teeth and claws, directly blasting on the back of the strange bird, tearing open the flesh and tearing apart the internal organs. Tang Ke took the opportunity to add insult to injury, and took the opportunity to step forward and cut the strange bird's throat, then reached out and grabbed the strange bird in his hand. He jumped back to the ground the same way, and the whole process from the shot to the victory took only ten seconds.

The strange bird that had troubled the port for many days was just cleaned up.

"The strength of Captain Tang Ke is so powerful that he is number one in the world."

"Great to finally avenge my dead brothers"

"Captain Tang Ke, I'm also a swordsman, you can teach me how to do it, it will be even better if I let you be my teacher"

The pirates cheered enthusiastically, and the chorus was so continuous that it was difficult for people to hear what they were shouting.

Tang Ke threw the huge corpse of the strange bird on the ground, and ordered: "Throw it into the beast nest of the Black Pearl. It has a good body, and it will definitely hatch a powerful monster."

"Wait a minute" before others approached, he rushed forward with one ear first. He walked around the corpse of the strange bird and said happily, "This strange bird is the Ice Wind Bird, and its bones are made of the Ice Age. It is a very precious material. Let me peel off its bones first, and then you throw it into the beast's lair and devour it."

"This is an unexpected harvest." Tang Ke calculated in his mind, he had already accumulated seven materials, some of which were hunted from sea monsters, and some were purchased directly. While it's still difficult to get the materials to make Ice Age together, it doesn't look so far away.

The gigantic figure of the fifth-order magic ship appeared in Tang Ke's mind. He regained his smile and continued to move forward. In the middle of the road stood Wendy and several other captain-level figures. Tang Ke glanced around, and there was no one-eyed, Iona, and Dadarian among these people, and he didn't know where they all went.

"Commander." Wendy put her bare hands across her plump chest, and knelt on the ground on one knee. This is an etiquette evolved from knight etiquette, and pirates still use it. The other captains behind her also knelt down. Then, like the wind blowing the leaves, the people around knelt down one after another.

Tang Ke is very useful for this kind of knight ceremony, and after the pirate group grows, it also needs to be a little bit more disciplined, so that it can no longer be up and down.

After the ceremony, Tang Ke walked side by side with Wendy and the others. Elizabeth came up and took his arm. Wendy glanced at the arms of the two intentionally or unintentionally.

"Where did One Eye go?" Tang Ke asked.

"Captain One-Eyed went out to sea to conquer the enemy, but he hasn't returned yet." Wendy replied, looking away.

"Which enemy is conquering?"

"Do you know Alor?" Wendy asked back, she looked straight ahead, following the rhythm of her steps, her round breasts rose and fell, rippling with soft bōlàng.

Tang Ke's memory is super strong, and he immediately remembered Alor.

Alor is a fifth-rank gunner and the leader of the Death Ammo Pirates. The first time Tang Ke met Alor was in the Port of Magic Horn. At that time, he disturbed Luàn's plan to unite with other pirate groups to conquer the Hundred Claw, and killed the Hundred Claw by himself. . After that, Tang Ke also made a speech to mock Alor, and the two had a little grudge because of this.

Tang Ke thought it was a small mustard, but in the eyes of the other party, it might not be as simple as a small mustard.

One-eyed is now a fifth-tier shooter, with two magical weapons on his body, and his strength is comparable to Alor's, but it is very difficult to win.

"Does Alor have any conflicts with us? Why is One Eye going to attack him?" Tang Ke asked with his brows locked.

A trace of hatred flashed in Wendy's light blue eyes, and she explained: "Of course there is a contradiction, otherwise who would bother with this kind of bastard. When our people were resting at the 'Bay of Swords', they accidentally found themselves in a tavern. Hearing that the people who died of ammunition were spreading unfavorable rumors about us, our people arrested all the people who died in ammunition and tortured them severely. The people who died of ammunition confessed that they were ordered by the regiment leader Lore's instigation, that's why they spread rumors everywhere. According to them, they have been doing this for a long time, and whenever they stop at the port, they will take the opportunity to say a lot of bad things about us. Bastards like them, don't go How can it be repaired."

Tang Ke's right hand, which was like a black armor, was clenched suddenly, making a crackling sound. He thought of two things that happened in Magic Horn Port. The first thing is that the subordinate he just recruited died tragically in the house, and his name was written on the wall, which was obviously a frame-up; the second thing was that the colorful fish bones he bought had extra impurities , causing the entire pot of medicine to be scrapped, and almost caused an accident.

At the beginning, because there were too many suspicious people, Tang Ke failed to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Now it seems that this Alor is probably responsible. This person is insidious and cunning, and has a small stomach. He must be jealous of being humiliated by Tang Ke, so he stumbled secretly.

It was right to get rid of this person, but with Cyclops' current strength, it would take a great risk to kill Alor.

"What rumors did Alor spread?" Tang Ke's good mood was disturbed by Alor, and his face became gloomy.

