"Isn't it because of the seats reserved for Karp and Crane Staff Officers?"

Noah wondered if it was no secret on the sea. After the black-wristed Zefa retreated to the second line, the admiral was left with only one Sengoku left, and the reason why he couldn't make up for it has been delayed. It is now accepted that this position is reserved for Lieutenant General Karp and Tsuru, who have always refused to be promoted to general.

"How is it possible, what do you think the Navy is?"

For this statement, Dorag scoffed, to put it bluntly, the current admiral is the house slave of the Draconian. In such an important position, how could the World Government and the Celestial Dragons remain empty for so many years for the sake of two people who clearly refused to be promoted?

"The three admirals, in addition to the strength requirements to reach a certain level, there is also an invisible condition, that is, the combat effectiveness of the three admirals cannot be too different. Admirals are of the same rank, but the division of labor is different, and if the difference in combat effectiveness between admirals is too large, it will cause some problems of unfair distribution. "

"So now the admiral is only supported by the Warring States, not because there is no high-end combat power in the navy. It is the high-end combat power of today's navy, and even the two of them do not even have a hand that can match the existence of the Warring States. "

"And the reason why the World Government wants me to be promoted to a general is not because my strength is already comparable to these people, but because once I go up, there are some things that can be used in my name to make Daddy do it. "

Speaking of this, Dorag shook his head, he didn't want to mention these things in the navy. Now that's it. Dorag also found it boring.

The whole world government has rotted to the bone, and it's not just a naval problem.

"It's far away, continue to talk about them, it's not a secret that the fruit of the Warring States is the fruit of the Great Buddha, but there is a point in it that all the animal-based fruits, whether they are phantom beasts or not, are restrained by the fruit of the Great Buddha. "

"Are you sure?"

Noah frowned, this was the first time he had heard this statement, but if it was true that all the animal-based fruits were restrained by Sengoku as Dorag said, then Sengoku's strength would be raised to an immeasurable height.

At least when facing the Warring States in the future, you must be careful of the restraint of the Warring States towards Karuira Yuori.

Half of his strength comes from Karura Haori. Without Prague's reminder, this would have been an important factor in his own defeat in the future.

"That's right, all animal species, whether you are a phantom beast species or not, whether you have awakened or not, in front of the Great Buddha Fruit. will be restrained to death. "

"You Yuori, you must have eaten some kind of phantom beast seed fruit, right? I found out before, but I haven't had time to explain it to you. "

"That's right, Garuda fruit, you were also a layer at the beginning, and this name should not be too unfamiliar. "

Hearing the name, Dorag glanced at Noah in surprise. I really don't know if the luck is good or bad, how can this fruit, which has been searched by the navy for 800 years, be in his hands?

And he was violent and fed to a feather.

"No way, you think I want to eat this fruit, it's not Noah standing here now. "

Noah shrugged, the situation at that time was extremely helpless and coincidental. I have to say that this is a muddled account until now.

"Then you should pay attention in the future, it is better not to show this point in front of the Sengoku. However, there are very few people in the navy who know about this now, and I only found this information on a broken ancient book after I infiltrated the library of the Draconians. "

Dorag didn't care too much about this matter, since he only found out about it by chance, then except for Sengoku, there shouldn't be too many people in the navy's top brass who knew about this.

"Next up is my dad, Noah, what do you think is the reason my dad is called a naval hero?"

"The Battle of the Valley of the Gods?"

Dorag's words made Noah stunned, Karp's battle for fame was not the battle that fought side by side with Roger in the Kingdom of God, and that place also has a great relationship with him.

"This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, because my father only cultivated his physical skills and reached the top of the navy's combat power. "

Dorag said solemnly, at this point, even he had to be convinced of his father, he was called by Karp to physical skills when he was a child, and he naturally knew how difficult this road was, and Karp was able to successfully reach the top on this difficult and dangerous road, and he was indeed worthy of the title of naval hero.

"And as I told you before, all admiral candidates will be given fruits, and in Daddy's special situation, even if he doesn't eat the Devil Fruit, he is fully prepared in the navy. "

"As far as I know, in the Navy dormitory, there's a box under Daddy's bed that I can't touch all the time. "

"It's kind of scary......"

Noah let out a long sigh, what Dorag said today gave him a great impact, whether it was the secrets of the navy or the distribution of fruits in the navy, all of which gave Noah a new understanding of the combat power of the navy.

Noah had always felt that the strongest combat power in the navy should be Karp, there was no doubt about that. It's not just because Karp is known as a naval hero, but among all the high-level combat forces of the navy, only Karp has this extremely obvious room for improvement.

And at the moment, according to Dorag's meaning, it seems that Karp has been preparing a spare fruit.

This proves that once something fails, Karp will resolutely eat a fruit that has been prepared for a long time, and his combat power will skyrocket in an instant, once again saving the navy from fire and water.

"As for Aunt He, I don't know if you saw Aunt He make a move in that war?"

Noah nodded slowly, and he didn't know anything about Lieutenant General Crane's weird ability until now. It's a bit like the ability of the law of cause and effect, which has been developed by Lieutenant Tsuru with a superb brain hole to attach the concept of washing to anything, whether it is a slash that condenses into a solid body, or a golden lion's perverted force field, it can become soft and obedient under Tsuru's washing ability.

"The only piece of advice I have for Aunt Crane is not to touch her. "

Dorag said solemnly, Lieutenant General Crane's ability, he has seen it since he was a child, and he knows that no matter how high your physical skills are, once he touches it, then all attacks and individuals will be washed by this ability to the point that the whole body is weak, like a soft cotton cloth. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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