Under the Red Earth Continent, a small speedboat sheaths through the waves and rushes towards the new world. The target is the little-known island where the Great War is taking place.

"Ah, is that so? Sengoku is also dispatched?"

Whitebeard slowly lowered the phone bug, his eyes were covered with shadows, and he couldn't see any change.

Noah has single-handedly established and controlled the intelligence network on the Moby Dick for more than ten years, and his goal is to prepare for the future top war, coupled with an ally like Youdorag who is in the top echelons of the navy, with Noah's character, if he doesn't plant a few spies in the navy headquarters, then he won't be Noah.

Although it is not necessary to steal any naval secrets, these spies can still control some high-level transfers in the navy.

Just like this time, Sengoku was alone and drove a speedboat to the New World.

"Daddy, what should I do?"

Marco on the side stepped forward and asked. Sengoku's sortie was something they hadn't thought of. But at the moment, Sengoku's target is obviously the battlefield on Noah's side. When you don't know what's going on over there, you can't let Sengoku get there.

This is a combat power that can turn the tide of battle.

"It doesn't matter, we'll wait for him in the waters of Klinster. "

Whitebeard waved his hand and instructed Marco to sail the ship, and the Moby Dick slowly turned and sped towards a certain area of water.

In that sea, the Moby Dick and the small boat piloted by Sengoku. There was a meeting point on their route.

"Really, at such an age, it's tiring to deal with such an opponent in a row. "

Whitebeard sighed in annoyance, but his eyes were full of fiery intent.

He hadn't had a good time fighting Karp before, but after discovering that his fruit development had paid off. Whitebeard is desperate to find an evenly matched opponent and have a good fight.

Compared to Noah's bad luck. At this moment, Whitebeard is doing what he wants. Right now, the opponent he had in mind was about to be sent to the door.

Above the Clinster Sea. A huge whale schooner is slowly floating on the surface. Quietly waiting for the arrival of his destined enemy.

This Moby Dick is on board. Whitebeard stood at the bow of the ship with a knife in his hand. Seeing and hearing the color spread out, quietly observing the speedboat that was getting closer and closer in the distance.

"I can't let you go here, Sengoku. "

Whitebeard smiled, and from the cloud cut in his hand, a vibrating ball of light appeared out of thin air, and as Whitebeard slashed out, the ball of light flew out quickly, falling far into the sea of the speedboat.

A violent vibration produced the ship like a leaf in a strong wind from the point where the ball of light fell, and was swept up by the waves and fell heavily. Seeing that the speedboat was about to capsize into the sea, and when the boat was destroyed and people died, there was a loud roar on the boat, and a golden Buddha several feet high appeared on the speedboat. The huge speedboat was crushed on the surface of the sea. No matter how the waves crash, they will not move.

"It's a bit of an improvement, Sengoku. "

Looking at the gaze cast by the golden giant Buddha, the long knife pointed directly, and between the eyes of the two powerful people in the world, the strong battle intent collided with this sea area, rubbing out brilliant sparks, and the war belonging to the old era was about to break out in this desolate sea.

"Whitebeard, it's you. "

Sengoku stood on the speedboat with a shining golden body. His eyes looked coldly at Whitebeard. Whitebeard's appearance confirmed his thoughts even more, and all these seemingly coincidental things in front of him were really a huge conspiracy.

"It seems that you are not surprised by my arrival, but also, after all, he is a wise admiral of the Navy, and Noah's hand wants to hide from you, which is a little too difficult. "

Whitebeard laughed. An old opponent like him naturally knows how terrible Sengoku's intelligence is. A man who is known as a wise general in the navy. It is possible to say that he was blinded for a while. But if Noah's hand wants to be blinded for a long time, it will be a bit difficult for the Warring States to be strong.

But this is understandable, after all, Noah is still young. There are still many opportunities in the future, and it will not have much impact if Sengoku comes alone.

With the current strength of the white fox, not to mention defeating, just dragging a Warring States is quite easy.

[I won't go into detail about this, the main battlefield is not here, for the showdown between Whitebeard and the Warring States, there will be more exciting scenes in the future]

As for the rest of the battle, it will depend on the situation on Noah's side.

At this moment, Noah was quite embarrassed, not that he was injured much, but after all, the magma was scorching, and in the fist-to-flesh battle, Noah's body would inevitably have some burns. Now Noah looks disgraced and miserable, if it weren't for the Garuda on his body. Noah's clothes are now burned by the magma.

And at this moment, the yellow ape and the red dog were even more uncomfortable, and when the yellow ape was to the red dog, he did not recover too well. It was only when he saw that the red dog was in danger that the yellow ape forcefully pushed the fruit ability that had not yet fully recovered. Saved Akainu.

And now they are also struggling to support themselves with wheel warfare. One stepped forward to drag Noah and the other to rest for a while. That's the war on this battlefield. It has entered such a strange stalemate.

"Sakasky, how long do you need it?"

After another hand-to-hand separation. The yellow ape hugged the red dog and asked in a low voice in his ear.

"Two hours, what about you?"

"Almost, get ready, we'll win by then. "

The yellow ape replied in a low voice. Then the figure turned. The fists that kicked Noah at the speed of light slammed into each other.

The navy is no better than pirates. They have an iron-blooded organization that has been passed down for 800 years. In such an organization, there must be some ability that allows the officers and men of the Navy to explode in times of crisis. Although the cost is huge, such an ability can often burst into strong combat effectiveness, which can make these naval soldiers who fought desperately in times of crisis turn defeat into victory and successfully escape.

And the red dog and the yellow ape had a tacit understanding inadvertently just now. Although they didn't say it explicitly, they both knew what the other was asking.

In two hours, the set of techniques they had prepared that was born out of the Navy Type 6 and burned potential would be ready. By that time, Noah was already at the end of the crossbow. It's definitely no match for two people joining forces.

That's why they've struggled to hold on until now. The two vice admirals were actually forced to this extent by the teenager in front of them, if they couldn't win yet. They will no longer be able to face the many top echelons of the Navy who have had great expectations for them.

"Almost, let's go!"

The yellow ape roared. Then he and Akainu rushed out from both sides. The target is Noah, who stands in the center, wrapped in thunder and lightning. _

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