Pirate System

Chapter 336: 8 parties come to congratulate (in)

Chapter 336 Congratulations From All Directions (Part 2)

Carol told about how she met Anna along the way

Anna came here by boat to rest. After staying for a day, she was so bored that she asked the island to find a beautiful man to drink with her. Although there are no men on the island, there are many men. In response to this request, some good-looking men went one after another, including two elf men. But Anna's vision was extremely high, and she didn't like any of them.

After Carol learned of this incident, she found it interesting and went to battle in person. He has a refined bearing and a dignified appearance, and he is also a handsome guy among the handsome guys among the elves. Anna fell in love with him as soon as she saw him, and asked him to stay with her for a drink. After going back and forth, the two quickly established a lover relationship.

The two had just fallen in love not long ago, and they were in the stage of being glued to each other. From Carol's tone, it could be heard that they had a deep affection for Anna.

If Carol was looking for an ordinary girl, it would be fine for Tang Ke to gossip and joke, but if it was a female pirate captain, he would have to think carefully.

Tang Ke's heart twitched, recalling everything about Anna. Since the two parties have not yet contacted, the detailed information cannot be retrieved through the system, but he already has enough information.

The pirate group that Anna is sitting on is called the Rose Sword Pirates. The flagship is the Red Phantom, and the reserve flagship is the Shigure. There are more than 50 ordinary ships and more than 12,000 pirate members. Anna personally and the entire pirate group have no intersection or enmity with the Dragon Pirates. There is no friction with the Greenland Empire and the Golden Beard Pirates.

Weigh it, weigh it, there is no deep relationship between the two parties.

Tang Ke rubbed his chin, even so, this matter cannot be taken lightly.

Carol glanced at Tang Ke from the corner of his eye, seemed to have noticed something, straightened his face, and assured him: "Don't worry, Captain, although I love Anna very much, I will never betray you."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about her." Tang Ke stared.

"You don't have to worry about Anna, we really love each other, and she won't do harm to the Dragon Pirates." Carol said urgently.

"The power behind her is too great, so I have to guard against it. But it's okay to worry too much, let's meet and talk with her first." Tang Ke quickened his pace.

There are several large hotels on Turtle Island, but Anna lives in a separate courtyard with the highest rent on the island. The walls of the courtyard are tall, with sea làng reliefs engraved on the surface, and the iron gate is also very delicate, with many hollow huā patterns. In front of the door stood two burly orcs,

When they saw Carol, they let him go, but they didn't recognize Tang Ke. It seems that these two orcs must rarely read newspapers on weekdays.

The ground in the courtyard is paved with cobblestone paths, along the way there are several huā bushes and fountains, and at the end of the path is a five-story building.

Carol ordered the minions in the courtyard to spread the word, but Tang Ke waved his hand to stop him, and said loudly: "Captain Anna, I am Tang Ke, the leader of the Dragon Pirates. .”

There was a quick answer from the top of the building, with a soft and enchanting voice, which made people intoxicated: "You are welcome, Captain Tang Ke, come up directly. I know you will definitely come, and I have already prepared good wine."

Tang Ke grabbed Carol's shoulders, jumped forward, tapped on the window sill on the third floor halfway, bounced a second time, and landed firmly on the balcony where the sound came from. He pushed open the small door on the balcony and walked straight in.

The furnishings in the room were very simple, with only two chairs, a bottle of whiskey and two wine glasses on the fireplace table. Anna was standing in front of the fireplace, pouring wine into a glass. ~~~~ She was wearing a long scarlet dress with an opening on one side of the skirt, revealing a long tuǐ looming from it.

Tang Ke only saw Anna's back, and made a high score in his heart, secretly thinking that Carol is blessed.

"Lovely, this is the meeting of the two captains of the pirates, you should avoid it." Anna said without looking back, she was pouring wine for the second glass.

"I don't need to avoid it, right?" Carol was taken aback.

Tang Ke also felt that some words were not suitable for an interview with Carol, so he pressed his shoulders and said, "Just go out for a while. I'll talk to her about the pirate group."

Carol glanced at Tang Ke, then at Anna's back, said nothing, stepped out of the room, and closed the door.

The room fell silent, only the sound of wine being poured into the glass.

