Defeat everyone, you are the Pirate King

After Lin Yu glanced around, he sat down on the chair.

“If you want to go to the Grand Line, you must have a ship, and it must be a big ship.”

Qiao Ellie Bonny’s voice came from the side.

Before that, they had only one small boat, and it was a small boat without a sail. Along the way, Lin Yu actually swam in the sea and pulled the small boat forward.

These conditions for entering the Grand Line are too unsatisfactory. As a strong man, this is too low a price. And aside from the identity, there are actually various other reasons, so a big ship with sails is a must.

Although Spice Island is named after spices, the biggest industry on the island at this time is shipbuilding!

This is the only place to go to the Grand Line. Pirates and traders must pass through here if they want to enter the Grand Line. If you want to go to the Grand Line, all ships need to be repaired or replaced with one that can withstand the storms of the new world. ship.

Naturally, the shipbuilding industry here flourished.

“When you arrive at the New Grand Line, you can no longer sail haphazardly like you did before. The magnetic field, weather, ocean currents, sea currents and other messy things on the Grand Line make it impossible to even determine your own position, let alone finding islands. Past navigation skills and experience are not reliable, only record pointers and permanent pointers can be convincing.”

Qiao Ellie-Bonnie lamented that this was the most patient moment in her life.

“There are seven magnetic lines extending from Upside Down Mountain. You can choose any route at the beginning, but no matter which island the magnetism comes from, you can’t change the route. You can only go along one island after another, until the last seven routes will be Meet at the Shampoo Islands.”

Qiao Ellie Bonny’s words are actually common sense in this world, but after all, Lin Yu has just traveled through time. Lin Yu has watched “One Piece” before, and is familiar with some important aspects of “One Piece” The plot is also very familiar, but few people remember some details in “One Piece”, including him.

Lin Yu asked: “Then what are we going to do after we arrive at the Chambord Islands?” ”

The first half of the journey is over, and then comes the second half of the Great Channel, which is the New World!” Qiao Elly-Bonnie said : “This sea area is the territory of the Four Emperors, and it is also the most difficult place to explore. After all, after being screened in the first half of the Great Route, the remaining pirates are all powerful pirates. They all gather here to sail together. Here It is the most dangerous place.”

“The strongest pirates in the New World are all gathered here?” Lin Yu’s eyes flashed, “If I can defeat all the pirates and navy in the New World, then How great would it be?”

Qiao Elly-Bonnie said in a joking tone: “Then you can become the Pirate King!” ”

One Piece? Then I will become the Pirate King!” Lin Yu originally wanted to say , if he can fight with the pirates in the new world, then his strength will increase by leaps and bounds, but now after listening to Qiao Ellie Bonny’s words, Lin Yu feels that what she said makes sense.

If he defeats all the pirates and navy in the new world, wouldn’t he be the Pirate King?

“Hey! Boy, you look good, can you lend me a hand?”

Lin Yu and Bonnie were talking, but they were interrupted by someone.

This was originally a gathering place for pirates, so naturally some people would come here to cause trouble.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qiao Elly-Bonnie’s mouth, and she was about to turn this arrogant guy back into a baby, but she was grabbed by Lin Yu.

Then, Lin Yu stood up and pushed the pirate’s head to the ground, making a loud noise.

With a bang, the pirate’s head was smashed like a watermelon, with blood, white foam, and black foam splattering everywhere.

“Damn…it’s getting harder and harder to control the power!” Lin Yu murmured in a low voice.

At this time, his power has exceeded 1,500 points!

You know, that’s equivalent to the power of 1,500 people!

Once this kind of power is integrated into the body, it must be continuously practiced in order to accurately control it, but Lin Yu’s power grows much faster than his own practice of controlling power.

After a brief silence, the entire hall exploded!

Qiao Elly-Boni was overjoyed. She didn’t know why. Seeing Lin Yu standing on her side, she felt a sweet feeling in her heart.

“Asshole! How dare you provoke our Hammer Pirates!”

“Really? The Hammer Pirates?”

Lin Yu raised his head and grinned: “Since you said I provoked you, I’m not polite. .”

At this point, Lin Yu’s eyes turned cold.

“You…you are Lin Yu, Huangquan Lin Yu?”

After seeing Lin Yu’s face, the pirate who smelled of alcohol suddenly shook his body, which was a little drunk, and woke up for the most part.

Huang Quan Lin Yu! In the past two months, he has been the most famous pirate in the South China Sea. Who has not seen his reward?

“Recognize me? It’s okay. Don’t be nervous. I just want to have a good chat with your captain. I like to make friends with strong people, you know?” The best way for

Lin Yu to improve his strength now is to defeat those A very good master, especially a master of physical arts!

The Hammer Pirates fit exactly what he wanted.

Quetta, the captain of the Hammer Pirates, is said to have giant blood, a bounty of up to 90 million Baileys, and is good at using a hammer weighing a thousand kilograms.

Lin Yu had never thought that he would meet this pirate group before. He did not expect that the surprise would come so suddenly and he would meet them here.

This is so lucky.

Lin Yu showed a smile on his lips.


That was the sound of broken ribs!

“Huang Quan Lin Yu!”

The noise in the bar naturally alerted Kuita, the captain of the Hammer Pirates, and his subordinates came to report.

As a result, when he arrived here, he saw that all his younger brothers were beaten to the ground by Lin Yu!

“Asshole! You are asking for death!”

The hammer Kuita really rushed over with two big hammers.

Lin Yu made a visual inspection and found that Iron Hammer Kuita was at least three meters tall! The muscles all over his body looked like a giant bear!

The hammer in his hand was also made of fine steel. The two hammers combined weighed at least a thousand kilograms, but Kuita swung it lightly without any difficulty!

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu not only did not panic, but was overjoyed!

Only such an opponent is worthy of him and his expectations are not in vain!

Face Queta’s hammer head on! Lin Yu had no intention of giving in!

Facing the falling hammer, he hit it directly!

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