"Stop, Edward, this is a misunderstanding!"

Sengoku was shocked, he didn't expect that the seemingly seamless plan was completely recognized by Noah in just a few words, so that he didn't even achieve the original goal, and he didn't expect Noah to be so resolute, seeing that he planned to kill the two Red Inu Yellow Ape without saying a word.

Yu Shi, the Warring States who instantly turned into a big Buddha at this moment, collided with Whitebeard fiercely in the middle of this small field.

Seeing Sengoku's movements, Noah stretched out his hand to signal, and Oz immediately stopped moving. This is also what was said before, little Oz's honest appearance is very deceptive. Who would have thought that this seemingly vicious big man also had a delicate and clear mind.

When he heard that Noah was going to let him play this play yesterday night, this guy had been excited all night without sleeping, and he was eager to try, just waiting for today's play.

"Don't worry, Daddy, let's listen to the Warring States General, what else do we have to quibble? These two guys are already in our hands, I want to see if the navy really upholds their justice. "

Noah stepped forward to help Whitebeard down, although Whitebeard was not injured, but Noah knew that if he didn't go up and make a move, with Whitebeard's character, he would definitely have to fight before talking.

"Let's talk about the Warring States, what kind of charter, until now it's not just as simple as changing prisoners, you old guy, it seems that you don't want to do things honestly. "

In Noah's mocking language, the faces of Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru were gloomy as water. In less than a month, the Navy has suffered too much at the hands of this kid. So much so that now when facing this young man, Sengoku has unconsciously had a considerable amount of jealousy in his heart.

"Well, Edward, what do you want?"

Sengoku is also a bachelor, knowing that the initiative of the current discourse has completely shifted to Noah's side, with the pattern of Sengoku, he already knows that there is no room for recovery in the current matter, so he just wants to fight quickly and settle this matter quickly.

"Rakyo gave us back, plus 10,000 tons of Adam the Treasure Tree. "

Noah said categorically.

Great opportunity, bamboo poles do not knock white. As the best raw material for shipbuilding on this sea, Adam has always been in the hands of the world government. It is rare to have such an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and negotiate terms with the navy, and Noah must have a good vote.

Noah had studied that as the flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick weighed between 1,800 and 2,200 tons, and the 10,000-ton Treasure Tree Adam could build such five flagships.

This is a earth-shaking change for the combat effectiveness of the Whitebeard Pirates.

[This data is my conclusion based on the medieval card, as a three-masted wooden sailing ship from the Age of Discovery, this weight should be about the same.] Moby Dick sailboat, but it should not be much different. 】

"Impossible, Treasure Tree Adam is an important strategic material in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to trade it to you pirates!"

Hearing this condition, Sengoku was furious, he didn't expect Noah to open his mouth and open such an unbelievable condition.

"Do you have a choice for the Warring States? There are two paths, either you inform Marin Fando now, and I will wait here for your materials and Lakyo himself to arrive, or everyone will break up, and within three days what the navy has done will spread all over the sea. "

Noah sneered, in this situation, you Warring States and I are talking about the rules, why should I abide by the rules of your navy?

"Edward Noah, we can ......"

"We can't, with this condition, there is no room for retreat. Sengoku, I once gave you a chance, but you played your own tricks, so now you don't have any bargaining chips and qualifications to negotiate terms. Say yes or no, you only have a choice. "

Noah said categorically. At this moment, it's not just because of the 10,000-ton treasure tree Adam, if this will give the Warring States a way out, the Warring States will definitely use this as a basis, and maybe they will play some tricks again.

For this kind of person, if you take a step back, he will get an inch, so it is better to break up in two, and Noah will never give Sengoku a chance to take advantage of.

With the wisdom of the Warring States with the money, he could easily tell that the most beneficial solution for them at the moment was to agree to this condition.

Otherwise, once this matter is leaked, the navy's credibility will plummet. Whether it is the Seven Martial Sea system that is now being planned, or the Navy has already supported it, the perfect pirate hunter system created by eliminating the middle and lower class pirates will completely collapse because of the Navy's dishonesty.

"Okay, I see, I promise it. "

After pondering for a long time with his head down, Sengoku finally waved his hand dejectedly and agreed to Noah's condition, and while saying this, Sengoku aged a lot in an instant, and his voice brought out infinite exhaustion.

Looking at Sengoku who was almost unstable, Noah's heart was full of joy at this moment. Being able to take the lead in negotiation and win this wise general, even if he is as calm as Noah, he is a little proud in his heart at the moment.

The sun sets and rises, but in this coastline shrouded in the same sun, the two groups of people who are distinct from each other have completely different atmospheres.

After the other two warships arrived belatedly, the dejected Warring States waved his hand weakly and handed over the unconscious Rakyo and 10,000 tons of wood from the treasure tree Adam to Noah.

Looking at Noah's group who were complacent and left with Rakyo and the 10,000-ton treasure tree Adam, Sengoku looked back at the red dog and yellow ape with a ashamed face, and finally shook violently twice, his eyes were dark, and he suddenly fainted.

Ignoring the Navy gang who were rushing to treat the Warring States, Noah at this moment was very fluttering in the flattery of his brothers.

"Little things, little things, oops, you people don't have to blow so much. Really, that's embarrassing for me. "

Looking at Noah, who was humble, even Marco didn't think about Noah at the moment, they all knew what this 10,000-ton treasure tree Adam meant to the Whitebeard Pirates.

And if it weren't for Noah, Laqueyo at this moment might not be able to return to the brothers.

"Bear it, stinky boy, it's hard to have such a time, even I don't want to scare you anymore, cherish this time. "

Marco laughed and hooked Noah's shoulders, and the group shook their heads back onto the Moby Dick. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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