Tang Ke did not speak, and first used investigative techniques to find out about Anna's details. He paid special attention to the relationship between the two parties, and found that the friendship was not bad, which proved that Anna was not hostile at least for now. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"The title of Four Years I got was already eight years ago. Times have changed. I am now a middle-aged lady. I'm afraid that Captain Tang Ke will be disappointed." Anna sighed leisurely, turned around lightly, red The hem of the skirt swayed like falling red huā.

Only then did Tang Ke see the face.

Anna is a human woman. She is already in her thirties, but she looks at most twenty-five years old. Her figure and appearance are full of maturity. There is a smile on her vermilion lips, and the moles at the corners of her eyes are full of tears. Charm. When it comes to appearance, she is indeed a little worse than the other four-year-old Eunice, but she did not disappoint Tang Ke. As the captain of the pirates, it is already rare to have such a beautiful face.

"Captain Anna is self-effacing. If you were a young lady, there would probably be no women in this world." Tang Ke praised.

"Commander Tang Ke's words gave me back some confidence." Anna walked over with a smile and handed the wine glass to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was still cautious, and used investigative skills on the drink, and only after confirming that it was non-toxic, he raised his neck and took a sip of the booze. The two exchanged a few polite words, praising each other's achievements in recent years and the size of the pirate group. Seeing that the time was right, Tang Ke suddenly asked, "Captain Anna, shall we play a quiz game?"

Anna narrowed her eyes, nodded and said, "Since Captain Tang Ke is interested, I will naturally accompany you."

"Then I'll ask you first, and after you answer, you can ask me another question." Tang Ke laughed.

"Please speak."

"How deep is your love for Carol? Is it just for fun? Or is it love to death?" Tang Ke smiled wryly, "It's not that I talk too much, it's just that you have a special status. Your relationship with Carol will affect both of you. Pirates."

Anna chuckled a few times: "You are really quick to talk, to ask such a question directly. But this kind of question is very rude."

"Leader Anna, let's just say it straight. Otherwise, it's like a big rock is hanging in my heart."

Anna swayed the drink, the smile on her face was unpredictable, she replied after a moment of consideration: "In short, I like him very much now. But for a woman like me who has been in love several times, it doesn't matter how much I love him." It looks pale."

"In other words, your feelings for him are true?"


"Okay then, you can ask me questions."

Anna also asked bluntly: "Facing the big làng caused by the Cormanthor Empire, how will the Dragon Pirates plan to deal with it?"

Faced with this kind of game of heart-to-heart, the questions asked by both sides are naturally the most concerned questions.

Tang Ke's eyes froze, and he replied: "With my dragon pirate group, it is not enough to fight against this tsunami, so I can only rely on other big forces. I have already talked with Emily of the Greenland Empire. I will become the royal pirate of the Greenland Empire. Although the strength of the Greenland Empire is inferior to that of the Cormanthor Empire, it will not be swallowed by the Cormanthor Empire. With the protection of the Greenland Empire, I can find opportunities to gain benefits in this tsunami. "

Anna showed a look of interest and asked, "Do you still want to benefit from this tsunami?"

"In my eyes, disputes at sea are a race. It is not enough for me to be safe and sound. I also have to leave the enemy far behind. Even the first one to reach the finish line."

"The end? Captain Tang Ke has a really big appetite." Anna smiled playfully, "But for a pirate group, this appetite is a bit too much."

Tang Ke finished speaking here, and changed the subject: "Okay, now it's time for me to ask you. Regarding the matter between you and Carol, what are your plans?"

"Of course I want to take Carol away, fly away with him, and stay together forever." Anna said naturally.

Tang Ke's face changed slightly. Carol is a third-level druid, and his future is limitless. How can he let him go easily.

Seeing Tang Ke's face changing, Anna said coquettishly: "Oh, why is Commander Tang Ke showing such a bad face? I'm just talking. Carol is very loyal to you, even I can't take him away. What's more, I have no intention of fighting against the Dragon Pirates, I only like to fight against enemies who are weaker than me. This is my consistent style with the Rose Sword Pirates."

"This is the best. I also hope that our two pirate groups can take this opportunity to form an alliance." Tang Ke's expression returned to normal.

"It's my turn to ask you a question again. If I offer many, many benefits, can you let Carol go?" Anna was still smiling, but there was more expectation in her eyes than before.


Anna frowned slightly: "You answered too absolutely, didn't you? What if I took out a treasure at the level of an artifact?"

"If you have an artifact in your hand, you've put it around my neck now, forcing me to drive Carol away." Tang Ke took a sip of his wine, "Captain Anna, don't make such meaningless assumptions." You can't take out the artifact, and I won't let Carol go."

