Pirate System

Chapter 484: Looking for an exit

( ) No one had an opinion, they all agreed on the matter, and they all believed that Emily leading the way was much better than Tangke leading the way. m Emily became the leader and changed the ranking of the team, from the last place to the second place. She followed closely behind No. 5 and directed No. 5 to move forward. They first exited this fork with dead ends on both sides, and then flew into another passage that led straight down. This passage was a way to survive and could go a long way, but there were multiple forks to choose from, which made people feel dilemma. .

After flying for a while, everyone found that the green liquid was safer than imagined. It would not actively attack people, but would simply maintain the status quo. They gradually became bolder and sped up their flight speed so that they could find an exit and leave this hellish place as soon as possible.

Time ticked by, and the clock suspended above everyone's heads kept moving at a constant speed. The hands moved little by little, gradually approaching the end point.

When the pointer reached halfway, everyone still could not find the exit.

Emily is very qualified as a team leader. She keeps in mind the paths everyone has taken and does not take the same path again. She is always looking for new paths to move forward. However, the area of ​​this mysterious space is so large that even if you fly all the way down, you can't find the boundary. Moreover, when you lose your sense of direction, everyone may go in the wrong direction, and there is no guarantee that you can always move in the same direction. This undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of finding the exit.

Tang Ke swore that this was definitely the most difficult maze he had ever encountered in his life. If it weren't for the weird green liquid here, it was impossible to destroy it. Otherwise, he would have razed this place to the ground and not even a single piece of it would be destroyed. None remain.

"Temporary companions, I feel that we should speed up a little more. Otherwise, we may not be able to find the Fountain of Death or the exit of this place until the hands of the clock reach the end." Solu suggested while flying. He always had a bad feeling about the clock hanging above his head, and said a lot of alarmist and depressing words along the way. His premonition was not unreasonable. This clock that appeared out of nowhere must not be a useless decoration.

"We are already flying very fast. If we speed up any more, we are likely to make mistakes and cause us to hit the green liquid. It will also affect my memory and prevent me from remembering the path we have taken. Leading everyone If you go on the same road again, you will lose more than you gain. Solu, you have to think more about the good news. Maybe we can find the Fountain of Death or the exit by walking a short distance further." Emily said and shook her head. He shook his head, "But the Fountain of Death shouldn't be so easy to find. The independent space where the Fountain of Death is located is often divided into several parts. Each part is different and has its own secrets. Only by walking to the innermost part can you get it. Fountain of Death. As long as we can find the exit here and reach the next area, it will be blessed by the gods."

"Okay. I'll just listen to you and wait a little longer, but I declare in advance that once the hands of the clock reach three-quarters, I will not continue to go with you. I will try my best to speed up the flight. .Whether you believe it or not,

I think something terrible will happen after this clock runs out. I am an assassin. His premonition of danger is always accurate. "Solu declared.

Tang Ke felt that Solu's words were reasonable. After this clock came to an end, nothing good would happen. Everyone can proceed with caution in the early stages. When the time is almost over, you should speed up a little. He didn't say these things explicitly, but he made the same decision as Solu in his heart.

Everyone continued to move forward. Although Emily did not agree to Solu, she still ordered No. 5 to move forward as quickly as possible. They flew for a while in this huge, complex and changeable maze with hidden murderous intentions, but they still couldn't see the light of day leaving here.

Emily was shaken, guessing that the bottom might not be where the exit was, and ordered No. 5 to change direction and fly in several other directions. But after changing direction this time, the chance of reaching a dead end suddenly increased a lot. They walked down the dead end four times in a row.

Solu opened his mouth again and complained: "It seems that our new guide is not very good either. He always goes the wrong way. Is it time to change him now? Although my luck and memory are not very good. It’s the same, but my premonitions are very strong, and the things I predict are generally accurate.”

Emily did not listen to Solu's suggestion, and no one else listened to Solu's words. Everyone still used Emily to lead the team.

As time goes by, the hands of the clock move slowly. The closer the hands are to the end, the more nervous everyone's hearts are, as if they are pressed against a big stone that has not yet fallen. Unknowingly, the hands of the clock have pointed to the three-quarter crown, and there is still a short distance to reach the finish line.

Solu couldn't hold it in anymore, stopped halfway, waved and said: "Goodbye everyone, I hope we can meet at the exit. If I get to the exit early, I will call you loudly." After he said that, he speeded up and flew away. He left, leaving the other four behind. He used the fastest speed and did not deliberately remember the path he had taken, so he flew very fast, at least twice as fast as everyone else.

Tang Ke couldn't wait any longer and shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's better to catch fish with a net than to catch fish. If we search separately, we have a greater chance of finding the exit. I think I'll leave too." After he finished speaking, he shook his sword. Qi Shuangyi left.

