Somewhere in the sea area of Xinshi Street.

Aokiji has been searching for the Kuji Pirates for several days, but has not found any trace.

His mood has become more and more irritable these days, and he always feels that the Nine Snakes Pirates are preparing to expand.

But he has no evidence

"Pluto Rayleigh, does this have anything to do with you?......"Qing Zhi stood on the bow of the boat and murmured

"General Aokiji, according to the information from the World Government, the last place they appeared was in the waters near Wano Country. Are we going to Wano Country next?"The adjutant walked up to Qing Pheasant with a piece of information and reported it.

"The country of Wano? What is the opinion of the Warring States Marshal?"Qing Pheasant turned around and looked at the adjutant.

"Marshal Sengoku means that we will not land in Wano Country, just find their pirate ships to monitor them."The adjutant replied immediately

"Then let's go, we must know their whereabouts this time"

"yes! General Qing Pheasant!"......


A burst of footsteps came from the dark cave.

After resting for a night, the Nine Snakes Pirates came out of the underground space

"Snake Princess, we don’t have to worry about being exposed anymore, let’s go directly to the Flower Capital."Jeral said lightly.

"Um...I feel the same way."The empress looked at the inner city of the Flower Capital with a stern expression.

The reason why they entered the country of Wano by sneaking was because they were afraid that Kaido would discover that their target was the historical text.

Now that the historical text has been obtained, they are not afraid of being discovered by Kaido.

With With their strength, even if they can't defeat Kaido, it won't be a problem to escape from Wano Country.

Next, it's time to take a closer look at this so-called samurai country.

"Who are you? Why are you here?!"

As they approached the inner city, there were suddenly more guards.

A group of samurai looked at the appearance of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the group as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Early this morning, they discovered that several groups of guards had disappeared, and no one was seen alive or dead. Until now, it was almost noon, and no clues had been found nearby.

But now that a stranger appeared, the guards were immediately alert.

"us? Of course they are good people~" Sandasonia winked at these guards. As soon as Sandasonia finished speaking, a vague energy rushed straight towards these guards.

More than ten seconds passed, and all the guards They were all dragged into the hallucination by Sandasonia's ability.

Without even stopping, the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates walked directly past the fainted guard and walked into the inner city of the Flower Capital.

The streets in the inner city were bustling with people coming and going. , laughter and shouts came one after another.

The stalls on the street were filled with a variety of goods, attracting people's attention.

The brightly colored clothes and signs fluttered in the wind, adding a festive atmosphere to the entire street.

The vendors loudly sell their goods and enthusiastically attract customers.

The aroma of delicious food fills the air, making people salivate.

The street performers perform wonderful performances, and the audience cheers from time to time for the unique architectural style of Wano. , ancient and elegant.

There are many restaurants and bars on both sides of the street, providing a leisurely place for people to communicate, shop, and enjoy the prosperity and excitement of Wano.

But these are only for the rich. Life.

The poor have no ability to live in the Flower City.

Unlike the inner city where there are guards everywhere, the inner city of the Flower City seems to be completely unrelated to the Nine Snakes Pirates. Because the group of people were not wearing Wano costumes, many people looked at them with malicious eyes , even though the girls had returned to their conservative clothes.

"Boss, here are 10 copies...No...Let’s get 30 servings of oden!"

Harriet smelled a nice fragrance and immediately ran to an oden stall.

"good...OK, just a second..."

The oden stall owner seemed to be afraid of Harriet, and his tongue was a little tied when he replied.

Harriet didn't care, she was just curious about what this oden actually tasted like.

Other girls entered some fashion stores and prepared to buy some nice clothes.

"Jellal, I’ll go take a look too...."

The empress said, and she and her two sisters also walked into the nearby fashion store.

She has some interest in certain sexy clothes.

Jellal went to a tavern not far away.

Entering the tavern, Jellal asked for a bottle of sake and drank it by himself.

Although they saw Jellal dressed strangely, the people in the tavern didn't think much of it.

Because people from Kaido’s Onigashima often come to Flower Song to spend money.

Everyone in the tavern thought that Jellal was also from Kaido.

"Have you heard about it? The pollution in the Jiuli area is getting worse and worse, and those lands have even lost the ability to plant!"

"It's places like those in Wenli Village. I have a relative who lives there. It's hard to find food there. Alas....."

"Stop talking, do you want to be caught in the quarry?"

When it came to the quarry, everyone in the tavern fell silent.

Some people even started to tremble.

Those who were brave even glanced in the direction of Jellal from the corner of their eyes.

They wanted to see what happened after hearing what they just said. What was Jellal's reaction?

If it were the higher-ups on Ghost Island, they would be in trouble. They would be caught in the quarry!

At this time, a samurai wearing dark blue with a circle pattern walked in with a bag on his back. Holding a samurai sword.

As soon as he stepped through the door, he glanced at Jellal's position from the corner of his eye and finally found a corner to sit down:"Boss! Bring me a bottle of your best wine! There’s also a side dish to go with the wine!"

"Okay, Lord Kuangshilang! Coming soon!"

When the bartender saw this samurai, he immediately got busy, for fear of neglecting this gentleman.

On the other side,

Jellal, who was drinking a small drink, noticed Kuangseilang's actions as soon as he came in.

He looked at Kuangseilang, and the corner of his mouth He tilted his head slightly and showed an evil smile. Did Kuangshilang come into this bar because he saw him?

The black charcoal snake's nominal guard just didn't know what he wanted to do.

Attention, his heart beat violently.

Has he been discovered? It is indeed not an ordinary strong person. The guards who disappeared last night should be these people.

"Mr. Kuangshilang, your wine is here, please use it slowly...."

While Kuangshilang was thinking, the bartender also brought his wine and appetizers.

Kuangshilang immediately came back to his senses:"Okay, thank you boss."

Then he pretended not to pay attention to Jellal on the other side, and calmly drank the wine.

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