"There's no way, the current revolutionary army is still too weak, although the basic backbone has been gradually completed, but after all, it's not like you pirates, as an organization that wants to go head-to-head with the world government, the current size is not enough to regret this behemoth. "

Feeling the emotion in Noah's eyes, Dorag sighed helplessly, he also felt that the development of darkness during this period of time made his personality a little weird, but this is also something that cannot be helped.

After all, the revolutionary army started from scratch, and every one of these things was cautious, like a tightrope under the nose of the world government, and all of this required Dorag to be more careful, lest a revolutionary army that did not pay attention to the fledges that had not yet grown would lead to an earth-shaking blow from the world government.

Hearing Dorag's explanation, he nodded in agreement without oppression, the revolutionary army at this moment really wants to shrink its sense of existence without limit, in a certain way, his continuous big moves over the years, but inadvertently achieved some of the duties that allies should do, in his series of eye-catching actions, it is through the government's attention to be attracted to himself, so that the revolutionary army, which is steadily developing in the East China Sea, has not attracted the attention of the world government at all.

Even if he was as smart as Sengoku, after seeing that Dorag had gathered a group of people in the East China Sea and didn't know what they were doing, they just helplessly regretted the former genius of the navy, and then fed this information to the goats, and began to have a headache about the formation of the Seven Martial Seas under the king.

As an organization from scratch, it wants to let His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas complete a strategic goal of restricting the overlords of the New World, and also let this Seven Martial Seas not get out of the control of the navy. Each of these is an object that must be carefully controlled by the world government and the navy.

And Sengoku is the next marshal of the navy, and he must personally take full control of these thousands of things. Under this premise, a vice admiral who has resigned, even if he is the son of a close friend, has done some inexplicable things in the East China Sea, but it can only make the Warring States pass through their eyes.

"So you should thank me, otherwise, who knows which day if you don't pay attention, the old fox of the Warring States will already notice you. "

Speaking of this, Noah looked triumphantly at Dorag asking for merit and reward, and Noah was very complacent about his inadvertent behavior of being able to help his allies.

He is really a genius, and this kind of move of killing two birds with one stone has been completed so ingeniously and without a trace, and it is easy to come by.

"I now have a new understanding of your shamelessness, if the thickness of your skin can be turned into a practical defense, then you can use your face to break into the power of the five old stars. "

Dorag complained mercilessly. Although objectively what Noah said has some truth, as an ally who always pays attention to Noah, he knows what Noah has done over the years and what the cause is. This guy in front of him is an idle troublemaker, who makes a big news from time to time, and these big news have become a shield for the revolutionary army to hide his whereabouts.

"Shameless for you, you can tell me that when I was dealing with the bounty hunters who were chasing me, I was busy introducing you to a general in the past.

Although the general is currently observing the revolutionary army and has not explicitly agreed to participate in your plan, it is undeniable that this person was introduced by me, right? As for whether he can join the revolutionary army, it is all a matter of your personal charm, and you yourself are ugly in the eyes of others, what can I do.


Noah confidently said that the matter of hard work is his proud work, as such a combat force, if he joins the revolutionary army, it will definitely have a earth-shaking change in the strength of the revolutionary army.

However, Fuji Tiger is not the kind of character who will go with the flow, for the standard of good and evil, he has a set of completely self-consistent logical closed loop, so for the revolutionary army he did not show the disgust that ordinary people should have and the unrestricted admiration of some people with lofty ideals, after reporting with Dorag, he has been observing the words and deeds of the revolutionary army as a wanderer.

Through his own observation and perception, he tried to judge whether this revolutionary army was suitable for him to join.

And this time Dorag came to Windmill Town in the East China Sea, a large part of it was also for this reason, he didn't know that his father was on vacation in Windmill Town, but with such a general in hand, he had to meet with Noah to discuss the arrangement of this strong man.

Under this premise, it is not unacceptable to collide with your own father, and then a big war breaks out.

"How can I say it? For a smile, this man has this fairly clear view of good and evil, and his justice is different from the illusory justice of other people in the navy now, and all his footholds come from the most ordinary civilians on this sea, which is why I recommend him to join the revolutionary army, his purpose is the same as the original purpose of the revolutionary army, but I don't think he will fully respect the revolutionary army. "

Noah thought as he tried to smile at Dorag describing what he knew. If this person can be drawn into the revolutionary army, it will be a very important move for the revolutionary army. Therefore, Noah is also very cautious about Dorag's request.

"When you go back this time, I don't think you should talk to him too much, people like this will not be deceived by words, when I talked to him before, he was not afraid to admit the thinking and depravity of the world government, and he was not afraid to talk about the tyranny and cruelty of some of the existence of the Whitebeard Pirates in front of me, this is a man with a fairly clear self-awareness.

So all you can do is guide him to know the real revolutionary army, and then guide him to incorporate his own ideas into the revolutionary army.


Hearing Noah's evaluation, Dorag raised his head in surprise and glanced at Noah, he knew that Noah, although he looked giggling on the surface, and could talk to anyone, but deep down Noah was a proud person, he looked at everything in this world with a faint sense of alienation and self-restraint, so compared to such a high evaluation of Fuji Hu, Dorag heard it from Noah's mouth for the first time.

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