The remaining three looked at each other in confusion, and finally separated. Emily walked alone, while No. 5 and Ada continued to move forward together.

The five-person team parted ways, each going his own way and flying in different directions.

After Tang Ke flew away alone, he felt a lot more free. He could fly wherever he wanted, but the pressure on him did not decrease and was still very heavy. He flew around and bumped alone, relying solely on his senses to move forward. Not long after flying, he completely lost his sense of direction and could no longer distinguish up, down, left, and right.

He flew for a while and hit a few dead ends. He got a little irritated and had to go back and find a new path. As he was flying along the new road, he suddenly felt something familiar, but he wasn't entirely sure. At this moment, a strong gust of wind came from the opposite direction, which aroused his idea.

He stopped in mid-air, focused on alert. Not long after, a figure flew out from the opposite corner. This figure was dressed in black, with a white mask on his face, and a pair of sword wings stretched out from his shoulders. It turned out to be the assassin Solu. When he saw this person, he became even more angry, with a displeased look on his face and his eyebrows slightly wrinkled. He had had a small quarrel with the other party before. If it weren't for the special situation, he would have had to find trouble with Solu.

Solu was also a seventh-level swordsman and his reaction was very sensitive. Naturally, he also saw Tang Ke on the opposite side. He flew all the way to the front and said angrily: "You don't have to fly any further. I came from there. There are all dead ends over there, and there is no way to go."

"You don't have to fly forward, because there is no path behind me. If you don't believe me, you can go over and try." Tang Ke raised his hand and tapped behind him with his thumb.

The two looked at each other, both of them retreating, wondering whether they should move on. The two hesitated for a moment, then simply changed directions. Tangke found a way to fly upward. Solu found a way and flew downwards.

The hands of the clock are like a reminder, gradually reaching the end, just a little bit away from reaching the end.

Sweat broke out on Tangke's forehead and he increased his flying speed to the limit. He even used the dark state to release the demonic shadow. He traveled around the maze at lightning speed, and met his companion again, but it was no longer Solu. But Ada and No. 5.

Although both parties failed to find the correct exit, this high chance of encountering proved that the area of ​​​​the maze was not as large as imagined. We can definitely still find the boundary.

Tangke felt a little more energetic and continued to fly around, looking for an exit.

The exit could not be found, but the pointer had reached the end!

At the last moment, Tangke stopped and did not continue flying. Instead, he raised his head and stared at the changes in the clock. He always felt that something would happen when the clock came to an end.

Under his nervous gaze, the hands of the clock completed the last mark, reached the end, and returned to the starting point. The clock began to slowly fade, and even disappeared little by little. He did not let down his guard because of this, but became more nervous. He looked around, paying close attention to the surroundings.

As expected, the clock did not appear for no reason, but was counting down. Now the time has come, announcing that this magical maze will undergo further changes.

I saw a commotion in the surrounding green liquid, and ripples appeared on the surface. Not long after, the shape of the green liquid changed significantly. The originally flat walls stretched out bulges of different sizes, making the entire maze The path was completely disrupted.

A huge green cube fell from above, like an oversized green pudding.

Tang Ke knew that the green liquid was corrosive and should not be touched easily. He flapped his wings and flew forward a short distance, dodging the green cube falling above his head.

The green square merges with the green liquid below to form a new shape. The surrounding green liquid is also undergoing rapid changes, rushing left and right, making a mess, and there is no trace at all.

In order to avoid being touched by the green liquid, Tang Ke released a ball of sword energy to protect himself in the center. However, this action consumed a lot of physical strength. Even if he had the Resurrection Fountain, he couldn't bear it and couldn't last long. use.

"It seems that the clock refers to the time left for intruders to get out of this maze. Once they reach the end, the green liquid here will flow everywhere. Originally, this maze was difficult enough, but now it has become like this , it’s even harder to leave. It’s really a bit tricky. I don’t know how corrosive the green liquid is, and whether it can penetrate my protective sword energy.” Tang Ke gritted his teeth, secretly complaining in his heart, and tried to speed up flight.

"Damn it, I knew nothing good would happen after the clock ran out. It's exactly what I thought!"

"Oops, the green liquid is moving everywhere. Please be careful, No. 5, so you don't get splashed."

"Everyone, be careful. If anyone finds the exit, remember to shout!"

The voices of several other team members could be heard vaguely in the distance. It could be clearly heard from the voices that everyone was very anxious.

Tang Ke couldn't care about others now and flew forward. Now there are no passages in the maze at all. Places that were passable just now may be sealed in the blink of an eye, and dead ends that were just now may suddenly open up. He could only follow the open passage like a headless fly.

