Pirate System

Chapter 400 Listening to the Wind Valley

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Chapter 400 Listen to the Wind Valley

Tang Ke held a small bottle in his hand, which contained a green liquid. Although it was covered with a stopper, he could still smell the aroma coming out of it. He walked in the corridor of Gentle Harbor Hotel, found Dardarian's door, and knocked twice.

"come in."

Tonk pushed the door open and what he saw was Dadalian sitting by the window wiping Xiaohuwan.

Dardarian's eyes moved to the corners of his eyes, glanced at Tonk, and then returned his gaze to the shining sword. Without saying hello, he went straight to business: "A person like me is really not suitable for inquiring about information. I almost got into a fight with someone several times yesterday.”

Tang Ke smiled and said as he walked: "You should be glad that you didn't do anything, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to chat with you face to face now. And your breakfast will be eaten in the cell in the main city—— I guess the food there won’t be very good.”

Dardarian understood what Tonk was referring to, his face darkened, he stared at the blade and said, "I saw that battle in the sky yesterday. It was really shocking. Those two people were like monsters."

"That pirate code is really powerful. If you own one, you can have the power to rival thousands of armies." Tang Ke also showed a look of fascination.

"Sooner or later, I will have that kind of power." Dardarian waved his hand and pointed the blade at Tonk, "I have listed those two people on the list of those who must fight in the future, and I will not let them go. Their."

Tang Ke raised his hand to push away the cold blade and threw the green vial to Dadarian: "Don't point the knife at people, this is a bad habit."

Dardarian grabbed the green bottle, put the knife back on his shoulder, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a good thing that will bring you one step closer to those two monsters. Drink it."

Dadarian groaned, stared at the green liquid for a while, took off the cap and drank it all in one gulp.

"It tastes pretty good." Dadalian licked his thin lips, savoring the taste.

"Of course the poison is delicious. In less than three minutes, you will be poisoned and die." Tang Ke said with a deliberate smile.

"Stop lying to me." Dardarian snorted, totally unbelieving.

Tang Ke regained his smile and said: "This is the fountain of life.

It is indeed poison to me, if I drink it I will die. But for you, it is a panacea for improving yourself. "

"Fountain of Life?" Dadarian's eyes lit up, "I have seen an introduction to this kind of treasure in the library of Yunhai."

"The effect of the Fountain of Life works very quickly, and you will feel the improvement immediately." Tang Ke leaned against the wall and waited for time to pass. Although he promised to sell the Tree of Life to Eunice, the rich water would not flow to outsiders. Of course, the spring water that the Tree of Life had derived would be drunk by his own people.

Among the pirates, the first candidate to drink the Resurrection Fountain is of course Dardarian.

Three minutes later.

"The Fountain of Life is really powerful. I feel that my strength has improved a lot. In the past, it would have taken me at least a month of practice to improve this much." Dadarian looked at his clenched fists and said happily.

Just three springs of life can help a sixth-level swordsman shorten his training time by one month, and this is just the spring water derived from the saplings of the Tree of Life. If it is a grown tree, the spring water bred by it will be purer and more powerful.

Tang Ke smiled, feeling increasingly anxious to exchange for a Tree of Life. If exchanged through the system, even the Tree of Life in its infancy would be several times stronger than the sapling given to Eunice, and the effect would be even more impressive.

"Where did you get these fountains of life? Can you get me some more?" Dadarian asked eagerly.

"Of course you can, but you have to wait for a while, about a month." Tangke used up all the reward points in the last battle, but he killed Michael and other masters, and destroyed the Water Dancer, which replenished some rewards. point. He still has more than 7,000 reward points. In another month, through territory construction and fleet plunder, he will definitely be able to collect enough reward points to exchange for the Tree of Life.

"Do you have to wait that long?" Dadarian frowned, "If I can drink this stuff every day, my cultivation speed will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

"Drink the Fountain of Life every day? Even the leader of the Elf Clan doesn't get this kind of treatment. You can tell me." Tang Ke laughed dumbly, then waved his hand and said, "Anyway, I will get the Fountain of Life for you in the future, so don't worry. . First, let’s talk about what you found out yesterday. Did you find a necromancer or a powerful tactician?”

