"Old man, are you finished? I haven't interfered in your education, why are you chasing me all the time?"

Noah's long sword crossed forward, but it was able to block Karp's punches, and as Karp flew up a leg, Noah slowly fell into the distance along this force. As soon as he landed, Noah pointed to Karp in the distance and scolded angrily.

"As I said before, you are not allowed to interfere in Ace's education. It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't be able to remember what I said. "

Karp smirked and swung his fists at Noah, followed by another violent collision. Noah flew out of the battlefield like a kite, then instantly crashed into the trunk of a tree in the distance, fell to the ground and pointed at Karp and yelled.

"Just kidding, I didn't affect your education of Ace, can't you educate me?"

"No, you pirates don't go around Ace, Ace is a man who wants to become an admiral in the future, and he will definitely not follow you to be a pirate!"

"What does it have to do with me that you train your admiral? I'm just kindly helping him train. "

"That's not allowed!"

Looking at Karp who rushed in front of him again, Noah sighed helplessly. This looks like a reasonable person, and now Karp is completely like a mad dog, and catching Noah is a violent beating. I don't care at all that there is a lively Ace next to him.

"It turns out that the white-haired brother is a pirate, is it that the pirates are all so strong?"

Ace stood aside and watched, keenly grasping the key point in Karp's words, Noah had not revealed his identity like Ace before, that is, he felt that you also loved Si's background, and it was not beneficial to be exposed to pirates too early, but I didn't expect this matter to be exposed by the unobtrusive Karp in front of him first. While resisting Karp's stormy attack, Noah hurriedly glanced at Ace's expression next to him.

When he saw the full longing in Ace's eyes, Noah sighed helplessly, it should come, it will come after all, it seems that Ace is destined to go down the original path.

In fact, for what Karp said before, if he wants Ace to join the navy, Noah raised his hands in favor, because once this happens, Ace's background will become a permanent secret. Even if this secret becomes known to everyone one day in the future, then the flames of this war will not burn on the bodies of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But when he saw the purity and longing in Ace's eyes like that now, Noah knew that this path was blocked after all. When I was a teenager, my dream was the most pure and long-lasting, and this idea of being a pirate would be deeply implanted in Ace's heart from now on until the day he could go to sea.

"This bad old man...... It's all bad, isn't it?"

Noah Nono, but seeing the Karp in front of him who pounced like a mad dog, Noah was still wisely instigated, and today's Karp combat power is extremely fierce. And unlike the last battle, today's Karp has been completely trimmed before fighting himself, and has not fought a fierce battle with other people, so that in today's battle. Noah just had the strength to resist Karp's attack, and as for counterattacking, he didn't even think about it.

As Noah fled, turning into a bolt of lightning, the battle declared Karp's victory. When Karp looked at Ace next to him with satisfaction, Ace sighed helplessly, knowing that his training today was necessary to start with this old man.

But the concept of pirates was deeply implanted in Ace's heart during the battle just now. As Ace obediently followed Karp to the training ground, Karp was surprised to find that Ace's training enthusiasm seemed to be unprecedentedly high today, so that he suddenly couldn't adapt to this situation, and he was at a loss for a while.

"It's good, it looks like you've gotten used to this kind of training, and in a few years we'll be able to send you to the Navy training camp. "

Kapu laughed, Ace and his cooperation training today made him very happy. When he patted Ace on the shoulder and said this, he saw Ace turn his head in disgust. Said something that made Karp furious.

"I don't want to be a navy, I want to be the most powerful pirate on this sea in the future!"

"What did you say?!"

Karp was furious, grabbing Ace's collar and shaking it vigorously. In Karp's excited roar, Spit spewed Ace's head and face. A deafening roar sounded in Ace's ears, causing Ace to crumple his facial features and endure Karp's torture in silence.

"Stinky boy, listen to me, I will never allow you to be a pirate, there is only one way for you to go in the future, that is, to become a navy!

"No, I'm going to be a pirate, I'm going to be the most powerful pirate in the world!"

"Shut up!"

Looking at the two grandfathers and grandchildren who were noisy in the distance, Noah, who was peeping on the branches, sighed helplessly. Ace, this kid is still young, can this kind of thing be said in front of Karp? After being trained by himself for so many days, why is his brain still tendoned, avoiding its edge, do you understand?

Looking at Ace, who was ravaged by Karp in the distance, Noah shook his head and glanced at you with a little pity. Boy, ask for more blessings, you are stupid, I really can't help you.

After silently defending himself in his heart, Noah's figure flickered and disappeared from the branch in an instant. It's good that the grandfather and grandson are fighting there, and Noah doesn't want to get involved in this matter at all now.

The bruises on the body that was beaten by Karp before have not gone down, and Noah is wise to evacuate at this moment, he doesn't expect that the distance he peeped just now can hide from Karp, who is proficient in seeing and hearing. If Karp were angry at himself, wouldn't he be beaten again for no reason?

Thinking of this, Noah shuddered, then shook his head fiercely and flew towards his temporary residence.

I'm afraid this old man has reached menopause, and he can't be reasonable at all. It's better to stay away a little bit.

The sky was dark, the stars were hanging high outside, and Noah, who was falling asleep, didn't see a huge figure inexplicably appear in front of his bed. After a long time, the figure suddenly raised its fist and smashed it down on Noah, who was lying on the bed and was sleeping.

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