Ever since he saw Mitsuki Ota before, Noah knew that something must have happened to Wano Country.

After years of getting along, Mitsuki Ota and Noah are also teachers and friends, and Noah can even assert that he knows Mitsuki Mita better than Whitebeard.

This man who loves to laugh and be funny has never laughed since he landed in Wano Country when he was in the light of the moon.

It's a very unusual thing.

Especially Noah has already pieced together the scene at that time from the mouths of everyone, and the state of the Guangyue retainers is definitely abnormal.

"Now, aren't you going to talk about it?"

Noah stood beside Mitsuki Mita, holding the side of the boat with both hands and looking into the distance, and asked in a deep voice.

"What the hell is going on?"

Mitsuki Mita's face was very ugly, and after glancing at Noah, Mitsuki Mita remained silent. Look at the sea steadily.

After a long time, he said in a silent voice:

"Inside the country of Wano, something may have happened. "

"I know, nothing else will let you do that. What's going on?"

Noah turned around and leaned against the side of the boat to look at Mitsuki Mita.

"I don't know. "

"Don't know?"

Noah was stunned for a moment, and after hearing clearly what Mitsuki Ota said, Noah laughed.

"You don't know what's going on, you think something is wrong?

Noah couldn't laugh or cry. I can't understand Mitsuki Mita's thoughts.

"Or can you already sense this kind of thing?"

"So I don't know, I won't be so irritable if I know!"

Mitsuki Mita yelled, full of impatience between his words.

Noah quietly looked at the noisy Mitsuki Mita, not offended at all, just waited quietly.

"Whew—I'm sorry, Noah. "

After Mitsuki Ota calmed down, he turned to look at Noah apologetically and apologized.

"I'm just ......"

"I know, needless to say. "

Noah interrupted Mitsuki Mita's words and sighed helplessly.

I'm just checking and filling in the gaps for these guys, and I've been used to it for so many years.

"So you don't even have a suspicion?"

Guangyue Yutian shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice:

"It's because I don't know that I'm anxious and panicked. "

"That's ......"

Noah also has a headache, this kind of beginningless thing, it is difficult to make a reasonable response.

Especially in this case, it's just a feeling, and nothing can be expressed.

"Could it be Kaido...... No, didn't Kanjiuro already confirm it at that time?"

Noah suddenly thought of the suspicion at the time, but then reversed the idea himself.

Kankuro had personally confirmed it before, Kaido did have a plan for Wano Country before, but after being broken by himself, he had completely withdrawn from Wano Country.

Noah is still convinced of Kankuro's findings.

As a retainer of the Guangyue family, it is a very insulting thing for Kankuro to be suspicious of him.

"You ...... It's hard to do. "

Noah tapped his head irritably, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

It is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice, this kind of blind situation with no information, even if she has great ability, there is nothing she can do. Unless one force drops ten times, it will be reckless with absolute strength.

"That's right, just hit it with dignity!"

Noah had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good idea.

Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, the root cause is not enough, as long as there are some absolute manpower and absolute power, everything is not a problem.

"Since I don't know what's going on, we're not going back yet, so I'll go and tell Jabba that we'll change our course and go to Daddy first. "

"As long as the entire Whitebeard Pirates drive over, we can solve any problem!"

Noah nodded to Mitsuki Mita, and turned to look for Jabba.

"Wait, Noah. "

A big hand pressed on Noah's shoulder, Noah's figure froze, and he looked back at Mitsuki Mita suspiciously.

What the hell is this doing?

"I want to handle this matter myself. Don't bother Bai Xiaoji. "


Noah wondered, which one is this?

"Your brain pumping?"

Noah was merciless, and this kind of thought can no longer be described as unexpected.

"This is a matter for Wano Country, and I hope that the founding of Wano Country will not rely on any external force. "

Mitsuki Mita said slowly.

He is the next general of Wano Country, and the founding of Wano Country, Mitsuki Ota hopes that it will be done by the people of Wano Country.

For this reason, he would rather rely on his own strength to overcome obstacles, or even die.

This is the fate of Wano Country, and it is also the fate of his Mitsuki Mita.

Nothing to do with anyone else.

"The problem is that you can't finish it now, and there's an unknown problem. "

Hearing Mitsuki Mita's naïve thoughts, Noah irritated around on the deck. He now knows that Mitsuki Mita's personal heroism has begun to occupy the peak of his IQ again.

Noah's most helpless is also the same, in this world, it seems that any strong person advocates personal heroism. Whitebeard is like this, Roger is like this, and now Mitsuki Ota is even more so.

This is why Noah values Dorag, and on this sea, the person who may be able to understand Noah is Dorag.

"So, how do you want to solve it?"

Noah looked at Mitsuki Mita, who had a strong and resolute face, tried to suppress the irritability in his heart, and asked calmly.

"As long as you arrive in Wano Country, everything will be ......"

"What's everything, by your two knives, or by the Red Sky Nine?"

Noah shook his hand and interrupted Mitsuki Mita's words, and as soon as this stubborn uncle spoke, Noah knew what he wanted to say.

It's nothing more than the argument of using personal force to solve everything, and Noah is most annoyed by this set.

A group of dogs can still bite a lone wolf, as powerful as a whitebeard, he died in the top war, not to mention his Guangyue Yutian.

Whitebeard still has a way out, and Mitsuki Mita's base camp is on fire, where can he go?

"You didn't think about outdated sister?

Noah is trying to convince Mitsuki Mita, although this is likely to be useless, but the effort still has to be done.

"This is the fate of Wano Country. "

Mitsuki Mita's face was full of determination, and justice was an awe-inspiring mess.


Noah has already burst into a foul mouth with anger, how can such a tenacious person not be able to explain it.

If you lose your land, you will lose your land, and if you lose your land, you will save your land. I can't figure out such a simple truth.

Noah is in a hurry, and his cultivation is first-class and transparent in everything on weekdays, but as soon as he encounters this kind of thing, he starts to get enthusiastic, and his IQ drops instantly.

"You are like this, it's completely for you, for Sister Shi, and for Momonosuke Hiyori!"

"It's even more irresponsible for the country of Wano!"

【Humble author asks for flowers online, collection evaluation ticket, monthly pass, wow】

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