"Old man, we are so acquainted, when do you think the same trick will work for me?"

Noah put away his knife and stood up, smiling at Karp lying on the ground in the distance. At this moment, on Karp's lower abdomen, a charred black footprint appeared on his white shirt. And this footprint is also the culprit that caused Karp to lie here in embarrassment.

Even Dorag, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, didn't see it clearly, but Karp knew that with the move just now, the young man in front of him was no longer the young man who wielded the thunder spear on top of Marin before.

Abandoned the most extreme attack power brought by the previous spear called Fang Herbert. This young man in front of him. When he turned nineteen this year. Finally fused his unparalleled swordsmanship with his physical skills. And this kind of progress, which is like being reborn, brings about the scene that Karp is quite embarrassed.

"Whitebeard is a great blessing in his life to have a son like you. "

Karp sighed, rubbing his stomach and getting up from the ground.

He knew very well what had just happened.

When Noah's long knife lifted the placket of his clothes, the door of his abdomen was wide open, and then countless electric lights flashed in an instant, not only fascinated Karp's eyes, making him see nothing in front of him, but also countless electric charges instantly gathered on the soles of Noah's feet.

With Noah's swiftness of thunder and the heat of the footprints, Cap's stomach was mounted.

Like a bird's nest struck by lightning, Karp's figure landed feebly on the ground in the distance.

And Karp knew that the progress brought by Noah in front of him was not only that, if it was just that kick, with Karp's battle-hardened fighting instincts, there were countless ways to avoid that kick, and it was not impossible to even make a strong counterattack at the same time. But at that moment, Noah's action was not just a kick that carried the micro store, the progress of this young man in the past two years was vividly reflected in the moment just now.

As his eyes suddenly went blind, Karp instinctively tried to withdraw his fists that had been bombarded on Noah's scabbard.

At the same time, Karp's left leg also swept out, trying to force back Noah, who was less than a meter in front of him at the moment.

But when Karp made a move, he suddenly realized in horror that his fists were pinned by the scabbard in Noah's hand, and a suction force was generated on it, firmly blocking the path of his fist, while Noah's hand drew an arc and slashed at his newly raised left leg.

forced himself to withdraw his leg to avoid it, to let Noah's sharp knife.

Although it was only for a moment.

But that moment was enough to leave Karp's chest open.

At this moment, Karp's chest and abdomen were almost defenseless against Noah.

And that's giving Noah a kick that is a good opportunity that is not in the same way.

While Noah kicked this leg at Karp's stomach, Karp could only watch as his fists and left leg were restrained by Noah in various ways.

Until he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and his body flew high as if it was uncontrollable, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Boy, with your hand just now, on this sea, there are no more than ten people who have the strength to be your opponent. "

Karp, who stood up, couldn't help but be satisfied with the admiration, and looked at Noah's eyes full of appreciation. In his opinion, Noah's fighting style and fighting style at this moment are close to becoming a big one. And when this kid polished himself sleek and seamless in the years that followed, it was when he Edward Noah could really stand on the top of the world and be known in the world alongside himself and the old guys of Sengoku.

"It's okay, I've had occasional gains in the past two years, and I won't disappoint you old people. "

Noah smiled faintly, this kind of thing is not worth bragging. And as Karp said, there are no more than ten enemies on this sea, and Noah will listen to it.

There are countless masters on this sea, and the rising generation is like a carp crossing the river. If nothing else is said to say that this will be Dorag, who is sitting leisurely and watching the play, Noah can't be sure where the bottom line of this guy's real strength is.

In the father-son game just now, even if Karp released the water of a great voyage, then who knows how many backhands Dorag has left?

There is a dragon and a crouching tiger on this sea, and Noah does not dare to take it lightly.

Looking at Karp who had already stood up, Noah raised his knife and rushed forward, this is not the time for Karp to regain his strength, even if he has just won a move, but the old man in front of him is a man who is called a naval hero, in his father's mouth, this man is a strong enemy who can fight with him for three days and three nights, and then he can't tell the winner.

Noah didn't dare to be complacent, and the thunderstorm slashed out, and with the loud thunder on the battlefield, the dark red long blade of the thunderstorm slashed at Karp's wrist, colliding with Karp's world-beating armed domineering spark.

"Boy, although you have made great progress, don't despise us old fellows. "

Karp grinned, and his right fist slammed into Noah's curled elbow. The two people have come and gone, and the battle is very fierce. So much so that Dorag, who was watching the battle from the side, couldn't tell for a moment which of the two people, one old and one young, had the upper hand.

"Noah, this kid...... Is it so powerful now?"

Dorag sighed secretly in his heart, and he also secretly smacked his tongue about Noah's strength. The speed at which his ally is progressing is a bit unbelievable.

Being able to fight with his father, the naval hero Karp, for so long and not falling behind, if you say this kind of thing, you will be considered crazy by others.

However, this kind of thing did appear in front of his eyes, in this desolate back mountain behind the little-known small town of Donghai.

With a loud noise on the field, a figure swept out quickly, the smoke on the field dissipated, Karp half-knelt on the ground, his right fist stretched out, and the armed domineering on the fist had quietly disappeared at some point. A sword mark pierced through Karp's four fingers, leaving a striking mark on Karp's world-shattering iron fist.

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