"Yesterday, according to your instructions, we divided into several groups and went to various taverns to inquire about news. I also ran to several hotels myself. Hualu followed me all the time, saying that I wanted to find a necromancer to treat my sister. Are we okay? It was easy to find a necromancer. He kept saying that he could help Hualu's sister recover. I paid the money and brought him to Hualu's sister. He spent a long time and performed several rituals, but nothing happened. I was so angry at the time that I almost chopped him with a knife. But Hua Lu stopped me." Dadarian became angrier as he spoke.

"Is he a real necromancer?" Tang Ke's interest did not diminish. He had never met a necromancer before. Even if the other party was a first-level necromancer, he could activate the recruitment option in the system for him.

Dadarian shook his head and said: "I put the knife on his neck, and he told the truth and admitted that he was a liar and not a necromancer."

"Really?" Tangke looked slightly disappointed.

"Although the real necromancer was not found, I got a piece of news. Some people said that there is a ghost ship haunting the Dream Sea, and the owner of that ship is a necromancer. In addition, I also found out about a ghost ship called 'Eternal Night Swamp' Place, I heard that it is the residence of several necromancers. If you want to find necromancers, going there is the best choice."

"Night Swamp? Where is it?"

"Near the Cormanthor Empire, there is an independent zone. It is filled with death and plague. It is the territory of the Necromancer. Few people dare to set foot there."

"If I have the chance, I will definitely go there for a walk." Tang Ke said firmly.

"There are only so many things about necromancers. Next, let me tell you about tacticians. Pirate City is a mixed place, and it is easy to find tacticians. I found a dozen of them casually. , but I feel that they are not very powerful, and a few of them are just here to show off. I asked them where to find the most powerful tacticians in the world, and they said that they cannot be found in Pirate City, because good tacticians are all It’s already attached to other forces, so it’s difficult to poach them.”

"Then where can we find a great tactician?"

Dadarian raised an index finger and said a very poetic place name: "Listen to the Wind Valley."

Tang Ke's eyes flickered and he remembered something. In the information of Bo*tu, the deputy captain of the Freedom Blade Pirates, the place Tingfeng Valley is marked in the column of his affiliation, which proves that he is a tactician who came out of Tingfeng Valley.

Dadarian continued, "Although all major empires have tactician academies, only the tacticians from Listening to the Wind Valley are the most powerful in the world. Those tacticians I found all agreed with this statement. They said that all tacticians The tacticians who came out of Listening to the Wind Valley have all achieved very impressive results and have become high officials in various major forces, and some have even become generals."

Some of the officers of the five empires were elected by force, and some were by ingenuity. Although some tacticians were mediocre in force, they could still reach high positions as long as they knew how to use troops.

"Tingfeng Valley is located within the Greenland Empire, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the Greenland Empire. The tacticians who come out of the valley will choose who to work for according to their own wishes, and the Greenland Empire never interferes. The master of Tingfeng Valley, Tingfeng The gentleman is very prestigious. If the Greenland Empire interferes with his life, it will attract criticism from many people, and those students of Mr. Tingfeng will not agree. If you want students from Tingfeng Valley to work for us, you have to go there and talk to those students. Contact. But we are a pirate group, not a country, and it is difficult to get those arrogant tacticians to work for us."

"This is indeed a difficult problem." Tang Ke nodded in agreement.

"But don't be too discouraged. I also heard about such a thing. There was a mermaid royal named 'Leng Yueshan' who went to Mr. Tingfeng to study. After she graduated from the valley, she did not return to the Crystal Palace, but ran to We are working for Golden Beard. Golden Beard is also a pirate group, but we still recruited tacticians, which proves that we also have hope."

"If it were an ordinary tactician, I would be able to find it now, but what I really want to find is a peerless genius who can help me dominate the world." Tang Ke's eyes became sharp, and he was well aware of his shortcomings in this aspect. , without such people to assist him, it would be impossible for him to become the Pirate King.

