"Dead old man, your attitude is not right. "

Noah was also very dissatisfied, he was not interested in understanding the careful thinking of the golden lion, and this sand sculpture uncle was not quite right every time he looked at him, which made Noah's sense of the golden lion very bad.

"Aren't you kid dead?"

The golden lion didn't care about Noah's attitude, the two pirates themselves were more enemies and fewer friends, and when the enemies met, this attitude was really normal.

"I've only been in a coma for six months,, who came out of this?"

Noah was very dissatisfied with the news of his death, and he didn't know that the news came from that guy, so he had to explain it when he saw someone.

When he called the Moby Dick before, Noah sadly found that his phone bug could no longer connect to the Moby Dick.

This group of dog thieves, you must give them a good look when you go back.

Noah thought viciously.

"Hey, Edward imp, what's going on with your ship?"

Dr. Indigo, who was next to the Golden Lion, spoke, and as a ship doctor and scientist, he was very interested in the different power of the Ark.

"Why should I tell you, you walking and farting clown. "

Noah's tone is vicious, and he has never had a good opinion of Dr. Indigo.

Without him, because the way this guy fights, it's just disgusting.

Every time I fight with him, Noah has a stinky smell on his body, and no matter how many times he takes a bath, he can't get rid of it.

This made Noah, who is known for his cleanliness addicted, very angry, and it just so happened that every time he fought, his opponent was this guy.

And this guy with ordinary combat skills can successfully turn Noah into a dung pit every time before he loses his ability to fight.

Ignoring the quarrel between Noah and Dr. Indigo, the golden lion looked at Noah, his eyes becoming more and more hot.

He could be sure that Newgate had not received Noah's message. The Golden Lion and Whitebeard also had a deep relationship with each other in the Rocks Pirates, and he clearly knew that if Whitebeard knew that his favorite son had come back from the dead, he would not be so peaceful.

As for the information I got before, the Moby Dick was still wandering aimlessly in the waters of Sakura Island, and there was no change at all.

This gave the golden lion a different idea.

This is a godsend, maybe I can kidnap this kid to his own ship.

"Old man, you look at me very dangerously. "

Looking at the golden lion's greedy and fiery eyes, Noah took a few steps back without a trace.

This helmsman has always had an intention for himself, and it took him a few times to dispel this idea after being held down by his father before, and now don't have a brain pump.

"Hey, dead old man, I'll go first if there's nothing to do. "

Noah said hello, and the electricity in his palm entered the ark, and he was about to turn around and leave.

"Don't Noah, little ghost, don't you plan to talk about it after seeing you for a long time?"

The golden lion jumped off the flagship, and the whole person slowly floated by, and in a blink of an eye, he was about to step on the deck of the ark.

"Dead old man, get out of here"

A white light came out of Noah's waist and fell into his hand, and several powerful slashes flew towards the golden lion in an instant. Didn't Noah know the golden lion's ability to let this guy touch the ark, and the ship was still mine?

"Pretty wary, Noah?"

The golden lion avoided a few slashes and floated in the air, watching Noah's slash cut the sea surface to pieces, and couldn't help but admire it in his heart.

I haven't seen him for a few years, and this little guy has actually become the pinnacle powerhouse on the sea.

"If you're not careful, you've already let your old foxes eat and wipe them clean. "

Noahpi pulled the corners of his mouth with a smile, and turned around to leave this land of right and wrong.

"Boy, you might as well think about it, come and make a big deal with me. "

The golden lion floated to Noah's ship and extended another invitation.

"Don't think about it, I don't have that ambition. "

Noah refused.

What are you doing with you? Attack Marinfando?

"Hey, boy, it's not up to you. "

The golden lion smiled, and the cherry ten dead wood in his hand slashed out, and the two slashes staggered towards Noah.

"I've got the final say. "

Noah raised his eyebrows, the current output in his hand suddenly increased, and the entire ark turned into a blue flash, breaking through the sea and rushing straight into the distance.

"Electromagnetic Force and Electric Field Shield"

With a flick of Noah's finger, a pale blue shield on the ark suddenly spread out with the input of electric current, and the high-intensity electromagnetic field deflected charged particles, forming a strong shield on the surface of the entire ship.

Seeing the two slashes of the golden lion annihilated on the protective shield, Noah's smile was even worse, the strength of this ship was far beyond his imagination, and some of the abilities in the system drawings may not be able to feed back to him.

For example, this electromagnetic shield may not be directly reflected with ability.

Think about it, what a wonderful experience it would be to fight against others with such a shield, and other people's physical slashing abilities were all held by the shield.

But before that, Noah has to escape from the clutches of the golden lion.

Because of this rudder, it has begun to use the shameless attack of sea water.

"Little Imp Noah, I didn't expect you to become a capable person, then try this!"

The golden lion had a huge cloud of water suspended in his hand, and in the midst of his laughter, a water mass the size of a warship slammed into Noah.

"You are a capable person, don't you feel shameless to use this trick?"

Noah complained, and the ark accelerated again, instantly breaking through the encirclement of the Golden Lion Fleet, breaking through the sea and rushing into the distance.

"Hahaha, this is to repay your feelings of falling into the water back then, little ghost. "

The golden lion roared, and the water suddenly changed direction and flew towards the ark.

"I'm shameless, and you're shameless?"

Noah spit out, his fingers tapped, and two long needles stretched out from the stern, and the dazzling white light flickered and jumped between the long metal needles.

"High-frequency electric knife"

The arc exploded, and an arc of light flew towards the water mass, and in the steam in the sky, the water mass and the arc light disappeared at the same time.

"Has it evaporated? This little ghost actually ate the thunder fruit. "

The golden lion murmured, the higher Noah's strength, the stronger his desire to recover Noah.

"Old fellow, come and don't be rude. "

Noah looked at the Flying Lion in the distance, the bow of the ship was turned, the eagle's beak on the bow was wide open, and the blue-purple electricity crackled among them, and between the currents, an iron bullet the size of a fist rose and fell slightly.

"See you back, old fellow!"

"Super Electromagnetic Cannon!"

Under the action of the electric current, the iron bullet turned into a streamer and shot towards the flying lion, looking at the huge water column that exploded in the distance, Noah smiled proudly, turned around and drove away.

The smoke cleared, and the golden lion looked suspended on the side of the ship. The iron bullet, which was still flashing with electric light, looked at the side of the ship that had almost destroyed half of it, and the smile on his face was even greater.

"Little one, we'll meet again. "

[Humble author asks for everything online wow]

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