Pirate System

Chapter 448 Victory Escape

() () () The female ghost ship of the Wencai Demon Ji first stretched out a large number of black sè hair, and there was no strangeness on the ship's body. , igniting artillery fire and pouring out attacks. Pulled by M's hair, the ship tilted slightly to one side, which affected the trajectory of the cannonballs and many of them fell into the water.

Some of the Japanese pirates spotted Tang Ke, who was flying rapidly, and screamed for a while. They opened their bows and fired arrows at Tang Ke. However, due to lack of arm strength, all the arrows they shot missed and pierced into the dark sea water one after another. Add some waves. However, even if the arrow hits, it will not cause any harm to Tang Ke.

Rather than being a target in the light, it is better to be a hunter in the dark.

Tang Ke flew close, gathered the sword wings extending from his shoulders, and somersaulted onto the stern mast of the Wenche Enchantress, standing firmly. Without the light of the sword wings, his figure disappeared into the darkness, and the Japanese pirates could no longer see him.

He glanced around and saw that there were more than twenty Japanese pirates and several corpses on the open deck. There must be more Japanese pirates busy on the deck below. He used an investigation technique to thoroughly find out the details of the ship, and determined the number of people and the strength of the crew.

There is only one fourth-level ninja on this ship, and the rest are just fish, so they are nothing to be afraid of and can be captured easily.

Tang Ke felt relaxed and whistled. Master Qingbo on the shore might catch up at any time, so he had to act quickly. He turned over and jumped off the crossbar, landing on the deck silently. Around his foothold, there happened to be three Japanese pirates looking around.

"Are you looking for me?" Tang Ke asked with a sneer, turned around in a circle, raised his knife and cut the necks of the three people.

The three men died in shock and fell to the ground, their blood staining the deck wet with sea water.

The noise here alerted the surrounding Japanese pirates, and several people rushed over with torches and weapons. Tang Ke stepped on his feet and passed through the crowd, harvesting the lives of these people. The sword energy passed by fiercely, bringing out a few drops of blood and blowing out several torches, causing the surrounding area to fall into darkness again.

Tang Ke began to kill on the deck, as if dancing, running around the deck, killing more than twenty Japanese pirates, then stepped on the blood and walked down the gangway, deep into the next cabin deck.

This deck is the gun deck, with artillery on both sides. Each artillery is used by two Japanese pirates, one igniting and one loading. The firelight illuminated this deck very brightly, and one could clearly see the murderous look on the faces of these Japanese pirates.

The sound of gunfire covered up the sound of Tang Ke's footsteps,

No Japanese pirates noticed his arrival, and no Japanese pirates noticed the coming of death.

Tang Ke closed one eye, opened another, glanced around the deck, calculated the trajectory, and threw the soul-stealing knife in his hand.

The soul-stealing knife spun quickly, forming a ball of cold white light, like a boomerang.

"Puff puff!"

The rotating blade sliced ​​across the Japanese pirates' bodies, and the sharp sword energy easily tore through their flesh and blood. Even if it touched even slightly, a huge wound would be cut. If it hit a vital part, it would be fatal on the spot. The soul-stealing knife cut several people in succession without sparing a single Japanese pirate. It flew around the deck and finally flew back to Tang Ke, who was caught by Tang Ke.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. After the light of the sword dissipated, the Japanese pirates fell to the ground one after another, and those who were not dead let out heart-piercing screams.

Tang Ke held the knife and walked forward. After taking a few steps, his boots were stained red with blood.

At this moment, a looming shadow suddenly penetrated the wooden planks of the ship's hull and came to the deck.

Tang Ke took a closer look and found that the person who came in was not an enemy, but his newly recruited subordinate "Qing". He relaxed his vigilance and asked, "Didn't I ask you to protect Chen Zhiyun? Why did you come here?"

"The little girl is protected by her father and Qing, and she is safe in the cabin. I heard that you were going to attack the ship, so I flew over to help you." Qing replied.

"Since you're here, just lend a hand. Stand behind for me and clean up the fish that have been caught." Tang Ke pursed his lips towards the Japanese pirates lying on the ground. There were still Japanese pirates alive among them.

"Okay, leave this task to me." Qing nodded, pulled out the sharp ninja sword from his body, quickly pounced on the nearest Japanese pirate, and stabbed him in the neck.

Tang Ke continued to rush forward, smashing the hatch with a knife, and entered the next room on the deck. There were also many Japanese pirates here. He killed all the Japanese pirates like chopping vegetables and melons, and it didn't take more than twenty seconds. Qing followed closely behind him, helping him to touch up the remaining Japanese pirates.

After easily clearing this deck, the two reached the next deck and killed all the Japanese pirates on this deck.

The hull of the Wenche Enchantress is not large, it is just a medium-sized ship with a total of three cabin decks. But after clearing two decks, there was no sign of the fourth-level ninja. This was really strange. It stands to reason that the upper deck is used for living or placing artillery, and the lower deck is used to store various supplies. As the strongest person on the ship, the fourth-level ninja should be on the upper two decks.

"Is it possible that the kid escaped?" Tang Ke wondered, and used the investigation technique again, and found that there was only one person left alive on the ship, and it was the fourth-level ninja.

