Because of Kuina, everyone began to call this island Luna Island.

A very beautiful name.

After coming out of the Grand Canyon, all the cadres of the Nine Snakes Pirates began to practice on Luna Island.

In addition to his own training, Jellal also has to perform thunder and lightning exercises on everyone.

The power of thunder and lightning has a unique stimulating effect on the human body, and it can awaken the body's potential energy.

Under the impact of the powerful energy of thunder and lightning, the muscles will contract involuntarily, the heartbeat will accelerate, and the blood will flow rapidly.

This is a strong physical challenge and an opportunity to improve your physical fitness.

The empress told Jellal that she clearly felt the electric current passing through her body, as if every cell was activated, releasing the inner vitality.

After the thunder and lightning exercise, her muscles became tighter and stronger, and her endurance and strength were improved.

The energy of thunder and lightning seems to be injected into every corner of the body, giving people new vitality and vitality.

In the following days, there would be strong roars of rolling thunder from time to time on Luna Island.

While the Nine Snakes Pirates are doing their best to increase their strength, the careerists on the sea are not idle either.

Especially the Don Quixote family.

After a long period of planning and waiting, Doflamingo finally got an opportunity, an opportunity to become famous all over the world!

This opportunity is Tianshangjin escorted by Vice Admiral Huo Shaoshan of the Navy Headquarters.

Just grab the heavenly gold escorted by Huoshaoshan and then spread the word.

In the end, he used heavenly gold as a bargaining chip to negotiate with those guys on Mariejoia. He didn't believe that the Five Old Stars would not agree.

Things developed exactly as Doflamingo planned. Although Huo Shaoshan had some strength, facing the many Devil Fruit users of the Don Quixote family, the fleet led by Huo Shaoshan was quickly defeated.

Of the entire naval fleet, only Huo Shaoshan and a few naval officers survived.

The Don Quixote family successfully grabbed the gold from the sky, and took advantage of his special status in the underground world to publicize the matter that day.

"asshole! This damn Doflamingo!"

At the Navy Headquarters, the marshal's office heard Sengoku's angry roar and the sound of his desk breaking.

In the office, Garp, Lieutenant General He and Aoki were all silent.

They knew the reason for Sengoku's rage.

That was not long ago. , Sengoku's adopted son in the Don Quixote family was killed by Doflamingo, and he also lost the legendary surgery fruit.

Everyone knows how much Sengoku loved his adopted son.

As a Celestial Dragon, Rocinante had not contracted any of the bad habits of the pigs on Marie Gioia, and he was extremely gentle.

In order to capture the Don Quixote family, Rocinante went to work. Dee also returned to work as an undercover agent for the Navy with his brother Doflamingo.

Rosinandi's murder was a heavy blow to Sengoku.

"Garp, this time you and Crane will go out together to kill this notorious Don Quixote family first! Zhan Guo said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, Warring States, I and He will catch them all!"Garp said comprehensively.

But Crane is not very confident.

The Don Quixote family has been operating in the underground world for many years, and their intelligence capabilities are very good.

Coupled with Doflamingo's original identity as a Celestial Dragon, he Marie Gioia also had deep connections, so every time she went to arrest the Don Quixote family, they would often get the information in advance and escape.

Now because Rocinante was killed, their navy lost Don Quixote.

Without accurate information about the family's whereabouts , it would be difficult for them to find the Don Quixote family.

"Porlu, porphyr, porlu~"

Brannu glanced at the ringing phone, and said seriously:"Marshal of the Warring States Period, he is the Five Old Stars."

Everyone's heart was awe-inspiring, and they all fell silent.

The gold in the sky was robbed. At this time, Wulaoxing called and they couldn't think of anything other than cursing.

Warring States rubbed his swollen and painful head with both hands before letting Brannuo Bring the phone bug over.

It is inevitable to be scolded, and he must stand up to answer it.

Sengoku:"Moxi Moxi, I am Sengoku!""

As soon as I answered the call, Wu Laoxing's abusive voice came from the phone bug.

Several people in the office turned their heads away in tacit agreement, pretending not to hear the voice from the phone bug.

Wu Laoxing:"Warring States! How did you become a naval marshal? All the gold in the sky was robbed. Do you know how many years it has been since something like this has caused the world government to lose face?!"

Warring States took a few deep breaths and bravely replied:"I'm sorry about this matter, I will get the gold from the sky back!"

Wulaoxing:"No need, the world government has already got a solution for this robbery of gold in the sky. The World Government is preparing to propose Donquixote Doflamingo to become King of the Shichibukai, and it will be announced in the newspapers tomorrow!"

Zhang Guo was stunned when he heard this, and then he became furious!"This is impossible! I don’t agree! What will happen to our navy’s face if we do this?!"

Wulao Xing:"Warring States, this does not require your consent! You have to remember that the face of your navy is only there when the world government needs it! that's all!"


Without waiting for Warring States to refute again, Wulao Xing hung up the phone without mercy.

Warring States looked at the phone bug who had closed his eyes, and veins popped out on his forehead.

He now felt that he was Wulao Xing. A dispensable chess piece in Xing's hand!

"ah!! asshole!!!"

Zeng Guo was so furious that he smashed the desk he had just changed and the phone bug into pieces!

Lieutenant General He and the others also had very ugly expressions. They had all heard what the Five Old Stars had just said.

Qing Pheasant's His expression became even more gloomy, and he felt that his justice for the navy was about to be wiped out. Back then, he was full of confidence in the navy, and he was also a passionate sailor who wanted to maintain the peace of the sea. Only Garp was present!

His expression was quite indifferent. He had looked away from this situation.

Thinking of this, he looked at Seng Guo and felt that Seng Guo was so pitiful.

"Cap! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! Get out of here!!"Warring States slapped his hands on Garp's desk and roared angrily.

"Wow hahahaha, I'm sorry Warring States, I'm going out right now……"Garp laughed awkwardly and ran out of the office.

He was afraid that Seng would take advantage of his rage and beat him up.

Taking advantage of this time, Brannew had already replaced Warring States with an identical desk.

It's obvious that Brannew is quite skilled at this kind of thing.

Warring States was powerless. He always felt that ever since he became marshal of the navy, he was getting further and further away from the justice in his heart.


Sure enough, the next day's newspaper showed the news that Doflamingo was invited to become King Shichibukai.

So far, five great pirates have been invited to become King Shichibukai!

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