Pirate System

Chapter 451: The Spring of the Body

( ) () "Commander Tang Ke, you can tell me clearly now about the spring water in the lower abdomen. M" Xiao Qingfeng said calmly.

"Well, it can be explained clearly. The spring water that exists in your belly is called the Resurrection Spring. Seven identical springs can be used to resurrect a person, hence the name. In addition to resurrecting the dead, there are many springs in this spring. Other magical effects, such as increasing the speed of cultivation, increasing the speed of wound healing, etc. You should have felt these magical effects yourself, so I don’t need to say more." While Tang Ke was answering, he pulled out the Yamato no Orochi, and a cold light flashed out. Over everyone's heads.

Xiao Qingfeng's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he said: "Resurrection of the dead? I didn't expect that the spring water in your belly could be of such use. This is simply a miracle."

"Yes, this Resurrection Fountain is something created by God. God created this thing to play with us mortals, and let us mortals fight over it. You and I fight for it. The son will want to resurrect his late father and husband. He would want to resurrect his late wife, and his ministers would want to resurrect the late king. No matter who it is, there is always someone who wants to resurrect. But there is only one resurrection spring, and only one person can be resurrected. This becomes a contradiction. The node is located." Tang Ke played with the Yamata no Orochi in his hand, rising and falling, and each movement could draw a cold light.

"No wonder I felt murderous intent from you when we first met. It turns out that you want to take away the spring water in my body." Xiao Qingfeng suddenly realized.

"Yes, I have had this idea since I first met you, and it has not changed until now. Now that you know the truth about the Resurrection Spring and the value of this spring water, you must also be interested in me. Are you murderous?"

"No, no matter how good this spring water is, I will not murder you."


"Because my skills are inferior to others, I am no match for you." Xiao Qingfeng had a look of fear on his face, and a drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead, and finally fell from his chin.

"That's a good answer. I was very happy after hearing it. But no matter how happy I am, this knife will cut it off. Only by opening your belly can I get your resurrection spring. What do you think? Are you ready? Are you ready to take my sword?" Tang Ke pointed his sword at Xiao Qingfeng, who was ten steps away. Dark red sword energy glowed on the blade, rolling and burning like a flame. The Yamata no Orochi was injected with sword energy, and the eight snake-shaped sculptures came to life, swallowing the core, loosening the snake bodies entangled with each other, and slowly blooming like a flower of death.

Xiao Qingfeng closed his eyes and frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

Others on the open deck of the Dragon King were confused.

They didn't know what the two were talking about, let alone what the spring water in their stomachs was about. Although they were not clear about it, these people all saw the murderous intent in Tang Ke and that a battle was about to break out!

Chen Shuyi was Xiao Qingfeng's close friend. How could he see the friction between the two and quickly stepped forward to offer words of persuasion, but all he got in exchange was Tang Ke's scolding.

"This sword is inevitable and no one can stop it. Anyone who stops me will have trouble with me. Anyone who has trouble with me must talk to me about my sword first." Tang Ke looked at Chen Shuyi with cold eyes, his eyes were colder than the winter wind. The temperature is lower.

Chen Shuyi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Xiao Qingfeng opened his eyes first and interrupted: "Brother Chen, there is no need to say more. I guess Captain Tang Ke came to Wuzhou Kingdom all the way from the west, probably just to get The spring water in my belly, if he can't get this spring water, he will never give up. This battle is inevitable, in this case, it is better for me to bear it alone, there is no need to involve more people. "

"Yes, that's what I mean. The issue of the ownership of the Resurrection Fountain is a matter between the two of us and has nothing to do with anyone else. All they need to do is stand by as a witness. I will use an upright challenge to seize your belly. Resurrection Fountain!" Tang Ke said solemnly.

"There is no need to challenge, let alone fight. You rescued my niece and killed Kato Nobunaga, the leader of the thief. In order to repay your kindness, I can directly give you the spring water in my belly." Xiao Qingfeng carried it on his back. With his hands, he gave up resistance and let Tang Ke do whatever he wanted.