It seems that this person is still on the ship and has not left. He must be hiding on the lower deck.

Tang Ke didn't bother to think about the reason. He ran all the way, broke through the door, and reached the bottom. There are multiple warehouses here that store food, water, and various supplies needed at sea. He released a shadow wave, used the wave to confirm the man's position, and killed him all the way.


Like a storm, Tangke smashed a door and rushed into the room where the man was.

This room is a bit special. There is a weird doll of a long-haired woman stuck in the middle of the floor. Weird sobs come out of it. There are also many yellow paper talismans posted around the room, with many twisted spells written on them.

The ninja sat cross-legged behind the long-haired doll, making a weird gesture and muttering something. When he saw someone breaking in, he screamed in fright and quickly grabbed the saber at his waist.

"This place is so strange. It may be the control room of the Bunche Yaoji, and this ninja is the controller of this ship. In this case, we can't kill him casually. We need to keep him alive so that we can get rid of him in the future. Learn how to control this ship." Tang Ke figured this out and showed mercy. Instead of killing him, he rushed over and knocked out the ninja sitting on the ground with the handle of his knife.

The ninja fell to the ground, unconscious. Without his drive, the long-haired doll stopped sobbing and stopped making any sound.

"Ding! You captured a magic ship, which is an act of piracy and you get 2800 reward points."

Everyone on the Wenche Enchantress was knocked down, and the system prompts sounded. The rewards were quite generous.

Tang Ke whistled again and ordered: "Qing, tie up this ninja, don't let him run away, and keep watching him here until you get my next order. I'll go out and control this ship." , take the boat and leave here to avoid being caught up by that Qingbo master."

"Yes!" Qing lowered his head and agreed, respectfully, then bent down and took off the unconscious ninja's belt, and tied his hands behind his back.

A fourth-level ninja cannot be tied up with just a belt. Qing will naturally look for other available ropes later. On the ship, this is the most indispensable one.

Tang Ke safely left Qing and the ninja prisoners behind, and ran quickly back to the open deck. As soon as he got up, he found that the female ghost ship's prow was no longer aggressive, and had regained its full head of black hair, while the other two ships also gained freedom. . It seems that he guessed correctly before. The special room at the bottom of the ship is the control room of the Wenche Enchantress, which can be used to control the female ghost's prow image to retract and release the black hair.

"Xiao Qingfeng, Chen Shuyi, Zheng Long! Listen, you three, quickly ask your people to turn the bow and stay away from the shore! This battle has been won, the people have been rescued, and the leader of the thieves has been killed. There is no more fighting. You need to go down! If you leave too late and are caught up by the Qingbo Lord monster, it will be terrible." Tang Ke shouted towards the Dragon King on the opposite side.

"Okay, we understand, we will turn around and leave immediately!" Xiao Qingfeng responded.

Just when everyone was about to leave, an extraordinary loud noise suddenly came from the shore. The sound was even louder than thunder, causing people's eardrums to hurt and their livers and gallbladders to burst. The seawater along the entire coast is also shaking.

The only one who can make such a sound is Master Qingbo. The fighting along the coast is so fierce that it will inevitably attract it. If it doesn't come, it will seem abnormal.

"Damn, I'm really afraid of what I'm afraid of. You guys can play with Master Qingfang slowly. I'll excuse you." Tang Ke couldn't care less. He fluttered his sword wings and flew into the air, forcibly twisting the mast and changing the situation. Change the sail direction and let the boat sail west, away from the coastline.

He felt that the ship was running too slowly, so he turned around and flew to the stern, using both hands to push the ship forward to speed up. With his push, the ship's speed increased significantly, to about fifteen knots, which was already very fast.

The Wenche Enchantress was like a big bright red fish, scurrying forward quickly, swinging through the dark sea at night.

Under the command of Xiao Qingfeng and others, the ships of the Wuzhou Kingdom also broke away from the battle, turned their sails, and headed towards the deep sea.

The tree fell and the hozen dispersed. After learning that the boss was dead, the ragtag group of Japanese pirates lost their will to fight. Only a few ships chose to pursue them, and the rest dispersed like birds and beasts.

The loud noise came from far away, and before a large number of ships could escape, the master of Qingbo came after him like crazy. He stood on the coastline and shouted at the sea. The violent sonic attack shattered the slow ship, and many people fell into the sea. Fortunately, the Aobo master is a ferocious beast and cannot swim. He just looks like a frog and cannot go into the water to pursue him. Otherwise, more people will suffer.

Tang Ke ignored what was happening on the coastline and pushed the Wenche Enchantress forward. This ship was now his trophy and must be protected. The further away from the coastline, the safer it would be. When he reached the deep sea, he was completely relieved and used his mind to send an order to the Black Pearl in front of him, asking the ship to come and pick him up.

After a while, the Black Pearl rode the waves, staggered over, and stretched out from the dark sea, wrapping the Wenche Enchantress in it and controlling it.

Tangke finally relaxed and dived into the Black Pearl. He needed a bed and a sweet dream. As for other things, let's leave it to tomorrow. (To be continued.)

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