Pirate System

Chapter 489: Iron Fist

Christian is very nervous now. The reason why he is nervous is because he has just experienced two dangerous battles, each time he almost lost his life. Half of his survival depends on luck, and the other half is due to luck. Protected by those members of the Demon Pirate Group. As a thief, his combat abilities are really ordinary. If he were ordinary, he would be fine, but in this extremely dangerous Fountain of Death, he is not good enough.

The first danger a group of them encountered was the terrifying green maze. The walls inside were made of liquid. This liquid was terribly corrosive and could fly everywhere as long as it got a little bit on it. , it will be corroded to the point where nothing is left. If it weren't for the magic summoned by Darwent to carry him flying, he would have evaporated from the world by now.

The second danger they encountered came from the second area, which was located inside a huge corpse. It was full of dark creatures, and each one was stronger than the last! What's even more frightening is that these dark creatures often have special abilities that make them difficult to guard against.

Some dark creatures can become invisible, some can release poisonous smoke, and the most terrifying dark creatures are the buzzing flies. Such a large swarm of flies gathered together can chew a person into pieces in the blink of an eye!

When they first entered the Fountain of Death, there were nine of them, but now there were only four left. The mortality rate was astonishingly high.

Fortunately, the remaining people are all very strong, and they are all characters who are good at fighting.

Christine thought of this, suppressed the false alarm in her heart, and looked left and right. He first looked at Darwent who was closest to him. Among the people, Darwent was undoubtedly the strongest. In order to save his life, he naturally had to stay with Darwent, which was the safest.

Darwent had a gloomy old face at this time. His brows were furrowed tightly, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings, wary of dark creatures that might appear at any time. There is a strange eyeball on the special staff in his hand. This eyeball is also scanning around at this time, just as cautious as its owner.

Christine has just seen the power of this staff with her own eyes. This staff is just like the legend. It is not an ordinary staff, but a living creature. It can actually turn into a ** existence at a critical moment. !

Darwent was accompanied by two other backbones of the demon pirate group. The strength of these two people is also quite good. One is at level 7 and the other is at level 6. They are both more powerful than Christine, a thief.

As they walked, there was suddenly a rush of running sounds in front of them, and a black shadow came from far and near, running towards their group.

At first, Christine thought she had encountered a dark creature again, and quickly raised the dagger next to her, her nerves suddenly tense. The same goes for the other people. All raised their weapons,

Showing nervousness.

"Don't worry, it's not the dark creature that ran over, but the little devil scout I sent out. It found something in front, so it ran back to deliver the message." Darwent suddenly raised his hand and said something shocking Words of relaxation.

Several people, including Christine, all breathed a sigh of relief. Then he put down his weapon.

The black shadow ran closer and closer, revealing its true appearance. It was indeed a small figure. A fast little devil. This demon's appearance is similar to that of a cat, but it has no hair on its body and is all made of strong muscles. In addition, it has a pair of shining sharp horns on its head.

After the little devil ran forward, he lay down on the ground meekly, shook his head, conveyed some important information through the horns on his head, and reported the situation ahead.

After listening to these reports, Darwent showed a more solemn expression than before, and then waved his hand to let the little devil continue to explore the road.

The little devil nodded, turned around, and quickly disappeared into the passage.

"What did this little cutie just say to you?" Christine asked with concern.

"It said a very important discovery. There was an open area in front of it. It was very large. There were traces of battles there. The walls were all shattered and scattered all over the ground. There were also some dark creatures on the ground. Wreckage, and a broken mirror." Darwent said solemnly.

"This news is not good. In some places we passed before, there were many traces of battles, and they were all very new. There was even heat on the bodies. From this, it seems that someone must have walked in front of us. In front." Christine said with a wry smile.

"The two alliances sent heavy troops to guard this place and surrounded it for several months. They spent so much money, material and manpower, of course they will send a steady stream of expedition teams to the Fountain of Death. This is nothing. So weird.”

"As far as I know, none of the expedition teams sent by the two alliances before returned, and they all lost their lives in the Fountain of Death. Judging from the time span, the battle traces left by those previous expeditions should not be so New. I think these traces are likely to be left by a recent expedition, and this expedition may even be ahead of us. If this is the case, I suggest that we slow down a bit and speak softly. Please don't attract the ideas of the expedition team in front. If they explore the path for us, they can avoid a lot of trouble for us." Christine suggested briskly.

"There is indeed a possibility. In order to verify this, I'd better send another little devil to explore the way ahead." Darwent said, raising his staff, muttering something in his mouth, and using the power of shadow to open the way. The gate of the abyss summoned a lively little devil from it.

