When he knew that the little girl in front of him was Guina, Noah suddenly lost interest in Koshiro who was hiding in the gym.

It's just a bad old man, how can this soft and fragrant little girl in front of him be cute?

What's more, when he read the manga in his previous life, the only person Noah felt sorry for One Piece was the little girl in front of him.

This little girl who wants to become the world's No. 1 swordsman, but regrets it in the end.

The other characters in One Piece all made their choices and then faced their choices calmly, but Guina in front of them didn't even have the right to make a choice.

Although Haimi was known in her previous life, and Guina was taken away by Dorag, who was still in the East China Sea at the time, whether it was Noah or not, she didn't intend to let the scene that should have happened again.

"Frost Moon Guina, what a nice name, look like this, you are also practicing a single sword?"

Hearing Noah's question, Guina's eyes instantly lit up, and she nodded vigorously in her arms with the word "Kazumichi" in her arms, then raised her head and looked at Noah with bright eyes.

"Yes, my father said that a girl's strength is very small, and a one-handed sword is more suitable for me. Big brother, do you also practice one-handed swords?"

Hearing Guina's question, Noah's two eyes instantly narrowed into two crescents, he nodded, and then shook his head again, in Guina's puzzled eyes, Noah squatted down and slowly spoke.

"The one-handed sword I tried is right, but I am also proficient in two-handed swords, Guina, you have to remember that if you want to become a swordsman, strength is never his main thing, faith, determination, perseverance, and choosing a path that is most suitable for you is the most fundamental factor for a swordsman to reach the top. "

"Well said, Guina, you must remember that the gentleman in front of you is the greatest swordsman on this sea, and his teachings will be of great benefit to your future. "

As soon as the words fell, Noah heard a burst of applause from behind Guina, and then an old man who was about to die was helped out by a middle-aged man wearing glasses. And what he spoke just now was the old man who looked trembling and didn't seem to have a few days to live.

"Young man, if you are not old and dizzy, your Excellency should be Edward Noah, right? "

Looking at Gu Yina, who ran behind the old man and poked her head out to look at Noah curiously, looking at the old man with a flat face but obviously a tense body, Noah stood up solemnly and saluted the old man.

"Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. Edward Noah, the first apprentice of Mitsuki Mita, has seen Mr. Frost Moon. "

"Sure enough, it's the apprentice of the Guangyue family, but I haven't seen your feather weaving for a long time. "

The old man bowed his head slowly, and when he saw the Garuda Feather Weaving on Noah's body when he first went out, he had already keenly recognized the family crest engraved on the chest of the Feather Weaving. The mark of the Guangyue family, he will not admit his mistake. But he didn't expect that the young man in front of him would actually be called the genius Mitsuki Mita, and he would be designated as the next heir of Mitsuki.

At that time, neither Mitsuki was asked by Mitsuki Mita to make Haori's Mitsuki, nor Noah, who had always used it as a birthday present and a coming-of-age ceremony for his apprentices, did not know the true meaning of this dress.

Noah has always believed that as Mitsuki Mita's apprentice, the role of this haori is only a coming-of-age ceremony as a characteristic of Wano Country, as mentioned by Mitsuki Mita, and the inheritance of the Daimyo of the Mitsuki family. But Mitsuki Mita didn't tell anyone, in the family motto of the Mitsuki family, this piece of Haori given to the foreign surname represents not the right of inheritance but the inheritor.

The difference between words and concepts is very different. The ancestors of the Guangyue family believed that there were countless geniuses in this world, and peerless talents did not necessarily appear in the Guangyue family, and when the head of the Guangyue family met a person who saw Cheng Tianzong's talent, he could carefully cultivate and entrust the revival and development of the family to the hands of foreign surnames.

In the eyes of the ancestors of the Guangyue family, the honor of the family has surpassed the inheritance of the bloodline. When the fame of the Guangyue family has been passed down through the ages, who cares about the iteration of the bloodline?

Kozaburo Frost Moon knows the inside story of this paragraph. As the frost moon with thousands of threads in the Wakotsuki family, Kozaburo knows far more than others think. This is why he clearly recognized Noah's identity, knew that the person in front of him was the most vicious pirate with a bounty of two billion yuan on the world government, and insisted on letting his son help him out and see him with his own eyes.

For Frost Moon, this matter is far more important than life and death.

"Come in and sit down, young man. It seems that you know the identity of the old decay. "

After saying this, Kozaburo Kozaburo Mitsuki turned around and entered the road, and Noah also smiled slightly, stood up and took Guina's hand, and followed the two to the living room.

"Young man, these two knives on your waist should be the demon sword thunderstorm and out of the underworld. "

As the world's premier swordsmith, the first thing Kozaburo Shizuki noticed was the two swords that Noah had by his side.

With his eyes, he naturally recognized these two famous knives that were among the twenty-one fast knives.

"The thunderstorm is rumored to have been in the hands of a certain warden in Advance City before, but it is rumored that you escaped from Advance City, and this knife is understandable in your hand, and this sword should be your usual sword. "

Hearing Kozaburo Frost Moon talk about matching swords, Noah nodded, pulled out the two swords with sheaths stuck in his waist, and put them on the table in front of him.

"Yes, the thunderstorm is my trophy, and at the moment Dao Donghai wants to give it to someone as a gift, this outgoing sword has been with me for a long time, and I have always cooperated with him very tacitly. "

Hearing Noah's words, the bimonthly wolf touched his already snow-white beard, squinted his eyes and laughed, he quite admired Noah's opinion on matching swords. Even with his impression of Noah, an old man, has become much better.

"That's right, the famous sword is thoughtful, you can be with the underworld for so long, there must be quite a tacit understanding between you. "

"Since you are also famous for your kendo, then you must have seen your master's two matching swords, what do you think of Tianyu Yu Slash and Enma?"

Hearing the words of Frost Moon Kozaburo, Noah couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at the old man in front of him, he knew that whether it was Tianyu Yu Slash or Enma, it was the work of the old man in front of him. Then at this moment he asked what he thought of the two knives. The implications of this are quite long-term.

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