Entering the Great Line, the Navy’s Backup

At this time, Lin Yu didn’t care much about his reward.

Because now the Huangquan Pirates have reached a critical moment of life and death…

As they get closer and closer to the Grand Route, both the weather and the current have become elusive, and the sea is rough and rough.

Under the strong wind, this dilapidated ship was teetering on the edge, as if the last straw was missing and the ship would disintegrate.

“The most powerful shipbuilder on Spice Island actually built a ship like this?”

Qiao Ellie Bonny jumped up, pointed at one of the pirates and cursed.

A gust of wind blew, and the ship’s hull suddenly swayed from side to side.

“Hehehehe! Bonnie, don’t worry, calm down. This is just a dilapidated boat. It is extremely difficult to build it like this!” Lin Yu laughed, not at all worried about the crisis at hand.

At this time, he was standing on the bow of the ship, looking straight ahead. They have to control the boat to prevent it from entering the windless area, and then ride the wind and waves towards the Upside Down Mountain!

The Grand Line and the Red Continent divide the entire planet into four regions: southeast, southeast, and northwest, and the ocean currents in these areas will converge to the Upside Down Mountain and then flow into the Grand Line.

Everyone knows this.

Because of this, crossing Upside Down Mountain has become an extremely dangerous journey.

The ocean currents converge at the top of Upside Down Mountain. If the direction cannot be controlled properly, or there are ships passing by from the other three oceans, it will be easy for them to collide with each other. Then even the strongest ships will fall apart in the huge It fell apart under the impact.

Every time you climb Upside Down Mountain, you risk your life.

And now, it’s just the beginning!

After entering the Grand Line, the currents and weather become more complicated, which is a huge test for everyone who wants to pass the Grand Line.

“We don’t even have a navigator. We want to cross the Upside Down Mountain. It’s simply a wishful thinking!”

Qiao Ellie-Bonnie finally found someone who was more neurotic than her. She nervously grabbed the things in the cabin to avoid being caught. Throw it into the sea.

Lin Yu stood on the deck, facing the strong wind, with a look of longing on his face.

The dilapidated ship made an ear-piercing scream and broke through the waves, its bow crashing into waves one after another.

After passing through the fog on the vast sea, a magnificent red continent stretching to the horizon suddenly appeared in front of us.

This is the Red Earth Continent!

Lin Yu was standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the land in the distance.

He swore that this was definitely the most spectacular scene he had ever seen.

“That’s the Red Earth Continent.”

Qiao Ellie Bonnie also walked up to him, her eyes full of excitement.

The ship moved forward slowly.

As we get closer and closer to the coastline, a wide river gradually comes into view.

A river flowing backwards!

This is one of the weirdest things in the world.

Following this river upstream, they would be able to cross the Upside Down Mountain and reach the starting point of the first half of the Grand Line.

This Upside Down Mountain is its starting point and its end.

The final island of Raffodru is probably hidden in the mist in the distance.

But without guidance, it is impossible to find Ravdrew. Even if he cuts into the second half of the Great Route from the windless zone, he can only scurry around like a headless fly in the vast sea.

Lin Yu just glanced at it and looked away.

He didn’t have much interest in the final island, just out of curiosity.

Finally, the bow of the boat hit the countercurrent.

In an instant, the whole ship seemed to have hit an iceberg, and it suddenly stopped!

The bow of the ship is raised high!

All the pirates in the group hurriedly grabbed hold of nearby objects to avoid being thrown off.

Lin Yu laughed and held the crumbling Bonnie in his arms.

The pirate ship sailed along the current, heading towards the great channel!

When the ship entered the countercurrent, the bumps subsided slightly.

They finally climbed to the top of the Upside Down Mountain and came to the Grand Line.

. . . . . .

In front of the lighthouse in Twin Valley, an old man who was reading a newspaper turned his head and looked upstream.

This man is Kurokas, the guardian of the Twin Gorges Lighthouse and a doctor on the ship of Pirate King Roger.

“Oh, another group of new people have arrived. I don’t know where they can go.”

Kurokas put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at the back of the ship gradually going away, as if he had returned to the past.

Every year, he comes here and sees with his own eyes how many pirates have poured into this paradise.

Most of them are ordinary people, just a small wave on the great voyage.

. . . . . .

Inside Akainu’s office.

At this time, Akainu also received news that Lin Yu of the Underworld Pirates had entered the Grand Line.

The fall of Ghost Spider made Lin Yu a thorn in Akainu’s heart, and he had to pull it out no matter what.

“How’s it going?”

Akainu put down the document in his hand and said,

“Shijiaji, Huang Quan Lin Yu has entered the Grand Line. How have you considered the task of capturing Huang Quan Lin Yu?”

Akainu, as the strongest person in the Navy Headquarters He is one of the most powerful generals, but at this moment he looks kind and cheerful.

The man opposite was also wearing a navy cloak of justice. It could be seen from the shoulder straps that this guy was a lieutenant general.

But in addition to his cloak, this honest-looking farmer also had a cigar in his mouth. He was also dressed casually, with his legs folded together, looking carefree.

However, even the Vice Admiral was very respectful to Akainu. How could he be so casual with Akainu?

“Tea Dolphin” Shi Jiaji is a lieutenant general, and he also has a nickname in the navy, that is, candidate for general!

Yes, if the navy really needs four generals, then Tea Dolphin is one of them.

In fact, this tea dolphin is not much different from Daifu.

What’s more, the two of them are brothers in the same discipline.

Akainu and Kizaru Porusalino were both the first disciples of the former Admiral Harasawa, while Admiral Chadon and Kuzan were the third generation disciples of Kizaru.

In the Navy, there are two lieutenant generals who are called “candidates for generals”. One is Momoto Gion, and the other is Chadotoki.

“Sakaski, it’s not like you don’t understand me. I’m usually very busy.”

Shi Jiaji took the cigar out of his mouth and said slowly.

This guy doesn’t look like a lieutenant general who kills without blinking an eye, but looks like an ordinary farmer.

Akainu frowned.

He disliked the attitude of Cha Dou very much. This lazy attitude reminded him of Aoki Kuzan, another naval admiral.

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