This little devil is very different from the little devil just now. It is not on all fours, but has wings and can fly in mid-air. It has bat-like wings and a human-shaped body with a wrinkled surface. It holds a bone stick in its hand. As soon as its head is exposed, it opens its teeth and claws and screams.

Darwent communicated with the little devil in devil language for a while and conveyed the order.

The little devil waved his bone club and flew away along the passage.

Afterwards, the team set off on the road again, slowing down in order to avoid running into the possible "expedition team" ahead. Those dark creatures alone are enough to give people a headache, and now there is another potential expedition team, which undoubtedly greatly increases the variables and dangers of this trip. Once the two sides meet, they will definitely fight and fight to the death here. You know, pirates and the navy are natural enemies. Just like dogs and cats, cats and mice.

After walking forward for a while, just as the little devil in front reported, we came to a very empty place, and it was indeed a mess, with traces of the battle everywhere.

Darwent gave an order for everyone to disperse and check around to see if they could find anything.

Christian walked around and saw the scratches left by the sword energy on the wall above his head. These traces go deep into the wall, and some are even bottomless. It is not clear how deep they are. He had stabbed the wall here or the giant's flesh with a dagger before. He knew that this thing was very strong. When the dagger went down, it would often only leave a scratch. But the traces of the battle here are so deep and numerous, it can be seen from this. The people fighting here must be very strong.

"It seems that the combat power of this expedition team is quite good. For the sake of safety, it is better to avoid them as much as possible." Christine pointed at the battle marks above her head and exclaimed.

Darwent looked in the direction of Christine's finger. He nodded and admitted: "Judging from the battle traces here, these traces should be destroyed by sword energy. The person who released the sword energy is at least a seventh-level swordsman, and may even be more powerful!"

"That's why I said we have to avoid them."

"No. The more powerful they are, the more we should catch up with them. You know, we are willing to take risks to come here. Not to travel around, but to capture the Fountain of Death. Their team is so strong Strong, it is very possible to take away the Fountain of Death first, so we must catch up with them as soon as possible and kill them to prevent them from taking away the Fountain of Death." Darwent objected in a deep voice.

"What you said...makes sense." Christine wanted to refute, but later she agreed with this point of view. Like Darwent, he is also a greedy person, otherwise, he would not take the risk of coming here. If he couldn't get anything from this trip, and it was all in vain, he would be depressed to death.

As for the other two, they were all under Darwent. With his leadership, they did not dare to have any objections.

Darwent waved his staff, pointing the end of it towards the opposite side of the passage, and said sternly: "Let's speed up and chase him forward!"

Tang Ke confirmed Ada's true identity through his investigation skills, his eyes narrowed slightly, and murderous intent suddenly arose in his body.

It is estimated that Ada must have been attacked and died on the way, and then was copied by this replicating demon. The replicating demon read Ada's memory, relied on his understanding of the terrain, and arrived here first, waiting for them. People take the bait.

Since Ada was transformed from a dark creature, there's no need to be polite.

In other words, there is no need to be polite to anyone who punched him.

"I used to fight with knives and swords, but today is an exception. You punched me. In order to retaliate against you, I decided to punch you hard too!" Tang Ke said and actually changed. Sheathed the knife, inserted the soul-stealing knife back, then clenched his fists, and jumped towards the grinning demon clone. His rapidly flying body made a sharp sound as it rubbed against the air, setting off a strong wind in the small passage.

Emily didn't know the details and thought Ada was the real Ada. She didn't want to see Tonk fighting Ada, so she quickly stopped her and said, "Tonk, stop it! He is our companion, and he is probably bewitched by dark creatures. , that’s why I attacked you. Calm down and don’t kill him. Even if you are unkind, you must consider Ada’s strength. With his help, our chances of winning will be greater!"

"He was not bewitched by a dark creature at all, but an out-and-out dark creature. The real Ada is probably dead!" Tang Ke explained with a loud shout. At the same time, he instantly rushed to the front of Ada and swung at Ada. A punch. Although he is a swordsman and does not know any boxing skills, his strength is there. Even if he raises his leg and punches casually, he still has terrible destructive power.

The Ada cloned by the demon clone has about 70% to 80% of the strength of the real body, and can also display purple fighting spirit. It laughed ferociously, stimulating the purple fighting spirit all over its body, and the raging purple flames suddenly filled the passage. It aimed at Tang Ke's fist, waved his fists to resist, and the three fists collided in mid-air, making a loud and ear-piercing noise. The purple fighting energy was impacted by the fist wind and scattered around, disappearing invisible.

