Raising your hand is a natural disaster

Allardyce had never begged anyone in his life, but now he asked for the area of psychological shadow.

As the first combatant to join the Huangquan Pirates, he thought he would become the chief combatant of the Four Emperors.

In fact, he is quite satisfied with his current strength. The average deputy is really no match for him.

But what he faced was a veteran navy admiral.

If Kizaru fought him openly, even if he defeated him, he would feel better.

But Kizaru, a wretched old man, actually acted so fakely.

This left Allardyce speechless.

When have I ever suffered such a crime…

However, this is all Allardyce’s opinion.

Among the lower-level soldiers, most people looked at Allardyce with admiration.

After all, in their eyes, being able to contain a naval admiral by oneself is strength, and the strong will be admired.

“Hey, you are Huang Quan Lin Yu!”

At this time, Seraph Mingge stood up from the ruins, grinned, and looked at Lin Yu sinisterly,

“You are pretty strong! However, sneak attacks are not a good method!”

Akainu also spoke, “Huang Quan Lin Yu, there is no coexistence between good and evil, and you are not the only one who is getting stronger, so accept the justice of justice!” “Big fire!” Seeing Seraph Mingge, he


still Lin Yu couldn’t help but marveled at being able to stand up.

This should be the scientific research result of Dr. Punk’s stay in the Navy!

Just as Lin Yu was sighing, seeing that Akainu had launched an attack, Lin Yu turned around.

Looking at the magma fireballs falling like a meteor shower, Lin Yu put his two fingers together and raised his hand to point to the sky.

Then, I saw water columns rising from the sea into the sky.

Water columns spiraled up one after another, forming huge water columns like tornadoes.

The magma fireball that fell from the sky was sucked into the water column while still in mid-air.

The magma extinguished and turned into rocks, rotating around the water column.

Within a moment, all the magma fireballs were sucked into the water column.

Lin Yu stretched out his hand and directed several water pillars adsorbing the rocks towards Akainu.

Boom! ! !

Even the surface of the sea was affected, forming a huge whirlpool.

“No! Hurry, get the boat out, hurry up!”

“It’s sucked, run, there’s a boat in front of you that’s been sucked in!”

“No, the boat can’t get out, ah…”

At this moment, the navy’s One by one, the small warships were sucked into the vortex, as if there was an invisible thug, slowly pushing them towards the center of the terrifying vortex.

This move was learned from the battle between Lin Yu and Koushiro.

At that time, the battle between the two sank a small island. Lin Yu thought that if it were used to fight at sea, this kind of natural disaster-level attack would undoubtedly be a disaster for the navy.

Lin Yu’s control was not good enough at that time, so he almost killed Koushiro.

However, now that the enemy is the navy, he has no such worries.

Not well controlled?

Then stop controlling it. Who asked you to come to my territory and run wild?


Akainu was shocked. He knew that Lin Yu was very strong, far superior to the general.

But I didn’t expect him to be so strong. A person who has never swallowed a devil fruit, no matter how strong he is, is just like Garp, who can take first place in a duel.

Even if a range attack is launched, it relies on the outward release of domineering energy, and the distance cannot be too far.

But Lin Yu could actually create such a natural disaster-level attack, which was simply a precedent in history.

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Seeing the naval warships being sucked into the vortex one by one, falling apart and sinking directly in the center of the vortex, Akainu’s expression suddenly became very ugly.

“Seraph, Kizaru, go and save people!”

Akainu shouted anxiously.

Kizaru shrugged, said nothing, and flew directly towards the navy fleet.

No matter how he acted, he was still a member of the navy after all. He didn’t want to attack the Huangquan Pirates, but he couldn’t just watch his men die.

Therefore, he no longer plays the role of rescuing navy soldiers.

Seraph, on the other hand, wanted to say something, but was glared at by Akainu, and finally went to rescue him obediently.

“You still care about other people’s lives? It seems that you are very confident in your own strength!” Lin Yu said lightly.

Just as several jets of water were about to hit Akainu, Akainu moved.

Pressing down with both hands, the sky seemed to split open, and several magma waterfalls appeared out of thin air. The stream rushed down and hit the huge tornado water column head-on.

Bah, bah, bah! ! !

When the magma hit the water column, a thick mist was suddenly created, and the entire sea surface became hazy.


The water columns were crushed and crashed onto the sea surface, immediately forming a huge wave that spread in all directions.

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible. Is this the battle of the top powerhouses?”

“If it moves, the earth will fall apart. What kind of power can it do?”

Seeing such a scene, regardless of the Huangquan Pirates, Even the navy was shocked.

The Huangquan Pirates have never seen Lin Yu use such a powerful move, and the Navy has also never seen Akainu use this move.

Destroying the heaven and the earth, it was like a natural disaster.

Is this really something a human can do?

They all couldn’t help but become suspicious.

“Akainu, you have really become stronger, Admiral…”

Aoki murmured to himself.

He had already expected that Lin Yu would be so strong.

Even if Lin Yu is stronger, he can accept it.

After all, he has witnessed Lin Yu’s rise all the way, and knowing the speed at which Lin Yu, a monster like him, has grown in strength, describing him as a monster is an understatement!

But Akainu was evenly matched with him before.

The reason why Aokiji was defeated was that he was a little more indecisive and not as decisive as Akainu. Therefore, when he had the opportunity to severely injure Akainu, he stopped.

But now, Akainu has surpassed him, and more than that.

“Quickly, record the information. Huang Quan Lin Yu’s strength assessment was wrong. We have misjudged his strength before!” The

Revolutionary Army spy broke out in a cold sweat.

They underestimated Lin Yu’s strength, and underestimated it too much.

Even though Lin Yu was already ahead of the Four Emperors, they believed that he could never be a match for their leader, Long.

Now, they discovered, they were wrong.

Huang Quan Lin Yu is already fully capable of competing with Long.

“Indeed, he is too strong. We all underestimated him!”

“Huangquan Lin Yu, how scary!”

Bartholomew Xiong nodded, and he was also frightened when he saw Lin Yu attack.

It’s really shocking that a strong man in physical skills actually launches a natural disaster level attack.

He looked at Bonnie again and found that she was looking at Lin Yu with admiration.

Bartholomew Bear looked thoughtful, then lowered his head, and his smile flashed away without anyone noticing.

“Huang Quan Lin Yu, you damn guy, what a good thing you did!”

Akainu looked at the miserable state of the navy with splitting eyes, his whole body was filled with anger, and he roared angrily.

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