"It would be meaningless if you just let me cut you without moving. And have you ever thought that if we fight, you may not necessarily lose, but you may also win. If you let go of me, belly, you can get the resurrection spring in my belly."

"When I was trapped in the spider web, I saw the scene of you fighting Kato Nobunaga, and I know your terrifying strength. I can never be your opponent, there is no need to waste this time. You want to kill or chop into pieces , let your horse come over." Xiao Qingfeng said decisively.

"Well, in that case, I won't be polite to you. Do you have any last words to say before I chop you?" Tang Ke asked.

Xiao Qingfeng thought about it and didn't have any last words to say, but he asked Chen Shuyi to help him get paper and pen, and wrote a suicide note, explaining his posthumous affairs and the distribution of his family property and the sect. After writing the suicide note, he checked it over and over again. After confirming that he was satisfied, he handed it to Chen Shuyi for safekeeping.

When Chen Shuyi saw that his friend was about to die, he was very sad. He opened his arms and hugged Xiao Qingfeng, and then he had the courage to ask Tang Ke to show mercy again. Tang Ke simply ignored him this time and stood there coldly.

"Okay, I've finished writing the suicide note. Commander Tang Ke, just take action." Xiao Qingfeng stood opposite Tang Ke, his eyes widened, waiting for the fierce demon knife to come over.

"Well done. You actually have the guts to stare at my knife. Your courage is worthy of praise." Tang Ke lowered his waist, bent his legs slightly, put his left hand holding the barrel behind his back, and held the eight Qi no Orochi raised his right hand in front of him, "The person standing in front of you is the future pirate king. It is an honor for you to be chopped down by me."

"Come on. While my courage is still there, finish this chop quickly." Xiao Qingfeng shouted with a glare.

"As you wish." Tang Ke pressed his body lower, and the Yamata-no-Orochi dancing in his hands suddenly came together, and the flaming dark red sword energy became sharper, forming a thin layer.

The atmosphere on the boat suddenly became extremely depressing. Everyone held their breath and stared at Tang Ke and Xiao Qingfeng, not even daring to take a breath. Under the gaze of everyone, Tang Ke swung his sword and flashed past Xiao Qingfeng at an astonishing speed. The Yamata-no-Orochi crossed Xiao Qingfeng's lower abdomen and drew a red line.

In the eyes of others, Tang Ke simply teleported over, and suddenly his body disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind Xiao Qingfeng.

Tang Ke maintained the posture of holding the knife. After a few seconds, there was a strong wind and a puff of smoke behind him. The strong wind spread rapidly around, making everyone's clothes rustle, and even the sails of the ship shook several times.

There was no blood on the blade, as if it hadn't hit anything.

But blood appeared in Xiao Qingfeng's lower abdomen. It was just a thin red line at first, and soon expanded rapidly.


The wound on Xiao Qingfeng's lower abdomen burst open instantly, and a large amount of blood spurted out. The wound was very deep, and it was just a hair away from being cut off at the waist. He stood still, looked down at the wound on his lower abdomen, and blood oozed from his mouth.

This sword was enough. Tang Ke restrained his sword energy, hung the Yamata no Orochi to his waist again, and turned around to check Xiao Qingfeng's condition.

"Brother Xiao!" Chen Shuyi shouted, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself, with tears in his eyes, he was about to rush forward.

"Brother Chen, don't come over, lest you be implicated." Xiao Qingfeng opened his palms and stopped his close friend with gestures.

Chen Shuyi stopped dead in his tracks, feeling so painful that he didn't know what to do.

Tang Ke carried the bucket and slowly walked back to Xiao Qingfeng, lowering his head to look at Xiao Qingfeng's belly.

"Why didn't the spring of body float out? Could it be that this cut was not deep enough?" Tang Ke said in confusion, as if he wanted to make another cut.

Xiao Qingfeng raised his neck and vomited another mouthful of blood. He didn't know whether it was from injury or anger. He said in pain: "If you have to kill me to get out the fountain of life, just give me a good time and don't chop me with one knife after another." .”

