Pirate System

Chapter 431: Handover

Chapter 431 Handover

In the captain's cabin, Tang Ke held an empty pink letter in his hand and looked at it in a daze. M There was a knock on the door suddenly, and the person who entered the room was Audrey, the two-tailed mermaid. This trip to sea was not only to capture another resurrection spring, but also to send Audrey to the Crystal Palace as a spy. This is somewhat cruel, but it is a consensual thing. Tangk needs Audrey as a spy, and Audrey is willing to help Tangk.

We will arrive at the Crystal Palace in a few days. As the saying goes, once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. By then, Audrey will have little chance to see Tang Ke and the pirate group again, so she often chats with everyone these days.

"You're here." Tangke pulled his legs back from the table, changed to a more responsible sitting position, and at the same time stuffed the pink letter under the book.

"What are you hiding? Could it be a love letter? Hehe, if it's a love letter, I have to tip off Sister Elizabeth so that she can take good care of you in the future." Audrey smiled. The beauty of this smile was beyond any comparison. No painter can draw it.

"You really guessed it right. This is truly a love letter, and it can be used over and over again." Tang Ke was honest and lenient without making any excuses. The pink letter paper is acacia paper, used to communicate with the mermaid princess. However, it has been a long time since he received a reply from Warsaw, and everything he wrote has fallen into disarray, with no reply. This time when I send Audrey to the Crystal Palace, I will probably meet Warsaw again, and I don’t know what will happen when we meet again.

The last time they separated, the two seemed to be a couple in love, but now, Tang Ke is a father. Time flies and fate flies by.

"Is it really a love letter?" Audrey saw that Tang Ke admitted it so readily, but she didn't believe it. "Come on. You must have lied to me."

"This kind of paper is called lovesickness paper. There are two copies. If you write on one of them, it will appear on the other. If there are too many words and it is full, you can just blow on the paper to make the paper blank again." Tang Ke took out the lovesickness paper and put it on the table for Audrey to see.

Then, Tangke naturally told the story of him and Warsaw, starting from when he received the drift bottle and ending when he was forced to separate. Audrey listened so engrossed that she didn't interrupt a word in the end and listened intently to Tang Ke's story.

"She didn't reply to me for so long. Maybe she was discovered when she wrote the letter, or maybe she knew that I was married. I just wanted to have fun when I wrote her a reply, but I didn't expect that it would become emotional later. But then again, Which man can resist the beauty of a mermaid?" Tang Ke smiled bitterly, took back the letter, put his hands around his head, and leaned on the chair, "I broke her heart, and she will definitely do it the next time we meet. Blame me."

"I don't think so!" Audrey flatly objected.

"How to say?"

"As a two-tailed mermaid,

She cannot be with a human race, and since she is a princess, it is even more impossible for her to marry an ordinary person. She knows this very well, so when she was with you, she just wanted to leave a memory, so that her life would not be completely empty in terms of emotions. Since she understands this, she won't blame you for finding another woman to marry. If she loves you, she will want you to be happy. "Audrey's eyes softened, and her long, curved eyelashes drooped, "If it were me, I would think so too. "

"Is that so? A woman who has such thoughts should be called cute or pitiful." Tang Ke shook his head.

As long as the two-tailed mermaid mates with the opposite sex, the other party will die. Moreover, the two-tailed mermaid can only be pregnant through the essence of the sea and cannot pass on the family line through other members of the opposite sex. Because of this characteristic, there is a rule that two-tailed mermaids cannot intermarry with other people.

With this rule, every two-tailed mermaid is destined to live alone.

Audrey, who is also a two-tailed mermaid, can understand Warsaw's thoughts very well. It can be said that she feels the same way. She vaguely saw her own fate and her eyes couldn't help but darken.

Seeing Audrey's expression, Tang Ke changed the topic and said something light-hearted. At this time, the lookout outside suddenly started shouting. At the same time, some strange movements occurred on the Black Pearl, sending an early warning signal to Tang Ke.

A large number of sea beasts appeared in the sea ahead, and a wave of water element fluctuations erupted, proving that these sea beasts were extremely powerful. This place is very close to the Crystal Palace, so it is not uncommon to encounter a large number of sea beasts. It is even possible that these sea beasts are soldiers of the Crystal Palace.

If this is the case, it proves that the time to say goodbye to Audrey has come.

Tangke took Audrey outside, slowed down the boat, and slowly approached the sea area. Not far away, a group of sea beast soldiers appeared on the sea surface in front of them. These soldiers were steel-armored shrimp men. Their carapace was like armor, shining almost silver.

Driven by Tang Ke, the mountain snake swam under the Black Pearl. It was used to deter the incoming sea beast army, and it could also protect the bottom of the Black Pearl.

"Stop! Our queen is organizing an exercise in front, prohibiting foreign ships from passing through!" The steel-armored shrimp man shook the steel gun in his hand and caused a splash of water.

"Exercise?" Tang Ke used the investigative technique on the shrimp soldier to confirm that the identity of the shrimp soldier was indeed affiliated with the Crystal Palace, and he should not have told lies. The Queen of the Crystal Palace is Warsaw's mother. She is practicing, so Warsaw may be nearby. Thinking of Hua Sha's heavenly beauty, something strange happened in his heart. He couldn't tell whether it was happiness or sadness.

