"I'm so sorry I overheard you talking to Reilly-senpai while drinking last night. "

Fuji Tiger owed his body and politely apologized to Noah, but at this moment, Noah didn't have the heart to accept the apology of the strong man in front of him.

Because looking at this posture, the guy in front of him is also a bounty hunter who came for Noah.

And the bounty hunter in front of him has a strength that is not inferior to that of a general.

"Apologies don't have to be, it's a joke with Reilly in public, and it's not a big deal to be heard. "

Noah's face gradually became serious, and his left hand slowly floated on the thunderstorm placed on his waist.

"But with your ability, it seems that you shouldn't have come for the two billion bounty. "

Noah is not cautious, this guy in front of him, in Noah's eyes, is much more tricky than the Red Inu Yellow Ape teaming up.

The strong man in front of him eats the gravitational fruit of the superhuman system, but in addition, this person is also a great swordsman who is at the top of the world.

Although in his previous life, Noah had only seen the guy in front of him in a hurry in the Tokushima chapter, and knew that the man in front of him had a benevolent and righteous concept of justice, and he was one of the few people in the naval government who understood. But at this moment, the two stood opposite each other, and Noah could feel the terrifying sense of oppression on this man.

Whether it is fruit ability or swordsmanship cultivation, the blind man in front of him is not inferior to Noah in the slightest.

"Ah, it's not like I'm just a pirate hunter to make a living, I'm just here to see what kind of man Edward Noah, who can be called the most ferocious pirate by the Navy, is."

"Oh yes, it's rude to say that I haven't introduced myself for so long, and it's called a laugh below. "

Nodding with a smile, he sat cross-legged opposite Noah without pretentiousness, the wooden stick and long knife in his hand were just casually placed aside, as if he had no defense against Noah.

Noah raised his eyebrows, he could clearly feel the kindness carried by the vine wrap, it seemed that the man in front of him did not seem to be here to fight, thinking of this, Noah also sat on the ground, looking at the vine tiger in front of him, quietly waiting for what he was going to say.

"Speaking of which, Your Excellency's strength is very strong, there are more than 1,300 pirate hunters who arrived in the Shambadier Islands this time, except for those who did not participate in this incident before, a total of 1,006 who followed you to the west coast today. These people are all gentlemen with great names in this industry, and this time they were killed by your sword, and the title given to you by the Navy is indeed well deserved. "

Hearing these words, Noah looked up in surprise and saw that the guy in front of him seemed to be neutral, but it was precisely because of this impartial neutrality that Noah really couldn't figure out what kind of purpose he was trying to do this time.

Although he couldn't see with his eyes, Fuji Jue saw Noah's inquiring gaze, and after smiling at Noah in a friendly manner, Fuji Tiger slowly lowered his head and said to Noah:

"Sixteen years ago, I saw the cooperation and battle between the so-called righteous Draco people and the so-called evil Roger, the battle of the Valley of the Gods, which made Zai Xia have doubts. Therefore, for the title of the most ferocious pirate mentioned by the navy, I don't believe it completely. "

Hearing this, Noah couldn't help but be slightly surprised, the uncle in front of him couldn't imagine that he had participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, and listening to his tone, the person in front of him actually had his own unique understanding of the relationship between pirates and the navy.

"In the name of justice, nothing more than a lie used by the victors to cover up their violent acts, and there is no real justice in either the navy or the pirates. "

Noah sneered and said to Fujitora.

Noah has always despised the hypocritical justice with the navy, but Noah also doesn't think that everything the pirates did was right. Whether it is the Roger Pirates, or the Straw Hat Pirates of the protagonist and his gang later, they, like the navy, have never brought any real rights and interests to ordinary people in this world.

This is also the reason why Noah is so important to Dorag, and in Noah's opinion, only Dorag's path is the real solution to the root cause of all this.

Even Noah himself doesn't think he's a good person, he just stands on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, and all his actions are working hard for the interests of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There is really nothing to say, every man in his own way, and every man according to his master.

"What Your Excellency said does make some sense, the most innocent people on this sea may be those ordinary peasants. "

smiled and sighed, causing Noah to look sideways, the big man in front of him did have a bit of a compassionate true temperament, but on this sea, neither the navy nor the pirates could accept this kind of justice.

"There is no way to do this kind of thing, if there are no pirates and Draconians, there will be a new class without Draconians, all efforts will only bring the relaxation and slowness of oppression, but it will definitely not eliminate the oppression itself. "

Hearing Noah's seemingly very cold words, even Fuji Tiger was silent, he knew in his heart that what Noah said was right, ordinary people were subject to the double oppression of the world government and pirates, and the pirates were subject to the double pursuit of the world government and bounty hunters. And the world government bears the false name of justice, and is abandoned by all the people with lofty ideals on this sea.

In the end, no one is innocent, and no one is righteous.

"That's right, the old man has always wanted to sacrifice himself for true justice, but after seeing all the actions of the navy before, he had doubts about the justice of the navy. "

Fuji Tiger sighed. He wanted to participate in the application for the navy before, but there is still dirt and dirt in the navy, and the naval headquarters is not better, but the assignment of the Tianlong people is also the most serious, the naval branch, relatively speaking, is relatively free, but the naval soldiers of the naval branch are not so much soldiers, but a group of bandits in the name of justice.

A pirate will only raid a town once, but a navy will cause lasting oppression and persecution to the town.

"You expect the navy to uphold justice, it's just a matter of asking for a fish, and the only people in the entire navy who may stick to justice are everyone, but even Karp, who is known as a naval hero, is constrained by the Draconians everywhere. "

"Laughing, let me ask you, how are you blind?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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