Pirate System

Chapter 416: Armored Rhino

Although it was already late at night, the coast of Silmarillion Island was as bright as day. Hundreds of torches and glass lamps were fixed on wooden poles, connecting the light into one. By the light, Ankara's soldiers stood in several rows in an orderly manner, guarding the cannon and waiting silently.

Standing on a high hillside, Ste looked forward to the return of the five ships, but the five ships were still missing, making him increasingly anxious.

What happened to those ships? Why did it take so long to deal with one ship? Is that a trap? How many ships does the other party have? How many strong men are there?

Just when Ste was puzzled, a small bright spot appeared at the end of the sea-sky line, and he quickly fixed his sights on it.

At first he thought it was his own ship coming back, but he soon realized that he was wrong. It was not Ankara's ship, but a small boat with no sign, which was very similar to the ship that came to provoke him before!

"Could it be that all the ships I sent were wiped out?" Sturt thought in disbelief. He quickly confirmed this guess and felt endless hatred in his heart, wishing to skin these invading enemies one by one. cramp.

The Silmarillion Island is his territory and his comfort zone. Once the Silmarillion Island is lost, his good life will come to an end, so this group of invading enemies must be eliminated.

The problem at hand is that we don't know the details of the enemy. Although there is only one ship coming over, we don't know what kind of forces are entrenched on the sea.

Sturt intended to capture some prisoners for questioning, but after the last lesson, he did not plan to send ordinary ships to pursue them again because the opponent's boats were too fast.

He made up his mind and ordered: "Gather the sailors and captain together, and come with me to sail the Iron-clad Rhino to attack!"

The soldiers were shocked when they heard this, and one of them asked: "Do we also need to send a magic ship to attack this ship?"

"What a ship!" Ste looked bitterly at the gradually enlarging light spot on the sea. "I don't know how many ships and people there are behind them. In short, there must be no less. If we don't figure it out, our battle will be ruined." There is no way to fight. If...if they have large numbers and excellent ships, we will have to ask for help from home."

The soldiers made murmurs, and their morale was somewhat shaken. They were used to being domineering on the island, and they had not fought a tough battle for a long time.

Several messengers mounted their horses and ran back to the island to gather the sailors. The Iron-Armored Rhino is the strongest ship on the island. The sailors and captains on board are fixed. Ordinary sailors are not qualified to go aboard.

Without waiting for the personnel to be assembled,

Sturt rushed to the dock first on horseback and passed a straight artificial river on the way.

This dock was built by Ankara to repair ships on the island. It is also the berthing place for the Iron-clad Rhino. This place is taken care of by two third-level swordsmen in turns, and artillery is set up at the door, making it extremely defensive.

Sturt rushed here in a hurry, clamoring to light the lights. The people in the dock did as they were told, and soon the place became brightly lit.

Under the light, the armored Rhino was in full view, its ninety-yard-long body shining with metallic luster. The thick iron plate on the surface gave people a sense of solid strength that even cannonballs could not penetrate. This ship is just like the description of the name. It looks a bit like a rhinoceros. There is a "rhinoceros horn" on the bow of the ship, which is a huge drill bit. With careful maintenance, this drill bit remains new for a long time, shining with silver and a trace of rust. There is no trace. The other weapon on the ship is a gun, located in the middle of the ship. The muzzle is big enough for five pig beasts to fit in without being too crowded. Based on the thickness of the muzzle, you can guess the power of this gun.

This ship has no masts or sails. It is powered only by magic devices. On both sides of the hull, there is a wheel propeller with a shield. Once the magic furnace is ignited, the wheel propellers will roar and rotate. Similar to a carriage wheel.

To summarize briefly, the characteristics of this third-level magic ship are its solidity and bulkiness, powerful firepower, and short range.

Even a magic ship of the same level may not be able to penetrate the shield of this ship, but this ship can sink a magic ship of the same level with one shot - provided that the door can hit.

Seeing the majestic appearance of this steel behemoth, Stet felt a little relieved. Ordinary magic ships were no match for this ship.