"Since your queen is organizing an exercise, we won't go there, but could you please go and report that Tonk of the Dragon Pirates accidentally rescued a two-tailed mermaid, hoping that this distinguished mermaid can be saved The mermaid is handed over to the Crystal Palace." Tang Kelang responded.

"You saved a member of the royal family?" Xiabing was a little unconvinced.

Tang Ke didn't explain too much and just asked the shrimp soldiers to report quickly. The number of twin-tailed mermaids is very small. The identity of each twin-tailed mermaid is very prominent under the sea. Everything related to twin-tailed mermaids is not a trivial matter. This group of soldiers did not dare to neglect. Although they were suspicious, they I still hurried to deliver the message.

"Can we meet again in the future?" Audrey asked with a wry smile.

"Yes, it certainly can. I promise you, sooner or later, my Dragon Pirates Group will be able to gain a foothold on this sea even without placing spies, and no one will dare to bully it anymore. By then, all the people in our pirate group will There is no need to separate anymore, everyone can come together and do whatever they want." Tangke weaved a beautiful dream, a dream that only the Pirate King can realize. In this sea, only the Pirate King can do it without being bullied.

"It would be nice if I could come earlier that day." Audrey accepted this sweet dream and smiled again.

There was movement again on the other side of the sea. This time the movement was bigger than before. The entire sea surface was shaking. There was an earthquake-like trembling sound under the sea. The Black Pearl swayed violently from side to side. The sea water slapped onto the deck from both sides and overturned. After catching the stupid monsters and sailors above, everyone hurriedly grabbed everything they could and stood firm.

Tang Ke squeezed Audrey's hand to prevent Audrey from falling, and at the same time, he made a secret force to stick to the wooden board under his feet.

The vast mist on the sea surface revealed dense shadows, and various types of sea beasts could be vaguely seen, the most numerous of which were Naga fishmen and tiger sharks. In the middle of the fish-men army, there was a ball of holy light. The light approached with the army, and the king came in front of the Black Pearl. The waves arched up under the control of unknown forces, forming a ladder, and above the ladder was a platform. Seawater was originally the smoothest liquid in the world, but now it turned into a solid solid.

The two figures climbed up the ladder made of seawater and stood on a high platform, overlooking the Black Pearl, showing the style and majesty of the king of the sea.

Tang Ke raised his head. He recognized the two figures. One was the Queen of Mermaids, and the other was the Princess of Warsaw. He and Hua Sha looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly stuck together, inseparable. Tangke's mind went blank.

Queen Nimeng looked at her "good daughter" and then at Tang Ke, and she understood.

"Are you Tangke?" Nimeng asked.

Tang Ke didn't even hear Nimeng's question and was still looking at Hua Sha blankly. He is very sentimental, but he is sincere to every woman, and that is the worst part.

Not replying to the Queen's words is not a big or small sin. Audrey next to her pushed Tang Ke. At the same time, the aloof queen also lightly bumped her daughter. Although the movement was small, it was obviously reproachful. The couple, who had reunited after a long absence, finally came to their senses and looked slightly flustered. Tang Ke bowed to the Queen and knelt down on one knee, looking like a maritime gentleman. Hua Sha hurriedly looked away from Tang Ke, with a layer of light red on his face.

"Why are you looking for this king?" Nimeng asked again, her expression and tone were extremely arrogant, which is also the attitude a king should have.

"I rescued a two-tailed mermaid. I was afraid that something might happen to her, so I immediately set off and sent her here." Tang Ke replied.

"Where is she? Let me see."

Tangke glanced sideways at Audrey. Audrey understood what Tang Ke meant, kicked off her shoes, and jumped into the sea. A pair of fish tails protruded from the bottom of her skirt. The fish scales on them shone with colored lights, and the colored lights fell one after another, like colorful sparks. These are the characteristics of a twin-tailed mermaid and cannot be faked.

"Huh?" Nimeng's slender brows raised. The girl in front of her was confirmed to be from the mermaid royal family, but the question was where did this girl come from? There are only so many mermaid royal families, and they all belong to the Crystal Palace. There cannot be mermaid royal families in other parts of the world, and it is impossible for mermaid royal families to be born. She was full of questions, but she didn't want to ask Tang Ke. These questions could be slowly asked to the mermaid girl in the future.

Nimeng shook the Poseidon Trident in her hand and controlled the sea water to lift Audrey onto it. Audrey was overwhelmed by the majesty of the Queen, timidly walked onto the stage and lowered her head.

"Child, no matter who you are or where you come from, as long as you are a mermaid royal, the Crystal Palace will be your forever home." Nimeng's tone when speaking to Audrey was more than ten times gentler than when speaking to Tangke. .

"Yeah." Audrey just nodded.

Nimeng didn't intend to chat about family matters at this juncture, so she asked Audrey to stand next to her and looked down.

"Tangke, come up too, I want to say a few words to you." Nimeng ordered. While talking, another long ladder was set up on the sea.

Tang Ke laughed dumbly. All people with high status are so particular about pomp and circumstance. Although he could fly up directly, he still walked up the stairs obediently. Every step he took brought him closer to Warsaw. He didn't know what the queen wanted to say to him.

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