"Hell, how do you fight this thing?"

While carefully guarding against the yellow ape's strong attack, Noah secretly gritted his teeth and thought in his heart.

He already thought highly of the yellow ape, but he didn't expect this guy to be so strong.

If you put this strength on the outside and say that you are an admiral, no one will question it.

"We can't go on like this, and if we drag it out, things will change. "

Noah was struggling to support him, and while he was busy, he glanced at the red dog standing aside.

He had always known in his heart that his enemy today was not just one of the two. really at the last moment, what he faced was definitely the relentless cooperation of the two.

Personally, I know something.,Although I said that I was in a hurry before.,The sword that crossed the abdomen of the red dog seemed to be very dangerous.。 But Noah knew very well in his heart that as far as that one was concerned, although it was said that he could temporarily trap Akainu, it would definitely not cause him much harm.

The reason why Akainu is still standing aside and not doing anything now is because Akainu is not good at speed, and in the current duel between himself and the yellow ape, he is not very fast enough to keep up with the speed of the two of them.

The second is because the power of thunder carried by the sword just now has paralyzed Akainu's body before. Let him be soft now, and he can't produce much combat power.

In comparison, the sword that pierced through the abdomen seemed very insignificant, but he and the yellow ape could not maintain this high-speed docking for long, and the paralysis on Akainu's body must gradually weaken and disappear over time.

At that time, he will have to face two candidates for the admiral who are in full swing.

Thinking of this, Noah was busy, stretched out his left hand and pulled out the scabbard of the underworld, his left hand reached out, the scabbard slightly blocked the attack of the yellow ape, and the long sword in his right hand crossed a faint arc, and a sword light slashed towards the red dog standing aside.

"Huh. "

Akainu snorted coldly, but he didn't dare to be careless, Noah's kendo cultivation was what he had seen, and Byya's saw it, and his left arm was now almost a waste, Akainu hurriedly mobilized the magma around him, and instantly condensed into a thick piece of armor on his chest, concentrating calmly, and meeting Noah's slash.

With a muffled snort, Akaiu was pushed back dozens of meters away by Noah's slash, and under the rock armor on his chest, a wisp of blood slowly oozed out, although there was another wound on his body, Akaiu didn't care much, after these two hurried exchanges, he already knew that his newly developed fruit route was extremely correct.

At least compared to the previous fight, he is now qualified to fight Noah head-to-head.

"Oh yes, this tank ......"

Seeing that his blow almost didn't work, Noah secretly gritted his teeth, but he could no longer free his hand to catch up with the blow, after the yellow ape in front of him suffered this loss, the light on his body was dazzling, and the corresponding yellow ape's swordsmanship became more and more powerful, forcing Noah to be distracted anymore, and could only use all his energy to deal with the yellow ape in front of him.

Watching the yellow ape stab with a sword, a block, and reach out to separate the yellow ape's heavenly cloud from the sword to the side, Noah knew in his heart that although it showed that the increase in the king's state was an earth-shaking change for the ability, it was obvious that the yellow ape in front of him was not proficient in controlling this state, so far, the yellow ape's attacks were all in fast fighting, using the unparalleled speed of the glittering fruit to bless the sword blade, but in terms of physical skills and kendo cultivation, the yellow ape's foundation was not solid.

It is precisely because of this that Noah can fight with the yellow ape inextricably, otherwise the yellow ape with the blessing of this Ming king will not be able to fight the very fleshly mortal Noah to the point in front of him.

"In that case......"

Noah had a plan, and then secretly made up his mind, the heart net spread, Noah was keenly aware of the direction of the yellow ape's sword, the blade of the right hand suddenly turned to pull, and Tian Yuan, who was sticking to the yellow ape, gently led from the sword, taking advantage of the yellow ape's sword blade to stab the move at the same time, Noah's hands were wrong, and the blade of the scabbard was instantly out of place, and it was instantly in Noah's left hand.

Seeing this, the yellow ape secretly screamed badly, but as mentioned earlier, the yellow ape's control of the Ming king's state is not fine, and his cultivation of swordsmanship is not profound. Therefore, at the same time as the yellow ape's sword blade stabbed out, he couldn't transform the blade in his hand lightly like Noah. So much so that he could only watch as Noah's sword jumped to his left hand.

"That's right. "

Noah smiled, and the previous worries and anxieties were instantly forgotten, and the misfortune was a blessing, and the blessing was a curse. The injury on his left hand, which had plagued Noah for nearly half a year, had now become the last straw in the battle with the yellow ape.

"Thunder Heavenly Venerable Arm"

Noah snorted softly, the lightning on his left hand was great, and the left arm, which had been carefully cared for by Noah, was now finally released from all the confinement, and on Noah's translucent left arm, thunder flowed, lightning and thunder. Even the Izumi who was holding in his left hand at the moment was dyed with a layer of bruises.

"Even you ......"

The yellow ape was shocked, Noah had already given him countless surprises before, but the scene in front of him was indeed something he had never dreamed of, and he had only developed this state for a few months. The hardships and dangers are not humane. Even so, the yellow ape is conceited above this sea, and there are no more than a handful of people who can develop the fruit above him.

But Noah in front of him. But he was pleasantly surprised again and again. The previous Fang Herbert's spear was one, and the obvious elemental arm under the current one was another.

But Noah didn't bother to play tricks here, and his left hand was more of an injury or illness than a fruit. By chance, it has great power, but it lacks the control to send and receive freely. So at present, Noah knows that he can't compete with the yellow ape for the control of the Ming king's state, and now he can only rely on his own advantages to fight quickly and achieve a phased victory.

"Gun Fist Inch Grab"

Seeing that the yellow ape was slightly stunned, Noah seized the opportunity, raised the scabbard in his right hand flatly, and stabbed it out like a spear under the blessing of thunder and lightning, melting the essence of Noah's physical skills on the scabbard, and stabbed the yellow ape's left rib with a stick as a fist.

The yellow ape snorted, and his body suddenly retreated, he was also a strong man who had experienced a hundred battles, so he naturally knew that compared to the hand he grabbed now, the opportunity was extremely slim, so it was better to retreat to a safe distance and take a look at the changes in the situation on the field.

The yellow ape boasted that he couldn't control the state of the king of Ming as his arm pointed out, and the kid in front of him must not be able to maintain this state for long.

"It's going to be withdrawn, so let's try this one. "

Noah smirked, his left arm was straight, and the thunder and lightning on the blade of the sword were great, and the entire long sword was gradually restrained by the thunder and lightning, and the black blade wrapped in the color of the weapon was covered with a layer of transparent blue-purple crystal. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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