Unnamed island.

Ever since Jellal defeated the giant lion hyena last time, he has been beating his body every day.

The method is to let the beasts on the island attack him, and he only uses his physical strength to resist, and does not fight back against the beasts, but simply blocks.

These beasts also knew that their king was defeated by Jellal, so they could only do what Jellal said.

They once thought that there was something wrong with Jellal's brain, yet he allowed them to attack without resisting.

So these days, the beasts have also become addicted to besieging the new"Beast King".

Jellal naturally knows what these beasts are thinking. Although they are beasts, the beasts in this world are different from those on earth.

They all have a certain degree of intelligence, and their expressions and movements are vivid.

After these days of being beaten by ferocious beasts, Jellal's body has also risen in a straight line and become extremely powerful.


As Jellal's fist collided with a lion's paw.

Jellal was so excited that he finally used his weaponry!

The lion's painful howl resounded through the forest, and its front paws were hurt by Jellal's body. Suddenly it realized what it was like to be armed, and a big bulge formed from the impact!

It finally sobbing in front of Jellal, thinking that Jellal would no longer be giving out benefits, so other beasts naturally jumped on it like this lion. They looked at Jellal in horror.

After all, they had beaten their"Beast King" mercilessly during this period!

"Ha ha ha ha! Jellal laughed wildly and inadvertently released a hint of domineering aura.

Looking at his fist, he felt and recalled the power just now. He finally woke up after being beaten for so long!

Several beasts next to him looked at Jellal in horror. Lal, his head was buried even lower in the end.

"Okay, you can go! He is still a ferocious beast, so timid."

Jeral naturally felt the fear of these beasts, and immediately let them go.

These beasts looked puzzled, and they did not dare to move, for fear that Jellal would lie to them.

"Come on, come on, or I'll roast you and eat you!"After saying that, Jellal's stomach rumbled.

These beasts were immediately frightened by the sound! They whimpered a few times and ran away from Jellal.

After all, they had seen this thin human before. He ate a small sea king in a flash!

Jellal looked at the beasts that were quickly escaping and smiled. He shook his head and turned around, picked up the snow drinking knife and walked towards the seaside, killing a giant deer on the way.

After dragging the giant deer back to the camp on the coast, Jellal immediately lit a bonfire, quickly packed up the venison and roasted it on the fire.

Sitting next to the bonfire, Jellal raised his left hand and closed his eyes. Thinking back to the feeling of using the armed color just now


The moment he opened his eyes, the armed color instantly covered his fists.

Jellal was very satisfied with this, and the next step was to increase the amount of domineering power.

Whether his own domineering power is enough will determine the length of the battle in the future.

For this sea It is said that mastering Haki is the most obvious dividing line between the strong and the weak.

Armed Haki can greatly increase the user's defense and destructive power, and gives the Haki user the only ability other than Hailou Stone. A way to fight against natural devil fruits and all special devil fruit abilities. If you want to become the strongest among the strong, you need to increase your own domineering content and hardness, which also determines whether you can have the upper hand in the battle.

Lal mused that now his body happened to have an evolved physique due to the Golden Lion's human experiment.

Jellal could also clearly feel that his body was strengthening rapidly, which also allowed him to use two Devil Fruits. The confidence to fight.

The driving and use of all Devil Fruit abilities consumes the physical strength of Devil Fruit users.

This is also the iron law of this sea.

Now that Jellal has an evolved physique, there is no need to worry about using two top Devil Fruit abilities in the future. It was a matter of physical strength.

The venison was sizzling under the flames, and the aroma awakened the thoughtful Jellal.

"I don’t want to think about it anymore. Let’s fill our stomachs first."

Jelal smelled the aroma of deer meat, and his stomach growled again. He stood up and pulled off a deer leg, and immediately started to feast on it.

At the edge of the forest, several giant beasts that had just fought with Jellal were lying quietly on the ground. , looked at Jellal curiously, and seemed to be waiting for something.

Jellal naturally discovered them. In the past days, he had asked these giant beasts to practice with him until late at night.

At this time, the giant lion left. He came out and walked nervously to Jellal.

This made Jellal a little confused. He had never seen these beasts dare to come to him a few days ago.

It whimpered a few times and raised its paws towards him. He gestured to the forest

"Are you saying you want me to come with you?"Jelal guessed uncertainly.

The giant lion nodded quickly.

Jellal didn't know what this guy's idea was, or whether he had discovered something.

"I'll follow you when I'm full."After saying that, Jellal ignored the giant lion and gnawed on his deer leg again.

The giant lion did not go away, and waited quietly next to Jellal.

It just watched Jellal feast on it.

After eating the delicious venison, Jellal threw the remaining parts to the giant lion and opened his mouth in excitement. The venison thrown by Jellal was swallowed up in one go.

The giant beasts at the edge of the forest were so envious that they wanted to rush over and grab it.

It was true that Jellal always had the smell of barbecue every day. When they float into the forest, they can’t eat anything. They can only smell the fragrance and nibble on their prey.

"Go ahead and see what you find. Jellal stood up, picked up the snow drinking knife, and walked towards the forest.

The giant lion quickly followed and led Jellal the way.

The other beasts saw Jellal moving and started to get excited again. , thinking that the training was about to start again.

When they got into position, they saw Jellal walking past them with an expressionless face.

This made them dumbfounded. Why didn't the giant lion roar ? , and then hurriedly followed Jellal.

Only then did the beasts understand that Jellal was not going to continue training, but was following their second brother to find something, and their eldest brother was naturally Jellal. , This is what they thought on their own.

After following Jellal, the giant lion jumped over him and led the way. Soon they came to a towering mountain and whimpered a few more times. , indicating that the thing was on the mountain, and then jumped up and ran up the mountain quickly.

Jellal also quickly followed, and finally they stopped under a towering tree.


The giant lion roared, raised his paw and pointed towards the tree.

Jellal followed the direction pointed by the giant lion and finally saw what it was.

It turned out to be a devil fruit!

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