There is never a shortage of news on this sea. At this moment, the news that the naval hero Karp captured One Piece has not yet spread, but in the new world, all the pirates know that the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and Whitebeard's eldest son, Edward Noah, who has gone out and trained alone for a long time, finally returned to the Moby Dick. And Edward Noah, who had just returned to the Whitebeard Pirates, was very reluctant to meet a newcomer on their ship.

"Hurry up, Titch, two more times. Although the construction of the new Moby Dick has begun, the old ship still needs to be well preserved. "

Noah lay on the bow of the boat, his usual position looking at the sweaty below, and the smile on the corner of Marshall Titch's mouth as he wiped the deck was very unpredictable.

Now, neither the system nor Whitebeard will allow him to kill Tiki at this moment, so Noah doesn't mind training the new Four Emperors during this long period of time.

Heaven descends on the people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and act chaotically, so they are motivated to endure and gain what they cannot.

This is a quote that Noah takes as a guideline. So this is the sixth time that Titch has wiped the deck today, and today's lunch, under Noah's instructions, is still white boiled potatoes with Thatch's characteristics.

Young man, how can you not endure hardship if you want to do undercover, Noah feels that he is simply a good person.

I believe that under his own tutelage, no matter what time in the future, when Titch thinks of the Moby Dick, he will have a kind of surrender from the bottom of his heart.

There are still more than 20 years of horizontal and vertical time, it doesn't matter, play slowly.

Look at the sweaty Tiki below. The corners of Noah's mouth silently outlined a demonic smile.

At this moment, Titch's heart was full of regret, although he had tried all kinds of ways to avoid Noah temporarily in the battle with the Roger Pirates, but he also knew very well in his heart that with Noah's identity, he would have to return to this ship sooner or later. So after thinking about it for more than a year, Titch finally decided to use his honest appearance to gain Noah's trust.

But I didn't expect that I seemed to have done a little too much, Noah who returned to the Moby Dick for the first time, after Titch diligently cleaned up the cabin for her, actually had a blue eye for Titch, so that now this supernova in the limelight among the pirates is too enthusiastic about Titch.

Today's sun is quite bright, and this is the twenty-second day of training for Titch after returning from a long absence.

"Why should I please this, isn't it good to be obscure? According to the current situation, I will be exhausted to death if I don't find the dark fruit!"

Lying on the deck, no one could see how hideous his expression was, he knew from the first day he was on the ship that the most difficult thing to fool in this pirate group was this vice captain. That's why he tried his best to please him carefully, but he didn't expect it to be too much, and the current situation was definitely not what he wanted.

"Hey, Titch. After wiping this side, there is food left for you in the kitchen, you should be careful. "

"Okay big brother, leave it to me. "

The moment he heard Noah's words, Titch responded, and the hideous expression on his face turned into a sincere smile the moment he looked up. At this moment, the other crew members on the deck did not feel this change, but Noah, who was paying attention to Titch all the time, looked at this guy again.

Just this trick to change your face is not something that ordinary people learn.

Noah walked over and patted Tichy on the shoulder affectionately, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If Titch can endure this kind of life for twenty years, then to be honest, Thatch's knife is not wronged.

Noah smiled, walked straight into the kitchen, looked at Thatch who was busy in front of the stove, couldn't help but sigh, and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, causing Thatch to be puzzled for a while.

"Daddy called you, Noah. "

Behind him, Marco pushed open the kitchen door and shouted at Noah, looking at the horse with a solemn expression, Noah didn't know why, but Mar could make him show this expression like laziness, which proved that it must not be a trivial matter.

"Roger, that guy, got caught by Karp. "

Whitebeard's deep words rang in the ears of the captains, and in the shocked expressions of everyone, Noah was slightly stunned.

Do the math, and that day has come.

Noah remembered the conversation between himself and Roger in the back mountain of Rogue Town, and his heart was mixed, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

That man who is always cheerful, has his life finally come to an end?

"Noah, Noah!"

Whitebeard's concerned call brought Noah out of his contemplation, and looking at Whitebeard's worried look, Noah smiled and signaled that he was okay.

Seeing Noah's expression, Whitebeard also relieved his heart, he knew that in the past year or so, Noah and Roger had a very deep relationship, and now that Roger was captured, Noah's heart must be uncomfortable.

"So what should we do on our side? The situation of Roger's capture on the sea must change greatly, do we need to do anything about it?"

Laqueyo on the side asked worriedly, as a subjective intelligence, he was keenly aware of the various changes brought about by Roger's being supported, I have to say, Seon lost his horse, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or not, after the previous change, Laqueyo acted more calmly, and his senses for things became more keen.

"Let's assign some people to garrison a few important garrisons, and then divide half of the sixteen detachments into half of the staff, and arrange key members to stay at each important checkpoint after entering the new world. to cope with the next changes. "

Noah said in a deep voice that he knew very well what kind of era Roger would lead, and under the tide of such an era, the sphere of influence on this sea would undergo an unprecedented reshuffle. And what they can do now is to save themselves in the midst of this great change. to see the after-effects.

Hearing Noah's words, all the captains nodded in agreement, they have been accustomed to obeying Noah's command over the years, and the facts have proved that Noah's arrangement has never been flawed. Watching the crowd scatter, Noah stayed in the cabin, and when only Marco and Whitebeard were left, he turned to Whitebeard and said:

"Daddy, I'm going to the East China Sea. "

"Go ahead, that guy Roger is good to you, see what you can do, do your best. "

Whitebeard nodded, watched Noah turn around and walk out of the hatch, and after a while, the turquoise Ark set sail and disappeared from sight.

[The fourth watch is over, the humble old man asks for subscription online]

[Lao Su has a small nest: Moby Dick is angry with three and one is angry, everyone is chatting and bragging] _

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