For the next week, Noah wandered leisurely around the Shambardier Islands, ignoring the growing number of pirate hunters gathered on the Chambord Islands.

"To be reasonable, I see those people so annoying now, I'm just sitting there, two fools actually split the spoils unevenly for my bounty, and they started to do it first, did you ask me first!"

In the thirteenth area of the Chambord Islands, in Xia Qi's stripping bar, Noah poured a bottle of beer fiercely, then slammed the bottle on the table that Reilly had just repaired, and roared at the sky.

Seeing such a big move by Noah's men, the corners of Reilly's eyes twitched slightly. Then he took out a bottle of spirits from the wine cabinet behind him, stuffed it into Noah's hand and said with a smile:

"Eliminate the gas, eliminate the gas, just endure it for a few more days. There are a bunch of miscellaneous fish both horizontally and vertically, and there is no reason to be angry about them. "

Grabbing the liquor from Reilly's hand, Noah raised his head and took a large gulp. After another refreshing hiccups. Noah complained heartily and pulled Reilly to complain.

"To be reasonable, I really can't bear it, I have been sleeping and eating for the past two days, and there are actually people peeping in secret, so that I have to put a bunch of overlord domineering when I go to the toilet in the past two days, when is this kind of day a head. "

"Bear with me, since the boy wants to settle it once and for all, you must have enough patience, wait until you gather all these pirate hunters who have some names on the sea, and then you can clean them up in one go, and you will be able to live a peaceful life from now on. "

Reilly said with a rag in his hand, wiping the bar. He was happy to see Noah's treatment, after all, this kind of trouble had also appeared in him and Roger before.

"And you have to know that you didn't go to the East China Sea this time for fun, since you have something you want to hide from the navy, then you naturally have to bear some necessary grievances before this. "

Hearing Reilly's words, Noah glanced disdainfully. The guy in front of him had no sense of responsibility at all, and when he knew that he was going to find Roger's orphan, the guy in front of him just patted his shoulder with a sad face, and then turned his head and drank all night.

The most infuriating thing is that the guy in front of him was drunk, and he actually shouted loudly to find the young girl. At that moment, Noah finally understood the reason why Roger didn't pay Esto to Reilly at that time.

This guy in front of him is unreliable from any point of view. Pay Estor to him, unless it's a brain pump.

"Forget it, I'll wait a little longer, it's a very annoying feeling to see a swarm of flies in front of my eyes. "

Drinking the wine in the dry bottle, Noah sighed helplessly. At the look of Reilly's urging, Noah shook his head and walked up the stairs step by step.

Since he was released from prison, Noah has felt that nothing has gone well. So much so that Noah wondered if he should seriously find a brazier to step over.

"Well, stay up for five more days. "

Noah smiled wryly and rolled over and fell asleep.

Five days passed in a flash, and during these five days, the Chambord Islands became a forbidden area for pirates and a paradise for pirate hunters.

And the culprit of all this is Noah, who is boredly fiddling with toothpicks in Xia Qi's bar.

"These guys can't take it anymore, I think I'll be able to do it tomorrow. "

Noah looked up at the shadowy figures outside the bar, smiled and turned to Reilly.

Since the day before yesterday, these people outside have been unable to hold back. After a few of the Moonheads broke into the bar a few times and were thrown out the door by Reilly and Noah. The people outside were hovering around the bar like flies, gathering more and more. To this day, there are no idle customers in the bar.

"It's time to do it, when are you going to do it?"

"Tomorrow, I'm going to have a bacon omelette tomorrow morning, and I'll settle it after dinner, and they'll be able to come back for lunch." "

Noah smiled and said indifferently.

Reilly nodded approvingly, this group of guys outside is really not to worry, although there are many famous pirate hunters among them, but that is all relative, reaching the realm of Reilly and Noah, those pirate hunters outside who may make the bounty of six or seven billion pirates frightened are not much better than ordinary miscellaneous fish here.

So for Noah's decision, Reilly didn't think so.

"Then you can stop by and buy vegetables after you finish it tomorrow, buy more radish, and we'll try to make it tomorrow, the oden that Goten's made at that time. "

"Hey, are you reasonable? Anyway, tomorrow is also a character who is going to complete the killing of a thousand people, and you let a poor and vicious guy like me go to the vegetable market with a bloody knife to buy vegetables, do you really think that there are no good people in the Chambord Islands?"

Noah looked at Reilly in surprise, although they didn't take tomorrow's battle seriously, Reilly's reaction was too normal. When he went out to fight, he was actually said to go out for a walk, and he let him stop by to buy vegetables when he came back. Noah suddenly had a new understanding of the extent of Reilly's shamelessness.

"What's wrong with this, you won't have to work hard tomorrow, I'm an old man in my forties, do you have to go out to buy vegetables tomorrow under the sun?"

Reilly retorted in a heartfelt voice, and Noah couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and even the beer glass in his hand fell to the ground involuntarily.

"Speaking of which, I suddenly have a big question that you need to answer. "

"What doubts? Like answering the doubts of juniors, the old man is still very willing to do it. "

"Your shamelessness is because you were suppressed too hard on Roger's ship at the time, and now it is germinating in a solid state. Or did it get worse and worse after he retired from the ship, to the point where he is now angry with the gods?"

Noah looked at Reilly and asked seriously.

"Go back and wipe the knife! Really, young people nowadays don't know how to respect the elderly. "

Reilly, who pushed and kicked Noah upstairs, complained half-jokingly. Then he picked up the rag and cleaned up the messy tabletop. After looking at the ill-intentioned figures outside the door, Reilly looked down and smiled.

History is a cycle, and these current pirate hunters have forgotten their predecessors. was abused by himself and Roger.

But that's fine, there will always be people who will let them know about the dangers of this sea.

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