Another wave of money-giving boys comes

In the town of Whiskey Peak.

In an empty room, there were many vicious guys gathered.

“This prey is not a fuel-efficient lamp!”

A large round table was placed in the middle of the room. There were three chairs around the table, and the three people were sitting on the chairs.

One of them was in a suit and his hair was neatly combed and meticulously combed.

“What else? If he is a soft persimmon, it is impossible for the three major forces in Whiskey Mountain to gather together.” Next to this man, a bald man touched a scar on his forehead and said in a deep voice.

“Tell me, how will we divide the money after we get it?” asked another man holding a long sword.

At this time, Lin Yu’s reward was placed on the table!

Whiskey Peak is a gathering place for bounty hunters. I don’t know how many new pirates died here, and then their heads were cut off to collect the rewards.

It can be said that for any pirate, Whiskey Peak is a huge test.

But this day was a big event for the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak.

An amazing new pirate member!

Lin Yu, the captain of the Underworld Pirates, comes from the South China Sea and has a bounty of 300 million beli!

The leader of the Underworld Pirates, Qiao Ellie Bonny, has a bounty of 140 million Baileys!

A total of 440 million!

This is a huge sum of money!

In the past, the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak would not have dared to attack such pirates.

Because most of the pirates with bounties of over 100 million are from the Grand Line or the New World.

Bounty hunters at Whiskey Top usually hunt newcomers, and among the pirates they killed in the past, the highest bounty was only about 60 million beli.

Pirates with a bounty of over 100 million are extremely rare in the world.

But this time, two appeared at the same time.

The size of the bounty does not represent a person’s absolute strength.

A pirate with a bounty of 50 to 60 million may not be as powerful as a pirate with a bounty of 30 million.

However, Lin Yu was still a newcomer who had never set foot on the Grand Route, so the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak were eyeing Lin Yu.

Because the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Baroque Studio, the island was leaderless, and all the major forces were secretly discussing how to deal with the Underworld Pirates.

Although Lin Yu is just a newcomer, he has a reward of 300 million. If you add Qiao Ailiboni, it will be 440 million. The wealth is so exciting that it naturally arouses the covetousness of all the forces on the island.

Besides, no matter what, Lin Yu is just a rookie who has not yet embarked on the Grand Route, so even if he defeats Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, how strong will he be in the eyes of those bounty hunters?

Maybe there is something hidden in it.

“This is simple. Everyone involved in this matter will have a chance to get a share of the pie. Once successful, the bounty can be divided into two parts, one part for our three families, and one part for the person who gave Huang Quan Lin Yu the fatal blow!”

The big-backed man in the middle smiled faintly.

“That’s fair!”


The other two people also nodded.

“Next, we have to discuss the tactics carefully. This guy can defeat even the lieutenant general of our headquarters!”

On the ring, the three people were talking.

The subordinates around him also started talking quietly.

How can a group of rabble be as disciplined as a regular army?

But he is not that easy to mess with. He defeated a vice admiral of the navy headquarters and sank four large warships!”

” But I didn’t see many people coming. It stands to reason that such a powerful person should have a lot of followers!” ”

Is there some shady story behind it?”

“Could it be some big boss who is building momentum for the illegitimate child? ”

Being able to sink four warships shows that the opponent’s fleet is not weak, but it is also possible that both sides will be defeated by the navy, and now there is only one dilapidated warship left!” “It is also possible that Ghost Spider has been tricked. Is it possible that

he Being squeezed out by the general?”

“With a bounty of more than 400 million, no wonder the entire town has to be mobilized!” ”

Oliver, the owner of the Twin Peaks security company. Warren, the boss of the underground gang, and a representative recommended by the Whiskey Peak Bounty Hunters Association. Werewolf swordsman, Murphy, Wolf Fruit user!”

“Three parties have joined forces, this is unprecedented!” ”

Faced with such a power, even the King Qibuhai would probably have to retreat, let alone the mere underworld Lin Yu!”

A group of people ! People were discussing greedily, and they were dazzled by the bounty of more than 400 million.

. . . . . .

At this moment, Lin Yu and others were feasting, but they didn’t know that they had become fat fish in the eyes of pirate hunters.

After eating and drinking, Lin Yu quickly realized that all their money had been spent!

“You bastard, you saved all that money to buy a boat! You ate it all up!”

Qiao Ellie Bonny yelled at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu touched his nose in embarrassment: “…”

Although Lin Yu ate the most, he still refused to admit that it was his fault,

“You are talking about me, I think you eat a lot too!”

At this time, only Lin Yu and Bonnie were left in the restaurant. The other pirates had already eaten and left the restaurant to have fun.

As for Lin Yu and Qiao Aili-Boni, they mostly enjoy the food.

They didn’t stop until they had drained every last pele out of their wallets.

“Welcome again!” The restaurant owner sent Lin Yu and Bonnie out of the restaurant with a smile on his face.

As for this restaurant, they won’t even have to do business in the next few weeks. Just what Lin Yu and Qiao Ellie Bonny ate just now is worth their restaurant’s monthly income.

Although they kept refusing to admit defeat and blaming each other, they were still very honest physically. Lin and Yuqiao Aili-Boni patted their bellies honestly and spent all their money on food. This meal was worth it. .

However, as soon as he walked out of the restaurant, Lin Yu noticed something was wrong.

“Someone is spying on us!”

Lin Yu’s sixth sense was extremely sharp, and his domineering appearance made him feel the danger.


A gunshot rang out.

Lin Yu suddenly turned over, held Qiao Ellie Boni in his arms, and ducked to avoid the blow.

“It seems like someone is going to be in trouble! Another wave of money-giving boys has arrived!”

Lin Yu grinned,

“I just finished spending the money and someone comes to give it to me. I won’t be polite.”

“Please pay attention to your own safety . !”

Lin Yu gently patted Qiao Ellie Bonnie’s back.

He was not worried at all that Qiao Ellie Bonny would lose to an unknown person in a place like this.

No matter what, she is a person with age fruit ability, the gluttonous girl Qiao Ellie-Bonnie.

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