Pirate System

Chapter 342: Lava Island

Shuha Novels: Novels

Chapter 342: Lava Island

In the smoky crew room, Tonk sat opposite Rose. He was alone, while Rose was accompanied by beautiful women.

"Tang Ke, I have already reminded you to bring a woman to save you from the lonely journey. You must agree, how about it, do you regret it now?" Rose asked with a smile, he was hugging a blonde elf beauty, In the other hand he held a cigarette butt that had not been extinguished. The elf beauty nestled on her man's chest, and looked at Tang Ke opposite with winking eyes like silk. She always kept smiling, making it hard to figure out.

"It's not so easy to make a pirate leader regret it." Tang Ke fiddled with the empty wine glass. He was alone on this trip. Wendy, Huālu and the rest of the pirate group all headed for a new territory.

In accordance with the relevant laws against royal pirates, the Greenland Empire appointed supervisors to Tang Ke, and one of the supervisors was on the Blue Flame, which made it inconvenient for Tang Ke to bring the Blue Flame. Otherwise, he would be more than happy to let the Blue Flame follow behind for later use.

Although Tang Ke was alone and alone, this matter could not be accomplished with a large number of people.

"Oh? Are you being stubborn?" Rose smirked, and kissed the face of the beauty in his arms. Admiral Hannibal lost his temper a lot because of Rose taking the woman on board. But Rose insisted on not changing his mind. If he couldn't bring women, wine and tobacco aboard, he would quit the mission even if he disobeyed his father's order.

"I'm not as bored as you seem on the surface. I'm looking forward to this trip to Lava Island, and even a little excited." Tang Ke looked at the light shining from the mouth of the cup, which was as bright as his eyes.

"I advise you not to be so optimistic. Before I left, I consulted a fortune teller. The old lady told me to be careful." Rose muttered, "My father heard such admonitions, but he still forced Let me take part in this mission. I really don’t know what he thinks, I’m not his own, am I?”

"If I ask a fortune teller for divination, I'm sure every time I go to sea, it will be a big disaster, so don't worry about it."

"Yeah, anyone who goes to a place like the lava island will be judged as a murderer. According to the records I know, there was once an eighth-level powerhouse who led a group of people into the lava island, but he still didn't survive. Come out. Since then, few people have dared to think about the lava island. It has become an existence that is equated with hell." Ross lowered his voice, pressed the burnt cigarette butt into the plate, and extinguished it.

"There are dangers, but it's a great joy in life to be able to walk around dangerous places like Lava Island." Tang Ke could feel the feeling of being in between benefits and dangers, and was deeply fascinated by it.

"Hehe, is this the so-called 'pirate làng romance'? Commander Tang Ke's spirit is really admirable." The elf beauty stared at Tang Ke with admiring eyes, then raised her jade hand, and painted on her lover's face. Draw, "Ross, I seem to have moved on."

Ross smiled bitterly: "Women are really unreliable creatures, but this is what makes people fascinated."

Suddenly, the deck bell of the Mercury rang suddenly, making a rapid jingle.

Ross was going to kiss the beautiful woman in his arms, but he had to stop in mid-air. He frowned and complained: "It's really not the right time for the bell to ring. What happened?"

Tang Ke had already guessed about it, he stood up abruptly, and said as he walked, "We may have reached the lava island."

"Have you reached the lava island?" Rose let go of his arms and followed closely. The elf beauty restrained her smile as if her work was over.

Tang Ke arrived on the deck of the Mercury, walked through the crowd of sailors, and looked out to sea.

There is mist floating on the blue sea, faintly projecting the outline of an island. The island is red as a whole, and there are three flat-mouthed volcanoes and rolling hills standing on it, like the dragon's dragon. back. Because of the heat, the air near the island was hazy.

The sailors whispered, most of them felt very nervous, a few were praying for a safe trip, and some were glad they didn't have to go ashore

There are only seven people who really want to go ashore and take risks. The Mercury only needs to be on standby at sea.

"Fountain of Fire..." Tang Ke murmured in a low voice. He is eager to get the Fountain of Fire, but this will face many difficulties. First, he cannot turn against the Greenland Empire, and secondly, he must be able to defeat the Fountain of Fire.

The other recruits were also staring at the outline of the island in the distance. Hannibal, who led the team, said in a deep voice: "We've arrived, everyone hurry up and pack up your things. Today we're going ashore and stationed there, waiting for the Spring of Fire to appear. I don't need to say anything about the danger on the island." , everyone should be careful when they go ashore."

"My nightmare is finally coming." Rose sighed.

"Honey, I wish you a smooth journey." The elf beauty gave her lover a fragrance wěn to encourage interest.

"May the Holy Lord be with me and bless us on this trip safely." Nanni held the white "Holy Words" in her arms and prayed respectfully.

The Mercury is a fourth-order magic ship with the ability to accelerate water elements, and it arrived at the lava island in a short while. The heat wave on the island rushed towards us, and the people on the deck became drenched in sweat and became fatigued. It seemed that the hull of the ship would be roasted at any moment, and the water sprinkled on the deck had long since dried out.