The people responsible for driving the ship gradually gathered, and the huge magic furnace began to operate, making a rumbling sound.

Ste pulled out his command sword, pointed it high, and shouted: "Let's go! Rush over and blow up the heads of these enemies!"

The propellers on both sides of the Iron-clad Rhino rotated slowly, from slow to fast, and drove out of the dock. The two searchlights in front of the bow lit up, illuminating the sea ahead like a golden ribbon. The two lights looked like the eyes of this steel giant.

This "giant beast" ran away and soon ran out of this straight river.

The One Eye on the boat heard the lookout's report and learned of the Iron-clad Rhino's attack. He was not surprised but overjoyed when he heard this, because this was the fattest fish on the entire island!

"Stop the attack, let's flee north! At the same time, release the Sword Eagle and the Murloc to report to the fleet, asking them to come and pick us up quickly. The war is about to begin!" One-Eye ordered immediately. Although this ship is light, it is no match for the magic ship. If we don't escape now, it will be too late. Their purpose is to fish, not to be eaten by fish.

On the vast sea, this small boat is so inconspicuous, like a little starlight. This light took a turn and fled to the north.

The Iron-Armored Rhino led three brisk boats in pursuit. The Magic Ship gradually surpassed the ordinary ships, leaving those three ships behind and running as fast as it could.

The gap between the two sides is getting smaller and smaller, and the boat where One Eye is located is becoming more and more dangerous.

The Armored Rhino's range is only a measly two hundred yards. Beyond this range, the gunfire will spread out and fall downwards. This range is lower than that of ordinary artillery, so it is very difficult for this surefire to hit the target. In order to close the distance between the ship and the enemy ship, the ship was equipped with a chain hook-type weapon.

"Fire the 'enemy-locking hook'!"

Following Steer's order, the front end of the Iron-clad Rhino opened two muzzles, and pushed out two slim cannons. What was loaded in the muzzles was not a cannonball, but a closed triangular hook. After two gunshots, the hooks were shot out and crossed a distance of more than 400 yards. One of them penetrated the stern of the boat in front, then suddenly opened and got stuck in the hole.

There is another mechanism behind the hook, which is equipped with a winch. After hitting the target, it will start pulling immediately. The chain shortened bit by bit, and the huge pulling force dragged the boat.

The Armored Rhino was three times the size of the small boat and extremely heavy. With her towing, the small boat could not even hope to move forward.

The boat began to retreat, shortening the distance from the enemy ship.

One Eye ran to the stern of the boat to check the condition of the hook. Seeing something bad, he immediately drew his gun and fired, adding his own power to the bullet.

After the bullet was fired, it enveloped a cloud of air and hit the stern plank, shattering it directly. The hook lost its focus and fell with a clang, falling into the sea and creating a black wave.

In this way, the ship can move forward an extra distance. However, if the hooks come one after another, the stern of the ship will be scrapped and it will be in trouble.

One Eye and the people on the boat just hope that they can fall into the arms of their comrades at the front as soon as possible.

With the Cang Yan around, even this armored monster ship can't do it!

The Armored Rhino had preparation time for firing the hook. After pulling back the hook, it paused for two minutes before firing the second shot. This time, both hooks were nailed to the boat. Ste and the soldiers cheered.

Some people were happy and some were sad. When One Eye saw this scene, he gritted his teeth and fired two more shots, shattering the two wooden boards. This time, the stern of the ship has become a vent, and the enemy ship behind can be directly seen, and the seawater below is also pouring in relentlessly.

After such a delay, the distance between the two sides was no more than three hundred yards.

One Eye felt that the magic ship behind him might launch an attack at any time, and the current situation was too dangerous.

"Everyone abandon the ship and jump into the sea, spread out in all directions, our people will come to rescue us soon, don't be afraid!" One Eye ordered.

Most of the people on this boat are fishmen and frogs. Even the few sailors and captains have good water skills and can jump into the sea without any problem. Everyone rushed to the deck and jumped into the sea one by one. The ship became an empty ship.

