Arriving at the Water Capital

After putting aside the “Sixth Style of the Navy”, what Lin Yu values more is “dominance”!

Both Armed Color Haki and Seeing Color Haki have been successfully upgraded to LV2. The perception range of Seeing Color Haki has been greatly increased, while Armed Color Haki completely wraps the body, which greatly reduces the consumption of physical strength, and also enhances many of its own abilities than before. Defense.

From the perspective of basic attributes, the training effect during this period is very good, and the gaps in strength, agility, endurance, and physical fitness have become smaller and smaller.

The thinking attributes are all above 3,000, which is the combination of physical qualities of 3,000 people!

If such a power returned to Earth, it would probably have been dissected long ago, but in this world, it is not the strongest.

Not to mention, there are other abilities in this world, such as devil fruits!

And…the domineering look!

According to legend, only those with the qualifications of a king can display the domineering power of the king. Lin Yu does not know whether he has the qualifications of a king and whether he can display the domineering power of the king.

But he knew that the overlord’s domineering spirit was extremely domineering. With just a thought, he could make his opponent unconscious. This was definitely a huge advantage in battle.

Lin Yu clenched his fists.

He can’t let up.

At first glance, he seems to be powerful now, but this kind of strength is nothing compared to a navy admiral!

He looked towards the horizon in the distance, where the sea and the sky met.

Freedom requires strong strength to support!

Lin Yu looked up at the sky!

He jumped!


Lin Yu took more than ten steps in a row.

Moon walking consumes a lot of physical strength and requires high muscle control.

Because “Moonstep” does not really create pedals out of thin air, but uses extremely strong force and extremely fast speed to stamp on the air and squeeze the air into pedals.

The practice of moon steps allows Lin Yu to better control his own power and better display his strength.

According to the description in the original book, the Dao power of an ordinary soldier is ten points, so Rob Lucci’s Dao power reaches four thousand points. This is assuming that Rob Lucci has not transformed.

That is to say, Lin Yu may not be able to win the opponent steadily now.

Because based on his physical fitness, Lin Yu calculated that the physical fitness of an ordinary person is about one point, while that of an elite naval soldier is about ten points.

In other words, although Dao Li does not directly correspond to the power system, it is also closely related.

According to Lin Yu’s calculations, his current strength should be between 3,500 and 4,000, which is lower than Rob Luqi.

Fortunately, Lin Yu has been hiding in the dark. Although Rob Luqi is also hiding in the secret, Lin Yu knows the people of CP9. If he wants to defeat Rob Luqi, he still needs to do it step by step.

After defeating CP9, his attributes will be greatly improved!

Lin Yu has already thought of this plan.

Of course, the most important thing is to build a strong pirate ship.

Lin Yu flew hundreds of meters into the air and drew an arc in the air.

Standing 100 meters in the air, you can see far into the distance.

Vaguely, Lin Yu saw the end of the horizon, and a train was speeding on the sea with billowing smoke.

Isn’t this the sea train?

The emergence of sea trains means that the water capital is close at hand.

Although there are various advanced high-tech weapons, most of the navy’s weapons are swords, guns, swords, halberds and muskets.

Lin Yu looked at the sea train whizzing by in the distance. After thinking wildly for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and plunged into the ship below.

Many crew members looked at Lin Yu falling from the sky with reverence in their eyes.

Being able to go to the sky and the sea, with such a captain by my side, I really feel safe…

the capital of water!

This is Venice in the world of One Piece, the city on the sea!

At the same time, this is also the place where shipbuilding technology is most developed in the entire Great Line.

Many pirates and powerful teams like to come here to buy ships.

The mayor of the water capital of the Seven Islands of Water is also the boss of Carrera Company, the shipbuilding company on the island. At the same time, he is also the disciple of shipwright Tom.

It took him eight years to merge the seven shipyards on the Seven Islands of Water together, and reached an agreement with the World Government, making Carrera Company the royal shipbuilding company of the World Government. This is why the World The reason why the government dare not move the iceberg.

But on the surface, this is the territory of the World Government after all. As a pirate ship, Lin Yu naturally cannot dock at the official port of the Water City openly. This is related to the face of the World Government, but if he goes around to the Water City The rear is different.

After all, the Water City itself started out by building ships, so it was inevitable that it would have to face some pirates.

Pirates are all very aware of this unspoken rule, because most pirates don’t like trouble, so most pirates will abide by this “unspoken rule” and dock at a small port behind the Water City.

Lin Yu is also a person who is afraid of trouble. He came to the Water City this time not to challenge the World Government, but to buy a new big ship and to get some benefits from CP9.

The pirate ship Lin Yu was on was slowly approaching the harbor.

The port was filled with ships with pirate flags.

After all, this is an era of great pirates.

When his boat slowly sailed into the dock, the entire dock was boiling.

“It’s the Huang Quan Pirates!”

“It’s the new pirate Lin Yu in the South China Sea who has a bounty of 300 million!”

“It is said that some time ago, Huang Quan Lin Yu killed a vice admiral of the Navy headquarters and sank four large battleships. That’s why I was offered a bounty of 300 million beli!” ”

The newcomers of this class are really powerful, but they have just set foot on the Grand Line. How come they have already arrived in the Water Capital?” “Yes

. Could it be that they have a permanent pointer to the Water City?”

Many pirates looked at Lin Yu and others and started talking.

Recently, two major incidents occurred at sea.

Among them is Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates who defeated the King of the Shichibukai and became famous in his battle with Crocodile Crocodile.

The other one is about Lin Yu.

Now, Lin Yu is on the cusp of the storm.

A reward of 300 million is no longer something that even cats and dogs are eligible for.

Of course, they were not too afraid of the Huangquan Pirates entering the port.

How many of the pirates who have survived to this day are simple? How many more cowards are there?

. . . . . .

“The rest of you, guard the ship!”

When the ship docked, Lin Yu gave an order to several crew members, and then boarded the shore with Bonnie.

Although there are many pirates gathered in the Seven Water Capitals, there are not many people who dare to come here to cause trouble, and there is no need.

In addition to the fact that it is very close to Judiciary Island, there is another reason, that is, there is the world’s number one shipbuilding company here. Pirates do not dare to offend this shipbuilding company because they all want to sail good ships to the sea.

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