A group of seven people went ashore. In addition to the five people Tang Ke and the others had booked, there were two more people who went ashore together. They are the fifth-rank swordsman Randall and the fifth-rank fighter Vergil. Randall is very similar to Aru, both of them are taciturn and both are officers in the army, but Randall is a bit more vicious, as can be seen from the scar on his face. Virgil was a mercenary, and he joined in purely for money. His fists were covered with many white bandages all day long, and his greatest hobbies were counting gold coins and clenching his fists loudly.

It was Virgil and Alu who were responsible for carrying the luggage. Although the seven of them brought a lot of items, these items were nothing to these two.

Not long after Tang Ke went ashore, he was prompted by the system and obtained information on the island.

Island: Lava Island.

Country: Empire of Greenland.

Explanation: This island has two characteristics, one is dangerous and the other is hot. Because many adventurers with dreams are buried here, it has become a forbidden place where people talk about it.

Armament degree: 1207.

Commercial degree: 0.

Technology degree: 0.

Favorability: ☆

Buildings: None.

Special location: Abyss camp (in ancient times, when the abyss plane attacked the material plane, a camp was left behind. Due to the catastrophe, the teleportation array connecting the abyss has already been damaged, and it is no longer possible to travel between the two planes. circulated between)

Coordinates: W188N89.

The information is available, but there are not many useful clues.

Tang Ke solved the mystery of the island and knew where the dangerous area inside the volcano's belly was, but he couldn't get a specific map. The information given by the system is also limited and not nuanced.

"It turned out to be a camp left by the plane of the abyss. No wonder so many masters go in and never return. The abyss is the territory of demons, and I am a warlock, and I have always been with demons. This may become my advantage. This island The armed level of the port is as high as more than 1,000, which is higher than that of ordinary ports, no wonder the eighth-level powerhouses come and go."

There was even a retreat in Tang Ke's heart, but immediately he took out the ruthlessness in his bones and erased the distracting thoughts. He walked in front and looked around. The place is barren, even the stones are about to be roasted. The temperature is at least 40 degrees. After approaching the volcano, the temperature will be even higher. He had been prepared for a long time, and he was wearing the lightest silk clothes, but he was soaked in sweat quickly.

Rose was the first to complain: "It's really hot here, are you going to force me, a gentleman, to take off my shirt?"

"This trip will be very difficult. Since you are here, you should be aware of it. I don't want to hear any more complaints. Hurry up and try to reach the volcano before night falls." Hannibal said Ninety percent of them were for Ross.

Rose frowned secretly, but he didn't dare to show it too obviously.

"Let the mercy of the Holy Lord turn into a gentle guardianship and descend upon us. Faced with such kindness, we will be grateful and become more devout." Nanni sent out an old but still melodious prayer With a sound, two balls of soft light sprouted from her hands, and she waved them again and again, hitting the soft light on everyone's bodies. Everyone was bathed in the white light, and their expressions relaxed a lot.

Tang Ke didn't feel that the heat had dropped, but his body felt much better. He gave Nanni a grateful look.

"Although the cooling effect of divine magic is not comparable to that of water magic, everyone will feel more comfortable this way." Nanni smiled kindly.

Everyone thanked Nanni one after another, and Nanni said that this is a matter of duty, so there is no need to say thank you. At Hannibal's urging, the crowd set off again.

Tang Ke originally thought that Nanni, as a priest, would be very slow, but he didn't expect that after Nanni used the magic spell on herself, her speed increased a lot, and she didn't lag behind. This gave Tang Ke a new understanding of priests, and he also looked forward to the dark priest Zack in the pirate group.

This place is extremely dangerous, and everyone doesn't want to be too ostentatious, so they are all running forward honestly. Only Druid Hannibal was special. He transformed into a galloping horse with his feet on flames, his steps were vigorous and his speed was extremely fast.

The seven people advanced for about ten minutes, passed through a jagged mountain, and finally saw the first living creature on the island.

A red fox with a burning tail was running among the rocks. After sensing the movement of the seven people, it turned its head and took a look. There was a bit of cunning in its round eyes.

"There are animals in this kind of place." Rose stood still, staring at the flame fox with great interest.

"That's a ferocious beast on land called 'Firefox'. Don't take it lightly. If it is enraged, it can unleash fire. It's power is comparable to that of a first-order magician." Hannibal reminded, although he turned into a horse, but His expression was still as rigid as ever.

"This Firefox looks pretty cute, do you want to catch her back as a pet?" Rose rubbed his clean chin, thinking seriously.

Regardless of what other people think, Tang Ke raised his hand and slashed with a sharp force, cutting Firefox into two. The reason why he attacked so fiercely was to activate the recruitment options for Firefox.

"Tang Ke, you are so violent." Ross complained, he really planned to take Firefox away.

It was rare for Hannibal to stand on the same front as Rose, and said to Tang Ke: "Don't do unnecessary things, so as not to cause trouble. There are many dangerous beasts outside this island. If you disturb them, you will be in trouble."

"Firefox is very smart. If it sees us and reports to the group, isn't it troublesome?" Tang Ke shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Because they are smart, they won't attack unfamiliar creatures. Next time they encounter beasts, no one is allowed to take the initiative to attack without my order."