It would be meaningless to destroy the ship now, but Sturt still ordered the cannon to be fired because of his hatred in his heart.


The ship spit out a fireball, like a small sun, lighting up the sea. The fireball drew a parabola and landed on top of the boat, directly smashing the boat into pieces. Flames and splinters of wood floated and crackled on the sea.

"Hurry up and grab a few alive and bring them up for questioning!" Ste shouted.

The soldiers were already ready, holding different tools and starting to salvage the people who fell into the sea. One tool is a long and narrow pole with a hook at the top; the other is a hook that can be thrown out.

The Armored Rhino ran across the sea and caught up with a group of fleeing enemies. The soldiers used long poles and hooks to hook the clothes of those who fell into the water and pulled them onto the ship. Taking advantage of the large number of people, the soldiers swarmed forward and quickly subdued those who had been hooked.

"Who are you? How many ships are there? Who is the leader? How strong is your strength?" Sturt asked like a barrage of words, his eyes turning blood red.

The captured pirate sneered and said as if he were dead: "I won't tell you, what can you do to me?"

"Seeking death!" Stur was so angry that he drew out his sword and tried to stab the prisoner's thigh to give him a taste.

At this moment, the ship's hull suddenly shook violently. Ster was unsteady and missed the target with his sword. He thought the shaking was unusual, turned his attention away from his prisoner, looked around and asked, "What's going on?"

"Admiral, this shaking may come from under the sea!" an adjutant guessed.

A gleam flashed in Ste's eyes, and he nodded: "That makes sense. Please ask the fishmen escorting us on the bottom of the sea what happened."

The soldiers ran to the starboard and starboard sides, grabbed the fenders, and shouted questions. The rocking of the ship became more severe, and many people fell down. I saw a mermaid's head finally popping up in the sea, and he panicked and replied: "A big monster has appeared in the sea, and it is..."

Before it could finish speaking, a tentacle stretched out from the bottom of the sea, made a circle, strangled it, and dragged it into the sea.

The owner of this tentacle is none other than the heart-stealing ammonite beast Xiao Zhang. Although One-Eye's order was for everyone to retreat, it couldn't bear it when it saw that the Iron-clad Rhino had captured many of its companions, so it did not escape, but chose to interfere with the ship on the seabed. boat to buy time for everyone to escape.

When Ste saw the tentacles, his expression changed drastically, and he was shocked: "Who are they? They can actually control sea monsters!"

"I am a sea beast, not a sea monster!" There was a muffled sound from the bottom of the sea, and many tentacles stretched out and surrounded the Armored Rhino. The thick tentacles knocked many people to the ground, and several people fell into the sea.

Xiao Zhang on the bottom of the sea suddenly pulled, but he was too weak to drag such a huge iron lump into the sea.

"You bastard beast! I will definitely roast you and eat you." Stet yelled angrily. He took off the bow and a fiery red magic arrow with his backhand, put the two together and stretched them into a full moon. Rolling air flowed out of his body, his eyes were aimed at the row of tentacles in front of him, and his fingers suddenly loosened.

The arrow turned into a streak of fire, quickly spread out, and turned into a firebird, and every feather was as sharp as a knife.

The firebird flew over and cut off Xiao Zhang's tentacles one by one, and strings of blood gushed out from the fractures. The tentacles trembled in pain and retracted into the sea.

Xiao Zhang was so painful that he burst into tears. He held back the pain, attacked again, and wrapped his tentacles around the Armored Rhino.

"I want to see how many tentacles you have!" Stet looked stern, opened his big hand, grabbed four ordinary arrows, put them on the string, and injected his own power into them. The sharp chirping sounded from the tip of the arrow, like a flock of birds chirping.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The four arrows hit four tentacles respectively, and then exploded with a bang, which actually had an explosive effect. The four tentacles broke off in response.

There were still more than a dozen tentacles left on the deck, and Ste took out arrows and launched attacks one after another.

