"I said Dorag, do I look like the kind of person who has nothing to do? Just because of a piece of news, you asked me to accompany you on a trip to Fish-Man Island? I had a half-fake map on the Sky Island. "

Hearing Dorag's request, Noah felt unbelievable at the same time, but also felt ridiculous.

The two capable people didn't bring anything, and they just broke into Fish-Man Island, which is located 10,000 meters under the deep sea, with an unknown news, which is a proposal that only a brain-pumping person can come up with.

Don't say if there will be any accidents, just if the coater you find is unreliable, these two guys can't use the slightest strength in the sea, and they will both fall to the bottom of the sea.

In the ocean below 10,000 meters, no matter how deep your ability is developed, there is no room for manipulation.

"Shouldn't you find a fishman to help you with this kind of thing? Or you can go directly to Namuer, haven't you two cooperated tacitly in the previous few actions?"

Noah asked strangely, in a place like Fish-Man Island, if you find a fish-man to accompany Dorag, there will be a more useful place than Noah, and the two capable people go down to the ocean to hunt for treasures.

Speaking of the previous operations with Namuel, even Dorag couldn't help but show a smug look on his face at this moment. The weapons and equipment obtained from the two robberies of Kaido's shipping ships are now very abundant.

In those battles, the revolutionary army and the sixth team led by Namur cooperated very tacitly, so that Namur and Dorag had a very deep friendship.

When Noah saw Dorag's expression, he knew that this guy was here to make a fool of himself. Dorag's real purpose was to invite himself to Fish-Man Island to hunt for treasure, and his original purpose in coming to the Moby Dick was for Namuel.

Noah said, how could a man like Dorag go to his allies for the sake of his children.

"His heart can be punished!"

Noah pointed to Dorag's nose and scolded righteously.

Dorag didn't care at all, Hengzhu's current goal had been achieved, and with Namuel's help, it was only a very easy thing to go to Fish-Man Island to hunt for treasure. On this basis, Noah now scolds casually, which will not have any effect on Dorag at all.

"Don't bother with these details, especially since I didn't come empty-handed, in exchange I brought you a piece of news that you must be very interested in. "

"What news do you have? Haven't you been slowly developing in the East China Sea for the past two years?"

Noah scoffed, you haven't even been able to get any useful information from the news network in the New World, and this guy in front of you who is eager to burrow his head into the sand and develop his head is worth exchanging.

"Two years ago, my dad adopted a baby in my hometown, the windmill village of Donghae. "

"That little imp is called Potcas. D. Ace. Is this news enough to exchange with you?"

When he heard the name, Noah couldn't help but fall into a kind of abruptness, what this name symbolized was too shocking, and the impact on the Whitebeard Pirates was too far-reaching.

When he was first released from prison, Noah also asked people to inquire about Lu Jiu. But after months of inquiry, there was no result. Noah didn't care about it anymore.

After all, Lu Jiu's identity is too sensitive. If you inquire too much and are targeted by people with intentions, you will expose the shocking secrets hidden in it.

And now that he heard the news from Prague's mouth that Ace was adopted by Karp, Noah also had a strange emotion in his heart at this moment.

The woman who was gentle and made pork chop rice very deliciously finally exhausted all her life for this child.

"This news does have some value, I promise, you go to Namuel. "

Shocked by the news, Noah had no interest in talking at the moment, and waved his hand to send Dorag to talk to Namuel about the matter between them, Noah was lying alone on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, and the thoughts in his heart were turbulent.

What should I do with that child?

Before getting the news, Noah could stay on the Moby Dick with peace of mind and live his leisurely life, but when Dorag said the news, Noah's heart could no longer be at peace.

Ace's identity is really special, as the widow of Captain Roger, as the most direct fuse of the battle on the top, he is not only for Noah, but also for the entire Whitebeard Pirates, he is a very important figure.

But if Noah lets things go and doesn't care about Ace's life, not to mention whether Noah can sit idly by with peace of mind, will there be some unpredictable deviations in the world line? Will it cause some things to explode in advance and some things to surface, causing unpredictable consequences?

And if Noah is involved, then with Noah's current identity, every move will be followed by the navy. Will Ace's identity be discovered in advance by the Warring States because of his reckless actions? That must be clear that there is the governance of the Warring States, and the final truth will be found among the extremely small clues, whether it is the current self or the current Whitebeard Pirates. None of them were ready to start a war on the top in advance.

"Really, why did that guy tell me the news. "

Noah smiled bitterly, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

The next morning, when Dorag saw Noah's bloodshot eyes, Dorag finally couldn't help but laugh gloatingly.

"You kid has today, I thought there was nothing that would be hard to get you. "

Looking at Dorag's lewd smile, Noah rolled his eyes angrily, his dignity was all due to the guy in front of him. Now this culprit still has the face to giggle here.

"Seriously, if I give you a perfect reason to go to the East China Sea, how are you going to thank me?"

Finally, when Dorag had laughed enough, the unscrupulous guy said a seductive word to Noah.

"Tell me, I owe you a favor if it works. No matter what you want to do in the future, I will help you unconditionally. "

Hearing Noah's promise, Dorag smiled contentedly. With Noah's current strength, this promise is very valuable.

"There is a Frost Moon Village in the East China Sea, and in it there lives a world-class great swordsman. "

Dorag said slowly, suddenly evoking memories of Noah's accession to the throne.

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