"In terms of peerless geniuses, there are exactly two of them in Tingfeng Valley right now. The tacticians I found mentioned two people, saying that these two people are the most powerful students in the valley right now. Both of them have talents in the world."

"Who are they?" Tang Ke asked anxiously.

"One of them is called Na Lun, and the other is named Nelson Redden. It is said that these two people entered the valley to study on the same day. After seeing the two of them, Mr. Tingfeng said, 'You two are the ones in my heart. The students I'm looking for, if I accept you two, I won't have to accept other students. After that, Mr. Tingfeng really closed Tingfeng Valley and no longer accepted any students. After the two enrolled, they lived up to their expectations. Mr. Feng’s expectation is that he learns things very quickly and shows an extraordinary strategic acumen. Of course, these are what the tacticians told me. These people praised these two people very much, and I don’t know whether it is true or not. Dardarian shrugged.

"Let's just believe it. Anyway, I have to go to the Greenland Empire sooner or later, and then I can go to Tingfeng Valley to have a look. By the way, what is the background of Mr. Tingfeng, Na Lun, and Nelson? Can you? Can’t you win me over?”

"Mr. Tingfeng is a tree man. He is very old. No matter who asks him, he will not go out of his way to help. The only ones who can win over are those two students. That Lun is from the Cormanso Empire. He threatened After completing his studies, he must serve his motherland. That Nelson is a descendant of the Leyden family. His grandfather was a very powerful tactician. He was also friends with Mr. Tingfeng and wrote a military book called "Leyden's Theory of War." . Judging from the situation, only Nelson has not determined the future development direction, and there is a possibility of wooing him."

"It seems that we need to investigate this Nelson carefully and try to win over him. The two other people also need to investigate carefully, and we cannot give up now."

Tang Ke had high expectations for the two tactical geniuses Nailun and Nelson. He had a wonderful premonition that one of these three people would bring about earth-shaking changes to him and the Dragon Pirates.

After that, Dardarian told two more stories about Nalun and Nelson.

Story one.

In order to hone their strategic intelligence, Mr. Tingfeng asked them to play chess at sea. Nelson had played this kind of chess before and always had the upper hand at first, but after learning the game for a few days, he gradually won more and lost less. It only took Nalun a few days to become familiar with how to play Hai Zhan chess, and he was so good at it that he was praised by Mr. Tingfeng.

But this does not mean that Nailun is better than Nelson in playing chess. There is a difference between actual war and chess.

Story two.

There is a nest of swallows on the house in Tingfeng Valley. Every autumn, the swallows fly away. Nalun asked Mr. Tingfeng where the swallows had gone. Mr. Tingfeng replied that hundreds of years ago, a scientist claimed that swallows spent the winter in the ice beneath the swamp, but in fact, swallows are not that resistant to freezing. This statement is wrong.

Mr. Tingfeng didn't know exactly where the swallow flew to. He used this as a question and asked the students to find ways to get the answer.

While everyone was thinking hard, Nelson was the first to stand up and said that this matter was easy to handle. All he had to do was tie a piece of cloth to the swallow's feet and write on it: "Swallow, where did you spend the winter?" Wait until the swallow After flying to a different place, other people will naturally send a reply when they see this banner.

Sure enough, in the spring of the next year, a swallow had a new strip of cloth wrapped around its feet, and people from afar answered the question on it. In winter, this swallow actually flies to a warm place to spend the winter.

It can be seen from these two stories that Nalun is stronger in the overall strategic situation, while Nelson is more agile and agile. Each has its own merits.

At noon that day, a group of female guests arrived, headed by the female swordsman Thalia. They brought a deposit slip of 300,000 gold coins in exchange for the Tree of Life. The whole transaction process went smoothly, and Thalia later asked Tonk: "Where did that handsome boy go?"

Tang Ke glanced at her pudgy figure and replied casually: "Dardarian is practicing sword practice in the backyard of the hotel. There is a gravity circle there, which is a good place for practice."

