Pirate System

Chapter 414: Battle of Silman Island (Part 2)

Night fell, and darkness enveloped the entire Silmarillion Island. Only this house is the brightest on the entire island. In the narrow space of 120 square meters, a total of twenty glass lamps are lit, illuminating the house as if it were daytime.

"Gah, ga..." The room echoed with the creaking sound of the bowstring being tightened.

Admiral Ste's eyes were tied with black ribbons, and he held an exquisite antler bow with three arrows on the bowstring. The three arrow tips swayed slightly, forming three deadly points of cold light, pointing towards the opposite side of the cliff.

Mi Luoka was fixed to the wall, with his limbs spread out and a red apple on his head and shoulders. She stared at Han Mang in horror, her body trembling uncontrollably. She was just an ordinary little girl. Faced with death approaching step by step, she could do nothing but tremble.

"Don't wander around, lest you miss the shot." Ste said with a smile.

Mi Luoka was so scared that he couldn't say anything, and he didn't dare to beg "Great God Ste" for mercy. She couldn't understand why the "god" she praised in the past could be so cruel.


Ste released his fingers, and three sharp arrows flew out, hitting three apples without any bias.

Mi Luoka's eyes were open blankly, and a patch of red blood spread around the eye sockets, like red vines. She clearly watched the cold light fly past her. At that moment of life and death, time seemed to freeze. The surrounding scenes were all blurred, except for the tip of the arrow, which was extremely clear. Two strings of tears rolled down her cheeks, and the huge fear overwhelmed her endurance.

"Who allowed you to cry? Come on and smile for me!" Ste took off his blindfold and ordered with a sneer. In fact, he just shot two arrows just for fun, and did not really want to kill Mi Luoka. With his level as a fifth-level archer, as long as he remembers the positions of three apples, he can hit them even with a blindfold on, with an accuracy rate of over 90%.

Because Mi Ruoka was trapped in the fear of death, he didn't hear Ste's words and was still crying.

This disobedient behavior angered Ste.

"Disobedient dogs must be punished." Ste's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to rub the mustache on his chin, trying to figure out how to torture Mi Luoka. He liked this "toy" very much. He felt very happy in the process of torturing her. Once he feels that Mi Luo Ka is boring, Mi Luo Ka's death will come, just like the ten "toys" in the past.

Ste's mind came up with many ways to torture people, such as forbidding Mi Luo Ka from sleeping, or letting Mi Luo Ka live with a group of rats, etc.

Just before Ste's poisonous plan was hatched,

There was a knock on the door, saving Mi Luoka in disguise.

"Report to the Admiral, our dock has been attacked!" After the soldier entered the house, he saluted and reported.

"Oh?" Stet frowned, "'Who is so bold?"

"I don't know. The other party only has one small boat. The lights on the boat are very weak and there are no iconic flags flying."

Ste had the urge to kick the soldier away, and said displeasedly: "Since there is only one small boat, it's just a matter of sinking it. Why bother reporting to me and disturbing my game?"

"We tried to fight back, but their range was farther than ours and they kept shooting outside our range. We couldn't hit them, but we kept getting beaten." The soldier had seen Rante's torture and was sincerely afraid of what he was seeing. This man suddenly shed cold sweat on his forehead.

"The range is farther than ours? If that's the case, then there's a problem. The mortars along our coast are all newly built in recent years and are very advanced. Only some big forces can have better artillery than us. The enemy only opened one It is very unreasonable for a ship to come with such a good cannon." Sturt's anger subsided and his suspicion grew.

"There is another doubtful point. Their cannons have no sound or fire, but the speed and power of the cannonballs are not small. Many of our houses along the coast were damaged."

"No firelight?" Stet rubbed his chin habitually, "'If this is the case for Qihang Mingyu, then they are not using ordinary artillery, but magic weapons or a kind of sea beast."


Ste couldn't remember the name of the sea monster that could shoot Qihang Mingyu with cannonballs, and he didn't bother to explain it to the soldiers.

"I'm going to the pier to meet this mysterious enemy. Nothing new has happened on this island for a long time. Their arrival is just the thing to relieve my boredom." Stet sneered, slung his antler bow on his body, and walked to Beside the wall, he took down the quiver. There is a divider in this quiver. One half contains ordinary arrows, and the other half contains fluorescent magic arrows.

Sturt rode on horseback and rushed to the dock. The rumble of cannons was heard halfway, and it became clearer and louder. After arriving at the beach, he strangled the horse's neck, and the horse stopped in time, stamping out a burst of smoke. I saw a row of artillery on the seaside shining one after another, attacking the sea with a stable frequency. However, the light of the artillery fire was not enough to illuminate the sea and the enemy ships could not be seen clearly.