"They said to the outside world that we killed Explosive Fist Korkin, Sly Sword Dill, Circus Master Sean, and Executioner Sale, intending to arouse the hatred of these people's friends against us. In addition, they They also threatened that we have treasures such as the Spring of Resurrection, the Holy Sword, the Horn of Death, and the Falann Chariot on our bodies, hoping to attract strong people to find us to snatch these treasures. These people's intentions are really vicious."

The names mentioned by Wendy are all heroes who have just fallen in the sea, and the cause of death of several of them is unknown. The subordinates and friends of this group of heroes are looking for the murderer everywhere. If these people believed Alor's rumors, they would rush over to Tang Kexing to question him. As for those rare treasures in the world, they will also attract the coveting of many people.

Alor spread rumors everywhere, it must be the ghost idea of ​​killing people with a knife.

Tang Ke was so angry that his teeth were itching, he asked: "Where is Alor now? I will kill him personally, and let him know what will happen to the Dragon Pirates who offend me."

"Captain One-Eyed has been out at sea for more than a month. According to the time calculation, if everything goes well, he should be back within a few days. It won't help you to go out to sea now." Wendy shook her head.

"Did he send any news?"

"If he wins, he should really send back news, but there is still no news. I have already sent a boat to go out with Long Ying to find out the news. If there is really something wrong with the one-eyed captain, we have to get the specific news. Make another plan."

Tang Ke couldn't wait for the news to come back. He went directly into the system and checked it. Cyclops' health status is marked as "injured", and the crew of Cyclops's fleet is also somewhat damaged. However, in addition to losses, the One-Eyed fleet also had some gains, adding three new ships. Tonk still remembers the name of one of the ships, which used to be the ship of Death Ammo

From this, it can be deduced that Cyclops should have won the battle and captured three ships. However, whether Alor was successfully killed is still unknown.

There are too many big and small things in the pirate group, and there are many changes every day, and there are so many reminders that ring endlessly. Tang Ke couldn't bear the disturbance, and he could only turn off the normal reminders on weekdays, and only opened them every once in a while to check them from head to toe.

"I can feel that One-Eyed is nothing serious. It seems that I have won a battle." Tang Ke said after opening his eyes, heaving a sigh of relief.

"That would be great. Captain One-eyed's prestige in the pirate group is second only to you, and he is equivalent to the backbone of Dragon's Nest Island. Without him, we can't do it." Wendy said it very honestly, not flattering One-eyed.

"That's right, he's my right-hand man." Tang Ke glanced at Wendy's pretty profile, "Of course, you are equally important to me."

"Am I important to you?" Wendy's voice suddenly fell to the bottom, very soft, very light, as if she had no confidence.

Tang Ke saw that something was wrong with Wendy, and wanted to ask a few words, but Elizabeth at the side pulled his arm, and interjectedly reminded: "You haven't come back for so long, you should give a speech in front of the head of the family, so It can stabilize people's hearts and boost everyone's morale. The tsunami is coming, and everyone should be mentally prepared."

"That's right." Tang Ke nodded and put Wendy's matter aside. He walked to the roof of a five-story building, the highest in the port. He stood in front of the eaves, facing the brothers of the pirate group, the sea breeze was blowing, blowing people's hearts, and the crowd below quickly fell silent. He cleared his throat and straightened his face.

"Brothers, there is a saying in the sea recently that a tsunami is coming. This does not refer to a natural tsunami, but a man-made disaster. This disaster will be as destructive as a tsunami, sweeping across the world. Forces bring countless deaths. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, everything turns around, and the sea has been calm for too many years, and this calm will soon be broken."

"The five empires are growing stronger with a terrible momentum. The displacement of new ships is tens of thousands of tons every year. As they become stronger, there will be less and less open space on the sea, and the living space for pirates will become smaller and smaller. Science This time, the Manso Empire sent a fleet of up to 500 ships to break through the small pirate city that stood still, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Hundreds of thousands of people, what a terrible number. It can be seen that the Comanso Empire How sharp is the sword drawn this time."

"The direction of the future is like a cloud of mist, no one can see clearly. The five empires, several noises, the pirate city, the top ten pirate regiments, and other sea powers all form a chessboard and compete with each other. And We are just a small pawn on this chessboard. In this tsunami, we have to face many enemies, each of them is extremely powerful. It is very difficult to win this battle. For our meager power It's almost impossible."

Following Tang Ke's heavy narration, the pirates below all became depressed.

"But——" Tang Ke changed the subject, his eyes became sharper, "Pirates are a group of people who seek to survive in adversity. Facing a strong enemy, we will never give up. Let alone a group of powerful ordinary people, even if they are It is the gods in the sky, we can't retreat, we still have to draw our sharp swords and kill them."

Tang Ke pulled out the Dementor Knife and waved it towards the sky. His strength roared like a dragon, and he flew into the sky. The huge sound was louder than thousands of thunderbolts. The mighty strength spread around, shaking the world. a tremor

"I, Tang Ke, am a miracle worker. Please believe in me. I will definitely lead you to fight a bloody path in the tsunami. Anyone who can fight with me to the end will surely see the most beautiful rainbow after the tsunami."

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