Thanks to Xiao Zhang, he entangled the Armored Rhino and bought time for everyone to escape.

One-Eye doesn't have a good thing like water droplets, so it can only swim in the usual way. He looked back and saw the scene of Xiao Zhang's broken tentacles. He frowned, secretly said "Hold on", and turned back.

This group of pirates swam forward hard, and suddenly someone said happily: "Look ahead! There is a shadow of a ship!"

When One Eye heard the words, he raised his head and looked forward. He saw a long row of small shadows in front of him. The red ship in the middle was the Cang Yan.

"It's time to close the net." One Eye's gaze turned cold and he stopped where he was.

The speed of the sailboat was so fast that it rushed forward in a moment. The Cangyan in the lead stopped and dropped several ropes. One-Eye and the sailors climbed onto the ship by pulling on the rope.

After One Eye boarded the ship, he commanded: "Activate the flight ability, accelerate forward, and destroy the Iron-clad Rhino!"

"My darling, it's time for us to go out." Because it was night, Frankie was able to steer the boat himself. He pulled the rudder, and there was a mechanical sound below the deck. The flamethrowers on both sides stretched out and aimed at Thick tongues of fire erupted from the sea.

After the Cangyan took off, it threw the fleet away and rushed forward.

When he saw the shadow of the Iron-clad Rhino, One Eye and the sailors shouted at the same time: "Xiao Zhang! You are no longer needed here, sink to the bottom of the sea and rest!"

The sounds were connected together and reached Xiao Zhang's ears. It tiredly withdrew its broken tentacles and sank into the sea.

Sturt also heard the movement, quickly retracted his bow and arrows, and looked up. When he saw the figure of Cangyan, his heart skipped a beat and he felt a chill.

not good! They also have a magical ship, and it is a magical ship that can fly! No matter how powerful the ship is, I can't stand just dropping explosive barrels on it. The range of my Iron-clad Rhino is too short. It can only take hits but cannot hit the sky. It is no match for this ship. And they also have many ordinary ships, which are too powerful. It seems that from the initial sneak attack to the current attempt to lure me out to sea, it was all their plan. It is really abominable. For now, it is better to retreat to the Silmarillion Island. There are many cannons there, and these cannons can be used to deal with them.

Stern has been stationed on the Silman Island all year round, and he has not heard anything outside the window. He does not know anything about the Dragon Pirates and the Blue Flame. Otherwise, he would be twice as scared now.

"Everyone hides in the cabin, let's evacuate to the dock first!" Stedan rushed into the gangway first, and the other sailors followed hurriedly.

This is another advantage of the Iron-clad Rhino. The ship relies entirely on magical devices to move forward, and its surface is covered with all-round protective panels. In case of danger, the crew can all hide in the cabin.

The Cangyan was faster than the Iron-clad Rhino, and gradually caught up, firing two Red Lotus Destruction Cannons, shortening the distance again. The two cannons blasted twice and released two pillars of fire, which hit the wheel propeller shields on both sides. If the two propellers could be destroyed, the armored Rhino would be paralyzed. The destructive power of these two pillars of fire was very powerful, but after hitting the shield, they only left two scorched black masses, but they failed to penetrate it!

How could One-Eye be willing to do so, he let the two cannons pursue each other continuously, hitting different parts of the Iron-clad Rhino, looking for weak points. But after one round of attacks, not even a hole was made.

If there is any further delay, the Iron-clad Rhino will sail to the Silmarillion Island. By then, it will not be easy to clean up the ship.

"Summon the fire elves and let's fight quickly!" One Eye ordered.

The two magic weapons were ordered to point their muzzles at the night sky and fired with a bang. The firelight intertwined together to form a magic circle. A huge fiery figure stood out, looking at the armored Rhino below with a stern look. In each of his four hands, he held a roaring fire dragon.

There were several small lookout openings on the Iron-clad Rhino, from which telescopes that could be turned were extended. Through this, Ste was able to observe the situation in the sky. He was frightened out of his wits after just one glance, and said: " What is this big monster?”

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