Looking at the three fists that collided together, Tang Ke's fist was safe and sound. At most, the skin was scratched a little, but the cloned demon's fist was not so lucky. It was beaten to pieces, and all the fingers were broken off, leaving only two bare palms.

The clone demon wailed in pain, retracted his fists, and retreated sharply.

"This punch doesn't count. What I'm going to smash today is your head!" Tang Ke shouted loudly, raised his foot and kicked the flesh wall hard, using the force to bounce forward. After bouncing along the "z"-shaped trajectory several times, he approached the clone demon as fast as lightning and punched the clone demon a second time. In order to make his fist accurately hit the cloned demon's head, he moved his hands and feet with his fist. The fist he was swinging now was just a feint, and the real move was placed on the other fist that was ready to strike.

When the clone demon saw the fist coming, he immediately ducked his neck to avoid it. He dodged the punch and was only shaken three times by the wind of the punch. Tang Ke's feint failed. Then he used his actual move and hit the clone devil on the head with his other fist. This time, the clone devil couldn't escape and was beaten hard.

Huge power exploded in the replicator's head. This head was like a smashed watermelon, falling apart instantly. Because the splash speed was so fast, these fragments and remnants did not stick to the surrounding flesh walls, but flew away without a trace. It was as if the head was not blown to pieces, but was sent to another world.

The replicator's head was shattered and he died on the spot. It fell to the ground like a kite with its string cut off. Its body changed rapidly, from the body of a sea elf to another dark and ugly corpse. Only the armor remained unchanged. It seems that this armor was ripped from Ada's corpse.

Tang Ke fell down and stood next to the corpse of the replicating demon. He took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and slowly wiped his dirty fists.

At first, Emily thought that Ada himself had been beaten to death, but her expression suddenly changed, and she quickly stepped forward to check on Ada's body. Number 5 next to him also followed, shouting Ada's name constantly. When the two of them took a look at Ada's body, they quickly discovered something wrong with the body. The two black hands were obviously not Ada's own.

Tang Ke casually kicked the corpse of the replicating demon and said, "Look, I'm right. He is not an Ada at all, but a dark creature pretending to be. Otherwise, how could he suddenly attack me." "

Even after hearing this, Emily couldn't be happy. She sighed: "Although this body is not Ada's, this suit of armor does belong to Ada. It seems that Ada himself is already in danger."

Number 5 interjected and asked: "Is Ada dead?"

"Maybe." Emily gave an ambiguous answer, unwilling to tell the cruel truth.

"I hope Ada is fine. I still want to see him." Number 5 prayed. It is the only robot in the world that believes what Emily said.

Everyone mourned in silence for a while, and then went on the road again at Tang Ke's suggestion.

At this time, Emily noticed the wound on the back of Tonk's head and asked: "Tonk, your head is so seriously injured, why don't you quickly apply some holy water on it?"

In fact, most of the injury on Tang Ke's head has healed, but there is still a little blood stains on it. He waved his hand without looking back and said: "I have used holy water just now, but you didn't see it, don't worry about me. "

When Emily saw that Tonk was so relaxed and it seemed like nothing happened, she no longer cared about the back of Tonk's head.

Everyone continued to move forward, stopping and stopping along the way. From time to time they encountered dark creatures that got in the way, and it was inevitable that they would have to fight with them. Fortunately, among the three of them, Tang Ke was such a strong person, so there were almost no dangers along the way, and he could win every time. All the dark creatures that blocked their way turned into corpses on the ground one after another.

As they walked, Tangke suddenly noticed something wrong. He noticed that a flying little monster appeared behind them many times, but he did not dare to approach too closely. At first, he thought the little monster was a dark creature, but after observing it twice, he found that it didn't look like it. He felt that the little monster was more like a demon than a dark creature. Although the two were close, there were still essential differences.

All the creatures that appeared in this titan corpse were dark creatures, and the appearance of demons was really strange.

Tang Ke felt that there was a trick and decided to catch the little devil for interrogation, but since then, the little devil has never appeared again. He had no choice but to give up.

Everyone went through various hardships and finally reached the end of the Titan's corpse. In front of them, a special door appeared. This door was three people high and two people wide. The door was black and carved with many strange patterns. The patterns were all related to birth and death, either babies or dead people.

On the top of this door, there is a line of ancient incomprehensible words engraved on it.

"Can either of you two decipher this line?" Tang Ke asked.

"No. 5 has little talent and knowledge. He doesn't understand anything. He can't read what's written on it." No. 5 shook his head loudly.

"I recognize this line of writing." Emily replied solemnly, "It says Door of Life!" (To be continued...)

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