Anna's expression darkened, and she smiled wryly: "I have nothing more to ask, this quiz game is over."

Tang Ke shrugged and said, "Okay. The question-and-answer game is over, and the next is ordinary chat. I want to know, how does the Rose Sword Pirates plan to face this tsunami?"

"I don't have such big ambitions as you. I still want to gain benefits in the face of the tsunami. My pirate group and I plan to lie dormant for a while to avoid the limelight. My large fleet has already gone far south, and they will rush to Kova Lei Continent, it's safe there—at least it's safer than here. The reason I stay here is because the Bukuquan on the island has beauty benefits, and I plan to take care of myself during the hibernation period."

Tang Ke nodded. There are many pirate groups who choose to hide, escape or disband, but very few try to compete with the empire.

Judging from Anna's attitude and performance, she is only here for vacation and will not leave in the short term. At least for the time being, she could have a sweet life with Carol.

If it was an ordinary woman, Tang Ke would bring her to marry Carol, but if it was Anna, he would definitely not agree, so he also saved this talk.

Tonk raised his glass and said, "Cheers to the love between you and Carol. Cheers to the friendship between our two pirate groups. Cheers to this tsunami."

Anna walked forward with a smile, looking at the wine glass in her hand, her heart suddenly moved.

She was afraid of Tang Ke's strength, so she didn't dare to turn against the dragon pirate group. If it were the little pirate group next to her, she would have snatched Carol away, and even took Turtle Island as her own. She has been fighting at sea for many years, and climbed to the position of pirate captain step by step, how can she be a soft-hearted person.

"Rumours are often exaggerated. Tang Ke may not really be that strong. You might as well let me try it first. If he's not as skilled as me... Heh heh, don't blame my aunt for being domineering."

Anna murmured a few words in her heart, increased her strength, and covered the wine glass with a layer of red grudge. She raised her eyes, with a hint of sternness in her eyes, and she said with deep meaning: "Captain Tang Ke, when toasting, be careful not to spill the wine, otherwise you will be rude."

Faced with Anna's obvious temptation, Tang Ke understood it at a glance. He smiled and added a layer of energy to the wine glass in his hand, but this was energy.

As the two wine glasses approached, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Dou Qi and Jin Qi are undoubtedly very violent forces. If they collide together, ten wine glasses will be shattered. But if it is adjusted with clever force, it can ensure that the cup will remain intact during the collision. In this secret competition, whoever's cup is broken proves who's level is not good.

Anna stared at Tang Ke and swallowed. She was confident that while clinking glasses with the fifth-level swordsman, she would shatter the other's cup. If Tang Ke can't keep the cup, she will be evil.

Tang Ke had just used the investigative technique and was very clear about Anna's strength, so he was fully confident in facing such a temptation.

The two wine glasses with undercurrents are only a dozen centimeters apart, but they seem to be several kilometers away.

Anna moved slowly, approaching cautiously.

Tang Ke was impatient, so he speeded up suddenly and collided with Anna's wine glass. The two air streams shook visibly and made a crisp crashing sound.

As a result, both cups were fine.

Tang Ke withdrew his cup, withdrew his strength, and drank the wine in his hand.

The two wine glasses are fine, which proves that the two are evenly matched. A look of disappointment flashed in Anna's eyes, and she also drank the wine.

"If I were you, quickly put the cup elsewhere, so as not to hurt your hands." Tang Ke suggested with a smile.

When Anna heard this, she showed a puzzled expression.


With a crisp sound, a crack appeared in the cup in Anna's hand, and then the crack extended rapidly, turning into a crack-like texture, and finally shattered into hundreds of pieces.

Anna stared blankly, feeling inexplicably horrified. In the short confrontation just now, she didn't realize that there was force invading her cup at all. Not only that, the opponent's force did not directly shatter the cup, but used a long, dark force to make the cup pass for a few seconds. The clock shattered afterward, which is undoubtedly much more difficult than shattering it directly.

The opponent is not equal to oneself, but better than oneself

When it comes to the control of strength, swordsmen are much stronger than fighters, and Tang Ke's strength is comparable to that of sixth-level swordsmen. It is very simple to beat fighters in this small competition.

Tang Ke smiled brighter, and shook the empty cup in his hand at Anna.

A bead of sweat appeared on Anna's forehead, and she said dryly: "Good trick, Dongfang Dragon really deserves its reputation."

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