"Don't be anxious. Maybe this one stab will do the trick." Tang Ke knelt down and continued to stare at Xiao Qingfeng's belly, his black eyes widening.

Xiao Qingfeng's lower abdomen was filled with blood, and he soon couldn't hold it any longer. His face turned extremely pale, and he knelt on the ground on one knee. Just when his life was hanging by a thread, drops of strange clear water emerged from the wound in his lower abdomen. The water droplets levitated on their own and floated into the air drop by drop. These water droplets were clear and transparent, reflecting the surrounding scenery, including Tang Ke's excited face.

"Baby, you're finally out!" Tang Ke shouted happily, stretching out the wooden bucket in his hand to catch the spring of body. After being touched by the wooden bucket, the spring water was no longer suspended under the guidance of a mysterious force. Instead of falling in the air, they rolled down along the wall of the barrel and collected at the bottom of the barrel.

The springs of the body emerged more and more, and the speed became faster and faster. They quickly separated from Xiao Qingfeng's body and merged into the bucket. They did not stop completely until they were submerged to a third of the depth.

After Xiao Qingfeng released the spring of life, he passed out completely and fell onto the open deck, unconscious. When Chen Shuyi saw this, he quickly shouted Xiao Qingfeng's name, but no matter how many times he shouted, he could always get an answer.

Tang Ke shook the barrel in his hand and confirmed that there was no abnormal movement in the spring of the body, and then he felt relieved. He turned towards Xiao Qingfeng beside him, squatted down, and pushed Xiao Qingfeng's body so that Xiao Qingfeng faced the bright and clear sky.

"Don't worry, things can still turn around. My blood is a healing elixir, more effective than a priest's holy water. Feeding him my blood may save his life. Of course, I can't I can guarantee that he will survive. Whether he lives or dies, it all depends on his character." As he spoke, Tang Ke put down the wooden barrel containing the spring of body, rolled up his left sleeve, and gently placed his right hand on his left arm. With a flick of his hand, a cut was made.

Tang Ke pried open Xiao Qingfeng's mouth, clenched his left hand into a fist, squeezed out a large amount of blood, and dripped his own blood into Xiao Qingfeng's mouth. There were five resurrection springs in his body to protect him, and it didn't take long for the wounds to heal. He had no choice but to cut another cut with his hand, and cut deeper, pouring all the blood into Xiao Qingfeng's mouth.

Xiao Qingfeng drank Tang Ke's blood without knowing it and absorbed the restorative effect contained in the blood.

"I'm a monk, proficient in some healing spells. I'm here to help." Zheng Long shouted from the side, jumped to the other side of Xiao Qingfeng, shouted a few times in his mouth, and changed the numbers in his hands. With a gesture, a Buddhist spell was cast. His hands suddenly shone with golden light, and there was a refreshing warmth in the light. He pressed his glowing hand on Xiao Qingfeng's lower abdomen, quickly stopping the bleeding.

While Tang Ke was bleeding, he secretly used an investigation technique on Xiao Qingfeng, and found that the guy was still breathing, and the status column was marked near death, proving that he could still be saved. He was ruthless, regardless of his own safety, squeezed out more blood in one breath, and poured it all into Xiao Qingfeng's mouth as if it was free of charge.

Chen Shuyi, who was standing next to him, saw the two of them rescuing together, and his hope was rekindled. He stopped wiping tears and moved to the side, watching Xiao Qingfeng's movements attentively.

With the help of Tang Ke's blood, Xiao Qingfeng's pale face gradually improved, and his breathing, which was originally like gossamer, became stronger and stronger. After about ten minutes, his closed eyes suddenly opened a crack, and he squinted at everyone. He seemed to have regained some consciousness, his mouth opened and closed, his throat moved frequently, and he swallowed the blood in his mouth into his stomach.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ke smiled and said: "It seems that this boy's character is still good. He survived this disaster. If it were someone else who suffered such serious injuries, he would have died a long time ago."