In fact, the effective range of artillery is not very far, only a few hundred yards. If it was such a small distance on land, Stern could reach it in just a matter of seconds with a flick of the reins, but it would not work on the sea.

Archers are good at shooting arrows and have great destructive power, but they are not capable of running like flying on the sea. Otherwise, Sit would rather Huiyi ran over to find out.

"Bring me the binoculars!" Ste ordered.

The soldiers and officers who had been firing off cannons turned their heads when they heard the sound. When they saw Sir, they immediately stood up and saluted. After the ceremony, a disgraced soldier turned up the telescope respectfully.

Ster held the telescope and looked far into the distance. On the pitch-black sea, there were faint dots of light floating on it. The light was so dim that even the outline of the ship was difficult to make out. Sturt speculated that the purpose of these low lights was simply to ensure the transportation and loading of artillery shells.

The shells from the shore were continuously thrown over. The first two fell into the sea, and then one hit the enemy ship. Because the distance is too far, after the cannonball hits, the power is so weak that it can't even penetrate the wooden board. At most, it can kill people.

During this period, the enemy ships had been actively counterattacking, and the shells were fired one after another, and they were fired at right angles, and the density was higher than on the Silmarillion Island side. One shell penetrated the house, another knocked the soldiers off their feet, and the rest disappeared into the night.

Ste was thinking about how to deal with it. The other party came to provoke him without any warning. There must be something fishy. The most important thing right now was to find out the identity of the person coming.

"I am the Admiral of the Silmarillion Island, the supreme commander of this island. Why do you want to attack here? This method of attacking without signing up is inconsistent with the demeanor of a soldier and a gentleman!" Strong shouted, his voice Enough to travel a thousand yards.

The enemy ship made no response and continued to pour shells silently.

Stern patiently asked again and again no less than ten times, but the other party made no move, as if they were a group of mutes.

"Damn it! Do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't speak?" Stet's veins bulged with hatred and his face turned red. Qihang Mingyu waved and said, "'Send the Eagle Man team and the Naga Murloc team to attack me. Detective Find out their details, but don’t fight them, and report back immediately after you find out.”

"Yes!" The messenger took the order and went to find the two alien teams on the island.

Ankara is just a small country and does not have the national power to cultivate a large group of alien troops. Therefore, the sky and submarine troops on the Silman Island only have ten ordinary troops combined. Their combat power is very limited. At best, they can only serve as scouts. squad.

Not long after, the sound of flapping wings came from the sky, and the Naga fishmen also yawned and walked over.

Ste watched the two teams go away and waited silently.

"Bang! Bump! Bump!" The sound of the cannon was mixed with a few gunshots, and then several wails were heard from the sky.

Ste vaguely saw the eagle man falling in the sky, but he didn't expect that the hawk man was shot dead before he could get close. This range cannot be achieved by ordinary muskets. The opponent must have a magic weapon in his hand. It can be seen that the invading enemy is very real and is by no means an ordinary person.

Vaguely, Ste had a feeling of an approaching crisis, and all the previous contempt was gone.

After a while, the hawk sent out came back. Because it didn't dare to get too close, it couldn't get any valuable information. After a while, a Naga murloc also ran back, looking extremely hasty and with wounds on his body. The Naga murloc claimed that it was attacked at the bottom of the sea, and all its companions died except for it.

Because the attack was so sudden, the Naga fishmen failed to see clearly who the enemy was.

Ste resisted the thought of executing the mortal scouts, and calmly asked the fishman and eagleman to retreat.

"Admiral, there is no solution for us to be beaten all the time. Otherwise, let's send a mortal ship out to sea to destroy or capture this enemy ship." One officer boldly suggested.

"No, the enemy's origin and strength are unknown, and there are still combat forces deployed on the bottom of the sea. It is not a wise move for us to attack rashly." Sturt shook his head and made up his mind. If he catches this group of enemies, he must torture them. them!

"Then what should we do?" the officer asked.

"Wait! Wait until daybreak. Once daybreak, their identities will no longer be hidden." Ste said in a deep voice.

It was very frustrating for Ste to give this order, but there was nothing he could do about it. This enemy gave him an unfathomable feeling. They waited for what seemed like an hour. During this period, the enemy ships kept moving around and changing positions, but they never approached the island and only carried out long-range attacks.

The shells damaged various buildings along the coast, and many ships docked at the pier were also damaged.

In the second half of the night, the enemy ship suddenly stopped attacking, turned around and fled. Stern hesitated again and again and did not send a ship to pursue him. After a night of fighting, Sturt failed to figure out the enemy's identity.

By daylight, the enemy ship never appeared again. After waiting for a long time, Ste was very sleepy and returned to the island to rest. But before he could get enough sleep, another soldier came to report that the damn enemy ship was back again!

Ste glanced out the dark window and cursed: "Shameless rats, they come to harass us at night!" (To be continued)

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