After flying like this with difficulty for a while, he suddenly discovered something very bad. The activity frequency of the green liquid seemed to be accelerating, and the degree of change was also increasing. The originally flat liquid began to appear a little... Curvature and signs of scattering!

If the green liquid loses its physical restraint, it will simply rush over randomly. Things are going to get worse.

Tangke felt as if there was a new clock above his head. This clock was invisible, but more terrifying than the previous clock! Once the maze undergoes further changes, he is likely to be buried here!

"Puff puff!"

Whenever the green liquid collides together, a harsh sound will be made, and a small amount of green liquid will splash out.

During Tang Ke's flight, several drops of green liquid splashed on his sword energy shield, and there were two hissing sounds. The green liquid actually corroded part of the sword energy, and almost landed on Tang Ke's body. He was greatly surprised. His eyes widened, the green liquid was more corrosive than he imagined.

If the green liquid falls on the sword energy like this, what if it falls directly on a person?

Tang Ke couldn't bear to imagine it anymore. He raised his heart in his throat, gritted his teeth, and flapped his wings with all his strength to fly. He folded his wings as much as possible to prevent them from touching the green liquid, but it was inevitable that they would be touched twice. Every time the wings touched the green liquid, it would be quickly swallowed. Turned into a wisp of smoke. Whenever this happens, he has to use his energy to make up for the new wings and pay the price with his physical strength.

He continued to fly around, but still couldn't find the exit.

The changes around us are becoming more and more intense. It started to develop for the worst. The green liquid lost its three-dimensional shape and simply turned into water flow, just like green water dragons. It was flying around everywhere, and its speed continued to increase, almost approaching Tang Ke's flying speed!

More and more green liquid splashed onto Tang Ke's sword energy shield. It was like a group of hungry beasts, tearing at the surface of the shield with all their strength.

Tang Ke had never been so nervous even when he was fighting Skyward Sword Laurie. His heartbeat was as fast as a drum and almost jumped out of his throat. Moreover, his physical strength was also severely tested, with only about eight-tenths left, and it was about to be used up.

Suddenly someone screamed from a distance, and I don't know who made it. It must have been a team member who was sprayed by the green liquid. He might have been seriously injured, or he might have lost his life!

One person has already been in trouble, and the next person to be in trouble will probably be Tang Ke's turn!

At this extremely urgent moment, things suddenly took a turn for the better. I heard someone in the distance shouting: "I found the exit! I found the exit! Everyone, come here quickly! The exit is shrinking little by little. If you don't come here, it will be too late." !”

This voice was like the sound of nature. After Tang Ke heard it, he immediately became energetic and flew quickly in the direction of the sound. As he flew, he avoided the green liquid around him, dodging and dodging. The green liquid in front suddenly connected together and turned into an airtight wall, leaving no room for dodge.

Tang Ke shouted loudly, and suddenly activated the six resurrection springs in his lower abdomen, pushing up the sword energy and shadow power to the maximum, releasing a huge dark red shield fifty meters wide, and plunged into the green inside the walls.

The green liquid quickly devoured the sword energy with terrifying corrosive power, and the fifty-meter-wide shield quickly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, pressing closer and closer to Tang Ke who was in the center.

Tang Ke's mind went blank and he just flew forward without thinking. Swallowed by the green liquid, the sword energy shield quickly shrank, from fifty meters to thirty meters, and from thirty meters to fifteen meters!

Just when the sword energy shield was on the verge of collapse, he finally flew out of the dense green wall and reached the other side.

There was still green liquid everywhere on the opposite side, but there were finally some passages through which to pass.

The person who found the exit was still shouting, and judging from the sound, it was obviously much closer.

Tang Ke's spirit was shaken again, and he regained hope. He flew along various passages. When there was really no way to go, he used the sword energy shield to rush through. When he was flying halfway, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a broken body falling downwards from the corner of his eye. The body was covered in black clothes. It seemed to be that guy Solu!

The matter was urgent, and he flew over before he could take a closer look. After flying for a while, he finally managed to see the moonlight after the clouds cleared, and he saw the person yelling and the so-called exit.

One of the Three Heroes, Emily, the Alchemist Vanguard No. 5, and the Sea Dragon Knight Ada, stood in a big mouth that was slowly closing, waving vigorously at Tangk.

The big mouth was surprisingly big, each tooth was as tall as a person, and the mouth was large enough to accommodate dozens of people. This big mouth grows on top of a huge head. This head has a nose and eyes, which is similar to a human head, except that it is many times bigger.

All around this big head was green liquid that was churning, and there was no other way to go.

The big mouth on the big head is slowly closing, and now there is only a small gap left for people to fly through. If it is later, it will be impossible to pass.

Tang Ke really doubted whether this mouth was the so-called exit, but he still subconsciously rushed in. (To be continued...)

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