"Yes, yes, yes." Tang Ke said yes three times.

Hannibal regained his silence, and everyone continued to move forward. Before dark, they arrived at the foot of a volcano as scheduled. There are three large volcanoes on the island, and more than 30 caves. No one knows where the fountain of fire will appear, so it can only be guessed by luck. In the plan, they will change their station regularly until the Fountain of Fire appears.

Alu, Randall, and Virgil all have a lot of experience in wild survival, and they quickly selected a suitable place to station. Seven people worked together, and it didn't take long to set up seven tents. They came here to endure hardships, and the food and clothes they brought were very limited. If the water ran out, they had to go back to the shore to get it from the Mercury.

Hannibal proposed to eat, but everyone had eaten on the boat during the day, and it was too hot here, and they all said they had no appetite. As a result, the dinner could only be let down, and even the proponent Hannibal himself didn't have a bite. eat. Then, Hannibal repeated the plan on the island again, and arranged the rules for taking turns to stand guard, as well as the time and order of standing guard.

"I went back to the tent to read the collection of poems. Call me when it's my turn to stand guard. If there are Firefox around, remember to catch one for me." Rose waved his hand and walked straight into his tent.

Tang Ke was the second to turn around and walk towards the tent. He planned to go back to the tent and take a stroll in the abyss, trying to find a talkative demon to ask, maybe he could get some clues.

At this moment, the volcano on one side of the tent made a violent rumbling sound. The sound increased from small to loud, and became louder and louder. It didn't take long for it to become deafening. The shock disturbed the beasts all over the island, causing roars one after another, like a violent and chaotic symphony. Both the volcano and the earth were trembling, the high rocks rolled down, and the ground below cracked, as if the end was approaching.

The six people who were still outside the tent were quite surprised, and hurriedly looked up at the changes in the volcano. Ross also rushed out of the tent quickly, and the book of poetry in his hand fell to the ground.

"Could it be so lucky that you came across the Fountain of Fire just now?" Rose asked whimsically.

"I think it looks more like a volcano is about to erupt." The mercenary Virgil guessed.

"What luck, this is bad luck. If the volcano really erupts, we have to evacuate now." Tang Ke smiled bitterly, and was ready to turn around and run away.

The seven people watched nervously for a while, but the expected volcanic eruption did not occur, the anger of the earth gradually calmed down, and the roars of beasts everywhere also quieted down. Tang Ke heaved a sigh of relief and wiped off his sweat. Even he couldn't stop the splash of magma unless he used sword energy to protect his body.

"Hey, I really don't like this place more and more." Rose, who always had a hippie smile, looked up to the sky and sighed.

"If you don't want to come, you should have quit long ago, but since you are here, don't complain to me." Hannibal snorted and reprimanded.

Rose was a generation lower, and he didn't speak harshly. He honestly picked up the poetry collection on the ground and slipped into the tent.

Tang Ke stayed where he was, staring at the volcano for a while, his heart fluttering.


Just as Tang Ke and his party arrived at the lava island, a phoenix made of flames was darting across the sea leading to the lava island. Wherever the phoenix passed, all the sea water below turned into steam, and all of it was sprayed up, leaving a white mist on the sea surface.

The temperature of the flame phoenix is ​​far higher than that of ordinary flames, but inside the belly of the flames, there are actually two figures, one old and one young, both wearing magician robes with the national emblem of the Xiyao Kingdom embroidered on their chests. The old man was the famous undead Phoenix Kelly, and the young man with a worried face was his student Meggie.

During the rapid advance, Mech kept a bitter face, and he suddenly muttered: "I hope this trip won't be in vain."

The old man who was controlling the progress of Phoenix raised his hand and patted the student's back, comforting him: "Don't be discouraged, although we have walked through several hot places and failed to find the fountain of fire, there are still many possible occurrences of fountains of fire." I have a hunch that there is a great chance of a spring of fire appearing on the lava island in front. As long as we find a spring of resurrection, we can use this spring of resurrection to find other springs of resurrection, and then it will be easy. "

"I hope so. We have been tossing for months, but we haven't even found a resurrection fountain, and we don't know when we can gather the resurrection fountains. I miss Alice so much, and I really want to reunite with her soon." Mech showed nostalgia, his eyes were so gentle.

"It would be great if you could use this thought to practice magic." The old magician felt that iron could not be made into steel.

"Teacher, I'm really sorry, because of Alice's matter, it cost you so much effort." Mech lowered her head and apologized.

"It's okay, as long as you concentrate on learning magic in the future. In that case, my strength will not be in vain."

"Teacher, don't worry, as long as I can revive Alice, I will definitely work hard to learn magic in the future, and I will never disappoint the teacher's great kindness."

Mech nodded and said, "That's good. According to my calculations, it will take another two weeks to fly. Seeing that you are in such a hurry, let's increase the speed a little bit."

The flame phoenix flicked its wings, its speed suddenly increased, and it turned into an incomparably fast red shadow, quickly disappearing where the sea and the sky meet.

The arrival of the magician master and apprentice has added a new variable to the competition for the fountain of fire.

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