"Great, I'll go find him," Thalia told the female companions, "You guys wait a moment, I'll go talk to him, and then I'll escort the Tree of Life." She finished. , carrying the broad-bladed sword, rushed to the backyard in a hurry. Several of the female companions who came with them also followed him laughing.

Tang Ke felt that nothing would happen, so he did not go to watch the excitement. Instead, he casually chatted with the female pirates and learned that Eunice had lost her temper yesterday, so she was unwilling to come to get the Tree of Life in person.

There are seventh-level swordsmen escorting us, and since this is a pirate city, the security is very good, so it doesn’t matter if Eunice doesn’t come.

Tang Ke was chatting happily with the group of female pirates when he heard a wolf-like roar coming from the backyard: "Smelly woman, I'm going to kill you." Tang Ke recognized the voice of Dadarian and his expression changed. "Did the two of them fight?"

Immediately afterwards, the dwarf swordsman Thalia came back in a hurry and said with a smile: "This little brother tastes really good."

"What did you do to him?" Tang Ke felt bad and asked hurriedly.

"You can see for yourself and find out." Thalia waved to the female companions, "Sisters, let's go."

Tonk quickly rushed to the backyard with doubts.

I saw that a "Sword Qi Cell" appeared out of thin air in the open space for training, trapping Dadarian inside. Dardarian was so angry that he slashed at the guardrail, but it didn't move at all. There was overwhelming anger on his face, and there was a lipstick mark on his left side...

Tonk immediately understood that Thalia actually kissed Dadalion forcefully. This was so outrageous that he imagined Thalia pushing Dadalion down and then pounced on him to take a bite, and he couldn't help but shudder. . He thought it would be better for Dardarian to calm down, so he did not go up to help. Instead, he quietly retreated to the hotel and told everyone: "Don't go near the backyard. It's very dangerous there now."

While Dadarian was slashing at the sword energy cell, he roared at the top of his lungs: "Smelly woman, sooner or later I'm going to chop her into salad dressing." The whole process lasted for an hour.

After this day, Tangke felt that Dadarian was practicing harder than before.

After sending away the Tree of Life, Tang Ke settled another worry. If he didn't have to wait for the city lord's summons, he could make plans to leave the port now.

While waiting for the summons, Tang Ke and his men did the following things. First, they recruited people on a large scale, especially looking for tacticians. Second, they made purchases and bought five ships and some cannons. Tang Ke plans to strengthen the island's defenses after returning to Dragon's Nest Island this time, and seize some more islands along the way.

If you don't have a mission in mind, capturing islands is the best way to earn bonus points. Only through this method can the reward points for redeeming the Tree of Life be collected as soon as possible.

With this thought, Tang Ke returned to the boat and took out the female snail from the female snail, and shouted to the round opening: "Yangtze River, Yangtze River, I am the Yellow River."

He shouted several times, and Ziluo finally responded.

"Yellow River, Yellow River, I am the Yangtze River." It was the voice of One Eye.

This was the first time that Tang Ke officially used this thing to contact Dragon's Nest Island. He was very interested and said with a smile: "One-eye, I will return to Dragon's Nest Island soon. After I go back, I plan to grab a few islands. You Keep an eye out for me and see which islands are suitable to attack."

"Okay, I'll have someone make a report."

"We currently have cooperative relationships with many forces. The islands of these forces cannot be touched. For example, Greenland, Dragon Tooth, Golden Beard, Flower Language and other forces cannot touch their islands. We'd better choose some islands from small countries. Start, and after defeating it, raise the flag of the Greenland Empire. In this way, you can also use Greenland's deterrent power to prevent the small countries that have been robbed from fighting back."

"There are indeed some islands like this, but they are far away from Dragon's Nest Island and the location is not good. There is not much value in grabbing them."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not just robbing it for business interests."

"Understood, I will try my best to handle this matter."

"There's nothing else to do, just hang up."

"Don't hang up yet, I also have something to say."

"What's up?"

"Can we change our communication slogan?"

Chapter 400 Listen to the Wind Valley

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