"The bleeding has stopped and his life has been saved, but we have to hurry up and stitch up his wound, otherwise he will still die." Zheng Long said with sweat on his head. He was trying his best to cast healing spells, and the mana in his body was rapidly depleted.

"My blood is very powerful. Maybe after a while, his broken intestines will be connected together by themselves."

"How could human blood have such an effect?"

"Are you beating around the bush and calling me a human being?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Chen Shuyi was reminded by Zheng Long and quickly called all the doctors in the naval fleet and asked these doctors to stand by. However, in a short period of time, these doctors could not intervene and could only stand aside and stare.

Tang Ke spared no effort in squeezing out the blood. In the end, even he couldn't bear it anymore. His head felt heavy, his feet felt light, and he showed signs of excessive blood loss. He then stopped, tore off one of his sleeves, and simply wrapped it around the wound to stop the bleeding.

Looking at Xiao Qingfeng again, he swallowed the last mouthful of blood and murmured: "Thank you both for your help and helping me save my life."

"I cut you. There is no need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank Zheng Long. All I can do for you is to give you some of my blood. I can't help with anything else." Tang Ke stood up. Lifting the half-full bucket.

"I can feel that the blood you poured for me played a big role and helped me repair my wounds. This feeling is very similar to spring water. When there was still spring water in my abdomen, whenever I was injured, This will give rise to this feeling of rapid regeneration." Xiao Qingfeng said weakly.

"As long as it's useful." Tangke smiled and lifted the bucket, "After absorbing your resurrection spring, the blood on my body will become more powerful. If you are not recovered by then, I can give you some more." The blood is considered as compensation for my stabbing you."

Xiao Qingfeng smiled miserably and did not answer any more.

Zheng Long continued to use magic to stabilize Xiao Qingfeng's injury, and asked the doctors to come forward to help suture the wound. This group of doctors finally came in handy, and the one with the best skills sutured all the broken things in Xiao Qingfeng's abdomen back together. It seemed that Xiao Qingfeng was fine. All he needed to do next was to suture the wound and take a good rest.

Tang Ke stopped and watched for a while, but soon lost interest. He said goodbye to everyone and turned towards the gangway set up by the Black Pearl. At this time, a cold figure followed from behind and walked behind him. He turned around and saw that it was Black, the undead ninja.

"So you are still on this ship." Tang Ke said casually.

"You asked me to protect Chen Zhiyun's safety, so I stayed with her all the time. Now that she is safe, can I go back to the ship with you?" Hei asked emotionlessly.

"Oh, of course. I didn't expect you to still be with that girl until now."

"As long as it is a task you give me, I will do my best to carry it out. I will not leave my post without permission before receiving new orders."

"Haha, that is to say, if you don't get my order, you will stay with Chen Zhiyun?" Tang Ke asked with a smile.

"Yes, I will always stay by her side to protect her, because this is your order." Hei said firmly.

"Very well, I like obedient subordinates like you. But what if one day, I give you a task that is difficult to complete?"

"No matter how difficult the task is, I will try my best."

"What if this mission asks you to kill me?"

"This..." Hei didn't expect Tang Ke to make such a contradictory assumption. He couldn't answer for a while and stayed where he was.

"Haha, are you stumped?"

Hei frowned, and his doubtful eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said decisively: "No, I am not stumped. If one day you give an order for me to kill you, I will still do it, and I will never hesitate. I am a ninja, so I don’t need to make emotional judgments, I just need to strictly complete the orders given by my master.”

"Okay! Cruel enough and obedient enough, I like it! Because of what I said to you, this Yamata no Orochi is yours." Tang Ke took off the Yamata norochi hanging from his waist and handed it to Hei, " The sword is given to heroes, and the demon sword is given to ninjas. This kind of demon sword is more suitable for you to use. I am not comfortable with it. As for Qing, I plan to give him the Wenqi Yaoji to take charge of. You two ninjas will share the same amount each. The rewards are fair and reasonable, and no one should suffer."

"Thank you Master for the reward. I will definitely serve you well with this demon sword." Black eyes flashed, he took the Yamata no Orochi and solemnly swore. (To be continued.)

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